City Lights
A well liked Instructable
This came out of a final created for my soft circuits class, it was a lighthearted project aimed at creating something fun and tangible with a minimal amount of soldering (none would be needed at all if both sides of copper tape were conductible). The project really defined itself a few weeks later when I revisited it to create a children’s instructable and launched it publicly.
The final outcome of this project can be seen below, and was featured on the instructables technology page garnishing it most of the views, appreciative comments and favorites seen above. To view the entire project you can click here, or the link at the bottom of this section.
Built upon a metal sheet covered by artboard and powered by two 9v batteries, allowing for a ridiculous amount of LED’s to be powered on our 8x11in board, this project helps young children grasp the basics of electronic circuitry while building their own modular LED lit building blocks.
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