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Previous thread: >>4274558

Read the OP and FAQ newfriends! It'll save you time. Discord: https://discord.gg/0zY11EqfT38EGXHK
An entire board dedicated to h-audio: http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/catalog.html (check the sticky there as well)

>How do I find h-audio?
DLSite. Japanese site (http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/) English site (http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/)
NOTE: Not all works on the Jap site are on the English site.
Each work has a product code attached. RJXXXXXX for the Japanese site, REXXXXXX for the English site, and RGXXXXXX is a circle's code. TIP: Use the RJ product code (if using the English site, simply replace the RE with RJ) to search for a work on Google, the Baidu folder, Perfect Dark, and other sites.

>Where do I search for h-audio?
1) Google, mostly. Also try:

Beware of fake sites!
PROTIP: If it needs a premium account, it's likely fake.

We have TWO baidu folders, the new one and the old one.
(How to access the folders and help in the next post.)
An anon made a full listing of the old folder - http://pastebin.com/ktf8TVb9

3) Perfect Dark
It's a Japanese P2P File Sharing Tool. Here's a handy guide. http://kasumi.moe/pd/
Look at the FAQ (link in the next post) for a solution to port forwarding issues

(Mega and Mediafire contents + links from previous threads: http://pastebin.com/bVtEXpgv | Nyaa contents: http://pastebin.com/kE1LSdy7)

Candy and /koe/ has made a storage server dedicated to upload and download voice works.
Scroll down a bit more for more information regarding about that.

6) /koe/ IRC bot: xdcc.kasumi.moe
Tutorial on how to use it: http://kasumi.moe/xdccguide.txt
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>CHECK THIS FAQ: http://pastebin.com/q5bDj3tL

>Baidu troubles?
- Does the file have a password? Try the universal PW: bdtrysb
- How to access the Baidu folder? Check out the picture for more information.
- You need a Baidu, Weibo or QQ account in order to download files that are larger than 200+MB.
- The easiest way to login into Baidu is to use SMS. Click on the phone icon top right of the login screen.
- Don't have access to a phone or problems receiving the SMS? Try using a Online SMS Receiver.
- Downloading things from Baidu are usually slow, but using download managers such as JDownloader2,
IDM, Free Download Manager etc. will significantly increase the download speed than normal.

>Common ero Jap words

>HVDB (Hentai Voice Database)

>ASMR YouTube/NicoNico Channels:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHLHi4yaDDXMk8Q6Bs0AjXw/videos (some Touhou/IS character specific audio)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/504196 (user doing ASMR)

>Amateur clips, requests/submissions
For a guide on how to dl from koe, check the FAQ
>Short guide:
Pink button = female voices, blue button = male voices, green button = "couples" voices, (couples doing stuff).
すべて lists all tracks in the category.
エロ声 restricts it to erotic voices, moans etc., sometimes in a made-up situation.
オナ声 has their voices during masturbation.
その他 is the 'others' category, usually just has talking.
>Magnet links of an anon's archive of the girls' submissions section in koe-koe:
オナ声/ona (2.6GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BIOFTBNLVJYPCZTIEBTYBW5WKUX2NSI5&dn=koe-koe%20ona
エロ声/ero (2.1GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:PD65QVOL2Y2HEUECHTGGLVLMVF5QGYK3&dn=koe-koe%20ero

>For male voices:
http://board.kasumi.moe/koe/res/80.html (few links here)
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Candy and /koe/ guy has made a storage server dedicated to backup/upload voice works within' it.

The storage space for the server is currently 512 GB big and requires a sFTP client in order to connect and download/upload (such as FileZilla, WinSCP etc.). Downloaders are able to just connect and download. As for uploaders who wish to contribute something... get a IRC client, connect to the channel and ask for permission. Candy and /koe/ guy will be sitting there and talk with you. This is to prevent from random people to just join and fill the server up with random crap.

You can also visit voice.station.moe in order to check if a certain voice work has been uploaded or not. If you wanna check a full listing of what's been uploaded, connect to the sFTP instead or search "RJ" at voice.station.moe for
most of the DLSite's stuff. All informations regarding about what username, password, host address etc. and how to get permission to upload stuff, can be found at the FAQ page. Click on the image in order to see the url for the FAQ.

If you got any questions, feel free to ask.
RJ172324: https://mega.nz/#!C4FHTYZK!Xckv_IzdBR7qoqcr4rd-IF9rdIBFLsArTVnHYqdfaWM
RJ117190: https://mega.nz/#!WpUHBSDQ!mS7MXKAirPrZixTh6TnZv7SrkN2k65VLs8Cibp-okbQ
RJ089206: https://mega.nz/#!zssDQKra!sMb8s54AkSDC7jAlocC_bQjBbofAriUYX0TNGSQfg9Q
RJ177170: https://mega.nz/#!rhNiRTbK!TRvRgAq_k8JV97M6eI7UHP2TESuxlcuQKnMrK35IKgE
RJ175826: https://mega.nz/#!j0sgWRjQ!Uo_L882iT1I8PKWMiOE6fK_gLMjHnsuXw2S0xBPrfSE
RJ165465: https://mega.nz/#!74VyVDQa!PB-43PyRnDviN4TVLgMwpoRNmsDE8b3N3q66U_Cdjqo
RJ158607: https://mega.nz/#!C9l3nBoY!oHqhLwtMManWDR9dhnCbyW-2pmNWgaZJZPW81BGGu0E
RJ136286: https://mega.nz/#!G8k1iQjT!ES7_mpJLdHf4hC_eqUrok9p1Cn_76S8aB03rxBptoY0
RJ156968: https://mega.nz/#!S0tiHSDQ!5I-bHi6V2p-w8h_HFbgCpJ6EQwX4KExL_xmgCKaL9GQ
RJ166514: https://mega.nz/#!Sh9BXRjQ!JLy84L1cJ-3ZSe-LE4XcXd7JfUOGw9UjiN6oRU2Usgc
RJ109595: https://mega.nz/#!D88TVAyR!qZjYOi_Q071UA2jYjJfGkQUhG34dGp8Z10Z_oSPx0eA
RJ166739: https://mega.nz/#!vllQ1IoK!GD2rwmAG0_WyoIS9XMvBNCz2oehfeWeb0PF6ydVxC9k
RJ145699: https://mega.nz/#!CpNRUQ5I!KX2liADxd2JlKN8lR4ob3APilXjP5XIq-RkcrrQITmk
RJ173599: https://mega.nz/#!zhkQAJ5Q!cDxSGJpmE_EHndDCWUO2bQhnIIz0N6XJNtLXSI3zi1s
RJ173459: https://mega.nz/#!Ts1QVQRC!9kgoWDs68NAHt--bpv8QvUAP0BEMjVgm-uxLwH-cxvE
RJ148830: https://mega.nz/#!etZlmDCA!0H_Uk0Itx_ge89WOEuTPaOktY-Ff3QENrk3hQ2EaZ1I
RJ177794: https://mega.nz/#!tZkggY7a!K_POiw5PMvSBrpc750EKIUO4QTOeDi3tsDtDggHzsD4
RJ173415: https://mega.nz/#!rwgGQYJR!1M8tPrZDPleHIiMjtBpQG6IKCKXSTjkXi5G7UoR7kRA
RJ163177: https://mega.nz/#!WhUzjSRB!MQhf-9kaQzkZxRg33MaCpG2H9LTqaU_7o2MF6o0Z7hw
RJ169936: https://mega.nz/#!KFYgUSpR!u1k1a6T8hHzWhrOw6mWtksz0Fa3Wr_6SOcLwoXg_x7I
RJ176192: https://mega.nz/#!X09SXSzQ!L5NyssxJr_TsPKAtEXKulM9vRSgvWxa2TD0ncwC2EfM
RJ177406: https://mega.nz/#!VgcRgJwD!X85M7JMSKPuE_jj1scHuAZePIcI9F2fGzb_gmr2s4UA
>Updated / New:

Ayaka folder: https://mega.nz/#F!v80AlayL!ayole-xAQ3IhSFs4PK5myg
Kanoko folder: https://mega.nz/#F!asdUWTiR!WCHgenm0MnXKGRe6kSRB_g
Nikomidori folder: https://mega.nz/#F!s5ATnIhQ!crhCKNX1Ke6iOmKGPZrVWw
Voice Anon's folder 2: https://mega.nz/#F!nkclxBKT!WilJc5CnjNnJ6dUt_5Fq7A

>Other folders (Not updated):

"Motherly Love" folder: https://mega.nz/#F!aUsxDDCT!V_HMe-iKieaMuKYZBdMTFw
Taimanin Asagi folder: https://mega.nz/#F!HwYxyb5L!wj6OpMVjNXESU4D0eUPoEA
Dinnitus' folder: https://mega.nz/#F!Z1BTSbLY!KlQgElWpYYp7DC8tdCN71g
Anon's folder: https://mega.nz/#F!7FJVlKTT!QbRE0y08RDdyn14QM9T2Ow
ajiaib suara stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!B8EWgTDb!TynW353c_1Xpm-FaBWj7_A
Voice Anon's folder: https://mega.nz/#F!dQQVSYBZ!g2Ex7agx1GTRg9v4QTd8UA
Ironware folder: https://mega.nz/#F!545mEDxD!M_XGYlXnk2LxxMU8-iwedA
Collection of C89 stuff: https://mega.nz/#F!qthRlKra!tJIcUoPDg3dvgu-mK5Of9A
The link to pastebin has been changed at the OP due to pastebin anon decided to stop updating it.
Pastebin is now currently maintained by me and is now fully updated. http://pastebin.com/bVtEXpgv
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first for ayaka, our goddess
right one has a dick
File deleted.
Stop this Ayaka fagging right the fucking now.
File deleted.
>Common ero Jap words
Petition to change wording in the next thread's OP.
Does anyone have RJ119125 that was posted in like late February about 10 threads back? I know I had it before
Anyone know if there are any vampire themed audios?
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>It's been less than a week since the last thread started.
Is this the beginning of the end for comfy /voice/ threads?

By the way, does anyone know if purchasing from DLSite English or Japanese count as a foreign transaction? I don't want to be charged fees for purchasing voice works.
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>found work with extreamly fucking hot onee-san voice
>search cv name
>80% of her works are loli or normal voice
>15% onee-san voice but it's in video game
>only 5% is actual onee-san voice work

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Had a similar experience with that not-Rin from the Usa Works JK Cafe work. She doesn't sound like that in any other one I've looked at.
Seconding this.
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Sorry for begging, but does anyone have RJ166181?


I couldn't find it in Baidu, Mega folders, or on A-S.
No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't beg for the same thing two threads in a row.
>does anyone have RJ166181?
>I couldn't find it in Baidu, Mega folders, or on A-S.

If its not on those sites then no one have it.
Daily reminder: these threads are being made so fast Candy can't even afford to buy a new work to start the thread with like he used to.
i miss those days, it was like a mini xmas each thread
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Alright anons, what's one sound/set of sounds you wish were in more audio clips?

For me it's hospital machinery, for whatever reason I become relaxed by the sounds of heart rate monitors and breathing machines.
whips and stuff, maybe creaking benches.
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It depresses me a little how the ryokan ones are essentially glorified prostitutes. I know I'm listening to a voice actor whisper into a mic and shit but in terms of within the narrative it kills my immersion a little knowing they will never love me.
You are god.
I agree.
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I don't download those ones, despite liking the audio.
Heartbeat. I want to see this especially on cuddle/sleeping tracks. She holds you close enough so that you can listen to her heartbeat.

I swear, listening to heartbeats makes me sleep like a fucking baby.
Alright lads, how do I get into HFO? I listened to RJ163806 pic related.

I had 3 days nofap, I donned my headphones and my sleeping mask and went to town. It's certainly hot, but I can't seem to get that orgasm, however my dick is leaking like a faucet. When I peeked at my dick, pre-cum is already pooling at the base of my dick, and to be honest, the pre-cum dripping and the strings it formed is really hot.

I finished the track without orgasming so I just jerked myself off, and boy, I swear I only lasted 10 seconds and I came buckets everywhere.

Any tips would be appreciated, thanks!
>Seri, Suzuna, Suzushiro and co. will never love you.
Why did you have to tell me this.
>I become relaxed by the sounds of heart rate monitors and breathing machines.
Sounds more disturbing than relaxing desu senpai.

>what's one sound/set of sounds you wish were in more audio clips?
Breathing sounds from another character sleeping. There should be more like 添音亭.

Well good thing there's things available from both spectrums.
First you should learn Japanese and you'd realize you were supposed to be masturbating while listening to that. Not to say it isn't possible to get a dry orgasm from listening to that.
>learn moon just to ejaculate
ultimate cuck
it wasn't that long ago tho
is there any work with heartbeat?
You'll never know how good Japanese hypnosis can feel like and how intense orgasms you'll get. For example the orgasms from hypnotic_yanh's works are just out of this world.

anyone have RJ165019?
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anyone have RJ164638?

Anyone voice works which completely denies masturbation but focus on anal/nipples?
We need to go lewder! I'm sure she loves the attention.
Yeah, I actually realized that halfway through and decided to just go hands-free anyway.

Maybe I just wasn't that focused that I couldn't achieve HFO.
In Momoiro, the girls never said they love you though. It's purely professional relationship.

I think there's one track where the girl genuinely loved you. It was the Kanako-Ayaka-Natsuki team-up (during the Kanako part).
>It was the Kanako-Ayaka-Natsuki team-up (during the Kanako part).

Never again will such a work grace our lives
PPOMO has some in her videos.
Fuck of.
Who is this cv artist? I want to try and find that onee-san stuff myself.
pls anon, tell me where u get those.
I miss those days as well. But seriously, it's not that I can't afford at all. If you're in the Discord group, you should know that I'm very picky and I couldn't find anything interesting that I wanted to buy lately. It's not like I've been contributing at the start of every single thread with one or two brand new voice works anyways.
I see that they are in the Ayaka mega folder but where does she upload them to?
Rain. It's like music from heaven.
Well, if they love you, that means they might love EVERY client that request their services. THAT would really destroy the immersion. Behaving like a professional makes it more real for me. And be honest anon, you don't go to a prostitute (glorified or not) to find love. If you need love maybe you should take a look at the onee-san genre.
Or sensei.
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i know these ones.
Im not really into korean asmr but i like her videos a lot. Shame there still isn't any work that includes hearbeat.
There is one really good at /r/GoneWildAudio, but you fags are shitting on amateur english lewd audios so not going to bother posting it
I know, right? Works from にこみどり are always calm and comfy with the rain SE, I wish other circles did that too.
practice with english HFO first. get used to basic HFO. all jap stuff are pretty advance
Anyone have RJ176579?
>english HFO
suggestions? links?
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there are like million of them in GWA but i recommend this lady. she's pretty legit


i can't remember the order of audios you need to listen but i guess you should start from bottom. sweet boy something.
Neither will I because they're are all shitty hypnotists (actually, most of them barely are) and none of that shit works on me.
Hi; I've been following and archiving these voice threads from #12 to #36. The original mega link for RJ119125 is dead. Here it once stood back in thread #24 in late Feb:


Before telling people to "Read the OP." Please double check yourself if it even has any bearing.

Anyone able to provide a separate or new link?
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Recommendations for deadpan onee-chan voices similar to:
Yeah blame them for your inability to fall into a trance.
Yeah, I will, because it's the hypnotist's job to lead you into trance. If he can't hypnotize you then he's a shitty hypnotist, and any professional hypnotist will tell you this.

And considering even absolute garbage works like RJ166548 got 500+ sales most of these people have no idea what they are buying either.
You're right. I found the file on my PC, then found a match in the pastebin, so I told him (you maybe?) to read the OP. Didn't check if the link was working. Next time I won't be so hasty (actually I won't move a finger ). So I apologize to you and the other anon. I guess some kind anon will have to reupload it. Have a nice day!
How many years have you trained? I started maybe 5-6 years ago with shit hypnosis like Isabella Valentine and they never really worked for me. I still kept listening and listening after 2-3 years ago I found about Japanese hypnosis and it really gave me a boost to learn the language since I could get much better results even though I had trouble understanding. Now I can dry orgasm pretty much every time.

You shouldn't really look at the sales. Look at how many reviews it has and how many of them are recommending it. That one only has 2 reviews and it's so old so its obviously shit.
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IDK if am am the only one who feels this way, but I wish the BJ audio sounded lower. Not volume wise, but direction wise. Some better BJ ones sound farther away, but not lower. Like, I wish the VA would just sit on the floor or something.

This is generally the only gripe I have with the Voice Works in general.
You don't go to a hypnotist for 5 years before he can hypnotize you.
I'm not going to try for another year because it's just a waste of time I could spend doing something more productive like sleeping.

>you're listening to it wrong!
Then maybe the fucking authors should tell you what is the "right" way to listen to it? Or maybe the problem is they don't actually know.
Woah there! There's no wrong way to eat a reeses if you know what I mean.

You want to go under, experience deep trance? ASMR really helps. You may want to listen to longer induction files and anything with triggers that should help you reach that kind of level. As a (relatively recent) lurker in these threads I could agree that hypnosis found here is going to be different than what you may expect.

Is a good recommendation. If you can track down any of Giggle's stuff from the same source her stuff was great for long term induction.
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>I wish the BJ audio sounded lower
This is why I love RJ109803. It's a shame it is too damn short.
Not that anon but i had my first HFO with "Trance - I.C.U" file. Then i got one with "Overflowing by esuccubus" (its free). Also people usually suggest to start with Isabella Valentine Jackpot 1. Good luck!
Is this artist located in any of the links in the OP posts at the top? Sounds comfy indeed.
It ain't an artist, but a circle. Here's a link to several of their works. Next time check for links in past voice threads.
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Nice, an hour 27 minutes worth of audio for 108 yen.

Does anyone know if they accept foreign debit cards? I've never tried buying with my own money outside of the english site.
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>Same guy.

What irks even more about this same subject is that there are a lot of hand-job audios that DO sound lower!
>I wish the BJ audio sounded lower
YES. When i just started with h-audio around 3 years ago almost every BJ was positioned realistically. Nowadays BJ sound comes from sides, back, top, whatever but not from the direction of your dick.
I'm from the Philippines and they accepted my visa debit card on the JP site so I'm sure you'll be fine!
RJ175766 isnt anywhere
it has been downloaded over 2500...anyone have?
I might be able to upload it for you if this is the right file.
It also seems ear licking has gotten lacking. The lic,king anywhere but directly in your ear, whether it'd be behind, in front, mono, or to far away to the point where it sounds like they're licking some else's ears.
I swear, I just want one good, long track that actually feels like a tongue is entering my ear canal. Is that so hard to ask?
Now, don't get me wrong, there's great audio works, greating "ear blowing" included, but they're not perfect.
Maybe it's happening what always happen: the industry grows and they start producing works just to get money, instead of producing good or excellent quality works that satisfies the needs of their customers but are not that profitable from an economic point of view. Stated in the simplest way: quantity (more money) vs quality (customer satisfaction, pride in the product created). And we all know where this road leads... They only need to start to hire Chinese CVs to replace the Japanese ones. I desire from the bottom of my heart to be proved totally and completely wrong.
We don't want this great, unique industry to go the route that Apple did, now do we?

If anyone has any, please post any quality works that you think should be dug back up and/or given to everyone to enjoy. Please, in these dire times, we need the best of the best—the best of the old works. When they were top-notch.
Huh. Thanks anon, I appreciate it. You're a cool guy.
>YES. When i just started with h-audio around 3 years ago almost every BJ was positioned realistically.
Likely story considering that it's impossible to recreate vertical positioning with a normal dummy head microphone because of the way we locate sounds.
Someone posted a document about binaural recording and its limitations a good while ago, but of course I don't remember what it was called and now can't fucking find it even if I saved it somewhere. Left/Right is the easiest one, but even front/back already poses problems because for certain frequency ranges it's actually impossible to tell if a non-moving sound source is behind or in front of you, it will sound exactly the same.
It's not happening. It's just sturgeon's law: most content is less than great.

In a gratuitous medium like this where the only goal is to satisfy the customer, what succeeds and what gets weeded out is decided by the customer's wallet. Phoned-in garbage made only to make a quick buck doesn't survive unless you're buying it.

More importantly, you're forgetting that most of this stuff is doujin. They're doing it because they like it, because you're really not gonna be paying the bills off this stuff unless you made something god tier in the first place.

>They only need to start to hire Chinese CVs to replace the Japanese ones.

...I want an audio work with a real chinese girl softly whispering terribly pronounced japanese in my ear now. That's not a thing is it?
Does anyone have this one?
>(2016_05_23).zip: https://mega.nz/#!74NTgbIR!TmZdlEuC_GLVuLljLsI4lBdWqlFWlwSKW8Vl-bpaTq4Kanoko:

How does decryption keys work? I know it's in the URL right?
You copied another line with your link
I know RJ137270 is in https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=983456
But now my hdd have only 90GB!
give me mega or baidu link for RJ137270 pleasa
>whispering terribly pronounced japanese in my ear
Why can't I have a Japanese woman softly whispering Engrish into my ear? Anyone have anything like that?
>149.22 GiB
wut. Like I'll be downloading that.
You can select the files you wan to download.
>not GB
>equivalent to 1.07 GB
Why wouldn't you download it? It's a great deal.
tell me how to select file
On your torrent client.
OK! Ive never used torrent. but I try it! pray my success please.
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I don't know is she really loves you. The final track title for her is 死ぬまで一緒(紅桜)
>Together until death (Benisakura)

If it translates into that then I guess she could love you, but at the same time it could just be her shtick. Tho, to be fair she doesn't charge you money. But from what I understand she doesn't know you. From what I can tell the story is kinda like this.

>You are out in the rain, cold.
>Beni(sakura) then appears and invites a room with a bed to warm up.
>2nd lady appears and talks about money. (don't know if she is saying you need money or not. However, you do something that lets you get a room)
>got to room with Beni and engage in conversation (not sure what is said exactly)
>track 2 starts with Beni saying Suki and she kisses you. Ends with I love you, you know?
>Track 3 is a HJ. Nothing adding to the story.

At this point is seems like Beni is either ryokan prostitute giving a freebie, or She is normal worker who likes this stranger. But then track 4 happens. Beni invites the other 2 workers. All 3 workers start taking turns sucking dick and licking your ears. This then leads me to think she is indeed a prostitute giving a freebie. Back to green text.

>Track 5. No clue. It is Beni licking both ears at the same time. Dream maybe? Bonus track?
>Track 6-1A. Includes kiss, HJ, BJ. Beni is happy you came. (Are you visiting the inn again? Was there a choice after track 4 to pick one of the three girls?)
>One thing to note is that you are no longer call a customer and she calls you Anata. Kinda implies love but it could just be the shtick.
>6-1B. You fuck Beni right in the pussy.
>Track is kinda Lovey-Dovey.
>At the end the important stuff is said, but I am not sure what. Maybe "you can't escape" Don't know.

So, I can't conclude anything. She may indeed love you, but if she is a ryokan prostitute she'll still be there fucking any dudes that pay here. But hey, you get to fuck the prostitute for free as long as you go back.
Note that all Apple Project stuff have been uploaded to the server.
I think Beni is just a yandere. Her track is creepy as shit, but it could be she's just a turboslut.
whats the RJ# for this one again?
I think i have still but not sure.
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>Listening to RJ089206. An audio focused on kissing.
>Third track has a bunch of tongue play and saliva swapping. Already losing my shit.
>Last track the MC rips off her clothes and fucks her senseless while kissing her.

Usually the girl getting really deep into the sex makes them sound silly to me. Like the last track in RJ166739 turned me off.
But for this one it really got to me. It's been a while since something made my eyes roll to the back of my head. When's the last time an audio has given you an intense orgasm that made you had to lay in the afterglow for ages?

Sorry about that. Missed your post last thread.
RJ175826 Tiny Playmate Wife (WAV) 1.86 GB

How is this any different from dealing with your 2D waifu?
The readme has this to say about her:

"She is a girl unconcerned with worldly affairs and with no interest in anything but sex. She has a habit of capturing men who catch her interest. She'll let them go once, but if they return she will confine them and shower them with love until they perish.
(Most men's souls are quickly exhausted and they soon die)"

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I decided to add more.

In the talks with Beni there was some kind of promise made. Not sure what is was. However what really important is what I learned from Track 6-2A.

>All tracks 6-1 - 6-3 are your revisits.
>6-2A has you find Sumi (2nd lady)instead of Beni
>Beni is either not working this day, or is is busy. Sumi says this, but I don't know if she said day off or busy.
>Day Off = not prostitute Busy = Most likely a prostitute.
>I guess since Beni isn't there you decide to have Sumi pleasure you. Not sure. Maybe you just get a room.
>You clearly pay this time. Whether this is for a room or for her services I don't know.
>She sucks your cock.

Maybe Beni isn't busy nor does she have the day off. She might be sleeping, or her shift hasn't started. I don't understand Japanese enough to know either way.

>Track 6-2B. You force yourself on Sumi. Surprisingly she doesn't want the D... That is until you finger her until she does. While she is resisting she says something about Beni. Maybe that she is not Beni. Maybe she is telling you to wait for Beni. Kinda makes it sound like these girls are not prostitutes, or at the very least intercourse was not part of their normal services.
>Sumi does cave and you fuck her.
>At the end of the track she says "I love you, jk i lied, I love your penis." So prostitute again?

During Sumi's tracks she called you customer at first, changed to Anata during sex, customer when you force her, and the customer at the very end. Seems like she does have fun with you, but is is clear she doesn't want a relationship with you like Beni. That or she does like you, but you are Beni's. Hard to tell.

This just in>>4279189

Fuck... i wasted my time can you give the other girls? They all sex craved? Kinda still want to do haku's.
Also how do you actually read the readme? Mine is broken like this: @g÷‚É‚Æ‚Ä‚à
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>Hello, this is Senka from Ronbunya!
>Thank you for all your generous support.
>Now it's our turn to give support to the victims of the Kumamoto earthquake.
>Your purchase creates hope and dreams and the promise of a better tomorrow!

Why haven't you donated /h/?

Also new weasel girl audio next month.
Vidya, E3, EVO, and comfy audio? June is looking to be very promising.

Also here are 2 works I forgot to upload. Both non-H. Either they were already uploaded or the original links died. Again, you can find both in the second Voice Anon MEGA.

RJ130337 MimiMuse -The Official Mimikaki Musume- 1.17 GB
A wide range of girls comes to clean your ears. 50 minutes long with each girl doing about 5 minutes of ear cleaning.

RJ170600 Mimisen Kokkuriya - Hatsuhai [Binaural] [Ear Cleaning] 1014.8 MB
A busty fox woman cleans your ears. Easy to fall asleep to.

"Among those in the underworld she is known to have the greatest skill in the arts of sex. She cares foremost for her lifestyle (i.e. money), so she's good with numbers. She has a thorough knowledge of men's weak spots so she never lacks for customers. However, she is not good under pressure."
Japanese locale.

"She is a girl who is not very expressive of her feelings. She has spent quite some time living apart from the normal world, and gets by mimicking Beni and Sumi. She responds strongly to gifts given to her by others."

I'm not as sure on this one, mainly due to the word 真似事. The dictionaries I use are telling me this means she is putting on a sham of behaving like Beni and Sumi, but I think it makes a more sense if it means she imitates them.
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So, they are all ghosts/sex demons?

Also, I really appreciate what you are doing! Thanks.

Beni's "Together until death" track And Sumi's "Relationship of money" track make more sense now. (With Haku or what ever her name is, I guess you just become sex her toy) I'd like it better if they aren't humans. Something about fucking a ghost/demon prostitute instead of human ones makes this work OK in my book. Usually, I wouldn't listen sot something like this if they were humans.

I think there is something wrong with me...

Thanks for that. Don't know when I changed it from JP to EN. Quick question, if I kept it JP would that cause any issues for games and files I DL in English. I think that is why I change it back to EN. I didn't want my games getting messed up because of the JP local.
>most likely
She literally said it's a ryokan prostitution. Not in those exact words but yeah.

>She will literally sex you to death
Oh fuck.
Nah Sumi said Beni is sleeping in the next room, but she's actually out in the moment.
Underworld as in yakuza, not hades. They are normal humans.
It never gave me any issues. Except my intel control panel turned japanese.
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Huh, neat... She does say you are "not a customer" In her first standalone track. And that she likes you. I haven't listened to it all yet tho.

Damn, wait... So, she is fucking others? I was hoping she'd just be fucking you until you died. Not servicing others as well.

I fucking hate how just this little bit of info makes me no longer want to liste- >>4279223

I think it might be time to get rid of this track. I hate myself.

Still, thanks for all this info guys. I really gotta learn to just stick with vanilla.

Alright cool. I'll keep it JP for now then.
Now it's going to be hard to pop a boner on Kanoko's part knowing she will kill me and dispose my body down the river
Most likely she did fucked you everyday until you've been sucked empty and died. After that she will move on to the new victims.

The whole thing sounds like a generic serial killer plot except she killed you with sex
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Too me it seems like she is fucking others during the time you remain alive. And unless it is confirmed otherwise I don't think I can enjoy this work. Which really sucks because the audio is fucking top tier.

Yay, for me being a weirdo.
translator guy here, it's not explicitly stated but it's implied that she's fucking you literally to death, in one session.
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That does make it better
Shit is fucking fake and I still act like this.
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Haku's solo track's would of made a great virgin audio work. It is the best story of the whole work.
>"Last track the MC rips off her clothes and fucks her senseless while kissing her"

90% sure it is just fingering on the last track.
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>after giving you a handjob, imouto asks for a praise and a headpat
>she asks for your reply on her confession earlier
>you say yes
>pause for 2 seconds and she literally cries
>fucking hug my pillow and rub her head ; ;

The wholy crying thing caught me off guard, but it wasn't such a bad thing. This work is overflowing with vanilla love from imouto, also she also talks about carrying your babies when you are having sex. Seriously the word あかちゃん during sex makes me twenty times harder, it's probably reproductive instinct as a male.

My only gripe is that she could've called me 'Onii-chan' instaed of 'Onii-san', I feel like there's still that gap when you use the '-san', but it's alright. Masaki Phan is one of my top favorites.

This is only 40 minutes, but if you are looking for sweet imouto love, you should check this out lads. Thanks for the upload Voice Anon.

Also, could anyone identify the artist here? I swear I've seen that style and that face.
Also, who the fuck started this retarded thing

>Track 01 - SEon.wav
>Track 01 - SEoff.wav
>Track 01 - SEon.mp3
>Track 01 - SEoff.mp3

I'm starting to see this spread to other circles as well.
It is super annoying. Mainly because I then feel the need to make my own folders for them.
i dont mind if its like that but what ristorante has been doing is just rediculous i cant even enjoy their audios anymore because i dont read moon and their shits way too complicated sometimes. i prefer just the SEon and SEoff. having the wav and mp3 option is fine too.
Does anyone have this voice?
I heard this is nice licking-voice...6 girls licking in shifts.
Does CODE have some blowjobs or its only ears and handjobs?
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It would be so nice if we could dump webms with sound in here. I want to make some myself and share with others. Just imagine the convenience of such feature.
How do I use baidu? Trying to download something less than 200 so according to >>4278282 I shouldn't need an account but it keeps asking for one anyway.
Nobody is stopping you from doing it. Make the webms, upload them on mega or some other file host, and post the link here. It's not really that difficult.
use a dump thread on /gif/. it's the closest thing we can have. that or host it somewhere else.
That sounds great, do you have the code for that?
And why would i do that if i can just upload AN ACTUAL mp3/wav file in there? It's just much easier to click on a webm in the thread than having to download files frome somewhere.

That's a good idea actually, i'll think about it in my spare time.
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There's something that I don't understand. Do you want to share your creations or you just want the ability to post webms on this board? If it's the first option, you can upload them to some file host or do what >>4279429
suggested. If it's the second, you could ask to the 4chan administration to implement what you want (good luck!) or just keep "imagining the convenience of such feature" (Which I obviously don't see, since this is an audio thread on an image board. But I've been told that I'm retarded so maybe it's just me). Anyways, don't get mad at me (pretty please with sugar on top!), you're hurting my feelings dear anon (After all, we love the same thing: voice works!!!). And I won't be able to sleep if somebody who doesn't even knows me is angry at me (actually at my post). Have a nice day, and please let us know where we can take a look at your work, I'm honestly interested!

I get >>4279432 's point, or at least I think I do. It'd be like posting an image as a link instead of uploading it with the post. This is an imageboard and it technically does have webm and audio functionality. Most people probably won't even click on a link.
Yeah, it's not a prostitution.
Nah, im not mad. I love you all, may be i just phrased it badly. And webms arent quite something i could call a creation, im just converting frome one format to the other.
Sorry if my post made you sad. \(*3*)/
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Fuck why did i wrote from with an E at the end again...?
what the fuck
> frome
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Seeing it from that perspective now I can see the convenience of his proposal. Fuck, I'm really retarded.

Don't worry anon. We're on the same thread because we love voice works and that's all I care. Actually, there's no point in getting angry or sad. We're on 4chan, a place in which we should have fun! And now I can see why you made your point about avoiding file hosts. But if this http://blog.4chan.org/post/81896300203/webm-support-on-4chan it's still accurate then there will be no support for sound. Although it's 2 years old. Does any board on 4chan support webms with sound right now?
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He's so cheerful, i want to hug him.
yes, /gif/ does. though i doubt they'd accomodate a request from us to change /h/, these threads are pretty niche.
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Currently listening to RJ178187. Supposedly a hypnotic rhythm work? Sounds more like a schizophrenic making music while smoking pot. Anybody else listened to it? Because it's certainly not working for me, not at all. Maybe I'll try listening to it at night after taking my sleep medication.

It's more like 170MB. Use Jdownloader2, put the URL in link grabber. You'll figure it out from there.
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Voice Anon here. I've found myself really lacking in comfy non-H tracks so I went around and got a bunch of cheap ones. I kept listening to the same stuff and memorizing what they're going to say makes it harder to sleep. Anyway, uploading more stuff. You can find this all on the second Voice Anon MEGA.

RJ166748 【耳かき・マッサージ】君の彼女【吐息】 192.5 MB
Yui Asami gives you a lotion message.

RJ175268 Ear Cleaning Girls Vol.2 111.3 MB
10 different girls clean your ears.

RJ167995 【耳かき・マッサージ】夢から醒めて、君と【癒やし】 221.2 MB
The clerk in the ear cleaning shop, doing what she does best.

RJ175825 【熊本応援】熊本くん、耳かきされるってよ! 573.2 MB
This is a comfy audio made for a charity run for the Kumamoto earthquake that occurred on April 14, 2016. If you can, donate for people in need and not just for vocal semen demons.

RJ176455 Mimisen Charity Drive for Kumamoto -- Let's GIEN (Giving Donation)! in Kemomimi City Piku Piku 2016 678.5 MB
Another charity run for the Kumamoto earthquake disaster. This one contains a compilation of old kemomimi tracks and some new ones. 8 CVs total.

Had a feeling it was fingering at first but the way she reacted through the end of it made my mind go off somewhere else.
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As mentioned before, all of these are Non-H and are mainly sleeping aids.

RJ167832 【期間限定価格】(みみせん・添い寝・子守唄)ロリ猫ちぇんのみみせんや 初見【とうほうや】 169.4 MB
Chen from Touhou cleans your ears and helps you catch some Zs.

RJ177630 Ear Cleaning, In A Dream. 107.2 MB
Mimikaki (ear cleaning) on the lap of your soothing girlfriend, who is called Mimiko (lit., "Dream Girl"). Personal attention ASMR.

RJ177361 【耳かき】夏の幻想【名古屋弁】 113.3 MB
A young lady who speaks in a Nagoya dialect cleans your ears.

RJ176226 【耳かき・添い寝】君と秘密の時間【おまけ有り】 300.2 MB
Yui Asami plays a tsundere that lays down with you in the infirmary and has a quiet chat while you fall asleep.

RJ174609 Welcome to Milky Way Ear Cleaning Cafe. 372.5 MB
3 clerks at a message parlor give you the healing treatment. Each track being pretty lengthy (40+ minutes).

Have a safe and comfy weekend /h/.

No problem anon. Hope you enjoy these as much as I will.
not him but thank you very much
Always down for some non-H. Thanks Voice Anon!

Holy. Shit.
It is a 9/10 vanilla work. If the HJ was more than just "shiko shiko" and it wasn't mono, then it'd be a 10/10 for sweetness.
Top kek.
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I want to suggest to those who love ear liking to try this RJ166292. I felt some things like i never felt before.
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RJ154893 アンドロイドお姉ちゃんの囁き射精管理プログラム

I bought RJ154893 and RJ176579 but it seems like there is a link for RJ176579 already. Whatever, I'm just trying to contribute a little. Thanks to Voice Anon and other anons for sharing all the contents, greatly appreciated.

Looking to buy more M audios that still can't be found on internet. I like nipple play, hypnosis, footjob, prostate... everything you can think that relates to M. I'm just a horny college student, so I don't have too much funds to buy.
Thank you, my M friend.

the heck

Holy hell, thanks for that. I've download RJ154893 twice from different sources and both times it was a false file!

I'm gonna upload some M stuff soon. Look forward to RJ163433, RJ150519, RJ175865 (although it's fucking huge. I'll try to compress it), RJ175873, RJ170753, RJ102292. RJ172905, and RJ166657.

Anons, please let me know if some of them are already available, so that I don't have to upload them.
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Okay, here's the first one



Gonna upload more soon.

P.S. Could someone who knows moonrunes describe what's happening in each file? I read some of the descriptions for RJ166292 that anon translated and it was awesome.
>tfw you will never pat makotos tummy
Daily reminder that if you didn't listen to at least 30 of top 100 voice works on dlsite then you're pleb.
a real life umaru
If you have anymore from this タロイモ本舗 circle, feel free to post em.
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I would hope everyone has tried that one. There's a reason why it's one of the most downloaded products on DLsite.

I really like Doskoinpo's art. But like many artists he's taking his stuff to twitter since Pixiv is becoming more and more annoying. Soon I'm going to have to make a twittelr account just to follow artists. Just like Tumblr.
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I'm gay and you all should be too. Inshallah.
Just a heads up in case anyone else runs into this problem. I was having trouble downloading something from a baidu folder whose url was "yiyun.baidu.com/share/....", but JDownloader wouldn't recognize it. I changed the yiyun to "pan", and that did the trick for JDownloader.

This was the folder. It's the only place I could find RJ147005.

Comfy voice threads have been long dead, anon.


Don't mention her in these ero threads

She's too pure, too gentle.

>Likely story considering that it's impossible to recreate vertical positioning with a normal dummy head microphone because of the way we locate sounds.

I ain't saying you wrong, but sometimes some spooky shit happens and I can very, very. clearly tell that they're above or below me.

Though I can never tell if they're behind or in front.
How do humans differentiate it then?
shit dude, i was just wishing to get the chen one and out of god's doing you bought it, im very grateful
Humans depend on the changes in the sound waves due to the pinnae of the ears (and a bit on your body with how it'll reflect off your body parts and travel through your ear canal etc) to determine vertical positioning if I remember correctly. Upon changing the pinnae of the ears with implants or surgery, it was found that people were unable to determine the vertical positions of sounds. After a couple of weeks however, you can get accustomed to the shape of the pinnae and regain vertical position awareness but you'd have to constantly get used to it. So unless you have a binaural mic that has similar body proportions and ears similar to you then you're shit out of luck unless you listen to asmr constantly and even then you're probably lose your tingles by then so there would be no point.
anyone who has it? RJ170455
>lose your tingles

I have lost them, but sometimes a breathy whisper/sound (like when the girl breathes in right before sticking her mouth on your ear) surprises me I get to feel the tingles again for a little bit. I actually wish I could stop listening to voice works and ASMR, but once I started listening to them 24/7 stopping makes everything feel too quite. The days where I don't listen to anything are when a new game comes out. Even while reading I listen to this stuff.

I wish I could stop, but I just can't.
ASMR is just another tool government use to control and pacify your behavior, like the PROZAC in the chemtrails and the tap water chlorine
/pol/ pls go
>tfw you will never marry a PPOMO
>ASMR is just shit
thanks anon \[T]/
thanks a lot anon!
have a comfy weekend too
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ASMR is a meme.

Sometimes I feel like I could really go for one of those girlfriend audios, then there are times when I just can't stand them.
Good thing this is just audio porn then.
Lower BJ sounds and right position could be well found in this work by Ayaka. Enjoy http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ157634.html
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Any recommendations for when the girl is on the receiving side? Getting mind broken or something?

Like this one?
thanks for your sharing!
SE is pretty crap though :<. What a waste of Yui's voice
I bet you think Kana Hanazawa is a good seiyuu too.
>tfw no nazi gf to belittle me while giving me a footjob
why live
Anyone have RJ177859 ?
Anyone have this? RJ174448
The link is here: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ174448.html
Well I've had enough. I'm going to fix the Voice Anon pastebin. It hasn't been updated in like 3 months. Wish me luck people, I may not return alive.

>Tfw no titty monster gf who loves giving titjobs
what does this mean? i cant speak moon for shit
She's just saying 'Ah, got it wrong'.
i do
The power of a voice actress.

From which work was this by the way?
First one
/gif/ and /wsg/ both support sound and 4MB files, instead we plebs get 3MB file limit and no sound support.
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Holy shit, my limbs are still spaghetti after listening to pic related.
Abstaining for less than 2 days and I nearly got an HFO (at least it felt like an orgasm drawn out over 20 minutes).
RJ168030 has got to be the best doctor roleplay I've encountered and I can't understand moon to save my life.
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Anybody got some good futa or nursing handjob recommendations?

a few good futa works imo

futas are gay
Sometimes when I feel naughty I open my dickless futa folder
> not opening fully-clothed hentai folder
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Help me out guys. Is there anything like that:
Something like whispering with backgrond fire noise, or rain. Quiet singing is fine too.
>Check up on the thread to see if I could get some new Non-H audio for sleep tonight
Much appreciated
So.... what do we do now that fgts.jp is rip?
I have found http://yuki.la/, but it doesn't use Fuuka or FoolFuuka and navigation is quite hard, but the threads have been archived there, for sure.
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>Tfw the audio completely doesn't match what's actually happening to the point that you wish it didn't even have a sound effect on it
anyone have?
I posted this in the last thread. It's a backup of threads 11 through 34.
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Next month.
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so the MEGA for RJ176066 is down, and the baidu seems to have an irregular password -- does anyone have this?
That seems to only go up to January of this year, and as you said is impossible to navigate.

That's not really an easy way to search past threads for things.
that was fast
Did you purchase that? Thank you so much!
It's on AS. Try reading the OP next time.
Here's some voice thread archived from the first thread that are available online. http://pastebin.com/G5eVB8zW

The missing ones can be found >>4276293 Thanks to that anon.
So the only ones missing now are 9 and 10?
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Love Live
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you guys know any tomboy stuffs? i need my fix right now
Wow, that's some dedication.
>draw a boy
>call it a girl

23, 24, and 25 are also on yuki.
that should be BEITO goddammit, learn to engrish
oops thanks for correcting. Here's a new link http://pastebin.com/pEy5VYAS
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Can a nigah have a link for it?
sorry i help only white ppl
That's racist, anon.
He is black so it isn't racist, anon.
How does that work?
Maybe he identifies as white, then it's racist.
I like this spirit world inn full of little girls. I hope Kasane will be back.
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Voice Anon Folder has been updated a little. First I'm going back and giving older links descriptions and DLsite links. If it has a link to the english site, I'm linking that one instead for easier consumption. However the links to the JP DLsite have better descriptions most of the time. I'm still not finished but I'm randomly working on it through out the day. Later on I'll go back and fix all the links that say [updated] and some of the ones that were deleted. I'll most likely need to create a new MEGA for that but it's not much of a problem. I also fixed the broken link for the second Voice Anon MEGA. It was a broken link for the longest time and I didn't even bother to check if it worked.

Anyways I added a few works. Most are old but I think one of them is brand new.

If there's any idea on how I can improve the Pastebin besides adding descriptions then I'll like to know. Also I finished RJ177627 last night. I think you guys should give it a try, I definitely enjoyed it.
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Meant the pastebin was updated.
>RJ177630 Ear Cleaning, In A Dream
holy shit isn't it 雁庵うずめ of momoirocode?
The listed VA's different in DLsite, but it sure sounds similar.
maybe she works under other alias
File deleted.
Alright /voice/, help me out here. I have no idea why, but the mega folder I shared completely wiped the same mega folder on my account. Why does this happen? The two folders are apparently linked though because I uploaded two new works but you guys are going to find the "UNDECRYPTED FILE" errors.

Pic related. Please help me fix this.

>The belly button makes it lewd
Holy shit I never realized this.

I think it has to do with the shape of our ears. They redirect and alter sound in different ways depending on where the source is. Binaural mics don't really have all the fleshy bits to do that though so what's recorded sounds like it's just something coming directly into our ears.
Left-right panning is an easy gimmick to create (part of the charm of ASMR is the slight unnaturality of this) but any sort of panning with the vertical plane is difficult. Depth is easier to create, but getting it to sound like it's coming from in front of you or behind you requires a bit more work.

This one actually isn't. Part 1 has dead links and I don't think AS likes sharing beyond their adbucks.
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>Binaural mics don't really have all the fleshy bits

tl;dr they can have them.

This is supposed to be an archive of #11 to #34, but I don't know how to open it, aside from squinting at the tiny thumbnails.

Thanks in advance.
Any h-voices of Camilla? The purple-haired girl from Fire Emblem?
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I bet you don't know who is her seiyuu.
It doesn't work like that.

99%+ of the stuff in these threads is original characters. Or even more.
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> CV 大山チロル 様

Funny hearing her use this kind of voice. I'm so used to hearing her have a deeper, sultry voice.
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The only characters that are not originals are Touhou characters. And so far I've only seen works done for Chen, Patcholi, and Satori.
RJ138363 is quite probably Log Horizon. But still, they're rare exceptions.
Saw a K-on one once. For Azunyan.
Wouldn't happen to have the code to that, would you?

I'd kill for a Remilia audio.


>liking library bitch

Are all of these in Japanese?
Does anyone have RJ172209 ?
It seems to be very very 最the高 contents

asked every goddamn thread.
>asking this in a viatnamese-mongolian image textboard
What can I say? Something about her just gets me going.

Also, fuck you.
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I was expecting more of an emotionless voice. But what I got I liked.
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For non-h Touhou stuff, アールグレイ has quite a lot of releases. Mostly sleeping together-type things, and even some love confessions.

Even for Remilia.
>three works
That's a lot better than just a code. Many thanks!
Does anyone have this?

check ur spam folder
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Fuck yeah! Thanks.

Part 7 and 8 are great. 10 and 11 have terrible audio. White noise doesn't bother me usually but the constant switching on/off (10/11 only) takes me right out of comfort town.

Still, this work has one of my favorite things which is gentle kissing. I like it way more than the 'erotic' sloppy kissing. Wish I had more works with the gentle kisses.
where's this gif from?
Pretty sure there was a youtube channel that had a fair number of their recordings uploaded, it got nuked midway through last year unfortunately, you got any decent codes handy? I'm getting paid soon and might grab some if I can't find them elsewhere.
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No codes, unfortunately, as they don't sell stuff on dlsite as far as I know. They usually sell at conventions like Comiket or Reitaisai, and also on melonbooks.

http://www.kuukunen.net/toh/%5b%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AC%E3%82%A4%5d/ has most stuff up to 2011. The rest can be found floating around online.
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Motherly Love folder anon here. I bought some new voice works over the weekend.

Mother lusts after her own son and wants to monopolize him (in a stalkerish kinda way). The last part has the mother mention someone named "Mari". I don't understand enough of the dialogue to know who she is, but I think "Mari" is some girl you know from school who might be crushing on you.

Sequel to the previous work. Your father remarries and you get a new, bijin step-mother. Some pseudo-NTR goes on as the stepmom tries to steal you from your real mother.

Lots of "haramasete"s as you get to the later parts.
do you think the gun clicking is giving her tingles?
No beggerinos pls anyone remember a work where your older sister slips in some sleeping drugs into your dinner, then proceeds to do as she pleases?
Ones that tickle her survival instincts.
One of the works in RJ137702 perhaps?
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thanks! I love me some mothers.
Any good stuff with an undead girl?
Zombie vore? With munch, chewing sfx?
Not what I had in mind but I'll take it anyway.
I've got a feeling it's RJ090027.
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This might sound dumb, but is there any issue with uploading to MEGA? Like, I always have that fear of, "What if I get caught?" I don't really have much to share tho. Only bought 3 things, and they might have already been uploaded before.
Caught by who? I'm sure the VA is above 18.
Not because of age. Like, (fuck this is gonna sound sooo 2001) file sharing is illegal, right?
That's not going to happen. At worst you'll get your files removed.
Maybe you'll get caught by the FBI or fined by some troll copyright companies but usually they only care about american movies and/or music. Niche Japanese porn audio is ok.
Anyone know this one's code? I used to have it but lost it. Also who's the VA and does she have more? ALSO also what happened to this channel?

RJ138490 from Momoiro Code. From searching around, I found out Hakobera's seiyuu changed from part 3 onwards. The one you posted is part 2, so you're looking for 藤村咲樹.

Wow, I've had Momoiro's stuff for a while now and never realized...
>Checking stuff from Momoiro code
>Size was like 4-5 GBs for each archives

Were there THAT big of a difference in quality between MP3s and WAVs ?
Not that I'm complaining tho, but sometimes it's a hassle to clear out some space on my hard drive.
Do YOU notice any difference? If you don't, then eliminate the wavs. If you want to keep the wavs, convert them to flac to save space. Or even better buy a new HDD.
You can always convert them to your format of choice. Better quality:size ratio than if you take the circle's mp3s.
Personally I much prefer wav. MP3 sound a bit artificial to me
In this case (Momoiro code) The difference were mostly subtle, IMO.
Guess I'll try and convert the WAVs before allocating some fund for a new HDD.
Extract the .rar and open the HTML files in your browser.
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does anyone have http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ165642.html?
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anybody have http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ175541.html?
i have been seach long time
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>Patcholi x2
>One is busty and breast feeds you while the other spoils you and gives you a handjob

This just wont do. Just from the description alone my dick is at attention. And I thought my dick was dead today.
New thread.

There's always FLAC, so you're not losing anything.
Any recommendations based on http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ174230.html

The audio was produced in such a way that it creates vibrations; which are best listened to with over-the-ear headphones.
The vibrations creates an ultra-realistic feeling, as though the person was right next to you.

I haven't been able to find anything as ultra-realistic as this was. Even the ones created by the same group were not as strong of an ultra-realistic feeling.

The important details seem to be "high fidelity", "dummy head", "no noise reduction", "ultra realistic environmental sound". And that the audio is binaural.
RJ175766 plz

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