Transgenderism is a mental illness based in delusion and a complete divorce from reality.
Males and females come into the world as they are, and there is no way to change that fact. The idea that there is some imaginary, elusive over-soul separate from a person's real, biological sex called 'gender' is nothing more than a fantasy. Transgenderism is a delusion - an obviously untrue belief.
As such, the same methodology which is applied to other delusion-related mental illnesses ought to apply to transgenderism. We must not feed their morbid delusions as it is both morally and medically irresponsible to allow a mentally ill person to harm themselves or others in an attempt to tailor reality to their delusional beliefs.
Abortion is infanticide.
Only the evil and psychopathic murder innocent people for sake of convenience. Those who wantonly slaughter their own children, and those who support such acts, have forsaken their humanity.
Exceptions are in cases of incest (inbreeding is counter to the principle of sexual reproduction), rape (being raped means you did not choose to invoke your right to conceive a child, and by extension are exempt from the responsibilities associated) and where the mother will die if the pregnancy is not terminated.
Addiction is a weakness, not an illness.
Everyone has a similar propensity to be an addict; there is no person who does not derive pleasure from consuming feel-good chemicals. There are only people who choose to live a noble life which brings self-worth and pride, and those who choose to take the degenerate's path, sully their family name and land in a bottomless pit of despair.
Addicts are a plague on welfare systems, families and life itself. They have been derided by philosophers and common men alike for thousands of years because of their vulgar, insatiable and selfish hedonism. They attack their own civilizations with their abhorrent apathy and outright disrespect. We must give stern encouragement towards complete repentance of their degeneracy, not sympathy for their continued capitulation to temptations and primal urges.
[–]xfLyFPSPOZstonia 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]NietzyzzcheTolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)