August 15, 2015.
I read an article this morning where actress Naya Rivera has explained how while she does not find nor feel like she needs to get dolled up while expecting, she definitely has a plan for once her baby is born. I can totally relate. When I had my first, I had planned what my hair and make up routine would be to make life easier. I feel a lot of women plan a new hair style or a new look that may simplify their life.
I also find it equally as important to plan what I like to call a mom uniform. With the same concept of a capsule wardrobe, a mom uniform is simply a go-to look that is effortless and stylish but also functional for the day to day duties of motherhood. If you haven't had a moment to plan it out, sit back and relax one evening or this weekend and check out these amazing mom bloggers that make getting dressed in the morning look like a breeze.