As the title suggests I was banned (boo hoo) from r/WTF for saying "The Original DIN DU NUFFIN" In a gif of some shooting a blank gun at Mohammed Ali in a group of people, then I got banned (boo hoo) for "racism" even though I didn't mention or even imply anything about race. I asked the Moderator what was racist and he didn't even try to do so. Then he muted me from messaging the mod team for 72 hours. For those of you who don't know "DIN DU NUFFIN" is a reference to Ghetto and trashy people of ANY RACE complaining about the killing of (usually) a family member; nothing racist about my comment. At first I was like " Oh well, I was banned from a shitty sub" But then I looked at the mods Reddit history. He has removed posts, banned users, and removed comments he deemed "racist" even though IMO none of them were. Just wanted to vent about this and get your opinions on this. Here are some Pictures of evidence:
[–]AutoModerator[M] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)