If you care about clean water in Flint, how can you turn around and support fracking? We need to put an end to fracking across our country.
16:25 - 2016年6月5日
Holy Jeebus @OlyJeebus
@BTM125 @BernieSanders Wow. Bernie Sanders is exactly like Hitler, thanks for showing me the truth... pic.twitter.com/kW8HoBUnVn
Mari Lynch @MariLynch
@BernieSanders Many of us in Monterey County are very grateful to #BernieSanders for speaking out here re: fracking. http://marilynch.com/blog/call-for-moratorium-on-hydraulic-fracking-in-monterey-county.html
Shit Hillary Says @shitHRCsays
@BernieSanders Hillary doesn't give a shit about clean water. http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/hillary-clinton-spotlighting-crisis-flint-michigan-voted-against-measure-prevent