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Some guy insists "true FRP principle" as follows:

  1. A (FRP) library user will describe a mapping f as

    Current TimeStamp => State

by referential transparent function or stream.

  1. A system applies the System TimeStamp(t=0,1,2...) to the f

  2. Accordingly, A system obtains State: f(0),f(1),f(2),....

This should be the "true FRP basic principle".

The guy also shown the following code as a "proof of the concept".

The original source is from

(Haskell ReactiveBanana)

import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Reactive.Banana (accumB)
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.FRP.ReactiveBanana (playBanana)

main = playBanana disp colour freq gen
  disp = (InWindow "Drawing Canvas" (400, 400) (40, 40))
  colour = white
  freq = 100
  gen deltaTime = return . fmap draw . accumB (False,[],[]) . fmap eTrans
  draw (_, path, paths) = mconcat $ map line $ path:paths
  eTrans (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ _ ) (_, path, paths) = (True, path, paths)
  eTrans (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ _ ) (_, path, paths) = (False, [], path:paths)
  eTrans (EventMotion pos) (True, path, paths) = (True, pos:path, paths)
  eTrans _ world = world

  playIO display colour frequency ()
    (\      _ → readIORef pictureref)
    (\ ev   _ → () <$ event ev)
    (\ time _ → () <$ tick time)

playIO  display backColor simResolution
        worldStart worldToPicture worldHandleEvent worldAdvance

 = playWithBackendIO defaultBackendState
        display backColor simResolution
        worldStart worldToPicture worldHandleEvent worldAdvance

        , Callback.Idle         (callback_simulate_idle 
                                        stateSR animateSR (readIORef viewSR)
                                        worldSR (\_ -> worldAdvance)

I don't get it. The code presented as a "proof of the concept" is nothing to do with the "true FRP principle" that he claims, I think.

I am not a user of ReactiveBanana, so I'd like to double-check by people here. Thanks.

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What exactly is your question? StackOverflow is not a discussion forum. – Bergi May 18 at 8:17
The question is clear: Does the code presented as a "proof of the concept" corresponds to the "true FRP principle" that he claims. True or False – Ken OKABE May 18 at 8:21

If that is your question (though I don't think it is clear from your original post), the answer is clear: True.

As to (1), the library user provides the gen function (passed to playBanana) which returns a value of Behavior t Picture type wrapped in Moment t monad, and this Behavior t Picture is exactly what you wrote as Current TimeStamp => State. (2) and (3) are done by reactive-banana library with respect to this Behavior t Picture value.

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