I've got my Expert Mouse trackball situated to my left (right hand is bugging me lately). If I just plug the thing in, it works, but I've no control over the extra two buttons. With no extra software, the one acts like clicking the scroll wheel in a regular mouse, and the other is a 'back' button.
I grabbed Kensington's software (Version 1.1.18 at the moment), and I found that it will install in Windows 7 (64 bit), BUT if I also turn on 'switch primary and secondary buttons' (which I must do, as Kensington's software supports no such thing), it acts as though the secondary button is held when I move the ball!
Prior to using the trackball, I had a Logitech mouse which had two spare buttons that ended up mapped to 'back' and 'forward' in browsers and such
Any good ideas on how to re-map the buttons?