There is a very common tendency even in Men's Rights circles to claim that women are horribly oppressed in Islamic societies. As I write this, there is a sticky on the front page urging feminists to go where they are supposedly needed -- to countries like Saudi Arabia. When Lauren Southern protested the Slut walk, she held up a sign reading "there is no rape culture in the West," implying that there is a rape culture in the east. Maybe in war zones. But in Saudi Arabia, for example, rape is punishable by death, and female on male rape isn't recognized at all.
To her great credit, Karen Straughan has attempted to bring nuance to this issue, annoying some conservatives in the process. She points out that men in Islamic societies make the same claim about the West, namely that we oppress our women. The tendency of society A to claim that society B oppresses their women is so common that it's remarkable there isn't a term for it in the social sciences. The closest I've seen is Edward Said's work on Orientalism, or the general tendency to portray non-Western or non-civilized cultures as barbaric.
The issue of women and Islam is made more complicated by the fact that there is a propaganda war underway between the West and Israel on the one hand and the Muslim world on the other. One of the documents released by Wikileaks revealed a CIA psywar campaign specifically designed to highlight "female oppression" in Afghanistan in order to encourage otherwise skeptical Westerners to support the war effort.
This is certainly nothing new. DW. Griffith's film "Birth of a Nation" essentially resurrected the KKK in the 1920's by portraying a black man raping a white woman (indeed the majority of lynchings during Reconstruction and beyond were sparked by false rape allegations - so much for "listen and believe"). Propaganda films during WWI showed bloodthirsty huns raping women and throwing babies out windows. Soviet propaganda films showed Americans mistreating their women. And so on and so forth. The reason these "women in peril" propaganda campaigns are so effective is because all societies are more or less gynocentric. We care much more about the well being of women and children than we do about men.
What happens in war zones is not the norm, obviously. However it is telling that when a group of women are raped or enslaved or killed by ISIS it becomes front page news, whereas when men and boys are killed it is just background noise. Same with drone attacks. When a man or teenaged boy above the age of fourteen is killed by a drone attack he is automatically labeled a "militant", whereas women and children are automatically classified as "civilian." The common phrase repeated after a mass casualty event, "including women and children", tells us all we need to know about which sex is truly valued.
Are Muslim societies patriarchal or gynocentric? The paradoxical answer is both. In terms of the relationship between the sexes they are not much different from Western nations during the 19th Century.
Here is a superb three part series by Ayam Sirias entitled "MGTOW vs Islam." It dispels a lot of the myths about women in Muslim societies, and also examines how gynocentrism can result in such radically different results depending on culture, technological advancement and other factors.
Lest anyone think I am trying to defend Islamist regimes, I am an atheist. There are certainly no shortage of legitimate criticisms of Islam and other religions, including the manner in which BOTH sexes are treated by holy texts. I do think that an egalitarian gender debate would be helpful in Islamic countries, but frankly it's none of my business. As for sending our feminists to Saudi Arabia, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. ;)
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