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[–]dronemoderator -10ポイント-9ポイント  (6子コメント)

You're why I am constantly saying we need to change our language to American. With the Spanish influence, it is clearly evolving away from the soggy, French-influenced language you speak. The sad thing is, for you, that the world will come to know the Spanish-influenced American English as "English," while your language will become some quaint relic like Scots. But what do we know, there are only 320 million of us.

[–]mk101 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

Yet more American ignorance.

You're trying to say that the English language should be called the American language because there are more Americans that speak English than English people.

Using that absolutely ridiculous logic, English should actually be renamed to Indian, seeing that most English speakers are in India.

Any thoughts on this, or were you just nonsensically ranting above like Americans tend to do.


You literally made this comment just before replying to me:

French has never stopped being beautiful for me, written and spoken. I cherish the moments where I'm fluent (rare moments), and as another user said about their languages, it really showed me how beautiful English is. It's a Germanic language but filled with so much French and Latin, so much elegance and simplicity. Keep studying your languages and you'll hear English eventually.

I think you may have some mental issue, bipolar or something maybe. Nobody in good mental health would seriously make such contradictory remarks in a short time. How dumb are you?

[–]dronemoderator [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

I thought it was pretty clear that American English is becoming a different language than your drivel. Surely that would qualify for a new name.

India, which despises the UK, has 100s of languages. There will never be a language called Indian.

I'm aware of the differences in what I wrote previously and what I wrote to you. Rule #1 when insulting the British is to call them French. It's called "goading." Look it up. Your ethnic hatred for one another is quite entertaining for people who live in countries with no ancestral ethnicities, where our accents don't tell people about our upbringing and how much money we have.

I have no interest in reading your profile or downvoting you.

Your country is a linguistic sperm donor, and nothing more. It is now completely irrelevant. The best thing you have going for you is your close ties to Canada.

[–]mk101 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Oh wow, you are actually really mad, hilarious!

India, which despises the UK, has 100s of languages. There will never be a language called Indian.


Approximately 430 languages are spoken or signed by the population (of the USA)

Sorry mate, there will never be a language called American either ;)

Keep going, please, I really get so much enjoyment out of proving dumbass Americans wrong, especially when they are so obviously upset.

[–]dronemoderator [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Oh there will be, because we are a melting pot. And your kids and grandkids will all be importing our cool words, just like you do now.

[–]mk101 [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

melting pot

The word you are looking for is 'toilet'

[–]dronemoderator [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Eh, you can't make everyone like you, can you? We'll just have to turn to the enormous continent that we own for solace. A continent that could have been yours, but your hereditary monarch's inbreeding robbed him of his senses.