@Nero creator of classic hits such as "im a banana" "look at my gf having a mental breakdown" & "miscarriage picture stolen from google"
Milo Yiannopoulos ✘さんがをリツイートしました
Evidently not hard enough https://twitter.com/onision/status/740248516740554752 …
Milo Yiannopoulos ✘さんが追加
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@Nero@shoe0nhead because let's be entirely honest any adult male who acts the way onision does is barely even a human being let alone a man0件のリツイート 10 いいね -
@kattercunt@DianaNicoleA@Nero@shoe0nhead Onision = the same fag who killed his tortise and called Meat Eaters "Murderers"0件のリツイート 0 いいね -
- さらに表示
@Nero He was raised by a former Seventh Day Adventist turned vegan new age babyboomer who literally BELIEVES they are psychic.#morefodder0件のリツイート 8 いいね -
@Nero@Onision I was bullied extremely badly when I was growing up. I didn't become a whiny bitch. It made me stronger.#stopbeingacuck0件のリツイート 4 いいね -