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The radical notion that women are adults

I kind of hope Johnny Depp DID punch Amber Heard – I’m guessing she begged for it

One of the things I find most annoying whenever the topic of domestic violence comes up is the idea that men should never, ever hit women; that masculinity itself depends on never smacking a chick no matter how badly she asks for it. It’s just so damn patronizing. The idea that women should never, ever be hit is infantilizing. We’re not children, and we are perfectly capable of provoking and deserving a slap across the head, just as men are. This attitude is particularly frustrating in the context of martial arts training, but surprisingly common. Lots of men will not spar enthusiastically with women, out of fear of ‘hurting’ us. Well, getting punched hurts. It’s supposed to hurt. Experience is a great teacher – get the fuck offside, learn to slip, block and angle away. Reluctant ‘gentlemen’ on the mats are not doing me any favors by refusing to punch at level. Obviously, no one expects anyone else to go 100% on anyone, man or woman, but going way too light on women is shitty training that harms more than it helps.
This whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard story smells like gold digger bullshit, but I have to say, the defense of Depp as being too much of a gentleman to ever hit a woman is just the flip side of the coin above. I can understand Depp’s daughter coming to his defense, insisting that her Daddy is gentle and lovely and would never hurt her, but why the fuck shouldn’t he hit Amber, if she asked for it? Depp has a rather checkered past when it comes to violence, after all. He’s been known to trash a few hotel rooms, get arrested for bar fights, and just generally wreak havoc wherever he goes. Depp’s former wife, Vanessa Paradis, has written a letter indicating that Depp was never once violent with her during their 14 years marriage and relationship, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t violent with Heard. There’s actually a very good, and likely explanation for why Depp was completely non-violent with Paradis, but slap-happy with Heard: he’s a man who doesn’t hit first, but he does hit back.
Whether a woman hits a man first is an excellent predictor of whether a woman is going to experience domestic violence: turns out that plenty of men don’t buy into the whole ‘never hit a woman’ crap, and most certainly will hit a woman who hits them, as they bloody well should.
As in many studies of IPV, the OYS found that much IPV is bidirectional (meaning both are violent), and in unidirectional abusive relationships, the women were more likely to be abusive than the men.
The study found that a young woman’s IPV was just as predictive of her male partner’s future IPV as the man’s own past IPV. In other words, whereas we often think of men as the only abusers and also as serial abusers, the OYS found that a woman’s violence against her man was as predictive of his violence to her as his own history of violence.
Those same men will go on to have peaceful, non-violent relationships with other partners, provided the new partner doesn’t hit them.
Moreover, the study found that men’s physical aggression changes significantly when they find a new partner. Instead of a man being either a batterer or not, often it was his female partner’s violence or nonviolence which heavily influenced whether he would be violent to her.
A simple solution to domestic violence? Teach women not to hit men.
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I’m guessing that Heard took a swing at Johnny, and got served back what she served up. Let’s think for a moment about why she might want to do that: three days after Depp’s mother died, Heard filed for divorce, and requested spousal support. The couple had no pre-nup, and Heard stands to walk away with millions and millions of Johnny’s fortune. After a marriage that lasted a whopping 15 months. The timing was epically shitty and Heard came off as a complete and utter cunt. She was getting some bad press, and then lo and behold, the DV story materialized. Now Heard is the innocent victim, Depp is the monster and no one wants to talk about the truckload of cash this little whore is gonna walk away with. Look at her face, coming out of a four hour meeting with her lawyer. She’s just busted up over this, isn’t she?
On the balance of probability, I think Depp probably did whack the little bitch, and I think she deserved at least that much. Depp is an idiot, obviously, for marrying the little tart, and for being so egotistical he actually believed she was in love with anything other than his money, fame and influence. Not having a pre-nup is on him, and he is a moron, full stop. Depp is no innocent, fleeced victim here, is what I’m saying. He was a fool, and he will pay for that. But Heard isn’t innocent here either. Far from it. She is going to waltz off with millions of dollars she didn’t earn and is not entitled to by any sane definition of marriage. After 15 months, what exactly did she contribute to that wealth? She suckered a rich man into marrying her, whispered the sweet nothings she needed to whisper to cash in, and he fell for it.
That’s on him. 100%
But why the fuck should those millions be free? Why should Heard get to rape Depp’s bank account and tarnish his reputation and future earning potential and cast him as the monster?
Depp was a fool and fell for a beautiful face, as many man have done before him. He will pay for that foolishness to the tune of possibly $20 million dollars. And Heard?
All it cost her was a light bash across the face that scarcely even bruised her.
$20M for a little redness that disappeared two days later?
I’d take it.
And obviously, so would Heard.
Nice work, if you can get it.
Lots of love,

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        • Eva Fosse 34 minutes ago
          my god, you really are an uncultured, primitive woman. have you never heard of the old, aristocratic custom of honour that denands that a true lady should slap a man when he insults her honour or cheats on her? if she does not, then it insinuates that she is a whore (and usable\rapable) or that she commends extramarital affairs. a born and bred gentleman is supposed to take this humiliation without hitting baxk, because he is the stronger sex. he needs lik he does in the military, in order to control and purify his innate masculine dominance. a weak female hand is his guide in this. american trash culture has made us forget the attitude of being a lady or a gentleman. it should never involve slut shaming of another woman or expectatuons of sex from a man if he buys dinner. speaking of asking for it; you and suzy mccarley are spreading so nuch hate on the net, that we are eagerly waiting for some redneck masculibiats to slap some respect into you, wgich is what you seem to yearn for. ha!
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            • artiefischel an hour ago
              You don't get this from experienced MAs right? Just from the new guys?
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                • geode an hour ago
                  damn girl, you even know how much income heard contributed to the marriage? why arent they calling you up for depp's defense? thats right no one takes a harridan's bedroom fantasies spurted all over her cuntrag of a blog seriously
                  by now, youre also really smudging the line on your already flimsy "just because its justified doesnt mean it should be legal" point about smacking people around. speculation dont mean shit in the courtroom no matter whos the target of your ire and jealousy.
                  > inb4 feminist libtard beta cuck YOU MUST BE SWIFT AS THE COURSING RIVER or whatever frozen horseshit makes for a rebuttal round here
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                    • Samantha Stephens an hour ago
                      If you hit someone - male or female - you deserve and should expect to get hit back - MALE OR FEMALE. The idea that a man should never hit a woman when he is being physically attacked is insane. We are presently living in a culture where men are told and are no longer allowed to even defend themselves from injury or death inflicted on them by a woman. The message of "never, never is it alright to hit a woman " is even echoed by the President of the United States. Men no longer even have basic human rights. The first step in dehumanizing any group of human beings is treating them as inferior, the second step is removing their basic human rights - where men are concerned ...... how much longer before the camps and ovens come into play?
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                        • Jmarie 2 hours ago
                          Couldn't have said it better myself (The post).
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                            • TMT NYC-DA REAL GHOSTBUSTERS 2 hours ago
                              A famous person once said "Broads don't hit back".
                                see more
                              • Justmom 2 hours ago
                                Why does she need "support" if she didn't even have any of his children? I think the settlement represents the community property accumulated during the marriage. Not that she deserves one bit. There should be a 20 year minimum for community property split. Otherwise you get what you put in.
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                                • Mencken's Ghost 2 hours ago
                                  When the whole spiel is over, they can make a movie of it - starring Monsieur Depp - titled, "Whore Games: The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play".
                                    see more
                                    • Jason Wexler 2 hours ago
                                      "After 15 months, what exactly did she contribute to that wealth? She
                                      suckered a rich man into marrying her, whispered the sweet nothings she
                                      needed to whisper to cash in, and he fell for it."
                                      More then any other thing we talk about, about how divorce is a crapper on men, this is the thing that really demonstrates why we need to push to show why support is a bad thing. I know you disagree, but I can at least see a reasonable case for a woman like you and in your position seeking and receiving post divorce support, because you actually did work to support your husbands career so he could support you. But, marrying a millionaire ought not get you access to his money. Plus what Acethepug said about pre-nups being worthless anyway. Maybe Depp wasn't stupid, maybe he knew any pre-nup would be ignored and he would get divorce raped for millions no matter what, and saw no point in in spending a few extra thousand dollars and time arguing to get a useless pre-nup.
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                                        • ODWms > Jason Wexler an hour ago
                                          Nah. Effective pre nuptial agreements are made and honored thousands of times a day. I think a lot of folks hear about CONTESTING prenups (which happens all the time), and conflate that phenomena with succesfully OVERTURNING prenups (which happens a lot less than most realize).
                                          Don't believe the hype. A pre nuptial agreement drawn up by a competent, experienced attorney is a valuable, effective asset protecting tool in the overwhelming majority of cases. Its certainly a far better choice than it is to leave your future financials and assets to chance.
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                                          • itsthepatriarchy 3 hours ago
                                            shit, for $10 million I'll take a right from Manny Pacquiao...
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                                              • Acethepug 3 hours ago
                                                Actually, pre-nups are being overturned a lot in courts these days (oddly enough, most of these decisions tend to favor the women).
                                                I agree with you that a woman who hits first absolutely should be hit back, but society tends to look very dimly on a man striking a woman, regardless of the reason. It's wrong, admittedly, but it is still the case.
                                                Ironically, THIS is a sexist viewpoint, and one that the so-called feminists of today embrace (because it benefits them).
                                                Like the Left, and like the "Religion of Peace," some feminists are going to keep pushing and pushing until they get pushed back -- and they won't like the form that takes when it does.
                                                  see more
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