Slightly embarrassed to say I have attempted this conversation more than a few times.
There's an old saying that you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into... which is obviously right. But combine a purely emotional reaction with a lifetime of beta-male validation and you have a perfect storm of stupid.
TFM has made this point numerous times and I agree... women have not changed. Our society changed by removing the constraints on the worst of female nature; celebrating it even. But what caused this change?
Fucking thirsty beta males simping for pussy has always been a thing, but with the advent of technologies which concentrate and amplify our social interactions beyond the borders of your own town, we have opened the Pandora's box of cucks everywhere and unleashed female narcissism and hypergamy.
Most women are unable to comprehend this dynamic in any meaningful way, and are only aware of how the experience feels.
So we all become victims of our own success... the prosperity men have gifted to the world is a double-edged sword it seems. It's the law of unintended consequences manifest...
Take instant global communication for example; men use this capability to collaborate and accomplish things previously unthinkable, (think remote surgery, open-source projects, remote learning etc.), while our women use it for an endless validation machine reinforcing their own narcissistic nature.
TradCons and even PUA's are trying to close the barn doors after the horses have already left. Good luck with that...