This is a sub for people who lack romantic relationships and sex, but mostly geared to those lacking a serious girlfriend and wanting to find marriage with a good wife.
Rules - I accept no apologies that you were ignorant of them:
1) No trolling and insults without any content
I am fine with an occasional insult if you have arguments in your post. I am not fine with nothing but insults.
2) No stupidity and extreme rudeness
Basically, anybody from dens of lunatics like SRS won't last here. Also, don't diagnose people online, as it can't be done even if you're a psychiatrist.
3) No laziness - read before you ask/comment
I won't reply to same old shit for the 213414th time.
4) No defining incel as merely a lack of sex or comparing it to less important deprivations
Also, no denial that incel doesn't exist (if you believe a lack of romantic relationships/sex doesn't exist you're already a nutjob). Also, no trivializing of incel and comparing it to a lack of peanuts or whatever.
5)** No unfunny, puerile jokes**
You're likely not funny.
6) No vicious personal attacks with no arguments
Keep your anger and lack of civility to yourself.
7) No nonsensical posts/spamming
Airheads and retards will be banned.
8) No nonsensical posts/spamming
Airheads and retards will be banned.
9)No empty platitudes
Write about actual, tangible stuff, not some batshit phrases one can't implement in real life found in fortune cookies.
10) No brigading or attacking this place on other subs
Also, if mods here are banned on your sub you're automatically banned here. Same with reporting some member of this sub to authorities or admins. If they're committing a crime I will deal with them myself. You can warn me but that's all you can do.