全 3 件のコメント

[–]RfrankieR 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

I dont care if people compare us to feminists. It doesnt affect me in the slightest.

Also I dont think these cunts will learn. I'm pretty sure these guys have male friends or male relatives who have been raped in the divorce. Heck some of these cucks have been been through it themselves. But they will keep on hamstering that she was not the one & this time it will be different somehow. These people will keep on lying to themselves & refuse to acknowledge that she's not your wife it's only your turn to be her husband.

[–]abandonedthrowaway32 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't worry, they'll get the full AWALT experience with extra salt in the wound. And I'll be laughing as they try to search for their unicorn again and again, or when they whine about their hefty alimony payments or jail sentence due to a false rape allegation.

While I see where they're coming from with the comparison to feminism, but there is a very stark difference. We build our own future while remaining vigilant, while feminists just get offended and complain about everything on twitter while doing jack shit.

When we say "AWALT", it implies that we don't trust women because they have the potential to do some really nasty stuff (like men), but what anti-mgtows don't understand is that just because we don't trust women doesn't automatically mean that we hate them.