653f0a No.9504900
> Current Happenings:
2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
- https://medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa
- http://pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:
paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633
5. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ http://www.gamergatewiki.com ]
7. PUSH DIGIFIRA: http://www.digifira.com
>New COIs between Silverstring and Critical Distance:
- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8
- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/
>Anons have launched a website for reviewing Games, Publishers and Developers:
>VoQn opened up a new group for those who want to learn Japanese, titled "GamerGate: Sons of Liberty":
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || http://lang-8.com/groups/3054
>Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
>VideoGamer Includes Affiliate links in Articles, Twitter Without Disclosure:
- http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || https://twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
> Current Happenings and Thread Repository are seriously behind.
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa
- Apr 2 - May 13 -https://p.teknik.io/emiKY
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
>Jason Schreier defends reviewer for giving a game a low score due to game dev speaking to Total Biscuit.
- http://archive.is/26dfN
> Thread Repository:
> Summaries of #GamerGate:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
• https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.
> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):
• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use https://tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5
> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):
• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: http://www.gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!
> How Can I Help?
• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: https://v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: https://v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: https://v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: https://archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).
> Lists:
• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: http://v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: https://v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: https://v.gd/eYq9go
> Key GamerGate Hubs:
• https://v.gd/LNJbat
> Full OP Text:
> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?
0b57fc No.9504931
never EVER e3
its super gay
7ba1b2 No.9504936
File: 1464617650411.jpg (201.99 KB, 726x1101, 242:367, gilda_mars_by_shinyskymin-….jpg)
This is now a Gilda thread
16716b No.9504950
I thought we had our autists army ready to fall in and take care of the thread repositories and current happenings ?
e99a77 No.9504952
d84885 No.9504964
Archive of previous bread
25381c No.9504991
Secondary archive, because archive everything! even twice.
557813 No.9505038
45b4d5 No.9505041
Brad could have gotten on for a few more hours, but whatever.
You guys remember these people from summer last year? They wanted to do a documentary about #GamerGate. When we looked into them back then, we learned that they have some experience with documentaries and that their documentaries were broadcasted on national TV in Britain. I had little hope back then, and I have less hope even now. Checked their twatter a few times in the past year, but they always logged in, send a few tweets and took a break of several weeks/months before they log in again to answer tweets or do some "research" on twitter. I highly doubt they get a good picture of what GamerGate is about at all, since they'd probably get all their info from uprising controversies and those are usually primarily reported by aGG media.
Their "documentary" will probably go into the final production stages soon, since they want it to release on GG's 2nd anniversary, as far as I remember.
950c58 No.9505098
I had forgotten about these guys. I'm kind of hoping it's Intimidation Game retarded, if just so I can laugh at it. A decent write-up would be nice too, but so much shit has gone down I don't know how you'd cover it in less than five hours of bullet points
ed66af No.9505101
>new bread at <500 posts
It's over.
16716b No.9505124
Oh fuck, thanks for posting that page anon, I'd forgotten the name of that manga ! It's so good and cute.
In thanks, just in case you haven't, try out http://yaoi-blcd.tumblr.com/tagged/their-story, it's adorable as shit
66368d No.9505184
What ever happened with the hugo awards?
46112a No.9505237
Livestream party when?
906c7f No.9505243
i think sad puppies made it into a joke and SJW have no humor and ran with it and was proud that no sad puppies got anything.
everyone lost but some of them lost on purpose.
16716b No.9505256
They're a team that translates manwhas and shit, and they do some yaoi; I haven't checked that shit out, only found the yuri one, and it's something that would make everyone on /v/ yell in unison about how lewd the story and characters are.
b1eef0 No.9505262
Are things going to be slow for Memorial Day?
52e6d8 No.9505294
DEAD !!!
b1eef0 No.9505339
I'd hate it if this invokes meme magic somehow.
Rea-fag creeps me out a bit.
1242a6 No.9505387
Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
035f45 No.9505408
Out of here, you gook-loving freak.
b3b88d No.9505411
It's never over. The ride never ends.
b1eef0 No.9505431
>"if that's how some people refer to the ancient display of opposing privilege in disruptive manner now :P"
#banmen #banamerica
035f45 No.9505449
How she will get her dough if there aren't some dirty old men paying her expensive $250/hour rate if she wants to ban all men?
e90d98 No.9505454
File: 1464621450040.jpg (46.35 KB, 273x500, 273:500, tmp_1275360366025_f3158183….jpg)
Threadly reminder to keep fighting for your waifu.
She is counting on you.
035f45 No.9505477
>Islam isn't an inherently misogynistic religion, you shitlords! Check your fucking privilege!
d6d2f3 No.9505479
File: 1464621628828.jpg (98.17 KB, 670x419, 670:419, 59__aa_megami-sama_belldan….jpg)
But what if your waifu's Belldandy?
52e6d8 No.9505491
Of course they sympathize with fellow fascists.
035f45 No.9505498
2b5688 No.9505502
Reminder that Belldandy lied, and /a/ cried.
So does this make all those Chinese cuck comics canon?
b3b88d No.9505513
What about "regressives" and "authoritarians" then, anon? Do you hate labels in general or just some?
e99a77 No.9505518
>Shermie isn't in KoF XIV
>my waifu isn't in KoF XIV
Maybe they'll come back as DLC or in KoF XV
d6d2f3 No.9505529
It's a sad day when a NTR doujin ends better than a 20-year-long manga.
7fab84 No.9505568
They spout lies, the hashtag will get popular (or a rival one which we hijack) and we make infographs refuting each lie they post.
Just like Intimidation Game gave us more normalfags to redpill (and the rest forgot about it a week later) and made the SJW actually believe GG are mega-hacker terrorists, I say bring it on.
We just need to be prepared. When it airs- counter each piece of evidence as it happens, and keep doing it.
No shitposting. No mockery. No debating anyone who doesn't have an open mind or preconceptions.
Just sourced facts and truth.
(Should we make this an OP on HQ?)
b3b88d No.9505596
So, either we get some kinda-impartial thing that takes no sides and just go on to mention how thing X and Y happened and how gamergate is a thing and it is kinda bad but also kinda good. Ooor, we get SVU Intimidation Game all over, which would not contribute to GG in any way but would be hilarious as fuck to watch, especially if they misrepresent things hard.
45b4d5 No.9505615
Calm down shitlord. From what I've seen from them, they'll highlight a few unimportant controversies slightly relevant to GG, repeat some media bias while also mentioning ethics and that's it. Barely anyone will care about their documentary, just like with the Sarkeesian effect or the SocJus stage plays. Barely anyone will watch it.
We'd be alone in the tag, shitposting at each other.
It won't be intimidation levels of truth bending. As far as I know this group, they don't follow an agenda. I just fear that they just didn't put enough work into it, to actually cover it, unlike e.g. Glasgow that regularly interactions with GG and aGG and is up to date with all controversies related to GG.
547a75 No.9505633
>They spout lies, the hashtag will get popular (or a rival one which we hijack) and we make infographs refuting each lie they post.
That's how it always goes, isn't it? It's always their fuckups that give us a boost.
All the fun we had when we leveled up.
This anon gets it. Sit back, wait and see how it actually turns out.
906c7f No.9505636
>Rapp now has a patreon
HAHAHAHAHAHA, they are so fucking predictable
88fef5 No.9505673
Someone have that picture of her without makeup where you she looked like absolute dogshit?
b3b88d No.9505684
What do you expect? She's 2.2!
a0f7be No.9505689
"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them" Quran 4:34,
“Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223
“Women shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women.” Quran 2:228
489eca No.9505696
Shes right though, neither Islam nor Arab culture is inherently misogynistic.
They are genetically more predisposed to violence.
b6e21e No.9505699
Reminder that not only Alison Rapp is a pedo-apologist prostitute, she even fails at it to the point that only her cuck husband likes her services.
557813 No.9505704
>Ban all men
That's rather Homophobic, Racist, sexist, and classist, of you, Girl.
489eca No.9505709
>you will never be this low energy
5304c2 No.9505710
So have you given up on this twitter nonsense and decided to improve /v/ yet GGers?
What vidya thing have you done today? Yo have done something vidya related, right?
88fef5 No.9505734
They's thirsty-ass niggas.
e5f20b No.9505740
I cringe every time I see this meme
557813 No.9505750
Didn't that guy fuck up Greek culture, or something?
b6e21e No.9505751
I played with your mom, but she was to easy and I got bored.
a09f86 No.9505752
I cringe every time I see this picture now.
56aec6 No.9505760
how'd it end? I only looked up again when it was revealed she'd magic'd away Keiichi's libido for their entire relationship time.
7fab84 No.9505775
>From what I've seen from them, they'll highlight a few unimportant controversies slightly relevant to GG, repeat some media bias while also mentioning ethics and that's it. Barely anyone will care about their documentary, just like with the Sarkeesian effect or the SocJus stage plays. Barely anyone will watch it.
Fair point. But, people are also desperate to kill "the SJW boogieman", so the media might set it up as a paragon (i.e. encourage more people to watch it and claim everything said by it is the truth).
I hope I'm wrong about that.
If it doesn't happen and we draw attention to it, we accidentally boost it.
If it does happen and we react to late, it'll be harder to beat the narrative.
But as you say, it's low key. Here's hoping it stays that way beyond a few memes that mock it.
b83d44 No.9505782
See for yourself.
c9c2d1 No.9505784
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
0b57fc No.9505798
This is my favorite meme
0dee9f No.9505818
I prefer chapters like this one
25381c No.9505819
New Cathy Young article, on why Gawker is fucking trash and why white knighting it is just to preserve unethical trash journalism and their jobs as keyboard warriors.
d84885 No.9505875
That's some next level orgasm denial.
653f0a No.9505886
B-but Gawker dindu nuffin!
7fab84 No.9505901
Did she tweet her article?
(I think FARTing one tweet, such as from the original, makes it appear higher in search results/trend more than lots of different people having 1 or 2 on each tweet- even if the total number of FARTs between each method are equal)
8291d7 No.9505923
d62c5c No.9505954
>getting this thirsty over a prostitute
16716b No.9505973
>m-maybe if I use his name th-they'll totally take me seriously !
Too bad no one takes even me seriously you faggot
0b57fc No.9505998
No prostitute is a profession as is escort
She is just a strait up whore
1f64cd No.9506014
She charge a lot too for a pleb tier escort.
b6e21e No.9506030
I need to find the image where everyone who bought her services except her cuckold gave her a 1/5 on a site
1f64cd No.9506058
How much was it again? 500$ for a night? Or was it 900$?
b6e21e No.9506106
Yes, this one.
She was paid too much for a night.
7fab84 No.9506156
Thanks man!
Who the fuck rates a prostitute?
And has she seriously got such a chip on her shoulder that she can't even fake being happy t see men?
c47562 No.9506159
Goodnight furfriend.
9ad743 No.9506164
>that spoiler
Get taught that men are nothing but rapists and somehow, at the same time, sex workers are the most enlightened and freed women on the planet, you start noticing a contradiction that she has not yet overcome.
d84885 No.9506170
>sex workers are the most enlightened and freed women on the planet
Maybe that's from where the "lol virgin" comes from. Virgin = stupid retard, A living fleshlight = Socrates.
b6e21e No.9506184
this just reminded me that I should kill myself.
32f547 No.9506190
File: 1464627248873.jpg (98.95 KB, 458x1084, 229:542, ishikawa hideki 7207684cb6….jpg)
Thanks for the archive.
I'm sharing this with my family via e-mail because fuck FaceBook.
7fab84 No.9506200
SJW live in contradiction.
We know how it's marxist and basically indoctrinated.
But it's also what "double-think" is about from 1984.
Basically, the party having such power that people are afraid to speak out against something that is blatantly false, until it becomes common knowledge that 2 + 2 = 5, despite evidence to the contrary.
Being able to live with contradictory beliefs in your mind.
c47562 No.9506202
Because some guy likes to wear shitty diapers and microwaves them to kill bacteria?
It's current year
Besides, he's dying now, because of it.
4 grand for a weekend?
7fab84 No.9506216
I mean if she was gorgeous and a good actress, the price would make sense. CEO doesn't want to go to a party alone, so he hires a girl a briefs her. That is a call girl or escort.
Instead, it seems she's jacked up her prices based on what everyone else does (buying the beta-bux pretend GF experience) , and offering sex. She's now a prostitute.
Saging myself since she's no longer relevant and we don't want to turn her into a who?
aae1d7 No.9506224
>While the ongoing cyber harassment of female gamers known as "Gamergate" indicates a reluctance by some to accept the growing number of women in the industry, mainstream institutions are welcoming all to the console.
>Now those girls are going to college and studying video games. We're helping close that gender gap and being part of the solution."
Who has a degree in video games here?
40efb3 No.9506236
isnt he already dead?
9ad743 No.9506239
That's more of a holdover from the forerunners of Cultural Marxism in the 1960s with the Hippies.
It stayed in popularity because somehow you're free and more like an adult if you have sex.
>story time
>this one asshole I occasionally have to deal with has a gf
>she's a bit snobbish and I like to give her shit because it might trickle down to her faggot boyfriend
>last time I dealt with her she was going on and on about trying to "bring her relationship with her boyfriend to the next level" all the while I was making fun of her for not knowing shit about her boyfriend despite them having fucked multiple times already and they've known each other for months
>she could only resort to
Dumb sluts acting like sluts. That's all there is to it, mistaking physical intimacy with actually understanding how people think and operate.
b6e21e No.9506263
>fursuit in public
>diapers in public
>dressing like this for a job application
>he even shat on the diaper
>pulls the racism card because he's a furry
>mfw I don't have a job just like him and I realize I'm basically as pathetic as this
I bet he's an AGG too with all that degenerate filth.
e99a77 No.9506265
>that character design
425d70 No.9506274
if they form a band they could call themselves "the estrogen stack"
c47562 No.9506282
> I'm basically as pathetic as this
Details? There is no way.
6a3ee8 No.9506284
Can confirm that he is still alive. I saw him this weekend at a furry con
79d8d9 No.9506289
Oh man, what happened with the end of ah My Goddess? This sounds good.
40efb3 No.9506291
Is that even his legit twitter account and not just someone making fun of him? I have a hard time believing a grown man could be that lacking in self awareness.
83540f No.9506303
>Hmm it's almost like the caricature of free speech is being used as a tool by the privileged
>if that's how some people refer to the ancient display of opposing privilege in disruptive manner now :P
Said the guy with an expensive telephone, who is defending students who go to expensive colleges/universities.
Moosa is a goddamn moron.
d84885 No.9506309
49595e No.9506312
That's the most original character I've ever seen.
425d70 No.9506314
why is the model in t-pose when that's not even a turnaround, why is there a second section with only the head and some minor detail that doesn't look like anything?
fuck me man, i'm a terrible concept artist and usually model without turnaround but that shti there wouldn't be usable anyway.
d6d2f3 No.9506321
Longer version -
>Mandatory copypasta.
This latest chapter has revealed WHY Keiichi has been a eunuch when it comes to Belldandy.
You see, Heaven doesn't like human/goddess crossbreeds. And so, for the entire run (20+ years in real life, 3 years in-universe time), Keiichi has been neutered. Mentally neutered by Heaven. No sexual desire towards his companion. And his mind was also tampered with so he never found this suspicious in the least. But Keiichi could still feel lust for other women, so Belldandy actively scared away females so he wouldn't be tempted away from her.
Now, this is pretty bad. Belldandy knew about this the whole time, and never told him. Oh, she does love him back. But she deceived him for 3 whole years, even admitting to him that she liked being pampered by him after the reveal. And keep in mind, Keiichi is literally a nice and decent enough guy that demons can't tolerate his presence. He's been nothing but loving and supportive of Belldandy, who was a paragon of chaste love and affection.
Hell, that's not even speaking of the two other goddesses, who were freeloading at his house and being treated nicely as well. Urd knew, although she was trying to fix the problem by getting his relationship with Belldandy to go all the way. Still didn't say anything at all. Skuld can be excused, as she had no clue and her mind was blown as well.
And how did he find this out? Fucking Japanese MILF Satan told Keiichi that Heaven was messing with his mind. Belldandy could only try to rationalize it out of shame for having let it take over three years of Keiichi's life. She wanted the seal removed, but she didn't want him to find out about it. Seriously, she was prepared to make a new contract with him without letting him know that he was Heaven's bitch ever since the first chapter.
032c82 No.9506324
>Who has a degree in video games here?
Man, I figured out those video game degrees were bullshit ten years ago.
>"Gamergate" began in 2013 when anonymous online commenters claimed a female video game developer was getting an unjust amount of attention for a new product.
Jesus Christ, by the time this is over, they're going to say "harassment" of LW started in 2007.
Yeah, how are they holding up? Did they earn the money back from acquiring Tumblr after pissing off the userbase multiple times?
b83d44 No.9506334
Looks like it's a mockup for the marketing department.
40efb3 No.9506344
does he still have cancer?
b6e21e No.9506346
I'm exaggerating of course. It's just that these days, I'm not being very productive. I'm awkward when it comes to socializing, and I spend most of my days in 8chan, and staying here gave me a smug fetish.
1f64cd No.9506348
I had to hire a luxury escort once for a fundraiser so I wouldn't be seen alone and it cost me about the same as her.
When I say luxury, I mean it, she was fucking gorgeous. No sex though, that would have cost a lot more.
GFE are probably the most pathetic thing ever though.
6a3ee8 No.9506351
Considering his hair is back from the last furry con I saw him at, I'd say his cancer is in remission and he's off of chemo.
So, no.
79d8d9 No.9506353
Ha ha. Wow.
49595e No.9506377
File: 1464628603227.png (727.83 KB, 960x776, 120:97, miku plays vidya late at n….png)
>I figured out those video game degrees were bullshit ten years ago
Didn't Vavra say studios are pretty much disregarding job applicants with vidya degrees because they're just idea guys and/or trigger time-bombs 99% of the time?
40efb3 No.9506381
he doesn't deserve that kind of luck.
700a3a No.9506390
It's photoshop
1b004f No.9506405
>without even trying, they stood out
Why was this even mentioned.
Being different or a minority isn't a bad thing when you're entering any type of industry.
Who the fuck wouldn't want to stand out to potential employers?
God forbid you get triggered when someone hires you because you're a woman.
40efb3 No.9506407
its the sketch they use to create the model
8db527 No.9506422
Can I get some help here anons I got a shill white knighting the writer of mockingbird and another faggot going HUUUR LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE like that worked with games
The free market isn't magic. And that argument is useless in the face of rampant corruption (Comics are more corrupt then vidya)
653f0a No.9506429
Gas everything.
Every. Thing.
6dd7fe No.9506435
6a3ee8 No.9506446
Cancer isn't the total-biscuit tier always-kill kinda thing. He just has leukemia or something easy that is treatable.
16716b No.9506451
I refuse to help you unless you crosslink to it correctly. Fuck you. Cunt.
52e6d8 No.9506458
032c82 No.9506468
>Game Theory meets the Pope
>along with nine other literally whos
I'm honestly surprised PewDiePie wasn't one of them, but I think this ends up speaking for itself.
163b1a No.9506481
Not going to believe that without archive
700a3a No.9506504
better filename would be
>Miku enthusiastically embracing gaming on the Macintosh personal computing platform.png
b6e21e No.9506507
It's kinda fitting to suffer from cancer when you are cancer yourself.
What the hell are you doing, Francis?
425d70 No.9506530
yeah that's what i meant by turnaround
you first draw the concept in a humanlike pose
then the turnaround which can be in t-pose
then the model
i know the pipeline, i'm just shit at drawing
she drew the concept in Tpose, no turnaround but some details
dunno it just looks like shit.
aae1d7 No.9506532
Islam is amazing. "Refugees" are our friends. Embrace diversity. The church loves to fiddle in politics quite often, but this "recent" behavior looks like suicide. What the fuck are they doing?
8db527 No.9506568
The pope is status signaling
he has skeletons in his closet
like during the Dirty war he helped the Junta send his fellow Parishioners on death flights
32f547 No.9506592
File: 1464630036423.png (199.27 KB, 1875x1247, 1875:1247, _gg_comic_by_ashion-da4gi6….png)
>After Gamergate
One month later, there will be an article describing events as "in the middle of Gamergate".
>In the '80s and '90s, video games were seen as things boys do.
Bullshit. No one made a big deal about gender in video games until 2007. Fuck everything that happened in 2007.
>But in the '90s and early 2000s, girls said, 'We're going to play, too.' Now those girls are going to college and studying video games. We're helping close that gender gap and being part of the solution.
Ask TFYC about that.
>It's a misperception that girls are making games with rainbows and unicorns.
>Gamergate" began in 2013
This article can't even get one thing right.
Rape color shirt.
Pope Francis would have been better off talking with Lt. Corbis.
f7ebcf No.9506597
They are doing their work. For once.
Christianity was always for helping other people in need, and refugees are in need.
>inb4 you call me names
7fab84 No.9506663
Before I knew any better. I mean the Uni looked OK, but the curriculum boiled down to "Jack of all, master of none". Why would a coder ever need how to make 3D models? We started with a class of 100 which halved every year for 4 years from people who failed or dropped out. I didn't keep in contact with many people, but the only one I know to have made a success for himself was a kid who was already coding before he got into uni. He now makes simulators for the fire department or something. Everyone else is a playtester, gave up, running a work-in-progress studio with friends, or now training to teach the next generation of tards.
To be honest, there was no SJW crap that I could see. Teachers were more useless/over-worked than agenda pushing. Storytime: Apparently, one of the staff had been accused of being useless in the pass. So the uni took feedback and took it seriously. 3 students allegedly wrote abuse instead. The teacher was a woman. Since it was obviously a hate campaign, the whole thing was thrown out and the teacher got a week of to recuperate. Even the female students hearing this story years later think it was BS.
We were basically modding what the coding teacher taught us, and none of us really knew how it all clicked together. The teacher was nice though, and set up a thing where we modified our own space ships then had them fight each other. We "bought" our engines and guns, but everything else was down to us. How it searched, who it prioritized shooting, what it did at different levels of health, etc. Great idea, but we were never taught. Yet, when it came to a group project, one group made something amazing. Actually looked like a real game. Only claim to fame I got from the course was making a custom weapon in Unreal Tournament 3, where the grenades would get bigger as they bounced and do more damage.
The classes were full of mouth breathers, autists, and hipsters. The guy I mentioned earlier was the only one who was actually pleasant I'd say.
It comes to the final year project and-surprise surprise- no one knows how to make game. So the teachers basically heavily hint "make something playable for the open-day to make us look good to give yourself a better chance at a job." I had given up by that point and basically bullshited a paper. Pretty much "here's my card game, but here's how I'd monetize it and how other people make money via free to play". The research did actually did help, and the judge (guy who made board games. Everyone got at least one judge that applied to their paper) that came to look at my work gave me some great advice. I'm now making that card game IRL and hope to sell it soon. I had contacted a "studio" formed by some students (digital and physical copies of a game create a cycle boosting sales of both). They closed down before I really asked them to make the game. I pop into AGDG threads to look how to start. An RPG might be rough as my first project, but I'll start with platformers etc to learn the code.
If I was a dev, I'd look twice at any student wanting a job. Make sure their portfolio isn't just school work they are pretending they made yesterday. And not to mention if the guy who went to uni made the same quality as the guy who didn't, I'd give the guy who worked on his own the job.
I made mistakes I regret every day. Plz no bully.
Sorry for the blog.
aae1d7 No.9506684
There are refugees and there are "refugees". Helping people that genuinely flee for their lives is not the issue.
f0c03b No.9506735
a0f7be No.9506736
xhe looks like tumblr incarnate
11c42c No.9506737
We should look to help these people have improved lives in their home regions instead of importing them by the tens of thousands.
Recently was called racist by some SJWs at Uni because I advocated for a safe zone in the Middle East and criticized the UN for letting these people make a dangerous trek to Europe because hundreds of people die on the journey ever fucking month.
f0c03b No.9506742
I slapped an SJW at a dunkin donuts. it's a good feeling, trust me.
032c82 No.9506762
>We were basically modding what the coding teacher taught us, and none of us really knew how it all clicked together.
From what I've heard, that's a majority of coding classes to begin with.
>Okay, class, do these exercises in these books.
>But how does it work?
>(teacher shrugs and gives an "I dunno" grunt)
Like is it really that hard to find a programmer who knows their shit and is eager to teach the new generation?
032c82 No.9506796
Well, I can see why SJWs would call you racist, that's actually a perfectly reasonable stance to make. Can't have that in today's society, no sir. Not during [CURRENT YEAR].
So did you really get banned from that store, Mark? You'd think Fatty McFatFat would have been the one to get kicked out.
52e6d8 No.9506803
You have to go into computer sciences for that. There you'll learn how programming works from the binary up.
f0c03b No.9506818
isn't vivian also autistic
like her father
f0c03b No.9506826
She was banned, although when I called to apologize to the owner, he said I was welcomed to comeback. I'm gonna give it a month tho
b89911 No.9506838
Pancho que mierda estás haciendo?!
7ba1b2 No.9506846
Absolutely no one says that shit
aae1d7 No.9506852
The most ridiculous shit is cutting humanitarian aid to countries like syria because you need the money housing refugees in your country. That logic is so fucking backwards.
906c7f No.9506866
translate if you post something no in english you retard
032c82 No.9506867
That's cool, glad it worked out in the end.
7ba1b2 No.9506880
You don't need a translation. It's just an ad for the next election.
49595e No.9506882
why is the front page of vivi.booru full of revolt shit?
b89911 No.9506883
Pancho es el sobrenombre típico de los Franciscos, negro ignorante.
7ba1b2 No.9506910
>Pancho es el sobrenombre típico de los Franciscos, negro ignorante.
¿Qué es esto, basura sudamericana? Yo pensaba que se nos llamaba gallegos de forma ignorante.
Pancho ya ni se usa, y Francisco no es un nombre tan común. Ni esas acertamos.
45b4d5 No.9506913
Guess it's the latest uploads. They created that shit when they fled to endchan.
9ad743 No.9506920
>not shitting things up
What is this, your first fight against leftists who claimed to be on your side and then bail because "you aren't doing it right"?
439dd6 No.9506921
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit.
Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis ciuitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremedus iudicabit populum suum. Finis.
b3b88d No.9506925
>Uploaded by: Molestia
Kek, revoltards are bronies
45b4d5 No.9506932
Molestia uploaded a bunch of other unrelated Viv pics. At least check some more pics before jumping the gun.
b6e21e No.9506949
I don't like what this implies.
544b35 No.9506951
Pancho se usa mucho en México y Sudamérica. ¿Acaso crees que el mundo gira sólo alrededor de España? Gallego ignorante.
aae1d7 No.9506953
You realize what went wrong, introspect and make the best of it to improve yourself. You're doing everything right
Instead of bullying, i want to hug you
1bfe3e No.9506954
Could you elaborate on the TFYC comment, something go wrong with or after Afterlife Empire?
aae1d7 No.9506971
What do you mean?
b3b88d No.9506979
Hey /v/, what about dumping some of your OC to put it up on booru?
Sorry, my apologies, you appear to be right.
7ba1b2 No.9506981
>¡P-pero se usa mucho donde vivo, ergo es correcto incluso si esos nombres no se usan así en ese país que tanto odio!
No tengo ni idea de vuestras absurdas costumbres, ni me interesa, pero a ver si dejamos de dar tanta vergüenza ajena con tanto odio absurdo porque no tenéis nada mejor que hacer en la vida.
52e6d8 No.9506982
Yo no hablo nada de español.
b89911 No.9506983
Es así en Argentina de donde es el papa.
Tenía que ser un gallego de mierda el que no sabía.
637af8 No.9506989
>I'm now making that card game IRL
Why do I have the feeling that I want you to fail miserably? It's probably another "my dudes fight your dudes" CCG.
45b4d5 No.9506997
I wouldn't want to see the first two pics you posted on the viv booru. It's enough when they shat it up with their edits. No need to make it a war and escalate it.
b44527 No.9506998
I like card games. Got an elevator pitch?
49595e No.9507021
Sweden is going to have a fuckton of problems with this since the law says that the gubmint can only do that for around 18 months. After that the funding has to return to the foreign aid programs and can't be diverted for another few years.
More than half of the money for all asylum centers is diverted foreign aid funds.
The 18-month mark is coming up real soon.
547a75 No.9507022
File: 1464632645040.png (305.36 KB, 602x534, 301:267, chinese_grill_giving_thumb….png)
>I pop into AGDG threads to look how to start. An RPG might be rough as my first project, but I'll start with platformers etc to learn the code.
>I'll start with platformers etc to learn the code
>to learn the code
>to learn
That's the right thing to do anon.
Once you learn how to code properly, you'll be surprised how much sense all of it makes. Geez. It's almost as if programming is deeply rooted in logic or something.
As a regular in the /agdg/ threads, I am looking forward to answering your questions and seeing your progress.
32f547 No.9507025
Every time I post, I notice some other work that I skimmed over.
Just a little annoyed that GG gets referenced every other article yet there's no reference to anything that actually happened back in August-September 2014, like Adam Baldwin's initial tweet, TFYC game jam, or the result of said game jam, Afterlife Empire.
I'm thinking of dumping more recent draws, such as these other four pictures, but I'm hesitant to put old draws into the booru. Thoughts?
544b35 No.9507033
>El Papa es Argentino, ergo todos deben usar términos Españoles.
>Porque el Español es el español más hablado aunque sólo España habla español de España.
b6e21e No.9507040
I don't know, I'm just putting a tinfoil hat. Removing humanitarian aid feels like they want the situation go down the shitter on purpose.
b3b88d No.9507055
Just doublecheck whether they're present there and if not feel free to upload it.
You are right, better to just downboat all the ggr shit and not escalate it
b6e21e No.9507067
that doom guy looks a bit thin. He's a teenager or what?
a249f0 No.9507076
Castilians out
Basque Country is best country
7ba1b2 No.9507078
Me encanta como ignoras y pasas de todo lo que he dicho y me vienes conque supuestamente me creo que España es el centro del mundo, al menos del hispano.
¿De dónde sacas eso? ¿De tu complejo de víctima? ¿Te metieron mucho odio hacia España en tu país sin razón alguna?
025bdf No.9507090
>All this shit for the character design
I'm more triggered by the fact she's working on a shitty mac laptop
45b4d5 No.9507091
It's a doomgal, mate.
544b35 No.9507117
¿Te metieron mucha España en tu trasero sin razón alguna?
45b4d5 No.9507127
I thought that's a dude. Most creative designers work on Macs btw. You see them everywhere were people are creative. Dunno why. Guess it's the ease of use or something.
7ba1b2 No.9507133
Aprende a insultar mejor si vas a ponerte así.
653f0a No.9507148
Macs always sort of have been the artists shtick. Especially the earlier models were primarily based for artistic work, rather than being allrounders like PCs.
97b122 No.9507149
Take this gobbledygook chimp out back to where it belongs: the zoo.
32f547 No.9507167
I know that the source of the draws is the 8ch drawthread, but I don't know which specific posts. Do I put the source as "8ch drawthread" or leave the source blank?
Pay $10 for extra muscle DLC.
b6e21e No.9507175
That thing's a girl? I don't even see a pussy or tits in it.
544b35 No.9507209
Ok, gallego ignorante.
Sólo esta jugando contigo, no te lo tomes a pecho.
I thought it was a dude too.
32f547 No.9507222
Fuck it, I'll just source the draws as "/v/ drawthread" for now.
16716b No.9507226
Of course you don't, you can't see the back of her knee in that picture.
544b35 No.9507234
Oops, made a typo in that spoiler. Damn.
Contributing to the thread for the Viv booru.
b89911 No.9507256
From as far back as I can remember, Macs have been more expensive, less powerful PCs in a pretty case and rely on brand marketing to sell themselves as "superior". So basically a machine tailored for pretentious hipsters.
653f0a No.9507296
Yes and no. The marketing part is correct, although this hipster thing is a relatively recent trend. Macs first and foremost were marketed towards sound engineers, graphics artists, etc., and IIRC came with various pre-installed pieces of software specifically for such applications.
2184f4 No.9507314
>revoltards are bronies
/pone/ here, those people can fuck themselves.
b6e21e No.9507325
That's something Bethesda would do as DLC.
b3b88d No.9507579
Just made this edit for Kuckuryo/Mombot, thought you might want to see it too.
22bf0e No.9507596
sparse but looks nice
who'll be the second person that's running towards Vivian?
653f0a No.9507603
>that MiB in the lower corner
Meine Seiten
b83d44 No.9507615
That's one tiny-ass hilt on that shortsword.
7fab84 No.9507625
To do
>>9504900 (Actually read the OP)
>>9505041 (remember it, but plans may not be necessary)
>>9505819 >>9505923 (Share and FART)
Thanks man
Lord no, steering clear of "buy to win" shit.
Deck building is a genre (you start with a small deck, and through the game you acquire more cards, turning it into an "engine" to get points), so I'm doing one of them. Dominion is an example.
Dominion x D&D with tactical movement mechanics. There were some other "RPG" deck building games, but none of them had movement.
So it's got a 6 x 6 grid. You can move as far as you like along a row, but can only move up/down once per turn. Other Monsters and players block your path, and it's whoever lands the killing blow gets the point. Check /tg/ and I'll shill it there at some point.
Yeah, while I was touching code it was fun.
> Great the grenade goes up in size.
> Wait, the hit-box doesn't. And it gets kinda big, better set a limit.
> Hmmm, damage scales too much, better adjust the formula.
Shit like that was fun.
Shit like hitting the wrong key or missing a keystroke so the whole script goes "lol I dunno" was infuriating and drove me mental.
/v/ tan in cosplay?
b3b88d No.9507640
You mean who? The naked fucker behind Procedurally Generated Head Man is Nymberg a.k.a. srhbutts, second from right is AMiB, allegedly - it may not be him, but nonthless GG folks that posted the pic got banned with a request to delete this particular image.
22bf0e No.9507684
no, i mean in the doom cover there's a second person running towards doomguy. will someone be inserted to replace him?
32f547 No.9507709
The dark viv was already uploaded: http://vivi.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1330
I'll upload the third and fourth pictures assuming I find higher resolution versions of those.
I vote /v/.
653f0a No.9507720
>I vote /v/
I second this. Polina might be an alternative, but Gilda can fuck right off, and the DeepFreeze twins only work when paired.
8db527 No.9507728
>TFW there is a retard on gghq defending mockingbird
>Assuming its parody when the writer is a blantant feminist
>Not getting feminist stereotypes exist
79d8d9 No.9507740
It's Erika.
b3b88d No.9507744
Here's a quick edit. 4U
653f0a No.9507774
Was't Polina her last name?
653f0a No.9507779
She's a big gal.
653f0a No.9507795
If I censor these games, will you die?
025bdf No.9507797
>Reduce OP
Keep CT #1
CT#2 is probably useless at this point. This list is from November 2015.
Keep CT #3
GamerFruit has already been dug on, so you can remove CT #4
Try to reserve CT for active tasks rather than passive tasks. Chances are, if there's more than 6 items on there, something needs to go.
Remove Tracy Fullofshiterton from OD. That bitch is done. If anything new comes up with her, I'll fire it up again.
>Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
Utterly pointless tip this far into the game if you ask me.
I'm still opting to have all the ops compiled and accessed from a single link. Visibility of the ops is a subsequent concern.
I don't know, I feel like if you can't be bothered to just clink on the ghostbin and find the Op you're looking for, you probably weren't actually going to go through with it anyway. Try it, and if it doesn't work out, I guess we'll keep the mess on there
>GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: http://v.gd/HTjBk3
This link is defunct and leads to a 404
547a75 No.9507798
Do you have any real gamedev skills? Have you learned anything practical, or was it a complete waste of time?
79d8d9 No.9507844
I am not sure. I've never heard of her having a last name.
1d8453 No.9507847
Goddamn these people sicken me.
The worst thing is that they're only here because people gave them the benefit of the doubt and treated them kindly to begin with.
Most of the other industries told them to fuck off. But we were naive enough take them in and this is our reward. I will never trust a journalist again.
9a286e No.9507851
>This is now a Gilda thread
If you wish.
Can we add "Turned Moonman into Banana Avitar."
What is better is if you do not act the perfect gentleman, she leaves without a refund (eg if you tell her to suck your cock, she would probably leave).
622033 No.9507857
>mañana aparecen Satanas y Cthulu apoyando al Gamergato
this is not the future i payed for, lets go back to summoning the meteor
b3b88d No.9507866
Ten points to anyone who gets it.
b5c0d9 No.9507869
Yes. Prior to 2006, Mac also used a different CPU architecture and came with specialized programs for the aforementions fields, which were usually more usable and powerful than anything Windows had, because by the time OS 9 had come out, Windows was still the largest home and work computer install base. OS 9 Macs were competing mostly against SGI and Amigas on Video/Sound development, with both of those falling by the way side. Though, The Weather Channel apparently still uses an SGI something or other, I think, for broadcasting their weather forecasts. Move into the late 90s, early 2000s, OS X comes out with a swanky new interface in technicolor. Still moving forward with PPC CPUs instead of Intel's newest creations, but people are very slowly making software for both OSes, like Adobe. But because it's originally designed for use on OS X and not Windows, there's not only bad porting to a new OS, but also to a new architecture, resulting in a lower performance on a Windows box. A few years later, when PPC development stalls and Intel stops fucking up with the Pentium 4 and instead makes the Core series, Jobs decides the current PPC CPU isn't going to cut it since IBM failed to deliver a superior product and Apple begins making computers based on a Core Duo processor and 10.5 is the first OS to run on PPC and Intel processors. By 2009, support for all PPC computers was dropped, and now Apple is an Intel only OS with only marginal performance differences from a standard PC.
A neat thing about the older PPC devices is PPC is really low power, such that the same CPUs in your PowerMac are also used in the PowerBooks/iBooks. So you get "desktop" class power in your laptop, unlike today where we get gimped Intel CPUs in laptops compared to desktops.
1d8453 No.9507872
8db527 No.9507874
>Hawkman defeats mutant Dindus
Man this is political commentary I can deal with
22bf0e No.9507875
those are big dubs
32f547 No.9507893
Why would you put a loss reference of all things?
544b35 No.9507909
You can also upload anything from here if you want: http://imgur.com/a/8vc1K. It's all I've drawn for GG.
22bf0e No.9507920
you madman
i almost lost myself in laughter
b3b88d No.9507929
I got possessed by obscure imageboard meme spirits.
22bf0e No.9507948
slow down there anon!
you're above the legal meme limit!
32f547 No.9507979
I can't wait until next Harmony Day.
Noted. I'll just upload the individual works and call it a day.
b6e21e No.9508030
We can meme harder, I'm sure.
45b4d5 No.9508070
Steam removed several titles from the german steam store.
337f85 No.9508105
Convertir a los jóvenes a la fe de la manera más chachi posible. :^)
I wish the meteor could fall right now.
653f0a No.9508108
And I wanted to buy Postal Redux, goddamnit.
Thank god I already have Postal II.
5b6bb8 No.9508138
>AVP classic
Those fucking faggots.
Didn't they already censor that game? This is why everyone makes fun of germany for being oversensitive faggots. Spineless people removed the games for "being on the index of harmful media". How can these fucks say that without any irony when every bit of research says media does not harm anyone? Can't have anyone have wrongthink in gemany.
GOG might have it still. I feel sorry for you germanfags.
52e6d8 No.9508148
Those games are on the "German Index of Youth Endangering Media" and may not be publicly sold. Guess they got bugged enough by officials to finally remove them.
That whole institution is cancerous garbage and has been like that for the past 50+ years.
Not gonna change any time soon what with the Pirate party basically being dissolved by feminazis.
9a286e No.9508174
>being on the index of harmful media
I guess they mean the Ministry of Propaganda.
653f0a No.9508188
The best part is that the people in charge of the Index are some old, senile fucktards who likely have never even once laid their hands on a videogame. For fuck's sake, the so-called "Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons" hires outside testers to play the games for them because these dotards probably would get a heart attack from playing Minecraft.
52e6d8 No.9508203
>get a heart attack from playing Minecraft
Death by Creeper.
653f0a No.9508217
Pah. In their case, probably more "Death by Sheep", or "Death by Rainfall".
9a286e No.9508273
Death by block destruction.
e6834b No.9508283
Happy Memorial Day faggots.
I'm running my family's barbecue but I've gotta run inside from time to time (I don't have to babysit my smoker, anyway).
It was so hot, I was starting to think I should just throw the ribs out in the sun and let nature do the work.
You were working on a card game?
If you still want that to happen, hit up a print shop to have samples made and throw that shit on kikestarter.
It could at least earn you some spare change.
b6e21e No.9508297
What's funny is they might be perfectly calm with the most violent movies because there's an age limit written in the box, but the moment it's a game, it's like you cannot read the fucking box to guess what's inside, despite being rated a similar way as a movie.
Never give jobs to senile people.
653f0a No.9508309
B-but it's interactive Anon! All the studies having shown that video games are killer games.
0059f7 No.9508328
Where can I get the game in OPs picture?
bf94bf No.9508341
Interesting, I knew google censored gamergate twitter links, but now my Bing search does the same. So who would it be twitter blocking the search engine or Bing censoring?
52e6d8 No.9508348
Video games are more dangerous because they are interactive. It means children engage more with the medium and content depicted will gain a greater impact in their minds and behaviour. Studies have proven that.
And all the other obsolete because verified false shit from 30-40 years ago.
653f0a No.9508349
It's less of a game and more a glorified tech demo.
45b4d5 No.9508353
Pic says Techdemo.
032c82 No.9508356
Isn't that game literally "vampire chick kills Nazis?" Did Nazis get triggered or something?
More like "never give jobs to stupid people." Seriously, I've seen people take their kids to Deadpool and get offended over the content. It's like what the fuck do you expect from R-rated movies and M-rated games, fun for the whole family?
52e6d8 No.9508364
Nazis are illegal in Germany.
653f0a No.9508371
It's probably the portrayal of Swastikas.
Friendly reminder that waving a Swastika or doing a Hitler salute out of strictly historical or educational contexts can get you imprisoned in Germany.
49595e No.9508380
>vampire chick
Scantily clad women are harmful to young kids, anon.
9a286e No.9508388
>Friendly reminder that waving a Swastika or doing a Hitler salute out of strictly historical or educational contexts can get you imprisoned in Germany.
I'm waiting for Metro 2033 to get added to the list then.
032c82 No.9508390
That's fucking stupid.
52e6d8 No.9508399
Blame the denazification that made all of that illegal back when.
653f0a No.9508400
Germany actually is much less strict about nudity and sexuality than the US (as a matter of fact we often make fun of the US prudes), but God beware you have a bit of violence in your game.
I remember how they had to replace all the infantry units in C&C 1 with cyborgs because OH MY GOSH YOU CAN DRIVE OVER PIXEL FIGURES OR BURN THEM WITH FLAMETHROWERS.
The 4th Reich actually doesn't have a swastika, but a three-armed symbol. Oh the irony.
But think of the je,, I mean, think of the children!
9a286e No.9508419
>The 4th Reich actually doesn't have a swastika, but a three-armed symbol. Oh the irony.
I was referring to the salute.
653f0a No.9508436
The salute actually is okay in artistic settings, but not when you do it publicly.
And yes, that definition is vague as fuck.
28f983 No.9508459
GamerGate has been dead for two years. Don't you eat the news?
45b4d5 No.9508499
News are way too salty.
96ab0a No.9508511
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396721)
God is dead. And now we're just living in hell.
ce5c20 No.9508544
>people actually siding with rapefugees in this thread
I guess it's true that GG was cucked and taken over. Fucking hate to admit that Jim was right but looks like there really IS enough Karkov in the world.
GG, all of you, GG. I'm finally done completely with all this. Thanks for the good times, and the bad, and the sad. Godspeed or whatever, just try to get your shit together if you really want to believe this is going somewhere anymore.
But in all honesty, I've been a burnoutfag for a long time now in some form, it'll be better for not just me but you too that I stop polluting this thread with random shit or quittermaterial once in a while.
I wish you all the best overall, not just with this shit.
Summer is coming, be that good or bad for you but I wish you the best, you were there with me and I was there with you and I'll never forget that.
28f983 No.9508556
Here's you (you) Mr. (1)
16716b No.9508561
See you next week.
8cdcde No.9508634
Here's your (You)
c138d4 No.9508655
at least you baited with that lesbian who pretends she is asexual because her parents are religious, name escapes me
ce5c20 No.9508659
no this is a nice meme
No, this is it from me for good. Thanks for your A&P efforts as well anyway.
True, it's me "cashing out" in a sense for free so it's not like any money was made, hence no not very cash money.
16716b No.9508672
See you tomorrow then.
e51d70 No.9508673
No one said any of that. And I personally refuse to accept any other solution than setting those legitimately oppressive retarded swine on fire.
5b6bb8 No.9508698
That game theory reject goon is really asshurt about this. I think it is funny how both the game theory guy and the guy mocking him can't realize that they both are massive faggots. I still remember about how the Reject guy got asshurt when people made fun of nintendo and censorship by sperging out abouth ow boobs are gross.
5b6bb8 No.9508705
What are you even talking about? No one mentioned rapefugees or supported them in this thread.
e51d70 No.9508721
>boobs are gross
What retard are you talking about? Because that's fucking pathetic and requires a nonconsenting testicular removal.
7fab84 No.9508731
Infograph this along with the "taking games" quotes.
Especially comparisons to the germans doing it out of "decency" and similar cries from SJWs.
Did any Germans lose access to the games tat they paid for?
Did they get their money back?
An introduction to C++ and that's it. Kismet was neat (connecting nodes and shit for simple programming. i.e. make a light flicker at random intervals and change the texture and toggle the light source. Though even learning the basic shit it did in code have been a great intro to code)
But I learned stuff from being there.
> If a guy who's rarely talked to you asks to room with him next year- don't.
> Players will always exploit something if you leave it open
> In storytelling show everything- EXCEPT characters being bored. That can be montage'd.
> A little style goes a long way.
> No amount of style can cover up a bad game.
> Keep it simple stupid- no matter who says otherwise. Then build onto it.
> People are more social than you think.
> Clubs and bars during special events are literally as you imagine. Standing, shouting over music, and a dance floor where you cant hear or see shit.
> Asking to borrow a pen of someone really does help soften them up to you.
> If there's a conflict in a group, it's poison. Kill it ASAP.
> Be a leader, not a boss. And sometimes the leader has to be unpopular. NEVER use a "second in command" for Good leader/Bad leader.
> Unless it's Math, Law, Programming, Medical, Hard Sciences, or involving money, you do not need a University Degree.
> If everyone on the damn net says __ is a waste of time, there are no exceptions.
4b6fec No.9508742
>that's it i'm finally done, i'm leaving
>but first let me stick around to see what people think of this and even respond to them
5b6bb8 No.9508748
There is a parody account on twitter making fun of game theory because game theory is a faggot who spergs out a lot. The account made to mock him is called Game Theory Rejects and the guy is a massive Nintendrone SJWeeb who gets offended easily and sperged out about TD because Nintendo censoring games is fine.
4854ff No.9508807
Haven't been around for at least 2 months and I figured I'd check up on you guys. Anything been happening in these threads?
60a95a No.9508826
Anyone have stuff of Anita and Josh calling for bans?
032c82 No.9508829
>look through that feed earlier
>think it's pretty funny and mostly the dude taking the piss
>"Oh, no, he actually believes the shit localizations are good."
16716b No.9508834
The latest "big" happening was milo getting thrown out by monkeys from one of his talks without being defended by security he paid for.
Otherwise, little things like the latest deus ex keeping the mechanical apartheid subtext intact are always pleasing
e6834b No.9508844
>Unless it's Math, Law, Programming, Medical, Hard Sciences, or involving money, you do not need a University Degree.
You don't need a degree to program, either.
You need a good portfolio. Contribute to lots of open source projects in a meaningful way. Boom, there's your resume, better than almost any college kid's.
b1eef0 No.9508846
Gawker getting BTFO at court pt.2
Conclusion(?) at June 10th.
97b122 No.9508851
We all agreed to vote for Hillary.
e51d70 No.9508856
The fact this label exists in the first place fills me with rage. Thankfully those retards mean nothing to Japan when they know who their real market will always be.
16716b No.9508873
Not fully a conclusion, but it pretty much is a deathtoll. Basically, they're trying to get the judge to accept to lower the amount for their punishment, and especially to get the 50 millions deposit avoided, since, even if they DID end up winning during the appeal, it would basically pull gawker down to the shitter. Especially considering they have ZERO way to fix that aside from selling, because we took all their ads away.
The judge seems to be taking none of their bullshit.
e51d70 No.9508879
Also, their culture is casual about tits and ass.
4854ff No.9508885
File: 1464643942728.jpg (16.35 KB, 400x266, 200:133, Jack Frost hee hoos a comp….jpg)
>Otherwise, little things like the latest deus ex keeping the mechanical apartheid subtext intact are always pleasing
Oh, he's still around, good to hear.
Heard about that, I thought that was already denied for Gawker.
ce5c20 No.9508890
I don't use proxies, if Mark himself wants to make sure of my word he can.
Now for real, goodnight and goodbye, keep it real and all that.
Smell you
16716b No.9508898
Here's your reply, to which you so obviously won't reply to, I'm sure.
60a95a No.9508900
5b6bb8 No.9508901
He has had two major spergouts. He sperged out about people making fun of fire emblem and said it was fine since it was gross, and then he spreged out about the vagina bones thing and did not realize it was a joke like everyone saying it did. You have to be some level of retarded to not get the vagina bones thing. The only article that wrote about the situation that was good was that heatstreet website where it points out how stupid people are for not realizing it was a joke.
I have no idea what you are even talking about. No one here even brought it up let alone support it.
0abdfb No.9508924
it was when she was still a work in progress.
but we eventually named her after the good guy's marching song.
b1eef0 No.9508930
Wasn't sure if the June 10th date is the final proceeding between Hogan and Gawker. I mean after their plea for the appeal, we might see another lawsuit or two against them? Just not with Hulk? I recall them settling out with a few that wanted to already, though.
It also brings to mind the one between the Honey Badgers & Calgary Expo.
8291d7 No.9508934
Run a search on KIA with those names along with ban or censorship and you'll find examples. Ctrl+f on the current happenings page might net you some too.
d84885 No.9508936
What kind of wacky fun did you do today faggots?
I watched Girls und panzer der film and the OVA, it was excellent. I also finished yama no susume and now I feel empty inside.
60a95a No.9508947
>Muh pronouns in action
88fef5 No.9508949
>What kind of wacky fun did you do today faggots?
Studying World War 1 because I want to and not because I have to.
16716b No.9508955
I'm in broteam's coolhole, they're showing a seagal movie, I think it's my first time seeing one, it's amazing schlock
906c7f No.9508965
watch Under Siege right now! his best movie and some great tits in it
025bdf No.9508984
Found out one of the girls who's been flirting with me just turned 16, so she was 14 when I met her.
Fucking hell, she has the body of a 22 year old. I've got to start making people pull out a state ID before I start talking to them
16716b No.9508986
I'd rather watch the shit brote's showing right now, because I'm getting the chat's reactions. Code of honor or something.
Also I probably wouldn't like under siege more either. I'm French. Tits aren't enough to make the movie enjoyable to me. They're everywhere.
88fef5 No.9508999
My state's AoC is 15.
16716b No.9509005
Yeah ? So ? What's the issue there ?
906c7f No.9509014
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396736)
>Also I probably wouldn't like under siege more either.
5b6bb8 No.9509027
Didn't you already have a GF?
b8f3cd No.9509031
Only the whackyest of funs for me.
It's actually a really fun game.
025bdf No.9509037
If this were Texas or something, I wouldn't mind, but the age of consent in the state I'm in is 17. So, getting nudes and shit from someone was probably 14 isn't very legal. I almost fucked her too.
Just have to wait another year I guess
16716b No.9509060
>waiting to fuck a cutie who wants it
>only almost fucked her
what kind of third-world country do you live in ? Fuck's sake
88fef5 No.9509093
He's in a shitty state probably.
025bdf No.9509100
Yeah but She's bisexual and likes to hook up with my female friends
The United States of Jesus Christ
d84885 No.9509113
16716b No.9509137
Ask your girlfriend to fuck the underage one first and then she'll take the "blame" if anything happens, so the cops and justice won't do shit about it. It would be homophobic anyway :^j
5b6bb8 No.9509165
That sounds a little beta TBH Onii-fam
025bdf No.9509169
I don't mind if it's with girls, because at least then we can negotiate a 3P
Yeah, I'll probably go with that
b8f3cd No.9509197
You're fitting the description of one of best buds right now, right down to the gf's age.
If that's you Nick, you're a fucking cuck and she's been playing the entire group against each other all along.
4a27fa No.9509200
> anno domini 2016
> being a beta
e51d70 No.9509216
>they think girl on girl makes you a cuck
88fef5 No.9509231
Anon, you are LITERALLY a cuck. Sure, nothing happened yet, but something probably will, and you'll be on the level of these guys. Don't be these guys, you can prevent this.
16716b No.9509246
>his girlfriend fucks other girls
that's not really what cuckolding is about anon
055478 No.9509261
e946a5 No.9509266
Well he doesn't have a cuckold fetish because he doesn't like to watch. However he is a cuckold if his girlfriend/spouse/wife is having sex with other people.
025bdf No.9509267
Wait, now this is an interesting topic
Is girl-on-girl cuckolding?
e51d70 No.9509269
Only if everyone are girls.
0abdfb No.9509275
if the man is excluded and mocked, yes.
16716b No.9509277
You don't seem to understand what cuckolding is about anon. It's about projection and narcissism. Cuckolds don't project themselves onto their wife's mistress.
e51d70 No.9509279
If you're Tamao.
e946a5 No.9509295
If the guy isn't having sex with both girls then yes.
What are you talking about? A cuckold literally just the husband of an adulteress.
16716b No.9509331
Are you dense ? Can't you even use a dictionary ? A cuckold is someone who enjoys the humiliation and sorrow of being cheated upon. What this implies is that he is the very instigator of the cheating. He is the reason she does this. She's taking pleasure, enjoying herself, because of HIM.
Even when it's not HIM, it is still about HIM. She is getting this pleasure because HE told her to get it.
That's why it's defined in many ways around narcissistic tendencies.
So, no, you aren't a cuck just because your wife cheated on you, you're a cuck if you're telling your wife "fuck this man and tell me how much you loved it and why". While I'd assume it's not impossible some of those cucks want their wife to do it with a woman (without them ever getting to participate), it's not just unlikely, it's pretty much so rare only rule34 sites showcase that shit.
f74ec0 No.9509337
I dont like being the bringer of sad news, but m8, you´re being cucked by WOMEN.
Which is in fact a magnitude more cucked than being cucked by a man.
e51d70 No.9509352
Anon's not a girl.
8db527 No.9509367
Do we have a new candidate for the JUSTice league?
8291d7 No.9509373
>Can't you even use a dictionary ?
>a man whose wife has sex with someone else : a man's whose wife commits adultery
906c7f No.9509386
thread derailed by the word "cuck"
e946a5 No.9509390
File: 1464647370993.png (48.82 KB, 655x271, 655:271, Screenshot 2016-05-30 18.2….png)
I'm using a dictionary anon pic related. You're mixing up the fetish with the word. People who are into the cuckold fetish are exactly what you are talking about. However the term cuckold just means your wife is cheating on you. It was used as an insult to men before it became a fetish.
16716b No.9509396
e51d70 No.9509405
There's a difference between getting cuckolded and being a cuck.
Learn to meme better.
52e6d8 No.9509413
You sound like a bunch of retarded chickens.
025bdf No.9509416
File: 1464647605241.jpg (253.89 KB, 1219x1600, 1219:1600, #2_I_was..._successful_Rea….jpg)
Oh, okay. I fucked all of them long before they even met her and long before I met her. we usually do everything together since we all know each other now anyway
She's not my wife and I don't plan to marry her, so…cuck or no cuck?
e946a5 No.9509422
There really should be another term for people who are into the fetish. Since someone who just gets involved unknowingly with a shitty woman shouldn't be insulted with the same word that is used to insult fucking morons who whore out their wives while they jerk off in the back.
950c58 No.9509427
At the least it's amusing
ffa2df No.9509438
in other news, it seems the TNBF subreddit is exploding with cap's edit
e51d70 No.9509443
Are you insinuating chickens aren't retarded?
e946a5 No.9509444
If you're involved with a person who is having sex with other people without you then you are a cuckold.
16716b No.9509458
Thing is, libertines are people who are simply fine with fucking with other people while still being together. They're both fine with the idea of sex with other people. They're not cucks, since in a way it's "not cheating", it's "part of the contract" in a way, and they both get to enjoy the same thing.
f1791e No.9509461
Technically you aren't, but only by the slimmest of margins in that you aren't wed to her.
88fef5 No.9509464
52e6d8 No.9509465
You think normal chicken is retarded? Imagine one too stupid to cackle right.
e946a5 No.9509476
That is the same defense most of the people we make fun of use, like Jim Sterling.
b44527 No.9509478
ffa2df No.9509501
two best neogaf friends, I fucked up the spelling
ffa2df No.9509510
Matt, Pat Woolie and Liam, here's an example reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/4lnm8x/heil_hairdra/
88fef5 No.9509550
It is pretty good.
e946a5 No.9509561
This will all stop when Matt talks about how awesome the new Captain America is on the podcast.
e51d70 No.9509607
Does this maymay have its own name yet?
6da206 No.9509636
"Hail Hydra?" Does it need anything more than that?
0abdfb No.9509651
I'm still kinda shocked they made cap a nazi, and i am one.
8f43ed No.9509696
>GF has sex with other people
>you do not
You should just accept the patron saint of cuckholdry as your waifu.
025bdf No.9509750
>You do not
>we do everything together since we all know each other
What did you think I meant by that?
e51d70 No.9509753
Didn't she just take his sexual drive away until the end of the series? What's with all the NTRshit?
c47562 No.9509764
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396754)
>tfw this is a more ethical review than gaming journalists do
e51d70 No.9509768
Yes because all I can find are a bunch of shitty ebin whisper images with impact font by memegenerator.
c47562 No.9509771
Lesbian sex is gross.
Women are disgusting.
79d8d9 No.9509774
Belldandy didn't cuck him. She just snipped his nuts and turned him into a beta faggot. Or rather, she knew it was happening and didn't tell him because she was a cowardly bitch.
025bdf No.9509782
>Lesbian sex is gross
First of all, fuck you, no it's not. Second of all, for some god awful reason, I immediately thought of that one video with the two fat, ugly SanFran lesbians that was always posted here
You guys know the one, right? Don't post it if you have it
88fef5 No.9509785
>Sexbad almost exclusively does dildo videos now
e51d70 No.9509795
If this is unironic, literally kill yourself because 2D proves you nothing less than completely wrong on both fronts.
c47562 No.9509801
>Second of all, for some god awful reason, I immediately thought of that one video with the two fat, ugly SanFran lesbians that was always posted here
To be fair, thats the only glimpse of lesbian sex I saw.
8db527 No.9509804
You mean with anna anthropy?
Thats a dude whos a tranny and a woman right?
79d8d9 No.9509808
>Lesbian sex is gross.
c47562 No.9509814
Of those supporting feminism, how many of them support their ideal feminism, instead of the one thats being practiced?
Because with all these "Schools of feminism" shit being pulled off, anyone can technically be a feminist.
c47562 No.9509824
>If this is unironic, literally kill yourself
Vaginas taste disgusting.
I know. I went down on a girl, and it was bleeding for some reason. She said it wasn't her time of the month.
And tehre was a gross white substance leaking out of it.
Stick to 2D
45b4d5 No.9509838
>how many of them support their ideal feminism, instead of the one thats being practiced?
Looking through the top few replies, a lot. Most seem not to be aware of inter sectional feminism. Radical feminists won't care when using these numbers.
e946a5 No.9509840
Anon did you go down on a recent virgin who just got creampied?
025bdf No.9509842
Yeah, that fucking one. Fuck that one.
>Vaginas taste disgusting
Okay, this is a fairly true statement unless the girl has a healthy diet and showers regularly
c47562 No.9509854
I think it may have been some STD or something. I could be wrong though, my mouth doesn't discharge like that afterwards.
8db527 No.9509890
Too bad hes a white male
so no one cares
025bdf No.9509893
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396760)
She was probably a virgin or just really tight. That white liquid is normal for some girls, and is usually excreted when they're really aroused.
But just in case she had roadkill pussy, this song is for you
e946a5 No.9509927
That title makes it sound like after the comic came out the writer started sending out death threats to his critics. I wonder if this intentional since he is a white male and that fits the agenda better. This is nothing new though like in Spider-man when they killed Gwen Stacey in like the 70s or 80s. The writers received death threats in the mail, people care about shit and get mad when people fuck with it.
6da206 No.9509933
>All of that Jewish author talk
Oy vey!
ffa2df No.9509944
b5c0d9 No.9509961
>In a series of flashbacks, we're told that - naturally - it all comes down to his mother. After a chance encounter with a woman who saves her from an abusive husband, Mrs Rogers is wooed into joining the Hydra.
>Then, it seems, Captain America, who spent his whole life supposedly fighting the evil group, was following in his mother's footsteps and was working for them all along.
See, I was going to say "if the writing is good, maybe it could be pulled off. Maybe there was a recent turn of events that swayed him." Nope. The writing is the same shitty bullshit. Good thing I never got that much into comics for shit like this.
027c1c No.9509974
Does a degree in animation with the experience with unreal count?
8db527 No.9509988
>See, I was going to say "if the writing is good, maybe it could be pulled off.
Spencer is an insane hillarybot
032c82 No.9510003
I knew the moment it was revealed that it would be "this is a 70+ year long game" bullshit hack writing. Nick Spencer should be fucking ashamed of himself.
e946a5 No.9510029
Yup it's why I just read certain arcs or runs that are recommended after the fact. Reading everything as it goes will be shit especially now.
45b4d5 No.9510033
Can someone explain how Redskull was already an adult when Steve was a small kid and is still alive in present time? Doesn't he age?
889f17 No.9510039
Went and voted no on all my accounts. That shit is too close for my taste. Saw in the comments that no was up to 54% at one point.
c47562 No.9510046
She also had pimples, not on the pussy, but on skin surrounding it.
b5c0d9 No.9510091
>>9509988 (checked)
I wasn't in the know of who's a bad author right now, I just know some of the stories for characters. I feel like a majority of the authors are shit now.
Yeah, that's what I try to stick to, but I was keeping up with Injustice for a while. It's not great, but I like the setting even if some of the stuff that happens is kinda dumb.
>>9510033 (checked)
I assume it's a different Red Skull. Or a clone body or some shit. Or he's just really old.
1d8453 No.9510092
Have some more like a good slut
8db527 No.9510115
>Can someone explain how Redskull was already an adult when Steve was a small kid and is still alive in present time? Doesn't he age?
NFC spencer isn't paying attention I guess
45b4d5 No.9510182
The Wiki entry is confusing, but the latest event with Pleasant Hill is listed under Clone of Red Skull.
52e6d8 No.9510315
PR money well spend.
bb6f84 No.9510371
I've been gone for the past few days. Have I missed anything?
950c58 No.9510380
79d8d9 No.9510383
I'm all for the ride never ending.
45b4d5 No.9510397
Breitbart article says he's scientist. Those are documentaries. Could actually be same guy.
889f17 No.9510431
Well shit, I knew the Clintons/Dems had a lot of publications in their pocket but I didn't think they would be this blatant about it.
aae1d7 No.9510439
August shall never end.
e51d70 No.9510443
Imagine if they went full retard and tried a second Five Guys.
027c1c No.9510468
If you got the money
414c6b No.9510497
But don't expect me to give you money.
4c84b3 No.9510505
Hello Anons, I have been out for 3 days, what has happened all this time I was out?
e51d70 No.9510510
And then he fucks the monster loli, I assume.
45b4d5 No.9510514
It's gotten hot and I'm melting.
52e6d8 No.9510522
Twist: They're both monsters and the kid is already eaten.
e946a5 No.9510535
I know that feel I can't play PC games anymore or my room becomes a sauna. Toronto is the fucking worst it goes from like -15-20 to +30-40.
027c1c No.9510563
Twist: they pull this every night and are both his wife. He humors them because they get mean when angry.
8f43ed No.9510578
Yeah, but do they bang?
950c58 No.9510608
>30 C
Nigga that's less than your body temperature. The snackbar that sleeps with your wife is hotter than that.
58ac69 No.9510611
>Well shit, I knew the Clintons/Dems had a lot of publications in their pocket but I didn't think they would be this blatant about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing it for free
027c1c No.9510618
Dude they are married so yes
b74de3 No.9510637
Remember that /fit/ anon who had his gf stolen by a lesbian?
You're going to end up like him if you keep this up.
0b57fc No.9510645
jesus fuck
I just woke up and this crazy is in my mentions
027c1c No.9510652
This is accurate.
If hat is as decent looking as his drawings are, he will be fucking their wives. :^]
8f43ed No.9510659
>they are married so yes
That's not a guarantee.
027c1c No.9510665
And hes not burch.
e946a5 No.9510667
No it's 30 now by the end of the summer it will approach or surpass 40. It's the difference between the 2 extremes in this spot. It makes the hot weather seem hotter and the cold weather seem colder. Like assholes on the west coast who freak out when it approaches 0. Also why would I marry any woman let alone a 3D one that will betray me?
950c58 No.9510682
it gets to 46 here, anything less than 32 is considered a good day
032c82 No.9510683
>you will never be THIS mad
e51d70 No.9510686
He's Alpha enough to fuck twin memepasta lolis. You call that a cuck?
0b57fc No.9510696
well that explains everything
e946a5 No.9510720
Yeah that chart is pretty accurate for me when it's ~0C I wear shorts and a light sweater over a t-shirt. Today it was 28C and I was pretty much running from A/Ced area to another. It's humid as fuck here too adds like another 10 degrees. I've seriously considered moving up into like the Yukon before always nice and chill and the government gives you free money to just live there.
e637c5 No.9510723
>Velma Dinkley lookalike
Read: "I'm fat, brunette and wear glasses.
e51d70 No.9510726
What a retard. Then again, using either of that nonexistent shit in the first place immediately invalidates their shitty argument.
4a27fa No.9510739
Wait what the fuck
e637c5 No.9510747
File: 1464657756359.png (Spoiler Image, 230.91 KB, 540x603, 60:67, ClipboardImage.png)
Spoiler this disgusting thing at leasr.
c47562 No.9510750
You know, you can use time do do many different things. Like biking, learning a language, playing an instrument, or shitposting for hearty keks.
And he chose to use his time to lose his temper at you.
084742 No.9510752
Its time to play does it have a dick.
e946a5 No.9510763
I think he is mixing old Marvel up with old DC. Marvel never really tackled anything till it was widely accepted and already used in DC.
025bdf No.9510765
fucking spoiler that shit
027c1c No.9510767
Lokking like shaggy is the farthest thing from velma.
ac3542 No.9510773
It's presumably Red Skull rewriting reality/history somehow. It's still bad writing though, it's meant for shock value to grab headlines because mainstream comics prioritize those over actually making something people would want to read. And then any suckers who actually buy the comic are expected to follow a plotline for months that exists because someone wanted a headline.
906c7f No.9510774
>a guy using the fat angle
c47562 No.9510777
Look at how high the camera is at.
Should be a red flag that the individual is trying to make themselves look thinner.
e6834b No.9510795
The grills are finally bare, the smoker is empty, and now everyone's settled down, so I can shitpost again.
I love doing this stuff, but it's taxing. I guess that's why I don't work in a kitchen. So much hassle.
084742 No.9510804
c47562 No.9510817
Why is it so hard to find a fat woman who will own up to being fat, yet acknowledges that being fat isn't healthy and is making some effort to live a better lifestyle?
ffa2df No.9510828
e946a5 No.9510848
Yeah I really don't mind the look of a chubby or even reasonably fat girl. However pretending that you are skinny or saying that being fat is healthy is just lying to yourself.
1d8453 No.9510853
I wouldn't wear shorts at -0C but I don't like shorts that much. It has to get below -20C for me to put on a cap or long-johns though. My ideal temperature is probably around 4+ so water doesn't freeze but still cold enough to comfortably wear woodsman clothes and run without getting warm. I could probably wander the mountains for weeks in the late summer or early autumn.
4a27fa No.9510875
What this anon said. >>9510828
Genna actually tries to get /fit/, unlike these SJW hags.
ffa2df No.9510896
no, I mean a while ago her twitter profile pic was just a portrait of her face from a straight angle
a2cdce No.9510901
Hey faggots.
We're trending on Facebook again for some reason. Top comments are almost all pro.
c47562 No.9510913
>We're trending on Facebook again for some reason.
Because of a CBC article, facebook decided to go all out on the narrative.
e946a5 No.9510918
474d7c No.9510925
not sure if anyone posted this yet.
also im gonna be working a lot this week so i wont be able to finish this…. maybe next week. ill still do whatever i can.
e6834b No.9510926
I'm not seeing it where I'm at.
Care to screenshot it?
c47562 No.9510933
Facebook decides what is trending.
Remember? The whole controversy over them censoring conservative news outlets? They pick and choose whats relevant.
e946a5 No.9510941
No but I mean what CBC article and why would they trend pro-GG stuff?
bb6f84 No.9510942
>number of female game devs rise
>pic is neither a game dev or a female
e6834b No.9510947
Woah, my trending list is totally different.
Only Pikachu is the same.
0b57fc No.9510951
did we have a happenings or something?
e637c5 No.9510952
The CBC article is proGG?
027c1c No.9510961
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate canadas pozzed media?
c18e4b No.9510962
1d8453 No.9510965
aae1d7 No.9510966
Show the comments and stop teasing.
e637c5 No.9510969
Then its obvious. A sheep injected it to push a narrative.
032c82 No.9510970
Is Scumbag Steve paying social media sites for media attention again?
e946a5 No.9510973
So are we dead and scaring the shit out of people? Or alive and making more women make video games? I don't even think these people know what their narrative is anymore.
c47562 No.9510975
>Watch global news during the Baltamore riots
>They were more concerned with people calling the rioters Thugs because it was "Racist", than the fucking riots themselves.
027c1c No.9510981
Its cbc, think of the worst most biased news media in your country, and cbc is that. They were as quick to suck turds dick as they were harpers. Dont expect honesty from them without having death as their other option.
c18e4b No.9510987
Also they're government-owned.
027c1c No.9510988
Global is also shit. But they are small potato to cbc.
c47562 No.9510990
Your taxes pay for that too
700a3a No.9510997
>32 shared this
c18e4b No.9511006
Thank god I don't pay taxes because I'm a fuckin' invalid. I guess it's time to keep an eye on Facebook, though. My ex is the type of person who would probably post about this.
a2cdce No.9511018
Pretty obviously injected into trending topics by some dumb fucking intern at FB.
474d7c No.9511023
027c1c No.9511024
Hate to go /pol/, but when whites are on the chopping block, we wont be helping the ones who sold out the common person. Ill save a bullet for them myself.
Hooray for based facebook normalfags.
027c1c No.9511038
I get back more than I pay, and have a program thanks to being an aspie that they have to give me money as long as I can match it. Once I can get the cash, I am running to any other cold country. Maybe poland.
c47562 No.9511039
>Trumps winning
>Final throes
88fef5 No.9511049
>Trump is the nominee
>Imply he's not winning.
c47562 No.9511051
It's him vs this lady.
Who will win?
414c6b No.9511054
e946a5 No.9511055
Oh isn't this article that uses number from before GG even existed and is only talking about the rise of females in GameDev courses in university. Studios do not hire people from game dev courses unless they have a portfolio that shows they can make stuff. I graduated from one of these courses and no studio looked twice at me or anyone else I graduated with. The few people who got jobs got hired at GameLoft making shitty mobile games. They all hate their job because they overwork them to shit and they don't give a fuck about the games they are making.
c18e4b No.9511056
If I thought they would have me I would move to the US. I can't stand Trudeau anymore, but I doubt Trump is going to have much use for people like me.
f1791e No.9511059
Based on what >>9510947 said, I think facebook might be giving you tailored trends, which would explain why it's "trending" with only 32 people.
It very well could be that someone on the inside is injecting it, but occam's razor seems to favor the tailoring explanation, in the absence of other details.
e637c5 No.9511065
474d7c No.9511067
i was posting leo pirate's gone in 60 seconds video
will shill deepfreeze now
1d8453 No.9511069
>no comment field
Probably tired of people showing up in the comments to tell them they're wrong.
c47562 No.9511072
I am tired of hearing about the shit going on between him and the NDP. It's like listening to children bicker
Next election, I'm voting for the cons. Fuck it.
414c6b No.9511084
Provide facebook links please.
I'm going to see if I can wake the facebook GG group.
c18e4b No.9511096
Same here. With Harper retiring, they look like a viable choice to me again. As bad as Trudeau is, I still wouldn't vote for Harper.
474d7c No.9511098
027c1c No.9511108
Programmer or animator? Dunno on former, but get into advertising and freelance for the latter, advertising pays well. I speak from experience. As a junior freelance, ~18 cad/hr net with 9-5 work days. as a junior.
e946a5 No.9511109
What really pisses me off is nobody I know likes the cons, the libs, or the NDP. I tell them about libertarians and that it is exactly what they're looking for. Also mention that Rob Ford was a libertarian since they all think he was the best mayor Toronto had. However they won't vote for the libertarian party because "they'd be throwing their vote away".
027c1c No.9511118
Harper lied. He is against another con for party leader. If he gats it, I am writing in kevin o'leary.
c18e4b No.9511120
My riding didn't even have a libertarian candidate last election. We had a fucking communist, though. Not a Liberal who has communist views, an actual member of the communist party.
e6834b No.9511138
>The shirt is purple and green
I can't help but think that's intentional.
c47562 No.9511145
I voted for them
055478 No.9511162
Good for them, now they to can see what a thankless job game programming is and be bitter along with everyone else.
49d8db No.9511163
Isn't it interesting that after being ignored for two years, THIS is what gets Gamergate trending?
I mean Facebook has had a lot of Gamergate RELATED things trend, but it's all been things like how LW and gang are so brave to stand in the face of people on the internet, and Gamergate is never mentioned in the tag description itself.
This is quite something.
Zuck still a cuck.
49d8db No.9511189
File: 1464660684076.jpg (100.74 KB, 507x651, 169:217, one article on a nobody we….jpg)
Wu has trended before due to a single post.
It is definitely being manipulated.
032c82 No.9511201
I wonder how much money the Wus pissed away to stay in the limelight.
4a27fa No.9511219
> tumblr tag is filled to the brim with links to the article.
> most of them look like fucking bots.
2b8727 No.9511231
Couple things real quick.
A brief analysis on Social Justice Activism in light of Critical Theory.
You guys will remember my post the other right reading into the Frankfurt School. Or, more specifically, where the particular brand of "crazy liberal" that the academic and gaming worlds have been dealing with came from. In briefest summary:
>Traditional theory attempts to align people's subjective beliefs with objectively provable reality. i.e. "Water is falling from the overcast sky, therefore it is raining today" is accepted and promoted as true.
>Critical theory holds that you can change the meaning of things by changing people's perception through social activism and reeducation. "Water is falling from the overcast sky, but we can teach people that this means whatever we want it to mean. If we teach them that water falling from the sky means 'It is dry today', then it is dry today."
What got me thinking about this is the obvious backlash against the Captain America comic. In order to make a political point, the writer took Hydra, uniquely representing the villains in a decades-long storyline, and made them adopt political views that are perfectly agreeable to normal people. Furthering this, the traditional hero of the story, Cap himself, has now joined them as a stand-in for the audience that finds Red Skull's views on refugees and illegals agreeable. The predictable end goal of this is to either contort the reasonable stances of the villains into something more obviously evil and have Cap betray them and admit his "mistake", or to see a new hero, representing the author's preferred political values, defeat Hydra and Cap and cement the view that opposes the reasonable position of Hydra as the true "hero."
This is news to nobody here. They're setting up Hydra and Cap as a giant strawman for refugee opponents, hoping the added emotional gutpunch of seeing the traditional hero beaten or humiliated will lend greater weight to the political shaming they're handing down to the audience for opposing the refugees.
The question that bothered me is "Why do they even think this would work?" The backlash is everywhere, with lifetime fans of the comic voicing resentment, videos and articles being made, and a generall theme of "Oh go fuck yourself" echoing through the American political center, right, and comics community. This would surprise nobody here either - you could have told them it would happen ten seconds after they pitched the idea.
The answer is Critical Theory. In action, if not name. Most of these cucks pick the shit up in college without any idea what its called, because it is simply the default method being namelessly taught to them by their professors.
Their reasoning is simple. They're trying to teach people that "refugees are good, and only the villains oppose them" as a way of altering people's perception of the situation. We'd shorthand that as just being propaganda, and it is, but the motivation behind their thinking is important to recognize. They have been taught, and believe, that if they simply change people's perception in this way, that not only will it work, but then reality will change.
>Traditional theory says that the refugee crisis is causing huge problems, refugees are not assimilating and causing crime and violence. This is based on observable facts and statistics.
>Critical theory says that the facts and statistics are unobjective and irrelevant, and by teaching people that the refugees are fine and changing their perception of them, the refugees are fine and there are no problems to worry about. The only opposing voices then, are racists and illogical xenophobes.
The whole shitshow is critical theory in action.
c47562 No.9511241
More than xe's making in victimbux.
032c82 No.9511246
Well, that much is obvious.
8f43ed No.9511323
Yeah, and the scary part is it is seeping into STEM
e51d70 No.9511327
>GamerGate is only in the interests of straight white males
I'm gonna fucking slaughter every last one of these degenerate narrowminded retards and every infuriating new nut of shit I see from these things only further strengthens my hatred, my rage, but above all else the resolve to be reborn as a fucking demon and the edge that will empower me in the next life.
I'm gonna laugh when I'm just as untouchable to these cucks and their precious law enforcement when I'm the equivalent of LVL 100++.
Yes, I'm fucking crazy, but it's how I've obtained a sense of inner peace and reassurance.
4c84b3 No.9511343
Anon, you are so ed
4c84b3 No.9511346
c47562 No.9511386
I want to play xis game. Just to go full plinkett autism on it, ripping it apart bit by bit on youtube.
88fef5 No.9511398
e51d70 No.9511413
Could have done that much better, but it still made me chuckle.
5b6bb8 No.9511422
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396808)
That was one edgy post.
027c1c No.9511431
Dont these cucks realize that if critical theory worked, the world would be christian nazis?
c47562 No.9511440
b5c0d9 No.9511460
>Dee thinks horror is essential to survival
Must be practicing what it preaches, I'm terrified to look at it.
>Critical Theory
Holy shit. I was wondering if there was a name for this dumbass belief set that facts are only true in the way that you interpret them. These people are actually insane, they think they're fucking Orkz.
e51d70 No.9511461
Why are Jewtube embeded videos still so shit?
5b6bb8 No.9511471
>Keep seeing people retweet SJWeebs if they make fun of Cartoon Network or Marvel.
Fucking twitterfags.
950c58 No.9511503
Not as far as I can see. It was pulled from Steam for soggy knees by his account. You could always just use images from Monsquaz and say it's Revolution 60
e51d70 No.9511538
>calling CN Cartoon Network
5b6bb8 No.9511570
I try not to think about how far CN has fallen.
In other news, Gel is sperging out about how racist people are regarding the whole gorilla thing.
e51d70 No.9511631
They're not insane. They're increasingly nonintelligible and I have no pity for them. They don't deserve anything but contempt when they try to force their braindead perspectives as actual fact.
Saying I wear my emotions on my sleeves is a massive understatement any of you faggots ever having been in a thread with me angry can attest to and even I have a shred of common sense to immediately understand just how stupid these pretentious pseudointellectual self-righteous shitheads are.
78d999 No.9511663
So I met a 16 year old transgirl recently. Get this, she's already redp-illed on GamerGate, hates SJWs and bashed Brianna Wu specifically without me bringing Wu up at all. Is this some kind of sign that we're reaching a turning point?
c47562 No.9511692
As far as I care, just because someone wants a vagina doesn't make them a shitty person.
The marxist agenda is what liberals are doing, making insecure people turn to them, by using their problems as a means to their cause.
The tides are turning because more people are warming up to minorities and simultaneously not warming up to extreme leftism.
027c1c No.9511694
The only racist is gel and how much gel hates japanese people.
025bdf No.9511724
Not until you inseminate her boipussy
027c1c No.9511725
Well, the liberals wen full nuts on an assisted suicide bill in canada. Ndp may be scum, but I am pretty sure "psychiatric therapy before deciding" and "being let known of all options before decisions" are resonable amendments.
e51d70 No.9511737
Cartoon Network died before jewt even sold out. That shit doesn't count no differently than Doom made by a husk of what id once was doesn't.
The old staff is completely gone because Andrew W.K. had to be a complete fucking faggot and bring complete reality show cancer to a station entirely about cartoons for absolutely no fucking reason.
If he's drank the kool-aid, I'm personally making him one of the first I kill when I get back from Hell. It will be cathartic.
8f43ed No.9511775
you know what to do anon.
9ad743 No.9511816
If 16 is the legal age in your state fuck dat boipussy
93c018 No.9511860
I hope you gaymergays made it through the weekend alright.
As a gay, I think there are a lot of people who see through the SJW shit, but they know they can't say anything because the SJWs will rip them apart.
SJWs are destroying intellectual diversity and silencing people with dissenting opinions. You'll find plenty of trans, gays, "poc"s, etc who really fucking hate SJWs. It's because most SJWs are not from one of those groups, yet they butt into those people's politics and lives. And when they butt in, they silence anyone who disagrees with the SJWs. SJWs are usually outsiders who are preaching to a specific community or culture on how they should behave and what they should believe and say. And if you reject them, they start with the name calling, "doxxing", and personal attacks.
All these communities with SJW infiltration, they're extremely polarized. As a gay, if you like Trump and you tell your gay friends, most of them will flip their shit over it. They're far more polarized than cultures and communities that avoid SJWs.
e51d70 No.9511869
How long before we can freely say "I don't hate all black people, I just hate niggers"?
474d7c No.9511881
gamergate is not on the trending list anymore
e51d70 No.9511886
What happened this weekend?
9ad743 No.9511888
When the common populace understand the delineation between black people and niggers.
e9983f No.9511889
>Andrew W.K.
>bringing the cancer that was CN Real
You're thinking of Stu Snyder, aka the guy actually in charge of CN at the time. W.K. was just stuck as the host of one of them.
I checked his twatter account since you brought it up - he follows the standard cancer, including Obama, Cuckerburg, Buzzfeed and Bruce Jenner, but no huge red flags like FemFreq or anything.
sage for offtopic
93c018 No.9511890
Just memorial weekend in the states and shit being slow.
889f17 No.9511894
>I hope you gaymergays made it through the weekend alright.
Barely, went to visit my family since I had the long weekend off and I was made errand boy and cook for their little cookout for 4 days straight. Doesn't help that I have G6PDD and sweat all the time for no reason at all. Now I'm chilling in front of a fan while chucking water so I can actually get out of bed in the morning.
I regret everything.
027c1c No.9511902
he likes ponies.
Sjws are what westbouro's would be if not ridiculed.
e62229 No.9511914
Reminder that you left.
tl;dr: anons exposing sjw shills get banned.
e51d70 No.9511945
Looks like I took that one promo commercial he did too seriously. King Nigger and Buzzfeed makes me feel uneasy.
I wonder if /vp/'s imploded from its shitposting yet?
9284d3 No.9511978
I really don't get the accusations of racism over that gorilla situation. I mean the kid was black and both parents were black.
025bdf No.9511995
Since we're talking about CN, I once had an awful nightmare they remade Ed Edd n Eddy and made it 3D like Jimmy Neutron
I'm scared of my nightmares
2b8727 No.9511998
Upstanding Urban Gentlemen sympathize with the shooting victim.
That's basically what it boils down to.
5b6bb8 No.9512023
A lot of people left vp if I remember right due to a temporary ban on showderp and a few other things. Now I rmember /vp/ getting beat at pokemon by 8chan and got so asshurt that mods banned anyone mentioning it, but I am not sure what is going on their now.
That whole site is filled with cancer and burnouts who unironically use it to get back at that mean 8chan. Funny part is how cancerous 4chan has become when most of the burnout fags or people that go there and talk about it on twitter follow the cringe worthy reddit "best of 4chan account".
889f17 No.9512036
Damn that's ironic as fuck. Gorilla gets shot after a monkey child falls in it's cage and the other monkey's feel for the gorilla instead of the monkey and his baboon parents. RIP my sides.
5b6bb8 No.9512044
They first thought the kid was white and how the gorilla was shot because the kid was white. Then it became something along the lines of the gorilla was shot and enslaved by white people Not even kidding. That is what people are saying.
469599 No.9512070
>All of that 'SJWs are bad, but /pol/ is the actual problem' coming from people intentionally shitting up the thread
Interesting seeing that on 4chan and not just 8chan. Seems that SJWs are absolutely assblasted that places like /pol/ exist and are trying their hardest to remove them by throwing hissyfits about them to piss off the people that browse the board.
26d936 No.9512085
I fear they would make it live action
027c1c No.9512095
>Erin in live action
Look, shes a good voice actress, but would not make a good live nazz or may.
889f17 No.9512097
Is it bad that I'm laughing really hard at this as a black man? Looking at the gorilla it seems that it's even treating the child somewhat like a baby gorilla. This is too much. I need a drink.
93c018 No.9512099
SJWs are authoritarians. They do not want intellectual diversity or active discussion. They want strict adherence to their core principles. Anything that violates that they want to destroy.
4c84b3 No.9512110
Believe me they cannot, SJW once tried to tell the creator of Ed, edd & Eddy to make a remake more politically correct, he told them all to get a life.
b5c0d9 No.9512123
Jesus there's a ton of cancer there. There's a few sane anons, and some mix of normalfag and "evry1 is dumb butt me" type people, but man. The more I read that thread, the more I'm glad this place exists, even if I'm not alt-right. At least we have chances for good threads.
93c018 No.9512126
Sadly, the gorilla was a better parent than the real parents.
027c1c No.9512135
They want feudalist communism with themselves as the lords.
78d999 No.9512141
So hold up, Nirvana's drummer ruined Cartoon Network?
2b8727 No.9512148
God has a sense of humor m8. I do feel kinda bad the gorilla got shot, because zoo animal. Not the gorillas fault the retard parents let their kid get down there. But you don't fuck around when it comes to wild animals, so better a safe bullet than sorry.
027c1c No.9512159
The canadian guy? Maybe thats why he was executed.
055478 No.9512161
>Not just tranquilizing the thing
They did the same in a zoo, some retard jumped into the lion pit to kill himself and to save him they killed both lions.
9284d3 No.9512162
>It seemed like the gorilla was treating the child like a baby gorilla
Probably, any harm it did the kid was definitely unintentional. If he'd actually wanted to harm the child he could have snapped him in two in an instant.
889f17 No.9512177
Their excuse was that tranquilizing the gorilla would take too long and there was a risk that tranqing it would make the gorilla more aggressive as well. If I was the one shooting I'd load tranqs regardless of orders and wait for when the gorilla was not touching the child.
f1791e No.9512185
I always hated the "everyone dumb but me" label because in some instances both main sides are legitimately wrong.
If two sides are arguing whether 2+2=3 or 2+2=5, somebody saying 2+2=4 would be given that label. 3rd party options aren't necessarily wrong simply because they aren't popular.
9284d3 No.9512191
Tranqs aren't that fast, they take a while to work. Unsurprisingly zookeepers know more about handling animals than random anons.
e51d70 No.9512213
I cannot believe how much shitposting there is. It blows my mind how they can continue to endure so much fucking punishment from all sides long after losing everything they once cherished and believed in from their culture, community and even their hobby.
It's almost as if they're completely desensitized to all the betrayal and despair. It's chilling and depressing all at once to see them irritably but casually going about their day on what was once a home on the internet.
93c018 No.9512214
I'm pretty sure animals don't just quietly fall asleep when you shoot them with a big dart filled with tranquillizers.
Here's some Quora answer.
Basically, it takes minutes for the tranquillizers to work. That's more than enough time for the gorilla to freak out and kill the kid.
I don't blame them for what they did. The backlash from killing a gorilla is a lot smaller than if they shot the gorilla with tranqs, it failed, and the gorilla killed the kid.
The zoo would be shut down if they shot the gorilla with tranqs and it killed a kid. People would be furious. You'd probably see news cycles about how zoos aren't safe any more and you should never go to one because your kids might die because if "inadequate protection".
It's kind of like that fallacy where people think that they're always right when they choose the moderate position.
889f17 No.9512217
>Tranqs aren't that fast, they take a while to work.
I know this. I would have tranq'd him anyway. I don't give a fuck about some nigger kid. I'd just say I loaded the wrong ammo or some shit.
9284d3 No.9512236
You must not care about your job or the jobs of your coworkers either because if that kid dies that zoo's getting shutdown.
b5c0d9 No.9512238
It is true that that can be the case, but a lot times arguing politics is like arguing where you want to go to eat, and the specific people I talk about when I use that label are saying "Eating is beneath me." A lot of people use it to feel morally superior rather than parse out arguments, no matter how dumb said arguments may be. A better answer for those people would be "I'm not informed enough" instead of just calling everyone dumb without having reasons. It's pretty easy to show 2+2=4 rather than just say "you're both retards".
027c1c No.9512241
And if the bullet missed it would have aggitated the damn thing and cause it to harm the child. We need to work on better tranqs I guess.
f1791e No.9512261
You're an idiot if you think even a good excuse would get you off that hook, anon.
Sort of the inverse, actually: a fallacy that something must be wrong because it isn't one of two polarized stances.
9284d3 No.9512266
78d999 No.9512274
still having trouble watching videos on 8chan
bb6f84 No.9512280
>You'd probably see news cycles about how zoos aren't safe any more and you should never go to one because your kids might die because of "inadequate protection".
Funny, some news show I was watching had a guy on talking about the incident and he was going after that exact point saying that out of the millions and millions of people who go through that zoo and the extreme rarity of incidents it's ridiculous to take this and say it's evidence that zoos aren't safe
b5c0d9 No.9512283
I think the meme about /v/ not playing video games is actually true there. I don't think a single one of them has played a video game at this point. Meanwhile, I have KoF2k2UM open and am trying to git gud at fighting SNK bosses.
It's not working, but I am playing pretty dumb.
027c1c No.9512288
889f17 No.9512292
You are correct, I would not care
I agree we need better tranqs
I never implied it would get me off the hook I would just say it. As a black man in this social climate it would just cause SJWs heads to explode
b5c0d9 No.9512293
Double dubs confirm, bring on the sanity stealing creatures.
055478 No.9512306
Fuck the stupid kid for even being there in the first place.
b5c0d9 No.9512309
>another pair
9ad743 No.9512311
>git gud on SNK bosses
Hope you like having your boipussy ravaged beyond repair.
f1791e No.9512326
There are people that behave in that specific way you describe, and I would agree they are worthy of derision, but we need to be careful not to confuse such people with those who genuinely think that both sides are wrong for some reasons or other, rather than simply because it makes them seem enlightened to pick neither side.
e6834b No.9512327
This campaign could work.
26d936 No.9512332
then what about the Neps
b5c0d9 No.9512338
I still can't beat Krizalid reliably and he's the easiest one. Fuck that wind projectile thing, it cuts through Ralf's armor. And I'm still not good with Whip enough to react to shit happening in my face since she's mostly got ranged moves. I'd roll more but I get grabbed way too often out of it.
Fair enough.
b5c0d9 No.9512348
Pics related are what I think about those digits
025bdf No.9512382
>lol kid's a nigger so I don't care if he dies
>kid dies, Zoo gets sued and/or shuts down all because of some nigger
Way to go, anon
889f17 No.9512394
4c84b3 No.9512407
So… Who will voice her now that… You know
055478 No.9512409
Anyone else find the male gaze argument the stupidest fucking thing ever?
It basically makes the assumption its only men that like attractive women, though its funny accusing people of homophobia and watching get on the defensive, SJWs really hate when you use their own tactics against them.
4c84b3 No.9512414
Explain yourself better anon, I don't get it
93c018 No.9512418
Anon, most of the SJW shit is the stupidest fucking things ever because they come up with ideas and they desperately search for evidence to back up their claims.
>all men objectify women
>they look at them funny, that's one proof!
de206e No.9512428
stop reminding me
027c1c No.9512429
No one for now, there was no plans for another season.
025bdf No.9512438
Oh boy, look at the time
Time for uncensored grief and tragedy
e51d70 No.9512445
Here's something you might find interesting. Naruto Shitpudding Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 is an enjoyable fairly balanced game that has a reasonable escalation in difficulty for the campaign.
Then the final fight with Deidara gives him super armor gone retarded and the ability to easily juggle you to death in seconds with a full health bar or even stack damage and oneshot you immediately by teleporting and spamming explosives. And the only way to win is with an ultimate.
bb6f84 No.9512473
pls no
not sad thread post not sad
055478 No.9512478
Don't ever forget that you escaped.
07519c No.9512481
>Oh..oh my god…oh my god…I'm really, really….
f1791e No.9512489
I think it's because they immediately hate certain things that bother them in some way they don't/refuse to understand, and then they scrabble for reasons after the fact for why their hatred is both moral and justified.
>I really hate this buxom and athletic female character
>I-it can't be because of inadequacy because I am most certainly not insecure at all about my big, beautiful, sexy body
>Maybe it's because it's degrading?
>Yeah, look at the way she poses!
>Practically inviting men to disrobe her with their eyes!
>What is this teaching men to think of women?
>This is clearly a sexist attack on femininity!
>I knew there was a good reason I hated this at first glance!
>I bet my twitter followers will agree when I tell them all about this filth
5b6bb8 No.9512514
At least it seem like most of the people are calling the over sensitive faggots out. But go the cancer is strong.
8db527 No.9512525
622033 No.9512528
i had a nightmare about Sony buying the rights to Panty and Stocking and making a live action show
The girsl were hot, but the plot was crappier than Supernatural
de206e No.9512529
every day I'm glad I left that place, its just filled with skinwalkers now
055478 No.9512545
Who is this nigger, I seem to be blocked by him.
2b8727 No.9512565
>tfw you realize the skinwalkers were always there. It was only that all of us drowned them out until we abandoned the place.
469599 No.9512567
Some assincinerated faggot that mombot constantly memes on.
78d999 No.9512600
Yes, but they live in another state that I'm not sure about.
9ad743 No.9512611
Look up the other state's laws then. Not that hard, anon.
78d999 No.9512613
What is a skinwalker? Is that just an SJW trying to be anon?
027c1c No.9512632
its an old movie reference that was used to describe a monster that lived and walked while wearing human skin as a disguise. It is used to describe people who act like monsters in human skin.
025bdf No.9512634
I believe that term was referencing something in a comic or something like that, where a skinwalker could turn into any animal they desired
>how do you do, fellow 4channers/anons/whateverthefuck
9ad743 No.9512642
I thought it was referencing some /k/ or /x/ spooky stories about people suddenly going from normal to OH GOD WHY within a matter of a day or less.
Current iterations are definitely
>how do you do fellow 4channers/anons/whateverthefuck
b70b8f No.9512652
Skinwalkers are monsters/witches from Native American mythology.
Anon version of Skinwalkers tends to the monster side of the equation. Tall, lanky, pale white and able to mimic human speech to some degree. Also sharp teeth and claws.
055478 No.9512706
79d8d9 No.9512745
Man, I didn't save that good inndawoods greentext story about skinwalkers where the friends go camping.
055478 No.9512968
2b8727 No.9513011
22 months and counting.
025bdf No.9513032
do shame and regret ever wash over you after a really awesome fap to questionable porn?
9ad743 No.9513041
I'm going to regret asking this, but what in the Name of Holy Terra did you fucking fap to?
bb6f84 No.9513049
Did you just tug you're willy to scat or something?
d029b6 No.9513062
I wonder what her poop smells like
025bdf No.9513119
Videos of girls eating chapstick
4c84b3 No.9513142
Sorry guys somebody else has to do the bread, I need to sleep badly
084742 No.9513151
I fapped to a milf muscle girl once didn't regret it one bit
bb6f84 No.9513165
>Videos of girls eating chapstick
that's weird but at least it wasn't NTR
Do you just copy and paste it with a new picture and edition or is there more to it? I've never baked before
4a27fa No.9513183
>mfw all the things I've fapped to are relatively vanilla.
Anon. I've got to ask.
Fapping to girls eating chapstick is fucking weird, yo. Backpackcuck? That's weird but I can still let it slide. Floor tiles? Also weird.. But girls eating chapstick?
9ad743 No.9513193
That's odd but barely regret-tier.
463d3e No.9513200
f1791e No.9513251
You forgot the state of Ohio.
025bdf No.9513261
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396852)
There aren't enough videos of this
Why not?
c138d4 No.9513281
we're playing games I suspect, lurking for happenings and breasts.
32f547 No.9513286
>milf muscle girl
Best of all worlds.
425d70 No.9513426
some retarded fatty decided to shittalk notyourshield yesterday so i decided to give him some shit over it
he blocked me an protected his tweets
8db527 No.9513480
906c7f No.9513513
>The message boards associated with this movement may or may not be (read: totally are) an outlet for men to complain about all the sex they’re not having,
027c1c No.9513529
>feminism was never touted in highschools until recently
Ill take bullshit for 2000 alex.
027c1c No.9513562
Send this to the honeybadgers
032c82 No.9513701
Why is their default argument always "lol, you don't get laid?" I mean, I know they don't have an argument to begin with, but come on. And if it's projection, that's just fucking sad.
2b5688 No.9513711
Tits are life, ass is Hometown
c59530 No.9513757
Gotta perpetuate the angry virgin neckbeard bogeyman.
No sex having, in shape, attractive individual would disagree with them. Only basement dwelling ogres.
425d70 No.9513781
>men to complain about all the sex they’re not having,
muh male gaze, muh objectivictsim, muh whatever it is this week to remind people that sex is evil.
lol u don't have the sex
firstly i do, but even if i hadn't and would be a 30yo kissless virgin i sure as hell wouldn't fuck some shrieking overweight harpy like you, thank you very much.
16716b No.9513920
Woah, not even page 13 and already reaching 666 posts in a slow day ? Guess the rhythm's back in good shape again.
Keep going anon.
055478 No.9513942
Why do my filters only seem to work on occasion
906c7f No.9513997
653f0a No.9514020
Verily (I'll bake something up if need be).
b3b88d No.9514158
Is this thread still bumpable? In any case, what'sup you meme loving fucks?
b3b88d No.9514180
Oh well can I at least get a 666th post?
653f0a No.9514201
The 667th one, even.
Gobburgramps are dead, close the gays.
2b8727 No.9514209
5am, can't sleep. Work in 3 hours. Pic is gonna be me around lunchtime.
027c1c No.9514318
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.![](http://megalodon.jp/get_contents/277396861)
Listen to the first half hour for an update on calagry expo shit
a3c18d No.9514416
reminded me of this
b3b88d No.9514458
We need /k/, then
To be honest I kinda can't disagree with that sentiment, when some conflict goes for so long people often get excessively contrarian or forgiving to any sort of double standards because opposition does it. Just… try not to take position opposite of that of your opposition on every opportunity you get.
65ee59 No.9514570
File: 1464689497062.jpg (175.41 KB, 1024x1244, 256:311, tmp_1464203973405541286044.jpg)
I need a new bread in my mouth.
Please give it to me, onni~fam!
027c1c No.9514614
Damn, that pizza looks good.
653f0a No.9514698
As discussed in this bread, I'll try to shorten the OP post for the next one.
653f0a No.9514702
Also, Gitgud seems to be down.
65ee59 No.9514717
Should we be afraid?
653f0a No.9514736
Not quite. Most pages actually still seem to work, but I can't access the thread repository.
I mean, we (hopefully) still can access the archive by manually clicking the archive of each previous bread in all breads, but this process could be lengthy.
a3c18d No.9514741
>Just… try not to take position opposite of that of your opposition on every opportunity you get.
that reminded me of something else. after the paris bombings or some shit, tons of sjw faggots, including mark ruffalo, were tweeting #notallmudslimes. the funny thing is, I have to agree with them. not all mudslimes are terrorists.
the problem is, they're technically right, but the intention behind their words is dishonest, and is just being used to push an agenda. not all mudslimes are terrorists, but all terrorists ARE mudslimes.
and that reminds me of another thing. that bahar Mustafa shit? #istandwithbaharmustafa was fucking retarded, dumbest shit I've ever seen in gg. there was a golden opportunity to let one of those slimy fucks get hoisted by their petard, but no, gotta virtue signal as hard as we can.
I can't remember why I typed out all this bullshit now. I'm not going to take a position just because my enemies oppose it, but at the same time, any action that undermines those weaselly fucks is one i'll gladly take.
b3b88d No.9514751
>and that reminds me of another thing. that bahar Mustafa shit? #istandwithbaharmustafa was fucking retarded, dumbest shit I've ever seen in gg. there was a golden opportunity to let one of those slimy fucks get hoisted by their petard, but no, gotta virtue signal as hard as we can.
The problem here is that GG wouldn't have changed the result here in any case, Mustafa just like everyone else had a right to freedom of speech even if it is offensive. Also, it did show GG can be consistent in principles, even if that's meaningless as SJWs will push the narrative no matter what.
027c1c No.9514781
> Also, it did show GG can be consistent in principles, even if that's meaningless as SJWs will push the narrative no matter what.
This. We are consistant with what we say and try not tou use double standards. shilling the hb radio I posted, calgary expo uses double standard on banning hb but not mary sue for politics. when I say free speech for all and not being arrested for speaking, I mean it. though, encitment charges I also belive should be a thing.
And i will point out that not all terrorists are arabian or muslims, but many call criminals and murderers terrorists when they are simply killers or criminals a terrorist is one who performs acts to inspire absolute terror in their victims and bystanders.
653f0a No.9514783
Okay, bread is ready. Shitpost to 700, would you kindly?
49595e No.9514788
File: 1464691982899.jpg (115.27 KB, 900x506, 450:253, coreen enjoys his last mom….jpg)
027c1c No.9514789
Also, bahar was in britian and is arabian apparently, so would have got off scott free, but in britian and canada, we do not have free from govermental interfearance free speech.
49595e No.9514823
File: 1464692346457.png (679.96 KB, 545x902, 545:902, rapemanscans make the best….PNG)
653f0a No.9514825
Careful, you might trigger the Ralphshill into going full retard with webms.
b3b88d No.9514843
Oh wait, she's a britbong? Well then I don't know how she got away with it, bongland is like a some sort of dystopia-lite with TV licenses, knife bins and constant surveillance.
b3b88d No.9514866
Never seen these before… but wouldn't it be easier to dump images in batches? Unless you wanna reach the end faster.
027c1c No.9514876
Because she is a female arabian probably muslim too and feminist. Thats why. Double standards.
653f0a No.9514879
>Unless you want to reach the end faster
What part of "Shitpost to 700" did you not understand?
425d70 No.9514885
>mfw i am already working as a graphics designer and only applied to a "gamedesign" course for my personal advancement my modding hobby
>mfw i have most likely more of a portfolio than sjw gamedesign course plebs
e637c5 No.9514912
Damn, you are a meanie!
fb2442 No.9514944