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Previous thread: >>4278281

Read the OP and FAQ newfriends! It'll save you time. Discord: https://discord.gg/0zY11EqfT38EGXHK
An entire board dedicated to h-audio: http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/catalog.html (check the sticky there as well)

>How do I find h-audio?
DLSite. Japanese site (http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/) English site (http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/)
NOTE: Not all works on the Jap site are on the English site.
Each work has a product code attached. RJXXXXXX for the Japanese site, REXXXXXX for the English site, and RGXXXXXX is a circle's code. TIP: Use the RJ product code (if using the English site, simply replace the RE with RJ) to search for a work on Google, the Baidu folder, Perfect Dark, and other sites.

>Where do I search for h-audio?
1) Google, mostly. Also try:

Beware of fake sites!
PROTIP: If it needs a premium account, it's likely fake.

We have TWO baidu folders, the new one and the old one.
(How to access the folders and help in the next post.)
An anon made a full listing of the old folder - http://pastebin.com/ktf8TVb9

3) Perfect Dark
It's a Japanese P2P File Sharing Tool. Here's a handy guide. http://kasumi.moe/pd/
Look at the FAQ (link in the next post) for a solution to port forwarding issues

(Mega and Mediafire contents + links from previous threads: http://pastebin.com/bVtEXpgv | Nyaa contents: http://pastebin.com/kE1LSdy7)

Candy and /koe/ has made a storage server dedicated to upload and download voice works.
Scroll down a bit more for more information regarding about that.

6) /koe/ IRC bot: xdcc.kasumi.moe
Tutorial on how to use it: http://kasumi.moe/xdccguide.txt
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>CHECK THIS FAQ: http://pastebin.com/q5bDj3tL

>Baidu troubles?
- Does the file have a password? Try the universal PW: bdtrysb
- How to access the Baidu folder? Check out the picture for more information.
- You need a Baidu, Weibo or QQ account in order to download files that are larger than 200+MB.
- The easiest way to login into Baidu is to use SMS. Click on the phone icon top right of the login screen.
- Don't have access to a phone or problems receiving the SMS? Try using a Online SMS Receiver.
- Downloading things from Baidu are usually slow, but using download managers such as JDownloader2,
IDM, Free Download Manager etc. will significantly increase the download speed than normal.

>Common ero Jap words

>HVDB (Hentai Voice Database)

>ASMR YouTube/NicoNico Channels:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHLHi4yaDDXMk8Q6Bs0AjXw/videos (some Touhou/IS character specific audio)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/504196 (user doing ASMR)

>Amateur clips, requests/submissions
For a guide on how to dl from koe, check the FAQ
>Short guide:
Pink button = female voices, blue button = male voices, green button = "couples" voices, (couples doing stuff).
すべて lists all tracks in the category.
エロ声 restricts it to erotic voices, moans etc., sometimes in a made-up situation.
オナ声 has their voices during masturbation.
その他 is the 'others' category, usually just has talking.
>Magnet links of an anon's archive of the girls' submissions section in koe-koe:
オナ声/ona (2.6GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BIOFTBNLVJYPCZTIEBTYBW5WKUX2NSI5&dn=koe-koe%20ona
エロ声/ero (2.1GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:PD65QVOL2Y2HEUECHTGGLVLMVF5QGYK3&dn=koe-koe%20ero

>For male voices:
http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/res/80.html (few links here)
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Candy and /koe/ guy has made a storage server dedicated to backup/upload voice works within' it.

The storage space for the server is currently 512 GB big and requires a sFTP client in order to connect and download/upload (such as FileZilla, WinSCP etc.). Downloaders are able to just connect and download. As for uploaders who wish to contribute something... get a IRC client, connect to the channel and ask for permission. Candy and /koe/ guy will be sitting there and talk with you. This is to prevent from random people to just join and fill the server up with random crap.

You can also visit voice.station.moe in order to check if a certain voice work has been uploaded or not. If you wanna check a full listing of what's been uploaded, connect to the sFTP instead or search "RJ" at voice.station.moe for
most of the DLSite's stuff. All informations regarding about what username, password, host address etc. and how to get permission to upload stuff, can be found at the FAQ page. Click on the image in order to see the url for the FAQ.

If you got any questions, feel free to ask.
RJ175826 (WAV version): https://mega.nz/#!W1sHiYbD!jnToKYjBi6vkSUHiEvEt_mgeah5gNVK8FoTlArSdD18
RJ177853: https://mega.nz/#!QkVwXCgL!xGplB4tTr0zsze5kp6Y6HKSJvUzzboL4brsWir4i0Gk
RJ130337: https://mega.nz/#!WwMQWCYL!53wDikN8hLNbnwcQQ-g1H43VeeYcAC7QzLOHBbi92VQ
RJ170600: https://mega.nz/#!Tl0AGDbS!Hjzy5G8qHmo67U6HasW7SCMdD5BtvB0DsaKVqh6ipxs
RJ166748: https://mega.nz/#!qwk0hKiJ!qQ_JMWN7YWXQDMK6VzI-lwln88IytdOHy7Iq9ddJySI
RJ175268: https://mega.nz/#!3kNymDCK!i1OXi5SGbpuiQwBh6MD-v8qQmDemhZALT2ZnMLNHCaI
RJ167995: https://mega.nz/#!ntM3jKJK!SXkTsDiAdJCa36wi771V8SKEKjasDhjKGC2h_GPZdLU
RJ175825: https://mega.nz/#!P0kQkCrC!Wp57l8ORwwqB6oNpBxKUMUXpiZe2XafpZa23FLGpNl8
RJ176455: https://mega.nz/#!v8kTDKjY!VyTduKNr4BO9V-K2hDjYLbylUMaecNss4oE6wEnjqdI
RJ176579: https://mega.nz/#!5AhA0ZCa!OCiOUJ__r-pDCmMxMbS1uPGnEY-nL38lO-Jh5ju5Ej0
RJ167832: https://mega.nz/#!fttmSRxL!0hRz4P4zEV5kAhwZCflbO36BB1zGD9dYPXxMzapEi-k
RJ177630: https://mega.nz/#!Gk1FxBzS!ZwRdv8AxLdXXQBBz7biFqCK0DkyWoaYyr1HJZ20rCtg
RJ177361: https://mega.nz/#!i00nzAyK!w29bkwtwfDUl0tb59xKoOvuWmqcTXkiCg96k-RHSU3w
RJ176226: https://mega.nz/#!X5NXWALI!8CBH7177fR5UH707a76hZvBV-SEaB6-ZW7GOiSD1P6c
RJ174609: https://mega.nz/#!CxNRFIQT!9_C8Nphh2u5JW2jTYgTT8XtrZs-cSr7fWgoZier-D4I
RJ154893: https://mega.nz/#!Zh1A2RZJ!9Yva1MEZld1zX3q7o1SOzLnmbJyF6T0MUJr5jiTpwjY
RJ163433: https://mega.nz/#!CNRkxa5K!Voz11DRUb_JLRO6C4sjju9KJJlWMXSCWl4k57wXi0xs
RJ178087: https://mega.nz/#!AhkSSCyb!m4aHM3AWexk-G3jqqkZFh3bIGcaj9qhPL6YzV2Gf0d4
RJ053910: https://mega.nz/#!PRVlERBb!Yfg2C6oZaBli9tSKR7ADmiCeW1y8haMG4YV1c2st4Ho
RJ063428: https://mega.nz/#!LZskiYoK!Iv8Y_2AUTQMuHwgSBziYkZIVXBDALQ-Sr7UXCuzSB4U
>Updated / New:

Ayaka folder: https://mega.nz/#F!v80AlayL!ayole-xAQ3IhSFs4PK5myg
Kanoko folder: https://mega.nz/#F!asdUWTiR!WCHgenm0MnXKGRe6kSRB_g
Patchouli folder: https://mega.nz/#F!fBgimDZC!yknVd0FJFvzrwGGT2AKzPA
"Motherly Love" folder: https://mega.nz/#F!aUsxDDCT!V_HMe-iKieaMuKYZBdMTFw
Voice Anon's folder 2: https://mega.nz/#F!nkclxBKT!WilJc5CnjNnJ6dUt_5Fq7A

>Other folders (Not updated):

Nikomidori folder: https://mega.nz/#F!s5ATnIhQ!crhCKNX1Ke6iOmKGPZrVWw
Taimanin Asagi folder: https://mega.nz/#F!HwYxyb5L!wj6OpMVjNXESU4D0eUPoEA
Dinnitus' folder: https://mega.nz/#F!Z1BTSbLY!KlQgElWpYYp7DC8tdCN71g
Anon's folder: https://mega.nz/#F!7FJVlKTT!QbRE0y08RDdyn14QM9T2Ow
ajiaib suara stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!B8EWgTDb!TynW353c_1Xpm-FaBWj7_A
Voice Anon's folder: https://mega.nz/#F!dQQVSYBZ!g2Ex7agx1GTRg9v4QTd8UA
Ironware folder: https://mega.nz/#F!545mEDxD!M_XGYlXnk2LxxMU8-iwedA
Collection of C89 stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!qthRlKra!tJIcUoPDg3dvgu-mK5Of9A
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Voice Anon pastebin now updated to containing everything I've posted in these threads. The [updated] files still haven't been replaced. Same goes with all the other 4 or so deleted links.

>Adding descriptions to everything I posted before seemed like I could be done today.
>Mfw adding all the other links over the past few months, tripling the amount of work I have to do.
I knew being lazy and not keeping that shit up to date would bite me in the ass.
RJ178341 was uploaded on a-s.. do i fap to it.. hmm
>last thread only lived for 5 days before mirating
what in tarnation
I appreciate your work anon. Thank you.
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Bought a non-H voice work, RJ178249 because I found something interesting about it. The work is voice acted by Satomi Sato, who is commonly/most known for voice acting Ritsu from K-ON!, Wendy from Fairy Tail and other anime series. The work is available at SFTP, if you have no clue how to use it yet, check out the third post. Once you're inside, the work is located at voice/せせらぎ少女.

>mfw some popular VAs might've worked on H-themed voice circles under a different alias
>700K Yen to make this
Seriously? Maybe more professional seiyuu should start doing doujin works if people are willing to pay that much.
The fuck do you mean 700k yen?
Oh and speaking of which, here's Tange Sakura

She also did a whole bunch of works with Earl Grey as Flandre.

I have no words :|
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I'm not seeing that folder?
Oh nevermind, it's in the ジェネクリ folder.
Hey anons. Can anyone recommend anything with slapping and/or whipping?
Why do you want to be slapped?

I appreciate the link friendo but is there a way to mass download all these? I don't want to go through every folder and download every mp3 and txt manually.

Not him, but

>not wanting to get the shit beat out of you by a qt girl

'Cos it's hot. Why else?
You feel hot after being slapped because of the increased blood supply; you can't get the same thing with audio.
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That's actually what I did the first time, and what a pain it was. If you have Jdownloader you can use that, but it'll take a few extra steps.

1. Open up one folder from the link to the page with all the mp3s and jpgs.
2. Right-click your screen and select View Page Source.
3. Copy the ENTIRE page that shows up. Jdownloader will find and load the links that could be download. It'll catch a few random things like images of back arrows and whatnot but it'll work. You can mess with the settings in Jdownloader so all the random files will be saved into separate folders.

Ah, I tried using Jdownloader in the main directory hoping it'd pick them up and let me download them all, but no luck. Guess I'll have to use it like you described.

Thanks, anon!
>It actually was 700k yen
>It's already grown past 800k
Saying that, I would want Asuka's voice actor from Senran Kagura to do a R-15 audio. Her voice gives me diabetes. Mirai's too. Senran Kagura drama CDs got me into these works in the first place.

Seconding this as well.
Checked on A-S, Baidu, and Koe. Then again it doesn't even have 200 downloads yet.
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Imagine A-list seiyuu doing h-voice
Huh. It's like a Japanese version of Kickstarter. Can you help support a project if you're not from Japan?
There are tons; with difference aliases usually
Nanjou Yoshino = Satou Shizuku for example
You can compared their voices
700k equates to 6300~ USD roughly.
Renting the studio, editing, and script. About 80 minutes of audio from a high? or at least above average profile voice actor. Pay off the crowd funding. About right.
>Kana Hanazawa
Yeah, my bad. I was sorta in a hurry and messed up my post. For those who hasn't found it yet, it's at voice/ジェネクリ.
That one is common knowledge.
Are there any famous seiyuu who do DLsite audio work with an alias?
Asami Imai.
Well to be fair she was always a VN seiyuu.
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Are there any known works where you are the rapist? I didn't see anything besides Reverse-rape, NTR(you are the cuckold), and gangbangs. Don't like the latter two and already have plenty of the first.
Rape is wrong.
Yes, yes it is. But the sobbing sounds and the begging are pretty arousing. Well, at least when it's a JP VA producing the sounds, it is.
Fuck, I ran out of disk space
Mb this?
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This is pretty much exactly what I am looking for. I would like some "please, stop" moments, but other than that...
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Anybody use files from akfree.info? I was going to, but it seems sketchy. I didn't see it on the fake sites list tho.
>Same guy

Dang, not in the any of the MEGA's. Guess I'll wait until my Xbox One sells.
is there a LOVE VOICE folder?
This really made me want to MAGA, and I'm not even American.
A doujin seiyuu would take less than 10% of that.

>renting a studio for a few hours
And how much do you think that costs exactly? Megami Soft has been doing a 30-40 minute radio every 2 weeks for 3 years now, and they don't get any money from it.
Do you realize that a lot of bigger doujin projects like games are also recorded in rented studios, not at home?

Based on the project page the involved people were from a recording studio so I doubt they had to even pay at all.
Ayaka streaming

sounds like water. pee?
Do you have any good ones with her? I remember a Touhou one, but it got deleted off youtube.
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What the fuck is this about?
I created account and this shit is still popping up.
What to do?
baka. my <3 goes out 2 u senpai
thanks as always
i didn't notice anything
does anyone have rj175325
Would also like to see Makise Kurisu's voice in an ASMR style Video
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It's an /ss/ with tsundere sister. Around 100+ minutes long.

Moonshiner's stuff is a hit-and-miss for me but this made my dick explode. The small dirty talk here is god-tier.

I didn't bought this. I found it on google but it was riddled with ads so I think it's better to move it here.

Here's a brief explanation on what's happening.

>Track 1
Onee-chan had a bad day with her boyfriend. Otouto-kun overhears her monologue about onani and some stuff. Otouto-kun is pure so he doesn't know about all that. He keeps bugging her so she taught him about it.

>Track 2
Otouto-kun awakens his lust. He asked Onee-chan to help with his masturbation. She's reluctant at first, but yeah.

>Track 3
Otouto-kun got a gf because Onee-chan encourages him. She then offers a consultation for his relationship. Otouto-kun is horny so it just becomes sex talk again. She's teaching him about safe sex this time, but she wouldn't allow penetration since they're siblings. In the end, Otouto-kun just didn't give a shit and force his way in, and raw! I love this kind of pseudo-rape. Also he make sure to cum inside.




>Track 4
This time, Otouto-kun directly asks for a fella from Onee-chan. It's quite straight with a lot of dirty talk. Onee-chan is quite disappointed because he just stopped after coming once.

>Track 5
Onee-chan just can't stop thinking about Otouto-kun's dick. She can't even have sex with her bf anymore. Now she's the one who approached him first. Otouto-kun goes full lust mode and get on top her. After the foreplay, they proceed to have a rough sex. Otouto-kun got wilder and he doesn't even wear protection. Of course he make sure to cum inside. He's lying though, he did wear protection.

It's revealed that Otouto-kun never got a gf and only said so to tease his Onee-chan. It's also implied that he faked being innocent so he could have sex with her sister. His dick felt so good that Onee-chan decides to break up with her current bf.
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She plays Sanae in EG's stuff.
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Speaking of EG, was there ever a list of the seiyuu they use? I'm quite sure Aya is voiced by Ayumi Fujimura, but the credits show the character's name instead of the seiyuu.
Can you provide a link? I can't find anything
From the previous thread >>>4281842.

Easier way to download >>4282733

The only time they revealed some names was during the live event this year.

How come some files download way faster than others on the ftp server? One day I'm getting 2 mb/s, one day it's only around 60 kb/s.
It's on a shared server, so the amount of total bandwidth usage (and thus available bandwidth) can vary greatly.
That said, I'm not exactly sure why. It's a possibility.
Short answer: Internet magic!!!
Long answer: Internetworking With TCP/IP Volume 1: Principles Protocols, and Architecture, 6th edition.
Pick one (short answer strongly recommended) and have fun!!!
Goddamn it, literally no one likes ballbusting apparently.

No audios in the baidu, only like one online.

Anyone know any that actually are in the baidu?
裏橋製作プラス has some S-themed works, though I'm not sure if I'd recommend them since they get kind of ridiculous. At least the Santa ones are alright.
Likely user congestion as mentioned.

I'm relatively new to the voice stuff, but is everyone using Windows JP, or in other words, why the hell is SJIS file name encodings still a problem?
Who /r/nofap here?


>atmospheric audio
>on a board that doesn't even support webm with audio
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>Satomi Sato
oh shiet
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Okay, so, as promised, here's my little collection of mostly M stuff that I've purchased


The folder includes

RJ175865 (I think someone was looking for it)

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are there any works where VAs play as themselves?

they usually role play as character. it would be cool if sometime they talk to us directly.
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i'm not sure but I think there are some HUMAN CHAIR audio where Akatsuki Kotone dominate you as herself
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Your meme picture is on the front page of pixiv.
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There's way to little Six Senses in these threads, thanks man.
I cannot thank you enough for bringing this fact to my attention.

hope they do another one with Kana Hana.

lets pray for our crowd funding goddess
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should we buy this?
wont they go bankrupt if we dont?
>only 10 minutes of ear cleaning track
I've been spoiled by Tomimi
There's one where Natsuki Nogami plays as herself. Or was it Kanoko?

Either way it's not realistic so I forgot which RJ.
>Tange Sakura
Incredible. Thank you for the heads up.
I don't mean to be stupid, but what's the RJ code for >>4283135 ? I'm following the JDownloader method, but I didn't see any RJ codes in reference to that work. If it was mentioned before and I'm REALLY dumb or aren't looking closely enough, I apologize...
Masaki Phan is now refusing to record doujin audio outside of a studio environment, because she's sick of people asking for retakes.

See >>4283172
After searching around there a bit, I found the folder and tried getting it in JDownloader, but couldn't somehow. I instead just went into the folder itself in the index and downloaded everything in there. It wasn't ideal, but I got it nonetheless! Thank you!
This... Was not what I was insinuating at all when I made that post. I know full and well the differences between fiction and reality. And I'm sure the others here do as well. I was trying to give that person (or you if you're the same person) something to think about. If I'm taking this the complete wrong way and I need clarification, I apologize. But if this isn't something meant as something to be given as more things to think about and is just more pushing that we just need to abandon the thread to "go out and talk to people", I won't fuel the fire any longer. Again, this isn't if it wasn't meant to have malicious intent. Good night, and please have a good day tomorrow, everyone. Good bye.
I'm late as fuck replying to this but how old is Makoto? Mid twenties?
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What SFTP client do you faggots recommend?
Thanks! I had initially overlooked RJ150519 because of the cover image but it looks like it does involve a male sub.

Similarly listened to RJ171191 recently and it's pretty good m-sub petplay despite the image.


Thirded. I dunno nothin' about Tohou but more baby-play audios are always good. There's on where you're kidnapped and babified on A-S which was kinda hot, if a bit short.
FileZilla works.
FileZilla is easy to use and bloat-free.
No idea. She also stream on twitch.
Filezilla as previously mentioned, winscp is also good.
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Guys my autism, I want to listen to Ritsu's work so bad
I like those too.

Ayaka, our goddess, released two volumes of おとな放送, it's from her own circle it's and about making a fake broadcast since nico obviously doesn't allow R18 stuff and I guess Ayaka is not stepping that low yet.

She does a broadcast like normal, but she talks about lewd stuff, and answers pre-made questions from 'fans' like "What was your first sexual experience", etc. and reading lewd stories also. On the second volume, she brought along a guinea pig (probably you) for testing the onaholes that she bought.

I don't know but I find those really hot. There is no roleplay involved, just her normal speaking voice.
HFO is a fucking myth. How is it possible?
sorry to ask, but i downloaded RJ119746 from baidu and its asking for a pw. idk where other to ask than here
Please RJ175766…
Fuck no.
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Any kind soul?
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RJ177838 [すたじお まる!] アナニー準備音源~せんせえといっしょ~
For all of you アナニー loving faggots.

Re-uploaded from anime-sharing and removed all of the spam advertisement files they included. (They even appended their website name to the beginning of every filename. What fucking scumbags.)
Faggot's name was biohrd. Just so you know who to avoid giving linkbux clicks to.
>appended their website name to the beginning of every filename
That's too fucking far. Add some random shit if you want but don't fuck with the actual files.
why not?
Quick question, is RJ130117 in the SFTP server a trial or something? It seems a little incomplete.
asshole is unclean
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always wanted to try these anal stuff. but i am too fat and i can't reach my asshole.

even prostitute couldn't peg me.

>i am too fat and i can't reach my asshole.
how do you wipe
How do you wipe yourself then?
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put it in my ass then go full power

works wonder
Japanese toilets have water jets
Do you have a granny fetish?
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her voice is fucking cute m8
Anyone have some good oni audios?
nigga you should visit laryngologist
And you should visit the taste department and get a new one.
Fucking Ayakafags.
"Get a new taste department", Anonymous
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Reshare so that you don't have to pay those faggots at AS.
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what does Ayaka has anything to do with Kana Hana? you seem confused bro
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>megakikes ask to make an account
>browser crashes every time I try to DL shit
wew lad I guess it's about time I switched to p2p
same here
Maybe your browser is just shit
any body have stuff like RJ132555

that stereotypical foreigner accent, shit is hot
RJ174078 has a very stereotypical foreigner (maybe too much) accent, but is more funny than hot, at least for me. But maybe it will work for you. I hope it satisfies your needs!
shit is great, to bad the audio quality sounds so bad though
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I'm new and wanted to let you know that I love Nogami Natsuki's voice.
Thank you for your attention.
Anyone got Loli or OniChan etc audio ?
guys plz no shit up voice thread


also >>4281776 is a half-lying bitch

there ain't no remilia in that folder.

I've been tricked by a simple lampoon once again
Unless you're lucky, then they're usually in /b/.
There's some works in the pastebin at the start if the thread with all of the links. Just Ctrl+F "loli"
Is there any Nogami Natsuki folder around?
The folder is only audio up to 2011 Anon, that's 5 years ago.

hence "half-lying"

I can't find the rest anywhere online.
I took the long answer, thanks anon

Can someone find it in their heart to reupload? The links were all expired. I had a copy but my ex deleted all h-voice on my laptop.

Thanks (a whole lot) in advance.
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>my ex
>facebook picture
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Oh, that. I found that while I was googling for ahegao pics, didn't really bother changing the filename.
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Voice Anon here. Have some of best book worm. I requested it myself too but I decided to get it myself after no one got it.

RJ175541 Patchouli's Magic To Make You Become A Baby 251.1 MB
Fourth installment in the Shirokuji chu voice drama Patchouli series. In this one she gives you the option to be spoiled even more by becoming her baby. Prepare for breast feeding handjobs, cradling, baby talk, blowjobs, and intercrural sex (think thigh sex or buttjobs)

Thank you M-Anon. I could go for some femdom stuff.

>Childhood friend want to fuck in class as her pre-graduation ceremony
That sounds pretty good. Thank you.

>Getting this butthurt over a meme shitpost
I thought this place had people with thick skin.

You never specified if you wanted R-18 or non-H.

RJ146093 Your cute sister cleans your ears for you, helps you take a bath, and shampoos your hair. No sex, purely non h.

RJ129198 Her Voice In The Ear 2 - After Bedtime Thrills With Little Sis. 62.0 MB
Your sister keeps joining you in bed in the middle of the night because she loves you so much. Over time this progressed into a secret relationship. Constantly kissing and whispering to you in bed. This time she gives you a handjob while kissing you deeply.

RJ159271 [ajaib suara] 甘やかしたい姉と甘えたい妹 ―まとめ版― 214.3 MB - Pampering Sister Series. A compilation of 4 different audios combined into one. These tell the stories of you and your two sisters. One energetic and one docile. R-18 so expect tons of incest. Nearly 4 hours in fact.
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>Prepare for breast feeding handjobs, cradling, baby talk

man I can't speak since I'm probably just as fukt with my fetishes, but the baby fags just weird me out.

I'm just going to jack off to getting the shit kicked out of me instead.
fucking weirdos fapping to all this baby shit.
just fap to getting raped by dickgirls like normal people
not that anon
I can't enjoy femdom work, is that normal?
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Depends on my mood. I don't like baby talk but breast feeding while giving a handjob is hot as hell. Other times I like hardcore femdom or lolidom.

>just fap to getting raped by dickgirls like normal people
Futa on male is a no go. Futa on female best. Futa on futa is very dependent on the artist and what's going on.
This, i'm all for breast feeding but babytalk is a no no
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>I don't like baby talk but breast feeding while giving a handjob is hot as hell
Who #nofapjune here?

goddamn weirdos.


it's fine, anon. I'm a switch, you're probably vanilla as fuck or dom.

different strokes for different folks.

Might be asking for too much, but do you have the other parts? Either way, I am still grateful for the free stuff.

Was wanting this! It was even in my cart.
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My best man.

More like #Dontteardickoff. So many good audio, only so much semen.

>different strokes for different folks.
I wonder how many people from /d/ come here as well.

Only some. Check my pastebin. I now have everything I uploaded on it besides the old stuff that needs to be replaced.

Thanks, Friend!

this guy,

for you anons too lazy to go through each folder and sort shit, I'm uploading a zip with all of them to mega right now.

>tfw 100kb/s upload
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please don't do this my shitty internet, I just want to help my fellow anons.

I don't want to spend another 5 hours uploading this.
You should try the team-up audio of Kanoko, Natsuki Nogami and Ayaka. Kanoko's part of the story is a bit creepy, but it's hot as fuck.
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Ok, took me a while to figure out how mega works. Earl Grey folder:


starting with stuff featuring Remilia. If >>4284477 makes it, then I'll just upload the stuff that's missing. Otherwise, I'll just upload everything I've got.
I'm pretty sure the touhou lossless torrent has all of their works.
Well, not quite since >>4284556 has two that it doesn't... Wish I knew where to find a full catalog of their works...
where's some good old tomboy voices
tomboy's are gay
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RJ166917 [クリアマナ] ふたなり妹にお尻の穴を犯されちゃうっ!

Repost since some faggot deleted the post.
I like 紅月ことね. Please RJ177547....

Fuck that is one of the cutest sounding characters yet!
how can you find source on a youtube track? without asking?
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>tfw not brave enough to tell
pretty difficult, you kind of have to recognise individual works and/or seiyuu

just upload it all anon, please. I gave up after staying up until 5 AM trying to upload it three times.

you probably have faster upload than me anyway.
What the fuck is up with Mega? I'm getting some "Bandwidth quota exceeded" bullshit but I downloaded less than 1GB this past month.

Get out.
Let the tab open and when the timer reaches 0 your download will resume automatically. I'm using the mega extension, I don't know if it works the same way without the extension. But so far I've had no problem with the downloads, yesterday I downloaded 1.8 GB and it took a 10 hour waiting period but the file downloaded perfectly. I guess they're in dire need of money to resort to the old nag screen.
>RJ146093 Your cute sister cleans your ears for you, helps you take a bath, and shampoos your hair. No sex, purely non h.
>ear licking

you motherfucker this shit aint pure
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Well if anyone wants to give it a shot... It's (apparently) your neighbour cleaning your ears... Massaging you... Cracking joints (that was a really pleasant surprise) and lots of chattering. SFW of course.


I've been listening to it a lot so I'd love to download the whole thing. Any help is very appreciated.
Also I found this site while looking for the source. https://asmr.wf/
Looks like it is taken from nico and not part of a work on dlsite
Noo! But also Yeees!

Thank you. I feel dumb for not checking nico too.
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Same premise as >>4283117 except with mother. First track is a vanilla one with her husband though.

>that ending where the kid got greedy and wants to impregnate his mother before his father can

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Awesome. Thanks!

Speaking of baby-play audio, I was planning to pick up RJ176113 (pic related, sequel to RJ150113) when it's released (est. early July) since the original is one of my favorite audios ever.

Do I need to perform any hijinks to use the Japanese dlsite or just add stuff to my cart / enter card info as normal?
Holy shit, nico comments are the best.
Does anyone have RJ107823? Direct download links are dead alongside baidu and the bots don't have em
Anyone know what audio this is from?
Normally I'd just download the audio right off the youtube video but the quality on this one seems pretty shitty.

Anyone have a working link or magnet for RJ163806?

All the old links for it are dead and it's not in the Baidu folders.
Ok, will get to it tonight. Already uploaded all the kokuhaku disks. Dokidoki ones will be next.
>HFO is a fucking myth
No its not. I had HFO both from english works and japanese.
>6 senses
Castration one was pretty great but i couldn't listen to the end.
Excuse me? What? How even does that work?

If you are being condescending to someone because he doesn't know how castration audio would go then that's pretty sad.
Just because it was fucking creepy. I couldn't listen to the end. I like creepy staff but it was too much.

Where can I find this? I've googled it and gone on dlsite but there's nothing turning up anywhere besides a random 2ch post about it.
Then it's all good. I shall give it a listen maybe, for the horrible chills.
Give a try to RJ143159. One of the best horror works i have heard.
What are some works with interesting plot? For example i remember one file where you were fucking some grill in hotel but then you noticed that youre being recorded/broadcasted on camera.
have you looked at the Ayaka folder?
Checked all the folders I thought it would be in, wasn't in any of them, including that one.
I remember downloading it from ayaka folder.
And I remember bowling at the bowling alley in my home town, doesn't mean either object is there anymore.
Both works are in the folder. I just checked.
Can anyone recommend me something similar to RJ152276 and that series? I've gone through those 3 works and would love something similar. I really like how they set the rhythm with the shikoshiko sound.
I too checked and did not find them, so I'm going to invoke the old rule of pics or it didn't happen, since I went into every single folder and looked at every file name in that collection and didn't find it.
I fucked up, its not in the folder.
Try RJ130242. I came buckets to it.
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Looks like some anons need their eyes checked
see >>4285243, shame on you anon, now you have to commit seppuku to restore your honor
on that note anyone still got link for RJ130242?
cant find it on OP and everywhere I find they all have been taken down
Everyone on the internet should just kill themselves to tell the truth.
Oh actually nevemind its on the big mega
just not in code

That's my fetish, what's the RJ code?
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>not in code
mah nigga

nevermind, got it.

Thank you for not being that asshole that says "nevermind, found it" and then doesn't help out other people looking for it.

Sadly I can't find it in any of the baidus, megas, or pastebins.

such is life, guess I'll have to resort to searching through the shitheaps of the internet and download it at 6kb/s because I ain't paying to premium shit.
>tfw no friendly neighbor oneesan
Why live?
>make you wait 1 min
>file not found
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I don't want to beg but if you still have it do you mind uploading RJ118511 to mega >>4285127? It doesn't seem to be in any of the folders and all of the usual websites have it, but they're deleted or expired.
Regarding shit filesharing sites like uploaded, your experience with them will become significantly better if you use Jdownloader instead of the site itself.
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>can't find it in any of the baidus
what is pic related.
I'm bored so: mega:///#!w8UjQR7S!TIXxDxxdRfmuQbl4vlsISxF2u1BdkM3rhKFJzEsl-bM

Didn't know Jdownloader could work like that, thanks anon.

how the fuck. I link grabbed literally everything from the baidus and used jdownloader.
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Can someone make one of those breakdowns of RJ177853? There's no English page and the description on Japanese DLsite isn't doing much.
what do you mean anon? I just googled and it was right there
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It was a surprise though wasn't it? If I told you it was there it wouldn't have had the same affect.

I mean I went to the baidus, copied the link, then added them to jdownloader.

as for other baidu folders that aren't in the OP, I generally ignore those because 9/10 it's just a forum post talking about it rather than an actual download itself, and when it actually is a link to the download, the file usually needs an account, which I don't have.
lucky for you it's only ~100MB, otherwise I would give you the baidu link
Who's this cum plum?
RJ174406 of RJ175766 plz
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lewd. thanks anon

Thanks anon, you're a good guy, no matter what other anons say about you.
>Do S maid
Call me when it's /ss/ or it's voiced by Kanoko.
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Earl Gray anon here. Dokidoki disks uploaded, Seishun disks up later. What do you guys think about the vocal albums? Worth uploading? Not exactly related since this is a voice thread.
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For those people who ask for loli every thread, here's your fix:
Don't feed the loli-gaggers!
lolis are illegal
I think the secret to the post is that it's technically not loli, yet it sounds like it?
Does anyone have a video of how the ear-licking ones are actually made? I mean, I know they use a dummy head and two microphones, yet that's all everyone ever says.
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Can anyone recommend works similar to circle nicomidori? Would love to have similar sound effects.
Nice! Thanks!
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Last time when i was excited like that in the morning was like 3 years ago when HxH was released in the morning. I feel empty.
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Ara ara~
You can read that? Nice. What does it say?
She says she loves when girls call her "Chiroru neesan".
So, do internet providers not care about people DL'ing from mega or something? Like, one time my bother torrent'd SoTN and got an email saying roughly "do this shit again and your as is grass!" I have yet to see people here complaining bout such emails.
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who dat?
Dunno. I live in a 3rd world country so the govt doesn't care about this shit.
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I'm trying to find a safe download link for [もんすたーぼっくす] 人妻メイドカフェ ~貴方のおち○ぽパフェおしゃぶりいたします~ and it's driving me bonkers.

Any friends here happen to have it?
got the RJ code?
RJ083973 I believe, could be wrong

I just wanna know cuz I got like 52 tabs open that are MEGA links and I wanna DL them all.
Well the filename did say 耳なめ. And I always sort of scan files for bad surprises.
Downloading should be fine. Torrenting means you're sharing, that's why your brother got warned.

Jesus, you need to be over 18 to be in this site.
>Jesus, you need to be over 18 to be in this site.

But I am 23... I am just a big pussy. I am somewhat worried of being caught.
They certainly won't care about you downloading audio porn...
At worst you're gonna get your connection blocked or some shit. They won't put you in jail just because you downloaded some porn, and it's not even normal porn.
I know, and I know that it really isn't your ISP that cares, it is the group that own whatever you are DL'ing. Then there is the fact that I am DL'ing thru my browser and not a torrent program. Like I said, I am just a big puss.
>Then there is the fact that I am DL'ing thru my browser and not a torrent program
You're also a big idiot since the latter option is much less safe.
If it's about the nips, there shouldn't be any problems as long as this place doesn't turn into ulmf and they came here to guilt trip you. Now fuck off.
What? The latter would be the torrent program, which I am not using.
Oh nevermind, I didn't read your sentence correctly. Just don't sweat it, dude. If you're that afraid pay yourself a VPN network, then you can be sure you won't be caught.
If I had money I would just buy them.

That's a lie. I DL so many cuz over half will be trashed due to the trials not being adequate at showing what each work is really like .
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How do you usually stimulate yourself while enjoying the audios, anons of /voice/ ?
Hands? HFO? Onahole?
I personally use onahole most of the time.
When I was living in Japan I torrented American TV shows, and the ISP sent me several paper mails which basically said stop sharing these and these files (one of them being a CSI:NY episode, couldn't remember others). Disabled uploading and never had trouble since. Basically, downloading is fine, but don't share.
Hands and generous amount of lube. I've been thinking about buying an onahole, does it feel better?
>generous amount of lube
>being converted to judaism at birth by your 'caretakers'
For me, using onahole always feels better than my own hand. It's less messy as well when you're using lubricant.
It's better because you didn't directly touch your dick.

Protip: Don't buy Tenga
Anyone have some spider girl audios?
It does. The only thing you'll worry is maintenance. Some holes are a bitch to clean, and if you're too rough with them or if you are too big for them, they break easily. But nonetheless, they are a great investment

/jp/ has an onahole thread if you're interested.
Voice Anon pastebin has one. Ctrl-F "arachne". The other one was where a spider girl rapes you. Good ending, she likes you. Bad ending, she eats you because you came too fast.
>he's not an M
Are you lost?
Anyone have RJ161073 or RJ158107? They're the only works by ボトムズ I haven't been able to find (checked Baidu etc.) and they're both fairly old / have a decent number of downloads. Am I just blind?
I am not a cuck.
>obsessing over a single seiyuu
>I am not a cuck.

Maybe you think they're virgins too?
Whatever you say, captain sweden
nixon said that as well.
double checked, it is indeed RJ083973

Anyone have this? All the links I can find are all "file not found"
Any ASMR in Arabic?
Is the voice station down? >>4282437

Tried the password of 'today' and 'yesterday'.
you need to up your reading skills m8
Just tried it. Works for me.
I ran CCleaner earlier and it messed up my FileZilla. Now it won't work. Don't know what to make of this (except that I'm a retard).

Oh well
Looks like you got the wrong username.
1 != l
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Has the definition of cuck lost all meaning?
Are you fucking kidding me

thank you

I'm gonna die now
do it

Go for it.
Stream it.
I use google translate a lot and this always comes up "polar bear of the daughter-in-law" what exactly does it mean?
シロクマの嫁 is Ayaka's circle's name
oh thanks I guess other circles reference them a lot
does anyone know of any stuff similar to the first section of RJ107823 (the way she vacuum sucks/blows)?
Could somebody explain the story of RJ122165? If the script wasn't pictures of text this wouldn't be an issue.
Could someone upload RJ173181 on mega?
Yes, yes it has.
All of 裏橋製作プラス basically includes that type of oral, really (which I am also fond of). I wish the most recent works are somewhere to find.
Your older sister is a shut in, scared of going outside who is absolutely head over heels obsessed with you and does things like sits at the entrance just waiting for you to return for hours on end. She's also crazy pushy for you to fuck, she's even okay with anal, but you don't want to so you appease her by letting her suck you off, or cumming into a cup so she can taste you all day and feel at ease (going outside with your semen in her mouth also gives her the courage to go to the drug store), but she's also really insecure having to make sure you're not seeing other girls or that you still need her because you're all she's got. So you have to comfort her even more, by kissing her, or ignoring your phone when it rings to listen to her sucking you off, and this is normally enough to bring her back from being paranoid that you're seeing someone behind her back and they've stolen your virginity.
Wow uh.
But then one night she enters your room naked after masturbating a lot and not feeling satisfied asking you to have sex. She'll do all the work and ride you and has even bought condoms if you feel uncomfortable with doing it raw(she bought them from the earlier drug store trip), but you still refuse, even though you've got an erection, so she sits on the ground and spreads herself showing her pussy off to you, inviting you, but you still don't take her up on it, so she starts getting upset because she really REALLY wants you to fuck her hard and make her your cockslave, she bargains for you to at least finger her, but you still refuse so you settle on her getting you off, because if she can satisfy you, she's confident she'll be able to sleep well. After getting your dick out, you're clearly harder than usual, so she's a little happy that you at least do want to sleep with her in some form, so she jerks you off while comforting you and trying to tempt you into ditching your daily outside life and just staying in with her forever and suggests sex again over and over saying that rather than cumming into her hand it'd feel a lot better inside her vagina and you'll miss out on chance, but you spurt everywhere and with the smell and feel of your cum she starts playing with herself in front of you because she can satisfy herself now.
After the act she breaks down crying because of how pathetic she's been and begs for you not to hate her.

Another day she enters your room and informs you that she's going to be fine even without you, even though you've been bringing in the money for you both, so you can move out and follow your dreams without her holding you back. Then she starts crying "tears of joy" for you. It's also a lie that she wasn't able to go outside, she just didn't want to work so you've been fooled all along, she's even been working from time to time and while you were at school she's been meeting up with men who call on her online to go to hotels and fuck them for money, so it's better for her if you're not around so she can invite them directly into the house for sex, obvious lies but she's trying her best so you can move on without her being a burden, she wants you to do your best.

You then push her down and force yourself on her, even though you never wanted to have sex before, she tells you that if you want to do this as a memory before you leave to at least use the condoms she bought because it's a dangerous day, but you push in raw anyway. She's puzzled but you bring out an old shop flier from over 10 years ago which on the back when you were attending a relatives wedding you both drew up a marriage registration form together as what she thought was just playing around, but you were serious and intend to marry her and propose to her, all while still having sex with her. Her reply? She apologizes.... and you go limp inside her but only because she wasn't serious when she signed it with you, but now she's happy and agrees to marry you, touched by how much you love her to keep yourself until you managed to secure a job and could take proper care of her. You start growing big again and she accepts your marriage proposal and now you're free to have loving babymaking sex with your soon to be wife, cum inside and she swears to do her best for you from now on.

>and fuck them for money

>fuck's them for money
Are you for real? Are you fucking for real? Heart fucking sank. It was so fucking good, and then it just had to be ruined. The SFX were so perfect, and then this shit. It couldn't of just been vanilla incest.

Buddy, I thank you for this.
Swear to fucking god there needs to be a fucking tag for this shit. Like, "secret whore" or "Part-time whore"

My day is ruined. Thank go I am going to bed soon
I knew the reason for the crying wasn't good, but this is shit. She didn't need to be a virgin, but that is just too far for my taste. Deleted.
it was a lie, please read again
Too late.
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Day not fucking ruined, day saved.
I still have the files, but I did delete the playlist. I didn't delete them yet because I was hoping the guy was lying. But in the end i just missed the most important part. Read that shit like 3 times and I fucking missed it.
Doesn't matter. Mentioning that shit would sour anyone's mood and ruin their gap. Should have omitted that detail.
Beastialty-themed circle, but they also happen to make sound effect packs (for breathing, ear cleaning, etc), so a lot of other circles use their stuff. That's why you see them credited in the descriptions.
I couldn't download RJ172195 from baidu
It's broken. WHY???
Anyone know MEGA link?
What gap?
Broken how? The size of the downloaded file doesn't match the description?
he prolly meant fap. f is next to g
Wow, you're even more insecure than that girl.
It's probably the same retard who cuckposts in every thread.
Hey anons, I'm feeling nauseous and sick.
If there's any, can someone recommend me a work where the girls nurses you back to health? Like the sound where she puts a compress in your forehead etc.
I'm in need for some sweet caretaking :(

This looks interesting. Thanks
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my recommendation everytime

She calls your phone to say that she'll drop by your house. If I remember correctly, she first puts a compress on your forehead. Then you wait while she cooks food, then she feeds you by herself. Afterwards you receive a mimikaki when you got better, and then you sleep together.

The sound of the clock ticking is really what gets me (for some reason, I hear the clock ticks louder when I get sick), it's pure comfy and shit.

God, I wish I had a gf who would nurse me to health when I'm sick.

Get well soon, anon.
RJ152294 by the way.
>God, I wish I had a gf who would nurse me to health when I'm sick.

That's exactly how I feel :(

This is just perfect. Thank you anon :D
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have a nice weekend friends!
Samefags? Chinks?
I refuse to believe three native english speakers could all be this retarded at the same time.
Given the context it was completely obvious that it was a lie even if the guy giving the translations hadn't specifically fucking said 'obvious lies.'
Racist much? Without chinks we all wouldn't have been here.
Damn, can't get my card to work with the JP Dlsite.

How the fuck was what he said racist you leddit cry baby? Chinks in general have a far far far lower chance of understanding things on the level of a native English speaker, because, you know, their languages aren't English.

Or are you butthurt he said chink?
people can learn more than one language you know....

and here in asia every kids are forced to learn english. we are struggling to fit in.

People can learn more than one language, but believe it or not, if you don't grow up in an area that speaks it or learn it from birth, you're less likely to know it to the level of a native speaker! That was what >>4286617 meant.

Fuck, if I started trying to learn Japanese at age 10 or before, I still wouldn't be at the level of a native speaker because I'm not in a Japanese speaking country and I'd miss out on a lot of insinuations and cultural speak that you don't learn from a book or online.

Pretty sure the other anon wasn't insulting chinks at all, he was just saying that the only explanations for a person not understanding that stuff was that their either don't natively speak English or are samefagging.
I said native speakers. The fact you are still saying stupid shit proves my point.
It's not like anyone is expecting chinks to have full command of a foreign language otherwise the topic wouldn't have come up.
could you upload rj150113 to mega, I can't seem to find it
Bottom two are me, not trying to hide it.
But as it was pointed out, I missed the 'obvious lies' bit. I saw >>4286408 first and then I was like "plz no". I got to that part in >>4286405 and I then I got all "fuck this shit" and skipped to the next line.

I read, "she's been meeting up with men who call on her online to go to hotels and fuck them for money, so it's better for her if you're not around so she can invite them directly into the house for sex, she's trying her best so you can move on without her being a burden, she wants you to do your best."

BTW, I don't know if you mean context of the posts, or the voice work, or both. If it is the posts, I just misread, and there is plenty of hentai where the woman will sell herself to make money for her family. So it seemed very possible that it could be the way I first thought. If you are talking just about the voice work, then it is because I don't understand JP enough to know what exactly is going on. That is why I asked if somebody could tell me the story in the first place.
How do you guys search for this stuff on DLsite? I understand you can find it there, but how do you actually search and fins things that you know you'll like? Just asking for tips, as i cant navigate that site for shit, and it's the only way i know of to find out about voice works

Use the advanced search feature, if you're looking in the JP site and can't read Japanese use google translate and cross reference with the English site.

The upside is that you'll learn a bit of Japanese too.
Are there any common baidu password other than bdtrysb?
.rar files won't work for me. Keep getting "The archive is either in unknown format or damaged"

Is there a way to fix that? Re-downloading didn't fix and I even tried switching locales.
Don't be an ungrateful piece of shit.
Use newest 7zip. Older versions won't do. Has nothing to do with locale.
Update winrar/7zip.

Thanks guys!
RJ177547 MEGA link please....
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Thanks, that worked
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RJ159671 plz.


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New 声好雨読 by Kotone is out today. I'll recommend the previous work from the circle (RJ176066), it was shared a few threads ago and was pretty good. Soft M-ish.

The tags in the advanced search feature are in the same position as in the English version of DLsite. Cross check there to learn the tags. Rikaichan/-kun also helps to translate them.
>tfw no civil war themed asmr
Please reply
So is this thing like sissy hypno?
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Sure; enjoy your imminent Kotone addiction!
Mega just went to utter shit. They've now added a per-IP traffic limit. So if you're using a VPN, or you're in a college dorm or something like that chances are you'll never be able to download from Mega ever again.

No, it's like the ASMR roleplays on YouTube, except in Japanese and (often) involving lewd/sexual content.

There are audios with sissy and/or hypno content, but it's not "sissy hypno" in the western sense of epileptic tumblr gifs of bimbos and cocks with flashing pink words and whatnot. There's usually much more of a narrative.
I wouldn't even label this ASMR, just audio doujins would be the most fitting term.
So here's an idea

Instead of sharing shit as archives on mega, why not use a host that allows streaming MP3s

That way people can listen to something instead of having to download 2.5gb only to find out that it's not to their taste
Mega is fast and easy to use. Are there better alternatives in this regard?

DLsite has samples for sampling things.
By context I meant it's a fairly common trope for a dependant character to feel guilty that their carer can't follow their dreams or live their life the way they want to. A common dramatic breaking point in the relationship is when the dependant decides to try and 'set free' their carer by doing something to make them not feel guilty about abandoning the dependant. Usually it's by terrible lies ('I never loved you anyway I've been using you this whole time!') and the carer sees through it immediately and call them out, resulting in a heartwarming scene.

And even if you are new to shitty Japanese writing the fact that she goes from completely obsessive and dependant on you to the point of being crippled and then only starts telling those lies after "-so you can move out and follow your dreams without her holding you back." should've made it fairly clear.

Seems all way too obvious to me but I guess you were skimming too fast and the other guy already explained hes not a native speaker.

You don't even know what you are trying to say anymore.
New thread.


I was just using English ASMR as an example of what the audio is like (ie. POV roleplay with a girl talking to you).

"Audio doujin" could be misconstrued as simply being read a story (like an audio book), so I wouldn't use it to describe these audios to someone who doesn't know how they're designed (ie. the person asking) even if it's the proper term.
Weird request, but does anyone have any French ear licking audio?
How about you listen to the fucking trial you mongoloid.
RJ167236 06/04 version please!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off.

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