6,780 vandals mildly vandalising things seven months.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pro vandal, but sometimes a small addition or a mild adjustment to something can brighten days and bring smiles to faces everywhere.
Adding eyes to things seems to be a thing on /r/MildlyVandalised. Eyes in trees, eyes on this trashcan, eyes for Mr. Taco so he can see!
Some of these would be vandals are pretty darn clever too. Whomever vandaled this light sure put some though into it. Then there was this clever and talented person that was kind enough to give us this appropriate, and well done street art.. Someone sure cares about this lone dandelion plant, is that a Barbie prop?
Others are more blunt like this iPad logo edit, come on, you know it’s true. Mind you so is this
As you’ve already probably figured out, /r/MildlyVandalised is an image based subreddit with a nice community going on and a lot of mods, oh so many mods … so stop in and say hi!
Enjoy your time at /r/MildlyVandalised
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