全 27 件のコメント

[–]the0clean0slate 10ポイント11ポイント  (8子コメント)

Don't believe their hype about refugees. It is just typical racist white male hysteria.

See this related post.

Hypocrisy of the white man: European migrant crisis vs Asian sexpat crisis

You should actually be sympathetic to the migrants' situation. They are poor and desperate as fuck. What the white males are doing is 100x worse in Asia and those spoiled privileged fucks deserve zero sympathy

[–]Suiko_no_shin 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

sexual assault in Europe due to migrants is really bad though.

[–]the0clean0slate 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

How many European children have these migrant molested up to now? I think this ONE British guy have them all beat.


The white "migrants" are literally 100 times worse, molesting, raping, exploiting more children a day than the MENA migrants has ever done, while only getting a tiny fraction of the backlash and the bad press.

White males simply complain much louder. You see them barking about the cologne new years eve incidence for weeks. These are top worldnews. Do you see the above link rise to the top on reddit or in news media in general? There are thousands of these fucking white males in Southeast Asia. How many are covered up and ignored?

[–]Suiko_no_shin 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm not downplaying the sexual assaults by sexpats but at the same time I'm not downplaying the sexual assaults by migrants either. This is not a contest.  


That's just Germany. Check this out:

[–]the0clean0slate 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

We shouldn't worry about their issue. That's what I am saying.

My personal opinion is that the crimes of the migrants are just racist exaggerations, as typical because white males are simply the loudest about their concerns in media, despite trying to portray themselves as victims of being "silenced". Most of the influential media in the west are owned by white males.

[–]Suiko_no_shin 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We shouldn't worry about their issue. That's what I am saying.

They're not Asia so in a sense, I agree. The victims are white women though and they're not the racist white women we've come to know in America. To some extent I do feel for them.

[–]fuccboi888[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm not against the migrants, they can cuck whitey all they want. But let's not deny that Asia is too kind to sexpats at the moment (yes, even China), and if this gets out of hand my predictions can be very plausible, because pressure exerted on white men from the muslim invaders in Europe can cause a spillage towards the path of least resistance, in this case the all too accommodating Asian countries. East Asia must be warned that they need to divert this path of least resistance away from themselves by not bending over backwards to white people so much. So it's important to come up with the proper precautions against a very likely scenario ahead of time.

[–]thetemples 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The US created the mess in Syria and the middle east, so the US should let in all the refugees.

[–]4EverLevel1_2345 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

How can white men save Asian women if they can't even save their own women from the refugees?

We should throw their stupid SJW language back into their face. They try to enforce their ideals onto the East, that is not democracy, that is "cultural imperialism". If they argue that it is good, then you ask why did you leave your so called "homeland which isn't a shithole yet you move to a place you insist is a shithole".

The reality is not their delusion and reality don't coexist. Asians in Asia aren't docile at all. The people are nicer, but once those Asians act out of line against the sexpat, they are deem "rude". Rudeness to sexpat is the ultimate offense, much more so than pedophilia and sex tourism. But those nice Asians will get fed up with the white BS even now.

China is seeing how much of a shithole America is with its falling infrastructure, economy, welfare, healthcare, education, etc. Asia see how Europe isn't even Europe anymore and the "European reputation" doesn't even exist anymore. Japan and South Korea is sick of US military on their land, and US trying to get them to conduct drills in the South China Sea to piss off their neighbor China for more tension. US is overstretching their military spending without any war in the Pacific, so they stir up tension.

Feminism isn't bad, it's just sexpat use it to try to emasculate Asian men in their own country. The white women in asian countries should use feminism as a beating stick to show how sexpat are trying to exploit people using their reputation that doesn't correspond to reality.

Asian countries should let in women from Europe as refugees. Because sexpat already have a ruin reputation, you don't want anymore sexpat to ruin the "gentlemen" reputation of Hollywood that sexpat breaks every single day.

[–]fuccboi888[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Feminism isn't bad, it's just sexpat use it to try to emasculate Asian men in their own country. The white women in asian countries should use feminism as a beating stick to show how sexpat are trying to exploit people using their reputation that doesn't correspond to reality.

Yeah, I wasn't saying the sexpats utilize true feminism. They rely on the twisted Anna Lu feminism of labeling all white men as progressive and all Asian men as patriarchal misogynists.

[–]Libertarian-Party 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I admire the quote by Putin where he says "[migrants] need Russia, Russia doesn't need [Migrants]." Switch Russia with greater Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Thailand) and it still applies. Let the ones with strong job skill-sets in, and only in small numbers, make sure you DON'T give them citizenship, only residency and reap the benefits of migrant (white) work, while keeping most of the jobless useless ones away, or deported. Luckily Asia is mostly uncucked and the feminist liberal counterparts in Asia have no say unlike in dumb white Europe.

[–]lol_at_Amerika 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Residency/citizenship can be granted to foreign women marrying Asian men, but NEVER to foreign men marrying Asian women.

[–]thatjpbrguy 5ポイント6ポイント  (6子コメント)

I say we let them sink, only european women should be allowed. There's too many white guys in Asia right now, you don't see female expats behaving like them.

[–]Libertarian-Party 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

It's not reverse sexism; Remember, in old times, raiders or the victorious army would take the women and kill/enslave the enemy males so that they would be victorious. It is considered a victory for Asians if we let in a large majority of white females only, while we keep the men out. They will assimilate, and we will win.

[–]thatjpbrguy 6ポイント7ポイント  (3子コメント)

Asian countries MUST keep the sexpats out, sexpats in asian countries means nothing but trouble. Some user on /r/hapas said that an american man (he was accompanied by 2 other american men and two asian women) started shouting "USA USA USA USA USA" inside a Buddhist temple while people were praying, this is how they show "respect".

[–]Libertarian-Party 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

wouldn't white women still create hapas though?

[–]thatjpbrguy 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sure but bloodline comes from the father, having an asian dad while growing up makes all the difference because the asian dad is someone who can relate to his hapa son and vice-versa.

3 half-japanese criminals, guess the 'common denominator':


3 successful half-japanese guys, guess the 'common denominator':


[–]ShanghaiSIPG 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Was this shit in Thailand

[–]ShanghaiSIPG 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's too many white guys in Asia right now, you don't see female expats behaving like them.

Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines are filled with them.

[–]TheCalmMorning 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Does more immigrants to Europe mean they'll be coming to Asia though? What makes you think so? Otherwise, this is a great post.

[–]fuccboi888[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You can see sexpats already trying to impose the very social justice tactics they despise onto Asia in the sexpat forums when they complain about how racist Asia is.

Also this thread shows how sexpats condemn China for racism from the detergent commercial, which is hypocritical since sexpats are the biggest racists:


And this thread showing how a sexpat claims feminism was destructive in the west yet Korea needs feminism, which is obvious double talk.


So I'm guessing the sexpats already in Asia now are trying to pave the way for a mass white flight to Asia of only white males by hypocritically utilizing what they accuse the Jews of doing to them to fulfill their "neocolonialist" agenda of replacing Asian men with white men and converting Asia into a colossal whitey harem fuckfest.

[–]dragon_descended 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think Asian men in Asia would wake up if a mass immigration of Europeans happened. It's already starting with white losers getting bashed in Asia. More of them their will create more lol. White men will never rule Asia, no matter how godlike or alpha they think they are, they will never be made genuine CEO's by Asian men. White men in Asia can only get as far as an Asian man will let them

[–]Leetenghui 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Quite funny :D

The solution is to 1835 it. In 1835 China had all the good stuff. As such they didn't want anything produced by anybody else other than precious metals.

Improving out education, technology and standard of living means that once they have nothing to offer us then why should we even need to consider them?

It's like the misguided foreigner! I'm going to learn Chinese/Korean/Japanese whatever and climb the greasy pole wherever. Many are quickly shot down when an employer asks why should I hire you?

I can speak Chinese.



This exact same thing happens today when foreigners are put into glass boxes. While the chads enjoy the flood preventing them from sinking into oblivion the box prevents them from moving anywhere upwards, sideways even opening their own companies.

[–]Roving_redditor 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

As I said elsewhere I really don't think it will come to that. Europe being overrun, no. Overburdened, yes. But let's say for fun argument's sake the worst case scenario occurs, Asia can simply stonewall that shit, and that will be that.

Europe, because of liberal rhetoric present in politics, have pressures creating the obligation to let refugees in (apparently, sometimes their slightly left of right, fake "liberalism" can still bite themselves in the ass). China, for example, have none of that. The Chinese government does what it wants (for better or worse), and when they say "no can do" it's case closed and done deal.

[–]fuccboi888[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

HOly Shit guys! I saw this thread upvoted up to 3 and now it's back down to 0! The sexpats are riled up from all the truth exposed here! They don't want their plan to be foiled! Guys, please vote this thread back up! The message here is imperative!

[–]lol_at_Amerika 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Let in young, and thin white women ONLY. ridicule and boycott anyone or any company promoting white male SMV.

[–]ShanghaiSIPG 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Shoot them. Proper border control and if the Asian men in power aren't total cucks, they would do it. Also, there are Western Europeans fleeing to Hungary and Central Europe so no, its only parts of Europe that are getting fucked my Muslims (Britain,Sweden, France, & Germany) but not all of Europe. Hungary, Poland, and Eastern Europe will have a lot of white refugees on their hands so no, they won't be coming to Asia en masse. There are Germans already in Hungary as we speak......http://hungarytoday.hu/news/mirror-migration-germans-moving-hungary-fear-migrants-20317