Hi, I used to do this a while back for all folks who can't (or don't want to) open up a video before every game and hear the manager and players talk. I hope you appreciate it.
Interviewer: Eric, welcome to Manchester United. You are a Manchester United player. How does that sound?
Bailly: Firstly thanks very much for the welcome. I’m really happy to be here at the biggest club in the world. It’s a dream come true for me. I’m very very happy to be here in Manchester.
Interviewer: I know there has been a lot of speculation about the move; the badge on your chest, it must feel very special to you.
Bailly: It’s a real joyful moment for me. I’ve always dreamt of playing in English football. When Manchester United was mentioned, I didn’t have to think twice. It’s a dream come true. I’m really happy I’m in Manchester. As you say, it did take a while to come to fruition but now the contractual stuff is sorted out, I’m really happy.
Interviewer: You’re delighted to be here and playing in England, what do you make of the style of football in England, and how will it suit you?
Bailly: As you know it is a different style to Spanish football. It is more physical and maybe more direct as well. It’s a style of football I’ve always liked. I’ve always thought it would suit my style of football as well. I hope I can get used to it and start to enjoy it over the coming months, years and seasons to come after that.
Interviewer: It must feel like a whirlwind couple of years for you, the way that your career has taken off, very exciting time for you all round.
Bailly: Things have moved on pretty quickly career-wise, but that improvement has been down to a lot of hard work that I’ve put in as an individual and with the trans I’ve played for. It has been fast progress and development but I still feel I’m young. I need to develop even more and I hope to progress now I’m at this massive club. I think with working even harder, I hope to progress as a player and I hope that involves winning trophies as well.
Interviewer: Yes hopefully, we can see you win some trophies and settle into the squad nice and quickly here, a squad with lots of very good technical players.
Bailly: I think it is very important that I settle in quickly. I hope that with the coaching staff and the help of my teammates that this process will be as quick as possible. It’s important to pick up the dynamic and the tempo of the football here as soon as the season starts. And as I say, hopefully with the help of everyone here I can do that quickly.
Interviewer: And you are the first signing for the new manager, Jose Mourinho. So, it must be exciting to be the first person into the club under a new manager and the start of something potentially very special here.
Bailly: It is really special. First and foremost, as a young player it’s a real confidence boost that a manager with so much experience of English football has trusted in me by making me his first signing. Anyway, it’s all about the settling in period hoping that I evolve and progress as a player as quickly as possible to get up to speed on the English league.
Interviewer: And just finally, there are many many Manchester United fans around the world who are very excited by your arrival here; a message to the Manchester United fans as you join the club?
Bailly: My message to the fans would be thank you for the great welcome so far. I’ve noticed a positive reaction on social media, and people are pleased to see me here. Being a young player arriving at a big club is great it’s something that really helps me on the way. In return I hope to put a smile on the faces of Manchester United fans with my style of play and what I achieve at the club. Thank you.
If you want to acknowledge my efforts, please visit my blog: https://josesunited.wordpress.com/2016/06/08/eric-baillys-first-interview-as-a-manchester-united-player-text-transcript/
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