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Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series & Knuckles


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

909345 No.9478008

> Current Happenings:






2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:

- https://medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa


- http://pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE

4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:

paste.teknik.io/2491 || itmb.co/ts09w || up1.ca/#OLF7pVJJzk9ci56FwzveAA || twitter.com/McDermie/status/677627235386437633

5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America:



7. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - gamergatewiki.com



> New COIs between Silverstring and Critical Distance:

- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8

- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/

> Anons have launched a website for reviewing Games, Publishers and Developers:


> VoQn opened up a new group for those who want to learn Japanese, titled "GamerGate: Sons of Liberty":

- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || http://lang-8.com/groups/3054

> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269

> VideoGamer Includes Affiliate links in Articles, Twitter Without Disclosure:

- http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || https://twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880

> Current Happenings and Thread Repository are seriously behind.

- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa

- Apr 2 - May 13 -https://p.teknik.io/emiKY

- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx

> Jason Schreier defends reviewer for giving a game a low score due to game dev speaking to Total Biscuit.

- http://archive.is/26dfN

> Thread Repository:


> Summaries of #GamerGate:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;

https://archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):

• Use https://archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;

• Use https://tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;

• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;

• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):

• The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.is/nv1Fb

• #GamerGate.Me: http://www.gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page

• History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/

• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

> How Can I Help?

• All Operations: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations

• Operation Disrespectful Nod: https://v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);

• Operation Shills in a Barrel: https://v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);

• Operation Baby Seal: https://v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);

• Operation Prime Rib: https://v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);

• Operation DigDigDig: https://v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);

• Operation Vulcan: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);

• Operation UV: https://archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);

• Operation Firefly: https://archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);

• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: https://v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

> Lists:

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: http://v.gd/HTjBk3

• Support List: https://v.gd/bFfDrJ

• Boycott List: https://v.gd/eYq9go

> Key GamerGate Hubs:


> Full OP Text:


> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?


0f00d5 No.9478019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3297fb No.9478021

File: 1464392905085.gif (101.9 KB, 758x696, 379:348, Superior.gif)

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

262eff No.9478027

File: 1464392934078.gif (2.07 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Untitled.gif)


f97101 No.9478035

File: 1464392977148.jpg (27.74 KB, 350x400, 7:8, 1250463522408.jpg)


909345 No.9478036

File: 1464392991792.png (314.54 KB, 1000x1332, 250:333, Hashirin.png)

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


f05186 No.9478054

File: 1464393080503-0.png (18.15 KB, 990x255, 66:17, meh.png)

File: 1464393080504-1.jpeg (361.05 KB, 909x945, 101:105, 01e6058814e21e1e4e84ef9d2….jpeg)

4d1bb5 No.9478059

File: 1464393145400.jpg (98.96 KB, 677x873, 677:873, 1458383331124.jpg)



31e89f No.9478062

File: 1464393159607.jpeg (98.11 KB, 679x1000, 679:1000, 1463955130283.jpeg)



ef8247 No.9478069


I would love her so much <3

385eef No.9478081

File: 1464393213427.jpg (151.39 KB, 724x442, 362:221, kanzaki nao.jpg)



5e3d5f No.9478082

File: 1464393221298.png (80.94 KB, 677x480, 677:480, Sneeze.png)

fa8df0 No.9478086

09e4f0 No.9478091

File: 1464393287168.gif (345.52 KB, 341x350, 341:350, 1461433830254.gif)

3153d6 No.9478102


They're going to say it's the Patriarchy's fault for embedding internalized misogyny in women. Bank on it.

fa8df0 No.9478109

File: 1464393399693.gif (2.84 MB, 256x138, 128:69, pre pripyat.gif)


We need an anime version of Commando

Is there a .webbum of this?

648ecf No.9478110

File: 1464393405860.png (147.15 KB, 745x814, 745:814, Christ-tan 4.png)

385eef No.9478118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tfw movies used to be good

262eff No.9478126

File: 1464393557754.png (627.53 KB, 2028x1576, 507:394, 1434681501386.png)

fa8df0 No.9478128


God I miss 80's action movies. At least we got Far Cry: Blood dragon but it's not nearly enough.

What happened to just dumb fun?

2867d6 No.9478129

File: 1464393554825.mp4 (7.42 MB, 480x360, 4:3, True My Heart vs. Commando.mp4)




Or perhaps call those women transgender males despite not having gone through surgery. The bullshitting possibilities are endless!



fa8df0 No.9478147

File: 1464393680374.jpg (142.07 KB, 416x418, 208:209, 1432398147936.jpg)

58ac5d No.9478177

File: 1464393936178-0.jpg (55.6 KB, 900x300, 3:1, PBF055.jpg)

File: 1464393936179-1.jpg (53.03 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sad frog.jpg)

Remember to summon the meteor…for kek

Also, what was that about Gondola being older than the internet?

9b33a8 No.9478181

File: 1464393962807.jpg (592.29 KB, 1280x1323, 1280:1323, tumblr_o7po883gPM1rql8cco1….jpg)



09e4f0 No.9478183


That comment section has hope, but the idiots are very loud and stupid.

366798 No.9478195

File: 1464394061264.png (88.7 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1463060300973.png)


385eef No.9478198

0471af No.9478200

File: 1464394100240.png (32 KB, 146x165, 146:165, smug2.png)


You really think that, don't you?

I lost a lot of my pictures and I don't have the appropriate response. pls bully and spoonfeed.


Not quite mai waifu, but FOR HER, THE NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE.


You're fucking kidding me, right?

09e4f0 No.9478202


>dark skin


>big breasts

>oni like

Now if she had big hair and a ultra effeminate side, I would be in love.

b1e8de No.9478203


God's gonna be pissed.

f3db21 No.9478207

File: 1464394168696.png (395.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, batman.png)


They went to Nippon.

056844 No.9478229


delete this

2867d6 No.9478236

File: 1464394351290-0.jpg (606.66 KB, 800x1183, 800:1183, s-now a3daed7784e0eac7e65a….jpg)

File: 1464394351335-1.png (362.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1457631261487-0.png)

File: 1464394351361-2.jpg (579.79 KB, 800x1183, 800:1183, s-now 8e030623b7b9aa9db7c8….jpg)

File: 1464394351362-3.png (267.54 KB, 1110x1600, 111:160, mm_41_00.png)

File: 1464394351362-4.png (367.55 KB, 1107x1600, 1107:1600, mm_41_18.png)

Trying to do that megalodon->freezepage->archive.is thing. Hopefully it will work within the next ten minutes.

In the meantime, here's this shitty archive: https://archive.is/NuINH


Prepare to be in love.

344098 No.9478243


4d1bb5 No.9478244

File: 1464394418777.png (291.2 KB, 731x911, 731:911, tionisha.png)



Beaten to the punch with posting tionisha

09e4f0 No.9478246


I love tio. She is best girl.

b90a74 No.9478249

File: 1464394443922.jpg (66.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, laura_reactions (11).jpg)

Remember to tenderly pat your waifu and treat them well.

9b33a8 No.9478257

File: 1464394506368.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.31 KB, 736x883, 736:883, a2a8718cd10efed9733d976558….jpg)


I didn't have to do this, but I have no choice but to post some indecency

fa8df0 No.9478260

File: 1464394521804.jpeg (88.47 KB, 720x795, 48:53, 1462485601914.jpeg)


I want her to pat me

b7b00b No.9478262


I think this is good proof that the claims about them trying to humiliate people into submission are correct. Could you imagine a Christian arguing about this? I think most I know would just throw their hands up and walk away because it wasn't worth the time.

The only people who are going to fight this are autists and people who get off on making them look like idiots.

b17e81 No.9478266

File: 1464394603997.jpg (117.58 KB, 253x603, 253:603, 11.jpg)


Cyclops > Ogre.

0471af No.9478269

File: 1464394614452.png (80.72 KB, 486x568, 243:284, surprisebuttsex.png)



Oh my.


Dubs confirm meteor summoning. Bring them down.

09e4f0 No.9478277




best cyclops is doctor cyclops.

7baaf3 No.9478285

File: 1464394703621.png (225.05 KB, 721x1024, 721:1024, 000.png)



4d1bb5 No.9478292

File: 1464394758271.webm (6.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Monster Musume Best Girl ….webm)


nobody likes the cyclops

fa8df0 No.9478293


Third impact turned out to be a dud so we have to step up our game.

5532db No.9478294

File: 1464394775629.png (Spoiler Image, 363.58 KB, 596x599, 596:599, ahegao405.PNG)


Can I lovingly and tenderly mind break my waifu?

fa8df0 No.9478299


But you posting your husbando is ok?

fa8df0 No.9478317


She's only good for a submissive slutfu that pleases you both m8

bdc05b No.9478322


I'll take cartoon titties over metafagging anyday. Gawker is burning and it's Friday. Get comfy, is going to be a slow holiday weekend.

But feel free to post your new ops.

09e4f0 No.9478324


Well, yes. She would be a nightmare. Her friend too, but for different reasons. comic rex is probably the best monthly manga book.


Only in your dreams. zonetan breaks your mind instead and you get tentacled forever by lemmy.

3b55eb No.9478337


Anon, I'm always comfy.

1f3f9e No.9478350


I don't have a webm on hand.


9925d3 No.9478351

File: 1464395168082.png (Spoiler Image, 121.52 KB, 212x471, 212:471, 1-1449277265.png)




Make way for best girl

bdc05b No.9478356



0471af No.9478358

File: 1464395207432.png (Spoiler Image, 167.11 KB, 337x311, 337:311, overjoyed82.png)



Shit man, I need to up my collection. I'm only on 82. Technically 83, but one of them isn't numbered like the others.

Also, Zone is the town bicycle, you cuck.

cfb2c8 No.9478364

File: 1464395253726.png (537.68 KB, 650x614, 325:307, reminder that japanese gam….png)


Gotcha covered, oniifam.


Why aren't you playing great Western games such as Overwatch and Battlebored?

9b33a8 No.9478369


What was his name, again?

fa8df0 No.9478378


Well, he's the only one that can do cooking and cleaning. Probably pretty good at it too.

Mocking after Cerea must be a fucking nightmare.

899b68 No.9478382

File: 1464395378303.gif (1.05 MB, 500x388, 125:97, MXeL1Jh.gif)


Of course.

2a9802 No.9478383


This can't be real.

0471af No.9478391

File: 1464395433970.png (50.4 KB, 247x284, 247:284, smiles.png)


Thanks, neefam. I appreciate it.

af7c33 No.9478397

File: 1464395502990.png (379.49 KB, 786x848, 393:424, ClipboardImage.png)


Who is Matt Forney and where does he get this juicy info? Is his site trustworthy? He seems to be citing DePaul's Chaplains blog site directly.

What the fuck is going on at that university? This guy converted to Islam when he was a student at DePaul.

f3db21 No.9478400

File: 1464395514567.png (115.31 KB, 280x331, 280:331, whatthehell.png)


You should have cut out the publication name and had us guess who would be stupid enough to post it.

4d1bb5 No.9478412

File: 1464395590707.png (1016.97 KB, 1375x1080, 275:216, cerea.png)


cerea can make salads

bbfc77 No.9478417


not video games but im fueled with anger now.

i dont even have a reaction pic for my anger



0471af No.9478418

File: 1464395630931.png (38.21 KB, 308x509, 308:509, wat.PNG)

f05186 No.9478422


>Even the Islamist jihadist wears Problem Glasses

4d1bb5 No.9478431

File: 1464395764566.png (570.64 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1408951072421.png)


>The BBW's ultimate guide to fat sex

2867d6 No.9478439

File: 1464395844884.png (216.23 KB, 500x706, 250:353, 1418108247222.png)




Your waifu is Hagakure Tooru?

ecca52 No.9478443


Easy. Lose some fucking weight

3b55eb No.9478451


Off by one.

Seriously though, this is probably your best option.

fa8df0 No.9478457


All of those are weird as fuck. What site is that?

bbfc77 No.9478467

File: 1464396019293.png (Spoiler Image, 1.47 MB, 2400x1350, 16:9, actually no.png)



look at filename

9925d3 No.9478481

File: 1464396165739.jpg (97.44 KB, 540x731, 540:731, IMG_20160326_144346.jpg)

853423 No.9478482

Does anyone here realize that you guys are basically Occupy now?

I mean /v/ and /pol/ teamed up to reform the videogames industry and /pol/s objective was to expose SJW's and blow them the fuck out.

But Leigh Alexander and the others at TIME, VICE, Kotaku, NY Post, etc were right there, ready to smear the shit out of GG and no-platform it, so things never actually changed. At best, you can say that SJW became a wider term to the greater internet thanks to GG, and that several alternative news sites appeared.

If everyone stopped using the GG tag today, would you all suddenly forget that Games media and Industry are corrupt as fuck? (Well everything is really) I just think that in your little GG bubble, you don't realize that outside of it you have become a running joke, just like Occupy was. A bunch of autists sitting outside game publisher buildings, arguing, shit talking, reading porn, smoking weed.

The people that got the most out of GG? The e-celebs. Some of them had been trying for years to become big, and used GG as their launch point.

Honestly, I think KiA kept this thing running on for way too long. GG wasn't meant to be a community that's been smeared to hell and back in the media for 2 years so that nothing GG ever does or say will be taken seriously. GG was a movement, and I think the movement is dead.

You should really just rename this thread the KotakuInaction thread, since it's clear that's all this is now. And there are people interested in keeping it going, because it gave them power, in gave them control over boards, it made people listen to their every word. I'm sure they'd not want to give it up.

Please don't drag the GG name through the mud anymore, it's just embarassing now, it's embarassing to know I was associated with a movement thats turned into it's own little hugbox with its own little subreddit.

I realize this post is likely falling on deaf ears, since I'm supposing GG is wrapped up in some peoples identity now, which is ironic considering thats the type of people we were fighting against. It's just kind of sad watching you guys now.

I'd just prefer the old rage threads instead of this constant GG stuff.

5532db No.9478488

File: 1464396187937.png (372 KB, 478x492, 239:246, ahegao401.PNG)


You can't choose who you fall for m8

3b55eb No.9478498



That said

>You guys have become a running joke

Then why do they fear us?

99eae9 No.9478503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



x 25m

15f464 No.9478504


Is this a copypasta?

221567 No.9478512

File: 1464396339131.jpg (58.1 KB, 610x381, 610:381, 13.jpg)


I will copypasta this on every thread of our movement from now on. Thanks m8.

4d1bb5 No.9478514

File: 1464396365468.jpg (211.38 KB, 1399x869, 1399:869, HappyGalko.jpg)


>You'll never be so booty-blasted that you write a wall of text complaining about a bunch of people shitposting on a Cantonese cartoons christian imageboard

bdc05b No.9478515

f05186 No.9478516

File: 1464396377824.png (209.58 KB, 450x410, 45:41, 1433630130980.png)


>muh e-celebs

>muh hugbox


Thanks for your input

2867d6 No.9478521

File: 1464396424382.png (107.91 KB, 1240x563, 1240:563, gamergate-78.png)

221567 No.9478523

File: 1464396443232.png (Spoiler Image, 46.47 KB, 1017x996, 339:332, Screenshot_432.png)


It is now.

af7c33 No.9478525

File: 1464396457508.webm (2.38 MB, 320x240, 4:3, zero damage.webm)


>and I think the movement is dead.

You are not the first and won't be the last to call us dead. Thanks for the write up. You can go and play some vidya now.

853423 No.9478527



See this is the problem, you arent addressing anything and using post count as a dismissive basis. How much have you come to resemble your own enemies?

>Then why do they fear us?

They fear you as much as it takes to get pity money off people, Ralph sat in on a Brianna Wu talk and did he scream and run away and cry? No he went up to the security and told him to get the fuck out.

It's all business. You think anyone is actually scared of GG members? If nu-males are willing to meet you for fights, how scary can GG be?

5e3d5f No.9478530

File: 1464396497834.webm (1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, GoodTry.webm)


You sound scared, shill. Why would we quit when we've been winning so hard this year?

f05186 No.9478531


So, burnoutfag?

5b3861 No.9478535

File: 1464396543837.png (354.1 KB, 590x696, 295:348, worst job ever.png)


Normally I like to read these stupid clickbait headline articles to see what kind of backwards fucking logic got them to that conclusion. This is just too much, though.

114e37 No.9478536


okay, that one made me chuckle

5532db No.9478541

File: 1464396614035.png (169.8 KB, 509x602, 509:602, d888029ef12125cb7a1767d85b….png)


Ralphshill up in this bitch

385eef No.9478544

>no Arachnea

Fucking degenerates.

bdc05b No.9478545


sad attempt at trying a new thing to see if it sticks, going with the occupy angle to see if it sticks

burnout, likely by the the wall of text it is probably John "Ketchup" Kelly

a02537 No.9478548

File: 1464396718506.png (13.96 KB, 500x250, 2:1, loss animu face.png)

bbfc77 No.9478552


animator here. i think ill make this into an animation.

no promises

eda948 No.9478553


>sexualizing spiders

That's crossing the line.

853423 No.9478555







I'm glad to know that my assumptions of the GG thread being shitposting hugbox were completely unfounded. You've completely rejuvenated by enthusiasm for GamerGate!


Good to know you address opposing viewpoints so open mindedly.


Can someone tell me who the Ralph Shill is? People keep mentioning him. Is it supposed to be please use archive.is guy?

5532db No.9478558

File: 1464396797510.gif (545.73 KB, 300x600, 1:2, 26e6d9d7e24a28d9cbc8f5536d….gif)

Actually this Occupy comparison shit is something I've been hearing from Jim every time he talk #Gamergate

853423 No.9478568


lol ralph address is filtered jesus christ.


Yes I'm a shill hired by Jim.

Wait if Jim is supposed to be pure evil why are you even still here you numbnuts?

385eef No.9478569

File: 1464396872066-0.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.34 MB, 704x392, 88:49, 1444120365733.mp4)

File: 1464396872066-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 327.96 KB, 869x1273, 869:1273, h019.jpg)


Whoops, meant to spoiler

eda948 No.9478571


I just frequent these threads to see how things are going and all I have to say is you sound like an insufferable obnoxious faggot.

b03573 No.9478572


A better comparison would be to Project Chanology.

af7c33 No.9478574

File: 1464396899668.png (164.56 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1459635409803-2.png)


> You've completely rejuvenated by enthusiasm for GamerGate!

>implying we had any intention to do this

You are just another daily burnout. Why would we even care about your opinion?

648ecf No.9478575

File: 1464396909075.png (226.99 KB, 587x571, 587:571, 0 out of 10.png)


Bad b8, I r8 it 0/8.

eda948 No.9478586

The worst part is this faggot is going to act like they don't care while still shitposting the thread just for replies to reinforce their shit opinions.

385eef No.9478588


Who's ur fav monster girl? Let me guess, teh fish?

b04590 No.9478591

File: 1464397023166.jpg (60.16 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1433727138245.jpg)


>video format or MIME type is not supported


GG has lost steam and settled for a watchdog phase. That's because the problems which are protecting the corrupt games industry - the extreme PC culture of the west - are bigger than video games. What we do now is be a media watchdog, ready to punish them where they misstep and facilitate discussion which other places would forbid.

3b55eb No.9478601


>See this is the problem, you arent addressing anything

What's to address? You're a defeatist dipshit who thinks he's smart.

Make a cohesive argument that isn't "GG can't do anything and never did anything" because it clearly has, and maybe I'll seriously entertain your arguments.

Oh, but I don't even have to do that? Know why?


Ralph is a nobody, and he's so much of a faggot that I'm amazed you've managed to suck more dick than he has.

It's funny, really. If GG was actually irrelevant, you wouldn't bring this shit up every thread. You care more about it than we do. That's fucking sad.

09e4f0 No.9478608


>If nu-males are willing to meet you for fights, how scary can GG be?

>nu-males always back out when taken up on their challenge.

So very scary.

5e3d5f No.9478611

File: 1464397209966.png (55.57 KB, 773x196, 773:196, ShillsBTFO.png)



4d1bb5 No.9478619

File: 1464397297888.png (1.22 MB, 746x745, 746:745, 1458355059711.png)


mero has gotten better since her last arc. She's no longer a cuck and got a confidence boost from saving the protagonist

09e4f0 No.9478620


And every time they come here, the question is: "Who did we piss off now and how smug should we be?"

0ba0a8 No.9478621

File: 1464397325175.jpg (187.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1308139350641.jpg)

0ba0a8 No.9478626

File: 1464397346177.jpg (187.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1308139395784.jpg)

85f5c5 No.9478627


>it's all business

Isn't that the point, though?

The Gamergate movement is largely a consumer movement, isn't it?

Consumers of video games tired of the immoral, unethical business practices of both game producers, developers, reviewers, and those who report on the lot.

Given such, yes, the people who are trying to sell that lot to consumers do indeed fear the lot, as they threaten their profits.

31e89f No.9478628

File: 1464397355091.jpg (40.91 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 23452525234.jpg)

>nobody's posted snek yet

what are you all gay?

f05186 No.9478629

File: 1464397359737.png (100.18 KB, 450x410, 45:41, 1433630130981.png)



Also Jim was right, Gamergate is coopted by SJWs/SRS/leftypol/whatever, we're all gay Redditors circlejerking in a hugbox, and it's time to #Closethegate.

0471af No.9478630


See >>9478397





Although we do get offtopic every so often. But hey, at least we mostly keep up with shit and don't take down people's platform.

366798 No.9478636



0ba0a8 No.9478638

File: 1464397379261.jpg (176.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1308139682196.jpg)

says here you're are a fgt

85f5c5 No.9478646


Birds are cool, but harpies suck.

Then again, so do most all monstergirls.

Lamia is somewhat okay, but by large the only monstergirl I actually like are Lizardgirls, mainly due to their culture and whatnot.

I want to date a somewhat homely brownscaled lizardgirl what uses a spear.

5e3d5f No.9478647


I assume you saw this, Marche? >>9478082

5b3861 No.9478649

File: 1464397474802.png (1.35 MB, 1178x1200, 589:600, ontan can't handle it.png)

I think we should drop the "nobody posted in 30 minutes so I have to respond with a yamyam" or "if I don't avatarfag as mai waifu people won't think I'm still helping" mentality, since obsession with post speed and not being dead is ruining the quality of the thread, but please don't derail the thread by responding to the faggot. We can handle a slow, circlejerk-free bread without shutting down entirely.

0471af No.9478652


Marche, you beautiful son of a bitch. I was going to ask why you didn't post them all together, but that was perfect.


You could probably find it quicker by just going to sadpanda and searching for zone on your own, I bet.

09e4f0 No.9478657


Because tio and arachnae is best.


looks like slugbox

385eef No.9478661

File: 1464397571747.png (689.74 KB, 892x479, 892:479, the nose knows.PNG)


>i want to date an ugly reptile

I heard Sarah Silverman's available

f05186 No.9478662


The appeal of monstergirls is that the monster is on the outside.

eda948 No.9478664

Is MC going to fuck everyone?

I absolutely refuse to waste my time with "harem" series unless it's the real deal and there isn't this everyone getting n the way of MC and main girl BULLSHIT.

0ba0a8 No.9478668

385eef No.9478671


How long have you been on HRT?

eda948 No.9478675


>replying to everyone who disagrees with you

>proving me exactly right

>now even projecting

You're fucking pathetic.

0c7fba No.9478679

File: 1464397700532-0.jpg (1.43 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, Nighthawk (2016-) 001-002.jpg)

File: 1464397700532-1.jpg (1.52 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, Nighthawk (2016-) 001-011.jpg)

File: 1464397700533-2.jpg (1.56 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, Nighthawk (2016-) 001-012.jpg)


bdc05b No.9478680


take care, thanks for the keks and see you next failed attempt

5532db No.9478682

File: 1464397726638-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 134.9 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, d4d508deb7abf76d7f5030870….jpeg)

File: 1464397726793-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 451.24 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, 71fdbeb78220308850dbb3f3f….jpeg)


Artist is "senkou tobaku"

f05186 No.9478685

File: 1464397744399.png (155.54 KB, 449x410, 449:410, 1433630130982.png)


I have literally never been to Reddit.

3b55eb No.9478696


>It was always just one guy sure.


Your writing style hasn't changed one bit, and it's not terribly common around here.

85f5c5 No.9478699


Yeah, but the problem I have is, it isn't actually on the outside.

It's literally a normal girl what has slight animalistic bits glued on to an otherwise normal human girl body.

Centaurs and lamias and similar lines are about the only exception, but even in those cases, it's still just a girl glued onto the lower half of a whateveranimal.


>No scales

>Doesn't fight for justice, truth, freedom, and also to find a suitable mate

>Can't even wield a spear proficiently

What am I, gay?

6149cd No.9478702

File: 1464397882860.jpg (87.47 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1453476359747.jpg)


No one tell /christian/.

221567 No.9478703


What do you think this will accomplish?

Besides bumping the thread I mean?

5a4068 No.9478704

File: 1464397897232.jpg (4.42 KB, 259x194, 259:194, dittochoke.jpg)


Wew, lad.

If you were here to argue in good faith, I'm quite certain you wouldn't have resorted to insults to make your point.

648ecf No.9478706

File: 1464397904639.gif (358.5 KB, 239x400, 239:400, Chaika Eating.gif)


Thanks for coming by.

385eef No.9478717

File: 1464398048050.jpg (67.94 KB, 748x600, 187:150, Abuhajaarpepe.jpg)


>load the clip with any ammo, it'll work

Triggers me more than the art.

c79983 No.9478718


Calling it now: Ontan has an existential crisis after realizing the aliens mean no harm (hinted by her expression whenever the disguised alien's human suit malfunctions), as that robs her of the role she's assigned herself as Kadode's protector (see flashback chapter). This perceived endangerment to her friendship with Kadode, along with her obsession with war games, motivates her to join the government in killing aliens, but she keeps it a secret from Kadode. Meanwhile Kadode's friendship with Futaba begins to grow. Eventually Kadode discovers Ontan's secret and must choose between Ontan and Futaba, ending up with Futaba. This completely breaks Ontan, not only causing major turmoil amongst the main characters, but also causing her to go on a rampage against the aliens, in turn causing the aliens to retaliate. The retaliation causes a full-out interspecies war in which the world superpowers are forced to join Japan in defending against the aliens, guaranteeing mutually assured destruction. Just before the end, Kadode and Ontan finally reconcile and embrace as a nuclear bomb annihilates Tokyo.

5532db No.9478724

File: 1464398109806.jpg (99.28 KB, 340x466, 170:233, metroids hat.jpg)


>muh dindus!

>black on black homicide isn't a bigger problem than muh waicist cops

f05186 No.9478730

File: 1464398157769.png (40.11 KB, 614x439, 614:439, 000img00000900.png)

eda948 No.9478738


It blows my mind how these dumbasses still ignore an actual issue like black on black violence.

52294c No.9478748


Well, yeah, it's because they don't actually give a shit about black people.

1f3f9e No.9478753

File: 1464398440221-0.jpg (162.97 KB, 680x1039, 680:1039, 1464311115499-0.jpg)

File: 1464398440242-1.jpg (159.11 KB, 680x1111, 680:1111, 1464311115499-1.jpg)

0c7fba No.9478757


Hell they gloss over the amount of BLACK serial killers there are

guys like the grim sleeper slinked away because niggers thought the police would figure it out themselves

075d3b No.9478762

File: 1464398548950.png (Spoiler Image, 1.34 MB, 1024x884, 256:221, ClipboardImage.png)

You thought the 40 something year old dude that pretended to be a 6 year old girl and engaged in sex play with his "new" family was bad? You've seen nothing yet!

f05186 No.9478768

File: 1464398626329.jpg (59.09 KB, 600x800, 3:4, here are the white people.jpg)


Now whatever gave you that idea?

bbfc77 No.9478772


someone post the "now thats podracing" image please

15f464 No.9478778



>but it still sucks…

This is so ham fisted, we could use it as a biological weapon against ISIS.

5532db No.9478783

File: 1464398782115.png (259.32 KB, 429x324, 143:108, Smug (29).png)


See every time i see that sort of thing, it just makes me want to send these writers and artists my asanagi collection, so they can get a perspective of sexism and racism in a comic

a02537 No.9478794

File: 1464398851486.jpg (793.4 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Veneziiela The Rectangular….jpg)


nice haircut

c79983 No.9478795


>"'This'll be cool!' he said. 'It'll be totally worth it!' he said."

>"Fuck Derek. Fuck Derek SO MUCH."

fa8df0 No.9478805

File: 1464398976471.jpg (66.7 KB, 852x960, 71:80, 0hbmFKr.jpg)


I love you

4d1bb5 No.9478817


so… does he fuck the female goats?

09e4f0 No.9478821


Ow. Ow. Ow.



2d083c No.9478824


>any caliber of ammo, and it'll work

I'm no /k/ommando, but this sounds pants-on-head retarded.

5e3d5f No.9478828

File: 1464399223393.jpg (54.02 KB, 444x337, 444:337, NotPodracing.jpg)

15f464 No.9478830


You know what, if he's actually just eating grass, living in the wild, and not taking any money from the government…I'd still say that the guy who abandoned his family is worse.

You want to completely drop out of society, fine, but the burden is on you. Want to pretend to be a wolf, go actually be a wolf and hunt your own prey in the wild. Dont expect to get food stamps for being a special snowflake.

5e3d5f No.9478839

File: 1464399303436.jpg (583.32 KB, 1500x845, 300:169, TrueDegeneracy.jpg)


For some reason, fucking dumb as it is, a guy going to live with animals still bugs me less than these fucking sickos.

909345 No.9478845


Speaking of Caliber, I'm trying to make a sniper that shots 30mm bullets in my book, it's that possible or really exagerated?

I Know you are not /k/omando but well you brough the topic

99eae9 No.9478855

File: 1464399434589-0.png (93.47 KB, 445x384, 445:384, chuck berry.png)

File: 1464399434589-1.png (223.04 KB, 319x339, 319:339, michael palin as chuck ber….png)



>smart clip

>what the fuck is a "modulated munitions adapter"

>put any caliber in it, the firearm will work without error


fa8df0 No.9478858

File: 1464399465261.png (551.78 KB, 800x425, 32:17, 1460406132491.png)

0471af No.9478872



He better have a hell of a recoil reduction system. For comparison, the GAU-8 Avenger on an A-10 fires those suckers. http://archive.is/dbIlL

09e4f0 No.9478877


Liberal idiots who do not study how shit works as reference for their comics, much like the artists who do not hammer down the foundations with drawing.

f05186 No.9478881

File: 1464399619193.jpg (33.91 KB, 430x323, 430:323, 2632d5cccd25900f7ab2ff0d6d….jpg)


If the sniper in question happens to be the Incredible Hulk, sure.

f05186 No.9478883



Somebody post that Ben Kuchera webm.

b1af15 No.9478884

0471af No.9478885

File: 1464399686007.png (24.74 KB, 199x247, 199:247, joy6.png)



Nice digits, gentlemen.

eda948 No.9478886


>go actually be a wolf and hunt your own prey in the wild

No one would actually do this. Running around on your hands and feet fucking killing with your limbs alone and eating your dinner raw before it rots or more fucking predators show up.

0471af No.9478890

File: 1464399729801.png (70.62 KB, 203x222, 203:222, sadness.png)


Aw fugg, I wanted quads.

2867d6 No.9478894

File: 1464399741942.webm (7.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Ben Kuckchera.webm)

909345 No.9478900



Well the thing has to be nailed to the floor or a surface before being shot, still has a good recoil reduction system but due to complications, the reload is not through magazines but through revolver barrel like reload, 5 bullets in total

4d1bb5 No.9478901


>trying to reroll your failure

you deserve that extra fail

fa8df0 No.9478913

File: 1464399950934.png (108.45 KB, 275x245, 55:49, derp.png)


>weapons of choice are faulty wiring, broken furnaces and lead paint


>smart clip

>modulated munitions adapter

>load the clip with any caliber

>like those universal chargers that will work on multiple cell phones


15f464 No.9478914


Welp, then they'll learn how hard it is.

Realize that being a homo-sapien isnt that bad of a deal.

I feel like a lot of these morons who wish they were another species never got around to the actually trying part, like this weirdo did.

0471af No.9478922


I wasn't trying to re-roll though. I was just sad that I missed quads.


Erm, how is this a sniper and not just a hidden turret? The point of a sniper is to be hidden and fuck with the enemy. Taking out enemy troops would immediately let them know something is happening, which tells them that you're there. The more insidious thing a sniper can do is put holes in valuable electronics/transports that you don't find until later and it instills fear into the enemy. Besides the fact that a 30mm round would be a bit overkill on a human, and far too obvious when it hits a vehicle. I say it's not realistic to use it.

Sage for not being on topic.

2867d6 No.9478925


Forgot the comment section archive: https://archive.is/bKdKF

909345 No.9478930


Then how about a 20mm, far less of an exageration and more mobile compared to the one I just described

f05186 No.9478939

File: 1464400240604.jpg (149.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


20mm sniper rifles actually exist, so you're in luck. "Mobile" is a relative term, however.

3b55eb No.9478944


Still pretty big, but workable.

We're talking about a round bigger than the 700 Nitro Express.

fa8df0 No.9478947

File: 1464400337713.jpg (58.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1462228352146.jpg)


God bless 'murica

7baaf3 No.9478948

File: 1464400344476.png (87.96 KB, 265x228, 265:228, 05~01.png)


>nice art

>you could change all the retarded dialog and get an interesting story about a qt blond girl doing super hero stuff


>got to push an agenda!

909345 No.9478957



Alright, a 20mm will be, next subject, I'm also thinking in a Revolver, I want it to shot big bullets, The barrel can only carry 3 bullets. as far as I know I wanted to use .50 AE, but I believe that caliber it's to little any recommendation?

0471af No.9478966


Better, but still a very obvious damage dealer. If that's what you're going for, 20mm is far more believable.

05b081 No.9478968



>Confederate flag

>Smart clip

>Can use any caliber


a3ccc2 No.9478975


it's like hearing someone in his teens but then realize it's actually a fifty year old man

2867d6 No.9478979

File: 1464400650460.jpg (137.75 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Multi barrel revolver.jpg)


>The barrel can only carry 3 bullets

Did you mean cylinder? Or did you mean to say that the revolver has three barrels, like a combination gun?

909345 No.9478986


Cilinder sorry, I don't quite know how it's called the Revolver mecanism

f05186 No.9478993

File: 1464400747709.jpg (32.1 KB, 488x563, 488:563, [asking God for strength i….jpg)



Does that come with the shoulder thing that goes up?

3b55eb No.9479011


.50 Action Express is pretty big. You couldn't fit many in an average-sized revolver cylinder.

Oh, I just remembered something that might help you out - 30mm has been used in fiction before. In Hellsing, Seras Victoria's anti-tank rifle fired 30mm rounds and was over 100lbs. Your 20mm will be a bit more reasonable, but still heavy. Your sniper will want to be a superhuman if they want to get around at reasonable speed.

15f464 No.9479015


Is that an accurate gun simulator?

Never got a chance to actually interact with real guns ever.

05b081 No.9479029


Some chink in Arizona is making a multi-caliber AR-15 magazine.


However, obviously you couldn't load a 7.62 mag into a gun chambered for 5.56 and expect it to work.

2867d6 No.9479036

File: 1464401182433.jpg (21.11 KB, 759x600, 253:200, 1386480590198.jpg)


I don't for sure know because

1. I haven't interacted with that simulator and

2. I haven't interacted with real life guns.

My lurking on /k/ says it's an okay simulation, but to the closest you'd come to understanding guns without touching them is by reading on guns and playing with World of Guns, which is free save for some DLC.

3b55eb No.9479038


Just go to a gun range. Since you're inexperienced, it might help to take classes.

fa8df0 No.9479039


Make it a 30mm and mount it on a large drone

fe431f No.9479052


>Hecho en Switzerland


909345 No.9479060


It's not an average revolver, it's a custom made for the Protag, that's why I asking what kind of bullet would work, I know the .50 AE is like 12.7 mm, So I was thinking in custom made 13mm or 14mm caliber for the revolver would work?

Also I saw hellsing, where did you think I got the Idea?


Well, the book already have a Drone, the Rainmaker, it's little, 500 rounds, sacrifices missiles and bombs for the capacity of shot standard rifle bullets, it's so little that it can be launched from catapults instaled on a Chinook.

3b55eb No.9479070


>Where did you think I got the Idea?

Being ignorant about guns and not knowing how large 30mm actually was?

05b081 No.9479076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Revolver cylinders can hold up to five .500 caliber rounds, so bigger.

dad14d No.9479086


Christ-tan why are you so adorable

2867d6 No.9479098

File: 1464401600528.webm (7.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 500 Magnum vs Watermelons.webm)


Portable webm for fun's sake.

648ecf No.9479100

File: 1464401616506.jpg (46.55 KB, 600x753, 200:251, Christ-tan 19.jpg)


Don't sexualize the Christ-tan!

fa8df0 No.9479105



>wood guns

I remember a poster on /k/ that made a bunch of those, wrote cheeki breeki and shit in slav on them and turned them in for money during one of those police events


Make it 30mm and have it hover exactly over the target then shoot downwards. Also, make it recoil-less.


That guy is lucky the bullets didn't ricochet off the cinderblocks

909345 No.9479106



05b081 No.9479111


>.50 AE is like 12.7m

No it's not. .50 AE is completely different than a .50 MG. Pic related, .50 Browning (12.7) is a rifle cartridge (56), .50 AE is a pistol cartridge (76)

05b081 No.9479112

File: 1464401745020.jpg (970.79 KB, 3795x1600, 759:320, Complete-Rifle-Ammunition-….jpg)

dad14d No.9479113

File: 1464401748300.jpg (59.52 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1386239511116.jpg)

dad14d No.9479120


I clearly said "adorable" not "fuckable"

909345 No.9479121


If I do that drone it will need a pretty cool name, the Rainmaker has that name because it literally Rain bullets over the target, what would a drone with a recoil-less mounted 30mm be called or named?

b90a74 No.9479145

Fabulous fag finally met daddy.

2867d6 No.9479146

File: 1464401906630.jpg (5.27 MB, 3884x5505, 3884:5505, The Archangel Michael.jpg)


Michael's Dick.

15f464 No.9479149


Thats awesome.

Guess thats why magnums are always stronger in games like RE.

I've been trying out more first person shooters these days. I used to play mostly RPGs.

0471af No.9479158

File: 1464401977833.png (160.67 KB, 281x307, 281:307, squeeze.png)


It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not a /k/ommando. That's a fuck load of variations.

fa8df0 No.9479159


The Heavy Shitter

b90a74 No.9479166

File: 1464402021186.jpg (88.17 KB, 600x800, 3:4, CjgThnzUgAEy4Sg.jpg)


Whoops. Wrong image.

09e4f0 No.9479172

909345 No.9479177


Soo… Which one do you recommend me for the revolver, remember it has to be bigger than the .500, just 3 bullets in the cilinder, a caliber that can say "It's overkill time" once you shot it

909345 No.9479178


Gimme the link Fagget

05b081 No.9479179


There is no pain as long as you're not a gun store clerk or dealer.

Read this entire thread to understand: >>>/k/327051

762908 No.9479181


He looks disappointed.

15f464 No.9479184


>3 on the top

>4.7x33 DM11 Caseless

Is that just a rectangular block?

4d1bb5 No.9479189


from Trump's face, it doesn't look like Milo's reputation preceded him

3b55eb No.9479198

File: 1464402200490.jpg (16.04 KB, 225x600, 3:8, 50bmg next to 50AE.jpg)


The .50 Action Express actually is 12.7mm

The 50 browning has a 12.7mm bullet, but the casing is larger.

2867d6 No.9479202


Make your own caliber, or just chamber it in .666 Throatfucker.

bdc05b No.9479213


look at how happy Milo is, he is beaming smug happy

0471af No.9479220

File: 1464402348726.jpg (242.69 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, G11Cartridge.jpg)




Oh boy, this'll be a good read.

85f5c5 No.9479221


>revolver mechanism on something that big

That's just asking for a hell of a lot of trouble.

There's a massive cylinder gap, you know, typically in revolvers. The more power you've got, the bigger the massive fuckall explody bit screaming out the side of your gun is.

Use a fucking magazine. Anything less is impractical.

05b081 No.9479226

File: 1464402383231.webm (2.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1461449189890-1.webm)


.700 Nitro Express is a fun round (55).

909345 No.9479238

File: 1464402466764.png (61.79 KB, 675x465, 45:31, Jesus shit.png)



Jesus Christ

I rather see If a .700 that is usually used on rifles like >>9479226 anon say


Rule of cool anon, rule of cool

85f5c5 No.9479241


Oh, I should also mention, yo uare also losing a hugeass amount of power out of the side of your gun when you do that sort of thing.

Boltguns typically work best because of this. All gas goes forward.

05b081 No.9479252

File: 1464402550643.jpg (120.04 KB, 900x470, 90:47, 700-ne-cartridge.jpg)


There is a .600 Nitro Express handgun, however that can hold five of those.

Also, .700 Nitro isn't on that list.

85f5c5 No.9479253


If that's your logic, by all means. But then, why bother asking on the lot, anyway?

909345 No.9479268


I want some confirmations,

The difference between Truth and fiction is that fiction has to make sense - Tom Clancy

05b081 No.9479273


Also keep in mind that a .700 revolver will definitely break the wrist of any normal person, so I'm assuming your character is super-human or you don't give a fuck.

909345 No.9479277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




88fffd No.9479287

Any new info to spead? Any new Ops? What happened with IcyBlizzard? Can we buy Gawker as a trophy?

4d1bb5 No.9479294

File: 1464402900146.png (776.57 KB, 945x1883, 135:269, Shrimp girl.png)

I want to go back to discussing waifus and monstergirls over /k/ topics

909345 No.9479306


> so I'm assuming your character is super-human or you don't give a fuck.

A couple of both

05b081 No.9479308

File: 1464403031855.jpg (236.42 KB, 1000x1343, 1000:1343, 1461925825307-0.jpg)


What about /k/ mostergirl waifus?

c15e07 No.9479319


Do people's limbs get severed when they're hit with a round like that?

85f5c5 No.9479321

File: 1464403095077.png (201.04 KB, 720x609, 240:203, 1372561461304.png)


>Being a noguns faggot

>being a vanilla-with-sprinkles fagot

Nah, thanks.

909345 No.9479323


That's my question as well

15f464 No.9479326


>Can we buy Gawker as a trophy?

Doesnt Gawker still have one last chance to appeal?

I was always skeptical that they got decimated this hard until that Peter Thiel thing came out.

Its probably Dentons last chance to claim "Actually its about freedom of the press" to butter up his chances.

I dont want to celebrate until Gawker is actually dead.

0471af No.9479327

File: 1464403139014.png (153.63 KB, 299x336, 299:336, delicious.png)





c15e07 No.9479345

Is there any good anime this season? Bored and want something to watch.

909345 No.9479360

File: 1464403405643.webm (1.27 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Sakamoto.webm)


How about some Sakamoto

eda948 No.9479364


Could someone please answer?

0471af No.9479370


More than likely, yes.

262eff No.9479385


Kuma miko, jojo diamond is unbreakable and flying witch.

0ba0a8 No.9479387

File: 1464403610391.jpg (598.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, vo1_1280.jpg)

c15e07 No.9479393



Thanks, will check them out

4476a9 No.9479457

File: 1464404201487-0.png (589.42 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, CI_72225_1355516860.png)

File: 1464404201506-1.jpg (55.48 KB, 749x486, 749:486, ARMY_TRAINING_001_013-0.55….jpg)


Kinda like Lynette's anti-armor sniper.

fa8df0 No.9479458


It sucks they never worked out the kinks with that. Could've made ammo so much more lightweight and cheap.


>AK-74su and battleshorts

There needs to be a manga or animu with this.


post his tactical katana, trenchcoat and fedora


Please tell me /k/ raided the CoD wiki and took screencaps


fa8df0 No.9479472


Was Strike Witches any good? How does it compare to Girls und Panzer?

5e3d5f No.9479477

File: 1464404339511-0.jpg (407.83 KB, 1770x804, 295:134, ponyshit.jpg)

File: 1464404339511-1.png (1.94 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, AntiRage.png)

File: 1464404339511-2.png (1.78 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, AntiRage1.png)

05b081 No.9479481

File: 1464404365656.png (224.27 KB, 600x337, 600:337, FN-FNC-upotte-30776902-600….png)


>There needs to be a manga or animu with this.

There kina is but it's alright.

The manga is better.

648ecf No.9479494

File: 1464404472509.jpg (69.21 KB, 600x828, 50:69, Kojima Sombrero.jpg)

>Suddenly /v/ unleashes their inner /k/ommando

What a time to be alive.

b90a74 No.9479496

File: 1464404516186.png (545.99 KB, 1451x2719, 1451:2719, FantasyShit_002_colour_wip.png)

Completely off-topic art.

Drawing some character concept art for my game.

Anyone have any requests for /v/-related art?

0471af No.9479499


>Sucks they never worked out the kinks with that

I actually think they did, but at that point, the project had gotten too expensive and they just used existing technology. At least we have(had?) LSAT researching caseless ammo. I don't know what ever became of it.

5e3d5f No.9479512


Can I ask about your game?

2867d6 No.9479520

File: 1464404677014-0.jpg (29.5 KB, 180x474, 30:79, Nina_in_T5.jpg)

File: 1464404677014-1.jpg (62.7 KB, 677x840, 677:840, 439e41f35046a749d521121b3f….jpg)

File: 1464404677014-2.jpg (29.5 KB, 180x474, 30:79, Nina_in_T5.jpg)

File: 1464404677014-3.webm (395.35 KB, 640x352, 20:11, Bad Habit.webm)

File: 1464404677015-4.png (319.45 KB, 622x387, 622:387, Smug pussyguard.png)


I was saving this request for the general /v/-draw thread, but fuck it, I'll show it here:

Nina Williams kicking Tron Bonne in the crotch, only for Nina Williams to break her foot on Tron's metal pussyguard, and Tron has the smuggest look on her face.

0c7fba No.9479526


Give us /v/ dressed up like Mad Max

1f3f9e No.9479531


I wanna see this.

909345 No.9479535

File: 1464404745354.png (49.55 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Leonardo Foto.png)


Not really, this is his desing, as I am still a drawfag in training, there are errors in the draw, I have not the intention to give him a trenchcoat and I believe the Chinese Sword Jian Fits him better.

fa8df0 No.9479537


I want vivian as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R with a Vintorez and a freedom suit.

56d8f8 No.9479540

909345 No.9479543


Damn first image makes me legit mad, such weapon with such shitty skin

c8b0b4 No.9479557

Another billionaire is now backing Gawker in order to prevent them from failing. Tough luck GG.


fa8df0 No.9479572


At least Gunsmith cats was great. Too bad we only got 3 OVA's.


Maybe they'll pick it up again sometime? If there's a third world war they might want to use it to save brass.

c15e07 No.9479579


It will be funny when Gawker wins and they later realize that they just set a precedent for revenge porn being protected by the 1st amendment.

3b55eb No.9479589


We know this.

You're slow.

Doesn't matter much. Press freedom and distributing illegally obtained sex tapes are not the same thing. The appeal will likely be upheld.


>Even if Gawker wins, they lose


56d8f8 No.9479596


Being into fat girls is the worst, especially since now they're all SJW's. Complete contrasting lifestyles. Complete war between my brain and my dick.

85f5c5 No.9479623


Wasn't even a proper german mauser anyway.

People who get mad at shit like that are frankly autistic as all hell.

Now, bubba'd guns I understand.

c8b0b4 No.9479638


Doesn't matter. The process is the punishment. They might set a precedent for revenge porn being protected by the 1st amendment, but they'll be the only ones with the money and friends to actually defend themselves.

0e7980 No.9479645

File: 1464405467378.jpg (135.79 KB, 800x1136, 50:71, comeonson.jpg)


old and who cares, the horse has left the barn and no matter how much cash mr ebay throws into the burning trash fire that is gawker it won't change the fact that they lost initial verdict and appeal numero uno. Everyone should pay attention to the amount of people who do a 180 on THIS billionaire bankrolling things though because he's On The Right Side of History (TM)

b04590 No.9479646

File: 1464405483929.jpg (225.72 KB, 491x700, 491:700, 1433822508259.jpg)


>every so often

It's a lot more often than that, bro

c15e07 No.9479652


Porn industry is a lucrative business, imagine if they could cut their costs to essentially nothing other than buying amateur videos.

5e3d5f No.9479660

File: 1464405596165.gif (3.54 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Laugh.gif)


I'm going to assume this is an edit?

0c7fba No.9479663

c9774b No.9479668

File: 1464405633292-0.png (377.27 KB, 624x807, 208:269, 1442077147215-1.png)

File: 1464405633305-1.png (658.54 KB, 859x784, 859:784, 1445193206767.png)

File: 1464405633316-2.png (274.96 KB, 1209x759, 403:253, 1443991317928.png)


Who is this and how can we recruit her into the DF crew?

0471af No.9479670

File: 1464405657278.jpg (738.88 KB, 950x1200, 19:24, 29406999_p1_master1200.jpg)


>into fat

>not into /fit/

You nerd.

09e4f0 No.9479671



They wont be winning. The rich are only helping gawker because they have something to lose if gawker loses. My guess? Denton has some juicy blackmail on them. And the ones who are affected by revenge porn wont want to deal with the precedent set.

05b081 No.9479677

File: 1464405731223.jpg (43.27 KB, 304x446, 152:223, smiling-old-casual-man-wea….jpg)


wew lad

4476a9 No.9479678

File: 1464405683723-0.jpg (41.54 KB, 480x323, 480:323, 1363994535575.jpg)

File: 1464405683755-1.jpg (61.42 KB, 446x656, 223:328, 1373608716350.jpg)

File: 1464405683756-2.png (2.23 MB, 1831x1030, 1831:1030, 2015-07-04 03_48_00-[Eila]….png)


It's really good, it hits everything masterfully.

I don't think it's as technical as Girls und Panzer which I never saw yet. It's more subtle I guess. I remember when I first watched it and they got in a aircraft carrier ship and I thought, wow this ship is so fucking cool and then I remembered that this is really an anime for guys, they really know what they are doing.

Spoiler The witches do not wear pants and they never allude the reason anytime, instead referring to their panties and "pants". It's so awesome.

4d1bb5 No.9479682

File: 1464405749601.png (14.01 KB, 95x204, 95:204, ClipboardImage.png)


clearly she serves the velvet room

5e3d5f No.9479690

File: 1464405834312.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2921x1002, 2921:1002, VelvetAttendants.jpeg)

2867d6 No.9479697

File: 1464405862452.webm (930.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Get Fucked.webm)



Girl=Hulk Hogan




Holy shit, even a friend of the co-creator is shitting on MAHVEL BAYBEE. Do you think the comics writers would ever get into the movie making side of things? I hope so just so that I can watch Marvel crash and burn, along with DC.

b90a74 No.9479699






Noted, as well.


I haven't managed to pin down a proper storyline for it but It's going to be a simple tactics RPG with some VN elements.


She's a former slave mage. Timid. Awkward. Doesn't know how to adapt to a society that treats magi like nobility. etc etc.

5e3d5f No.9479715


>I haven't managed to pin down a proper storyline for it but It's going to be a simple tactics RPG with some VN elements.

Will it have anything lewd?

b90a74 No.9479721


Probably not. but that doesn't mean I wouldn't make porn of the characters.

85f5c5 No.9479730


Aren't you a tad worried that pattern's a bit overdone?

I mean, seems like everyone's going for an RPG/visual novel these days.

Not sure what I'd suggest otherwise, but there you are.

fa8df0 No.9479738


People defiling old M-14s with plastic stocks and tacticool attachments upsets me more.

I want an old SKS.

bbfc77 No.9479765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SmegmaKing review dmc:dmc

4d1bb5 No.9479766


I haven't managed to pin down a proper storyline for it but It's going to be a simple tactics RPG with some VN elements.

I'm learning game design to make my own game like this. I want to make a persona style game. I'm a writer, trying to get some novels published, and that game layout is perfect for a character-centric long form story. I don't know why SJWs hold up walking simulators as the narrative game goal when this is so much more fun and effective.


I don't think it's too overdone yet. But even if it was, its still a solid game type.

0471af No.9479778


>Persona style game

I do too, but I want it to not be an RPG. Also I want the social links to have a bigger effect, and a random weather system. If I wasn't a huge moron that wastes time, I'd sitdown and make a mod for OpenBOR since I think I could do most of that in scripts.

b90a74 No.9479787


Well. Think of any notable tactics RPGs on PC.

What do we have? We don't exactly have things like Final Fantasy Tactics or Vanguard Bandits.

My original idea was a town management game. That town is in a region of the world I've made. One that was recently conquered. You basically either have to try and help the 'loyalists' retake the throne or take the side of those that occupied your homeland.

Neither is exactly 'good' or 'bad'. It's pretty gray, like in all conflicts. It's combat system would be a simple tactics game. With some systems for espionage, trade and diplomacy.

You operate from that one base. You send out squads of troops ala XCOM to handle 'events' across the region. Shit like that.

Also, sorry for shitting up the GG thread with off-topic drivel, /v/.

f05186 No.9479792

File: 1464406650876-0.png (862.87 KB, 1000x730, 100:73, meh.png)

File: 1464406650886-1.png (920.89 KB, 1000x725, 40:29, meh2.png)

File: 1464406650886-2.jpg (27.53 KB, 224x400, 14:25, 100 percent charged.jpg)

So how about that Battleborn, guys?

0ba0a8 No.9479804


He is actually breddy good at reviewing games

1f3f9e No.9479814


Don't get the comparisons, one's a moba the other is a shooter.

I'm glad its failing though, Randy deserves to be gone from the industry.

0471af No.9479818


I thought they were both trying to be moba shooters

8272f6 No.9479879


Overwatch is litter alley a clone of TF2

221567 No.9479943


If it isn't, I'll need sauce on it.

I'm kinda hype for Mankind Divided.

f3db21 No.9480066

File: 1464409371278.png (36.27 KB, 509x271, 509:271, imnotsayingitwasaliensbuti….png)



>Well. Think of any notable tactics RPGs on PC.

Jagged Alliance, Jagged Alliance 2, Silent Storm, Blackguards, Telepath Tactics

0c7fba No.9480097

File: 1464409662720.png (62.55 KB, 591x416, 591:416, ClipboardImage.png)

Garry pls don't try to damage control this man

09e4f0 No.9480103


Yeah, sega called prickford, they want the money you owe them.

38cfd0 No.9480127


I wonder what her poop smells like

ecca52 No.9480165


probably smells like shit.

5e3d5f No.9480180

File: 1464410309830.jpg (1009.44 KB, 1402x1979, 1402:1979, INeverAskedForThisDoujinOr….jpg)

0471af No.9480184

File: 1464410358326.png (Spoiler Image, 195.2 KB, 255x418, 255:418, trueterror.png)


I can answer that one, I own horses.

It smells like FUCKING DISGUSTING HOLY shit.

c79983 No.9480188

85f5c5 No.9480198


I can't think of that many, no. But the issue comes up, I do know there's a lot of shitty ones.

That's more where my concern was from.

b90a74 No.9480210

File: 1464410526248.jpg (113.36 KB, 639x752, 639:752, 1452518230956.jpg)


You're right. But hey, it's my first game. I don't expect it to be a success. I just want a learning experience.

0c7fba No.9480318

I got estival verses to take the bad taste of mockingbird out of my mouth

holy shit

Feminism is cancer

4d1bb5 No.9480352

File: 1464411751003-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.51 MB, 850x1199, 850:1199, centaur 1.png)

File: 1464411751003-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 850x1199, 850:1199, centaur 2.png)


what do you think?

335882 No.9480396

File: 1464412163838.jpg (4.96 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 1440131019403.jpg)

What is #IcyBlizzard ?

Because what I see right on twitter is revoltards crying for more attention and drama bullshit

0ba0a8 No.9480415


Nothing just a weak offshoot of deepfreeze

but revoltfags go mental about it

0ba0a8 No.9480420



wait downpour

I dunno

ive not been paying attention to this shit

0c7fba No.9480432


Because netscape triggers them

335882 No.9480467


Oh, so it's then another similar like the reaction towards downpour: derailing it.

But instead of spamming, it's now trying to escalate the old drama weekend, typical. The very same thing which damages every important events, OP's and developments. And every time it repeats, the main perpetrators will as always scream "I did'n du duffin!". In the end, only the most cancerous part will remain, clinging to a hashtag for attention and supporting its massive ego of superiority complex.

09e4f0 No.9480474


What are the ods they are dinidu's in real life?

85f5c5 No.9480549

File: 1464413301135.jpg (3.18 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, 1428941563944.jpg)


>Literally fucking a horse's ass

Also, I found this, and remembered that griffon girls are fucking awesome.

335882 No.9480550


Well, online behavior can also reflect the persons identity, psychological, mental and social behavior also.

And by never admitting its error, I can't even imagine how bathetic this life has to be. Or its middle aged women.

Although there's also possibility of social media being escapism, a release of suppressed emotions and living in a double-life. Fake in real life while real on the internet.

0c7fba No.9480578


Most of revolt I've noticed are spics (Rene, Varlioh, Fuzztail)

0c7fba No.9480583


Spics tend to be as dumb as niggers so there

0ba0a8 No.9480610

File: 1464413731393.png (123.16 KB, 259x388, 259:388, 1464232405715-0.png)


isnt fuzztail one of the boat people

also trans

john kelly is trans also

0c7fba No.9480626


I wonder if they are related

09e4f0 No.9480632


And furrys.


Kelly admitted to being agg.

0c7fba No.9480639


>And furrys.

I hear most of ddmfags are furries

Thidran fuzztail ququ were all a furfag troll group

5e3d5f No.9480678

File: 1464414443035.png (117.92 KB, 596x1247, 596:1247, JohnGoony.png)


>Kelly admitted to being agg

>Implying it wasn't obvious from the start

09e4f0 No.9480681


How did you guys link him to his other account?

bdc05b No.9480690


damn, that was funny


the edginess alone

09e4f0 No.9480713


So similar descrepincies in speech then?

3b55eb No.9480726



I still have no idea what this means.

09e4f0 No.9480733


Doublespeak replacment for being outnumbered in arguments that they can't win even if they were one on one.

335882 No.9480742

File: 1464415401650.png (590.63 KB, 594x634, 297:317, Untitled.png)


Not a surprise. Since he would rather associate with goons, especially this one who has a deep grudge against Mark for some reason. Oh yeah, that goon tried to trick once on Mark by trying him to admit that pedophilia is a ok.

09e4f0 No.9480752


Ow, the edge.

683b2a No.9480753


Someone just started declaring it was him. I assume it's not true.

85f5c5 No.9480759


Fucking katanafags.

Billhook > faggot swords

5e3d5f No.9480769


They invented a derogatory term for someone daring to ask for sources to back up their hearsay.

1f4472 No.9480774

File: 1464415705372-0.png (1.05 MB, 1023x724, 1023:724, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464415705372-1.png (85.07 KB, 1586x524, 793:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464415705373-2.png (34.04 KB, 1563x215, 1563:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464415705373-3.png (86.97 KB, 723x693, 241:231, ClipboardImage.png)

So if you don't want to watch the new movie, or defend it, you're one of these two.

The artist is one of those "everyone is stupid but me" neutrals, and has a weird obsession with bronies and Tom Preston.

The sad and infuriating bit is the comments section. These dumbasses don't realize that both sides in this poid are strawmen, but the "MRA" even more so. People saying they don't want to watch the new movie, but damn those MRAs are so gross! Not realizing that they are now "MRAs" according to the nutjobs defending a reboot. Honestly, I have never encountered an actual self described MRA in all my time on the internet. MRAs seem to be just another boogieman made up by regressives to scare their cultest into line.

Eh, here's the link if any of you want to read the comments. http://jflaxman.deviantart.com/art/Ghost-of-Good-Times-611492414

Here's a few of my favorite exchanges.

05b081 No.9480775

File: 1464415707747.png (35.49 KB, 681x548, 681:548, pleasekillme.png)


>getting /fit/ for pussy

>being proud you're a skinnyfag faggot

How does one not hate the fact that their arms are the size of an average woman's, having boytits, and having a little bit of stomach fat seeping?

kill me fam

09e4f0 No.9480776


Then for now, I doubt it is him. And that it really does not matter who he is as the faggot does not matter.

09e4f0 No.9480785


I loke a good polearm or military pick.

1f4472 No.9480792


> arms are the size of an average woman's, having boytits,

If you have boytits, your arms are not the size of an average womans. Fat arms are fat yo

85f5c5 No.9480796

File: 1464415919206.jpg (438.45 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1386812465008.jpg)


Billhook > Military pick > swords

05b081 No.9480803

File: 1464416059271.gif (1.17 MB, 587x613, 587:613, 1458571326189-4.gif)


I'm not fat, I'm 125 5'9" manlet skele

1f4472 No.9480809


I was speaking in general, sorry for my poor sentence arrangement.

05b081 No.9480824

File: 1464416289394.jpg (Spoiler Image, 202.09 KB, 1024x1449, 1024:1449, 001.jpg)


It's also 2 AM where I'm at so I probably read it wrong.

I'm going back to reading Gunsmith Cats.

f6cb37 No.9480839

File: 1464416454585-0.jpg (322.25 KB, 1197x1600, 1197:1600, JDJ.jpg)

File: 1464416454586-1.jpg (19.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, JDJ rifle.jpg)

File: 1464416454586-2.jpg (228.17 KB, 850x1198, 425:599, Asuka Raifu.jpg)


Fun fact, I can sell these.


Most people will only encounter a few of those in their lives. Autists get involved with the others. :3


Magnum Research makes a revolver called the BFR chambered in the .45-70 Government big game rifle cartridge. The entire round of a .500S&W can almost fit in just the spent case of a .45-70. .45-70 was used on the American frontier in large rifles for hunting Buffalo at ranges out to a thousand yards. The BFR holds 5 shots.


Muh dick!


That's a Boys MK1 .55 cal anti-tank rifle.


Having actually shot FNCs in both semi and full auto, it's a pretty okay weapon. I prefer its big brother tho.


I felt a strange pull as I was coming home from work. Little did I know that /v/ was going /k/.

Also for your perusal, the largest bore rifle currently on the market anywhere in the world AFAIK: The .950JDJ.

05b081 No.9480864

File: 1464416843530.jpg (Spoiler Image, 272.84 KB, 700x715, 140:143, Fal.full.1161605.jpg)


>Big brother

Nigga that's gay.

0ba0a8 No.9480880

File: 1464417032656.png (7.37 KB, 414x251, 414:251, The_Argyle_Gargoyle_and_Ot….png)

reminder that trannies are bees

f6cb37 No.9480889

File: 1464417128610.gif (1.98 MB, 400x299, 400:299, Asuka turn animated.gif)


Its a very feminine dick?

Speaking of animu, I made a terrible mistake last night. I saw a clip of a scene from Chrono Crusade, had some nostalgia remember it clear back when it came out, and realized I had never watched it. So I did.

I didn't need that ending. I really didn't need it. Right in the motherfucking feels and it still hurts.

05b081 No.9480915

File: 1464417357447-0.jpg (141.48 KB, 714x654, 119:109, 000.jpg)

File: 1464417357447-1.png (126.22 KB, 574x430, 287:215, rally.png)

File: 1464417357448-2.jpg (466.24 KB, 665x924, 95:132, 1461925564268-2.jpg)

File: 1464417357448-3.jpg (837.61 KB, 1865x1136, 1865:1136, 1431204549182-1.jpg)

File: 1464417357448-4.jpg (581.37 KB, 1024x1614, 512:807, 1431194624437-1.jpg)


>Chrono Crusade

I should watch that.

Thanks Mark, for the spoiler change.

05b081 No.9480920

File: 1464417387976.jpg (Spoiler Image, 106.29 KB, 643x910, 643:910, 1456803779870-1.jpg)


I meant to spoil these

85f5c5 No.9480931


What am I looking at here, a jewled grenade launcher or some shit?

335882 No.9480932

File: 1464417515049.png (Spoiler Image, 2.01 MB, 1227x3349, 1227:3349, 1452360338493.png)

testing the new spoiler

1f4472 No.9480941


Late to the party, but fuck you.

"Games journalism" is by and far seen as the fucking joke it is. That's thanks to GG

Anita, Zoe and their clique of SJWs are seen far and wide as fucking clowns, cons, and liars. That's thanks to GG.

SJW has become a household name, and universally seen as a negative. That's thanks to GG.

SJW regressives are losing so hard that they riot in the streets and resort to violence. Society as a whole are turning on them. Their whole cult is collapsing in on itself. GG started that. GG was the first push. GG raised awareness of them. GG got others talking.

Let the SJW freaks whine and claim GG is a joke. That's irrelevant. GG doesn't matter. I'm anonymous on a fucking image board and I shitpost on twitter. I'm not in this for glory, hell, this is casual pastime for me. Let history remember GG as a joke.

It doesn't change the fact that our enemies got their shit pushed in.

Some of them had a good little run, and some still have a good little set up with patreon. But at the expense of their reputations. Some may have personally, financially won, but their ideology lost.

0ba0a8 No.9480945

jesus christ these new spoilers

fucking god damn it mark

ecca52 No.9480948

File: 1464417652088.gif (850.71 KB, 223x155, 223:155, bekindtojapanesewomen.gif)




Katanas are not bad swords if used the proper way (ie not used like a broadsword, avoid blocking with the blade edge, more for slashing than stabbing or bashing). Fuck the way he is holding both the sword and scabbard though. It has limited reach and exposes the hands. A competent and even incompetent swordsman would break his fingers and leave him crying like a little bitch. Before cutting him in half to stop the whining.

Polite sage for OT

1f4472 No.9480951


Jesus fuck, the narcissism here is painful.

ea3711 No.9480965


I'm sure they are more like wasps.

Just think about it.

Why the spoiler change?

ecca52 No.9480969


>pls stop killing us.

They don't know that they are the biggest threat to themselves?

ea3711 No.9480975

File: 1464417839844.jpg (121.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1461008843826.jpg)

85f5c5 No.9480978


Thank god for not refreshing.


Katanas are shit swords by merit of other swords from the same timeline.

Even the fucking Chinese had better swords. And those guys were ass backwards as hell.

Most of it is due to the horrible xenophobia and general stagnation of Japan for a fuckton of time, though. That and shit metal/too small amount of it.

>giving a shit about off topic

I've been lurking around in this thread for a good while, and let me tell you: None of this has been on topic.

Kind of odd, to me. But, hey, get to talk about /k/ shit, and that's always fun because /k/ proper is slow as fuck.

ecca52 No.9480997


>That and shit metal/too small amount of it.

Can't argue there.

09e4f0 No.9481002


Was about to say that. They cant die from stinging people with their dick, they bite, they are unnecessarily aggresive and territorial, unproductive. And I probably missed shit.

85f5c5 No.9481005

File: 1464418015349.png (1 MB, 1024x744, 128:93, english_billmen_by_whiteto….png)


>implying you'll get close

maybe ill hook ur legs fgt, maybe i stab you with pointy end, maybe i slash with the slashy bit, meybe i poke you with back pokey bit u dunno

09e4f0 No.9481025


Inb4 someone says they will shoot you and win all edgy like.

3b55eb No.9481028


>That and shit metal/too small amount of it.

Pretty much sums it up.

The katana has so much work put into because they had to turn garbage metal into something usable. It's not exactly a high quality product, they just did what they had to in order to create something that could be used at all.

They could have done better, but at the end of the day, they were too busy perfecting their craft (as is the norm for Japanese culture), instead of looking for alternative methods of construction.

0c7fba No.9481038

File: 1464418283040-0.jpg (609.56 KB, 1280x1901, 1280:1901, the new guardians #001-p08.jpg)

File: 1464418283040-1.jpg (650.37 KB, 1280x1899, 1280:1899, the new guardians #001-p10.jpg)

Never forget a more progressive comic book then Mockingbird and Captain America

New Guardians

Which gave us a white supremacist AIDS vampire

1f4472 No.9481050

File: 1464418347827.png (46.69 KB, 459x161, 459:161, ClipboardImage.png)

09e4f0 No.9481060


So they are old men?

5e3d5f No.9481078

File: 1464418662667.png (2.64 KB, 140x141, 140:141, OldMen.png)

85f5c5 No.9481083

File: 1464418747968.jpg (41.26 KB, 268x486, 134:243, celtic-original-side-by-si….jpg)


It didn't even have all that much work put into it. From what I understand, celtish iron had a similar if not downright better technique when it came to the fancy forging methods and such. I may be wrong about who, but it went down some rather interesting weave lot, twisting and folding the metal over itself or some such. The whole "folded 1000 times" isn't at all uncommon when it comes right down to it, except in that most everyone else also spent time looking at other, potentially better methods of accomplishing the same sort of lot.

Main reason we know about katana whatnot was because they never decided to improve it, and still do such today.

It actually reminds me of a rather interesting thing what pops up with fantasy races. There's this notion around that dwarfmake stuff should be better, but for some prejudice on part of the writers, elf stuff is always the best.

Well, I think that's rather inaccurate. In fact, dwarf stuff is the best made, the finest quality and all that.

But elf gear typically is done by one random elf what loves blacksmithing, constantly does this and that, and lived for a fuckton of time.

So what you end up with is dwarves repeating the same old standard sword design over and over again because "MUH TRADITION", and elfMcGee runs by with SwordExperiment 01255552525666 made by elfman Jed who just loves to fiddle with metalworking and seems to have found a way to make superlight solid alloy swords, but has gotten bored with that and is now working on designing a new blade style what lets one do backflips without risking themselves.

09e4f0 No.9481093


Well that is what a gaffer is. That or someone who is a mic operator in film.

335882 No.9481099


Damn it, you had to bring this memory back.

Still, this can be similar just like this GOP anti-trump campaign which one of their tweets the told of "Proud being a cuck", I think

09e4f0 No.9481114


Oh, I remember that. I asked myself when I get to fug their wives. But I remembered that their wives are probably not lookers and aquiessed.

1f4472 No.9481118

File: 1464419033841.png (312.29 KB, 759x362, 759:362, ClipboardImage.png)

09e4f0 No.9481132


The networking part is false, they choose not to try and network up to get out. A chunk of NoA's band of puritans are from ign afterall.

1f4472 No.9481141

File: 1464419225628-0.png (33.26 KB, 592x279, 592:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464419225629-1.png (116.96 KB, 472x400, 59:50, ClipboardImage.png)


85f5c5 No.9481357


What's with the spaghetti spoon?

d7cb22 No.9481396

File: 1464422137096.png (138.3 KB, 516x378, 86:63, 1176794944779.png)


I can only guess what the spork is about, but it wouldn't really shock me

3aa4f5 No.9481591

File: 1464423608550.png (Spoiler Image, 2.46 MB, 1880x1751, 1880:1751, 1453009933684.png)


if I don't avatarfag as mai waifu people won't think I'm still helping

>obsession with post speed and not being dead is ruining the quality of the thread,

since when has thread quality ever been a concern? half the posts itt are shitposting, the other half is shilling.


>second pic

ahahaha that looks like a man


>I want to go back to derailing and cancer over derailing and cancer topics


her tits are sagging




>seeing a fat brit ramble on youtube and make six digits a year

jim sterling?

d028a6 No.9481622



No, they will say this doesnt matter and that men are sending the rape and death threats, which are worse.

85f5c5 No.9481640

File: 1464423977963.jpg (88.08 KB, 620x723, 620:723, 1444123304014.jpg)


Yeah but bro, your waifu is shit.

>Dating furfag shit

Now, I would like to take this moment to say I don't actually "mind" what many would call furshit, so long as it is actually good.

But if you stick hair on it, it automatically becomes shit.

>Dating a jew

Chick will literally sell your priceless adventuring heirlooms entrusted to you for hardly anything.


bc6eff No.9481748


>tfw i own a gun but /k/ topics are boring to me.

5e3d5f No.9481756


That's not Marche. 0ba0a8 is Marche, That's just someone who thinks sage means downvote.

d028a6 No.9481762

File: 1464424910313-0.png (142.17 KB, 609x921, 203:307, Knipsel.PNG)

File: 1464424910313-1.png (288.51 KB, 755x400, 151:80, Knipsel2.PNG)

Everbody is a 'gamergater' according to the sjw.

a6b8e8 No.9481766

File: 1464424940480.jpg (1.4 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, 1416339141839-0.jpg)


I'm surprised no one has praised boob in 8008 thread.

Buy shinovi versus coming to PC this wednesday.

09e4f0 No.9481782


If they keep on attacking journalists, who will spread their propaganda to normalfags and make them pallatable


got it on the vita, Im good. But I may invest in estival if they include all dlc and the ikkitoisen characters as a single buy.

a6b8e8 No.9481792


According to this http://nichegamer.com/2016/05/24/senran-kagura-shinovi-versus-hits-pc/

>The PC release includes all of the game’s post launch DLC, as well as improved visuals and performance at 60FPS.

They will.

0ba0a8 No.9481808

File: 1464425272578.jpg (1.22 MB, 1063x1515, 1063:1515, 225193515f8357ebf57d2f9c79….jpg)


>Favorite kangaroo is Kat

>I prefer ass

85f5c5 No.9481814

File: 1464425316122.jpg (384.7 KB, 431x613, 431:613, 01_LAIKA_MATCHBOX_LABELedi….jpg)


I don't know who that is, I am new to these threads. I just assumed it was the image he posted who the waifu was.

The fact you have two of these faggots is worrying.

5e3d5f No.9481827


I hope there will be mods.


You're 20 posts in and you've never been to one of these threads before?

4d1bb5 No.9481842


scroll up and look at his first post. He's just a shill who jumped IDs from >>9478482

85f5c5 No.9481844

File: 1464425551250.jpg (317.98 KB, 525x1216, 525:1216, 1443829375707.jpg)


I was on the tail end of the last one.

09e4f0 No.9481845


I said estival mate. Not shinovi. The dlc becides rin and daidouji is just clothing. In estival its characters, missions, and clothing. I did not mind getting the game, but the dlc even discluding costume dlc is almost the cost of the game itself and lacking the ikkitousen girls. I will probably get estival if it has the ikkitousen girls, but I do not have a lot of hope for them on the pc version if there ever a pc version of estival though.

5e3d5f No.9481862


Ah, I see now.

0ba0a8 No.9481885

File: 1464425853642.png (17.88 KB, 603x290, 603:290, (laughs)_on_Twitter_If_you….png)

85f5c5 No.9481890


Are we not supposed to reply to things now?

09e4f0 No.9481912

85f5c5 No.9481935


Honestly, I never understood comics in general. Even webcomics. They can be good, but the vast majority of the time you are sitting on a cliffhanger for ages because the next update or issue or whatever is coming in next week.

If you buy old comics, or read old and now finished webcomics, I do get that, though.

a6b8e8 No.9481966


Buy shinovi and they will do PC for estival.


09e4f0 No.9481988


I am not going to respend money on shinovi, but I would kinda reccomend it to others, but no one I know would like it. And I am saving for corpse party 3ds.

09e4f0 No.9482019


send a copy to total biscuit and get him to play.

d7cb22 No.9482045


Seems more Genna's speed. Send it to her and have her make TB play

09e4f0 No.9482066


Or have her play while he watches and comments

fbde0c No.9482093

File: 1464427416320.jpg (21.15 KB, 280x278, 140:139, 1433682636095.jpg)


I stopped reading most comics because of SJW shit and generally low quality in story telling. I only really read Image Comics and some self published stuff at this point.

It doesn't really matter though, I never paid money for comics in the first place. Can't boycott something I never supported.

385eef No.9482142


Wow, a woman cyberbullying another woman on the internet. Typical of their kind.

0ba0a8 No.9482156


I was cyber bullied once

fbde0c No.9482174


Was it a lewd femdom experience?

4793ce No.9482209

Holy shit, these threads are back to optimal speed

You guys are always amazing

85f5c5 No.9482230


Personally I'd complain of massively off topic whatnot, but it is far too late for me to actually care, and I don't know if I would anyway.

As it is, rather nice little place, though. Snug

f4bf77 No.9482239

File: 1464428617873.jpg (281.41 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 004.jpg)


The power of shitpostan about guns and waifus.

0ba0a8 No.9482247

dbd12e No.9482253


It's been dead as an art form when fucking Comics Code scare killed several genres and made artists self-censor, only way is to do propaganda and preach shitty ideology and proclaim its Art not Propaganda, and doesn't help that the DC and Marvel made "Comics" synonymous with capeshit.

0b6f19 No.9482286


Wondering the same myself, Ralph Shill was recently doxed too. It's odd they are all being doxed so easy now.

e65d01 No.9482293

Who bought that PlayAsia ad

9567e2 No.9482322

>play-asia ads

Which one of you faggots did this?

0ba0a8 No.9482331



im only getting the hispachan and trump ads

6fd431 No.9482336

File: 1464429424105.jpg (86.74 KB, 582x600, 97:100, captain skull.jpg)

It's funny, I had this picture for a while as a joke, but now it's become real. I'm starting to believe.


That's an interesting way of thinking about it. So Dwarves on average produce better quality materials than most elves, while outlier Elves produce stuff better than that. Makes sense in way sense most dwarves are proud traditionalists, but Elves who try to expand their horizons do so to an obsessive and sometimes dangerous degree.

a6b8e8 No.9482356


>The witches do not wear pants

Correction, women don't wear pants in that universe.

e65d01 No.9482395

File: 1464430002412.jpg (32.01 KB, 917x119, 131:17, playasia1.JPG)

1f4472 No.9482501

File: 1464430797534.png (566.91 KB, 576x1200, 12:25, ClipboardImage.png)

2119fc No.9482508

File: 1464430832790.gif (569.08 KB, 255x144, 85:48, gamergayt.gif)


4d1bb5 No.9482548



also, advocating for feminism while starting your posts with 'like gamergate' won't end well.

09e4f0 No.9482549


Isn't that one of the goons who were fucking with td? All goons kinda blend together.

4793ce No.9482552


Okay for once this cunt managed to actually make me mad

Send him the numerous petitions to get rid of "racy" stuff from Europe or Japan, the manara cover for spiderwoman scandal, anita explaining in excruciating detail how those are always wrong, etc.

Or don't, actually, he'll wriggle himself out of this shit

fbde0c No.9482571


>right wing moralists

>relevant in video game censorship

Someone find out where that guy is hiding his internet access to the 80s.

1f4472 No.9482597

File: 1464431576157.png (Spoiler Image, 18.51 KB, 595x108, 595:108, ClipboardImage.png)

Spoilered for off topic

What the fuck is she on about?

6fd431 No.9482605

File: 1464431607772.png (238.77 KB, 377x370, 377:370, i seriously hope you guys ….png)


>If you don't like burning to death, try drowning

0ba0a8 No.9482607


trump didnt face bernie in the halls of debate

075d3b No.9482612

File: 1464431650406.jpg (31.84 KB, 368x475, 368:475, everyone i dont like is ga….jpg)

1f4472 No.9482620


I thought this wasn't going to happen so soon? Trump declined? WTF? There's gotta be more to it than that.

0ba0a8 No.9482629


i dunno

I dont really care, political hashtags on twitter are fucking dumb

especially bernie ones

4d1bb5 No.9482640



I assume Trump thinks bernie will lose to hillary, and he wants some bernie supporters to come over to his side to spite hillary. If he debates bernie so early, he'll just piss off 100% of the bernie supporters

fbde0c No.9482642

File: 1464431828847.jpg (221.67 KB, 811x827, 811:827, 1445697737449.jpg)


Feels great to be the eternal boogieman

0ba0a8 No.9482655

File: 1464431894637.jpg (279.62 KB, 1447x876, 1447:876, tumblr_static_8ipmjkbh9tcs….jpg)

is there any porn of OL?

0bac2e No.9482661

File: 1464431917182.gif (19.17 KB, 374x221, 22:13, I'll shit you up.gif)



Take this revolt hateboner somewhere else

No one cares

why do you care about some girl on twitter, do you need your dick sucked this hard that the mere fact she won't makes you shrivel up at the sight of her not doing it ?

"more to it than that" jesus christ you absolute loon

3437fe No.9482671


Fuck a toad, val.

1f4472 No.9482675

File: 1464432023747.png (207.03 KB, 291x320, 291:320, shocked40.PNG)


What the fuck are on about? I had no idea what had happened, I was asking what she was talking about, and got my answer.

1f4472 No.9482683


>*What the fuck are you on about

0bac2e No.9482690


Oh… sorry, I assumed you were trying to go at a "lol look at cov guys lol" or whatever bullshit

stop posting her. It's a magnet to revolttards and shills. She's a girl on twitter who used to cosplay vivian. Unless she does it again, it's only gonna risk making things difficult to mention her

4d1bb5 No.9482693

File: 1464432151884.png (Spoiler Image, 338.67 KB, 379x536, 379:536, ClipboardImage.png)


Wouldn't any japanese office porn work?

0bac2e No.9482699


*>she's nothing but a girl who

1f4472 No.9482705


I like her, I just had no idea what happened today that she was referring to. "Gotta be more to it than that" as in, Trump just declined? Not like him, he must have an angle, ya know?

0ba0a8 No.9482706



OL only, her depression fuels my benis

0bac2e No.9482718


Yeah, my bad, I assumed you meant "there has to be more to it about her talking badly about trump" or something

4d1bb5 No.9482724

File: 1464432343109.png (Spoiler Image, 694.78 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)


Most japanese women seem unhappy in porn. Maybe they're just as bad at acting submissive as western porn stars as acting like they're moaning

bfb735 No.9482729


that's big enough to have sex with

3437fe No.9482742


And then it goes off just as you climax. Imagine the news!

1f4472 No.9482747

File: 1464432550150.jpg (26.8 KB, 540x540, 1:1, happy nipponese girl.jpg)


no problem Val

0bac2e No.9482768

File: 1464432734939.jpg (47.62 KB, 496x577, 496:577, True Daughterfu loves you.jpg)


I don't deserve you

75af60 No.9482958

File: 1464434440704.webm (1019.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1460078221957.webm)

0bac2e No.9482959

File: 1464434443849.jpg (1.09 MB, 949x1187, 949:1187, Don't look at me like that.jpg)

People might really like this thread


0ba0a8 No.9482981

36c4e3 No.9483020



There exist 30mm anti material rifles.

e0957a No.9483240

Does anybody has the #cyberviolence report in the original version and the corrected version?

I kinda don't have the pdf's surrounding this gem anymore…

dbd12e No.9483294

File: 1464438077718-0.pdf (1.13 MB, Cyber Violence UN reportV1.pdf)

File: 1464438077718-1.pdf (1.58 MB, Cyber Violence UN reportV2.pdf)

0bac2e No.9483311


based anons always deliver

0ba0a8 No.9483366

File: 1464438736644.jpg (173.47 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, Shoplifting_Meat.jpg)

im just gonna pirate this ham

761095 No.9483379

File: 1464438910503.jpg (107.81 KB, 577x559, 577:559, 1447436061115.jpg)


/pol/ is always right. Appropriate memes, show the world that the memes are associated with you, and then normalfags will not only refuse to use the memes, but ostracize any of their own who use the memes. All memes belong to us.

f1a87c No.9483440




Shit, is that CultOfVivian? I barely understand the drama between this 'Nicole' girl and revolt.

And I'm sorry to say Val, you could stand to be a little less rustled when this kind of shit comes up.

On another note, I just realized it's officially month 21 since the hashtag was coined

0ba0a8 No.9483451


john kelly had a crush on her but she didnt like him so they got angry

same goes for oliver, Thidran kept trying to ERP with him it was very creepy

09e4f0 No.9483454


Yes, memes are spice. I will point out that /pol/ sometimes has a mentality that would make them tyrants of a different shape, much like classic libs they work best as devil advocates.

648ecf No.9483497

File: 1464440024928.gif (77.51 KB, 255x144, 85:48, Move It.gif)


Arrest the thief!

e0957a No.9483559


Thank you based anon, thank you very much!

e0957a No.9483563


Not stealing some liquer selling it and getting 10 times the amout of meat.

f1a87c No.9483567


Oliver Campbell?

Guess I could ask in the gghq drama thread for more specifics then.

c15e07 No.9483590

Pretty cool to see Play Asia buying ads here.

eda948 No.9483605


>/pol/ is always right

When retards among them shit on yuri, 2D incest and 2D brown, no they're not.

0ba0a8 No.9483622


Yuri is for fujos

0bac2e No.9483632

File: 1464441456620.png (76.81 KB, 791x876, 791:876, 1434560312340.png)

So, the new trailer for Deux ex Mankind divided came out, it's pretty good.

In case some of you forgot, when people heard of the term of "mechanical apartheid", they went fucking furious at the creators for using this word outside of its historical compass and called them racist whiteys.

This pic will explain a bit more.

a57ba9 No.9483634


So everyone who cheers for them GG tan couples are fujos?

0ba0a8 No.9483638

0bac2e No.9483724

File: 1464442542029.jpg (111.02 KB, 563x750, 563:750, Music to my Heart.jpg)


Just in case people don't care :


The "mechanical apartheid" term wasn't scraped off and censored

The devs managed to write their story the way they wanted, regardless of puritans' opinion


eda948 No.9483730



Are you stupid?

0ba0a8 No.9483743

5e7240 No.9483751


Thing is the Augments are #BLM fighting for their rights and against discrimination, the game could make them to in the right and their tactics valid going to show #BLM are in the right to roit IRL.

0bac2e No.9483782


What the fuck did I tell you ralpshill ? Get the fuck out of those threads, never reply even once, or that dox is getting everywhere.

Fuck off. No one likes you.

5e7240 No.9483800


Stop that, but I don't think you have my dox or you would have released it. The people that doxed me where pretty nice and allowed me to post as long as I stay in good faith and not play devils advocate.

a57ba9 No.9483801


I knew /a/ was right all along and we are all little girls!

0bac2e No.9483820


And you aren't you faggot. Just one more fucking post and I'm asking CoV and Oliver to make it public in a few days to make it more visible. Get the fuck out of /v/ and stop posting.

5e7240 No.9483831


I have being posting in good fate for the last two weeks I am keeping to their rules now stop shitpoting.

3437fe No.9483880


Your only good fate is killing yourself.

eda948 No.9483988


>good fate

It's faith, dumbass.

5d1c67 No.9483990



They see GG everywhere, even in their cereal in the morning.

This is fucking glorious. Only a matter of time before they assault some random poor guy with a purple and green shirt in the streets.

eda948 No.9484021

I think I might go over to /pol/ and tell them capitalism is cancer.

That might be fun.

0ba0a8 No.9484030

3437fe No.9484149


Maybe we can polarize them more and they'll view everyone that isn't explicitly a feminist to be GamerGate. "Either you're with us or you're GamerGate!"

241695 No.9484192

Been a while since I heard about the blue whale. Is she laying low or something?

0ba0a8 No.9484198


Last i saw the sjws were pissed at her for putting people she didnt like on the blockbot

075d3b No.9484208


Nah, we just don't post or comment on any inane thing they tweet out. If you go on their TL's, you'll see tons of bullshit, but it became so common, that barely anyone cares anymore.

241695 No.9484222


Oh, I'm not on Twitter that's why I thought she was laying low. Those people practically live on Twitter. This was stupid of me to think se was taking a break.

0ba0a8 No.9484258

460fc6 No.9484304

File: 1464449484353.png (25.41 KB, 708x339, 236:113, 1464379721830.png)



I don't care if I'm 11 hours late, I still have just the cap for that.

f1a87c No.9484310

075d3b No.9484344

File: 1464449817778.jpg (202.84 KB, 900x406, 450:203, 24561.jpg)


>when the issue becomes so big, you've got tech companies specifically researching and applying technology in your city

What a shit hole.

3437fe No.9484483

File: 1464450771737.png (882.85 KB, 1003x665, 1003:665, SanFranBigOne.png)

9630b8 No.9484514

File: 1464450958856.gif (726.11 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 16161861484.gif)

3437fe No.9484544


From omnisexual god into a cis man. I'd call that transgender.

05b081 No.9484562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shitposting time?


a378a0 No.9484569


What the fuck

56cbb3 No.9484591

File: 1464451481944.jpg (46.27 KB, 485x479, 485:479, ahegaoiraburuu.JPG)


This is some naked gun shit right here.

460fc6 No.9484683

File: 1464452254637-0.png (4.75 KB, 646x55, 646:55, Capture.PNG)

File: 1464452254637-1.jpg (40.49 KB, 504x421, 504:421, Fulgore.jpg)



Holy shit, I cannot wait to see what they try next when this fails.

05b081 No.9484689

File: 1464452309213-0.png (25.59 KB, 929x494, 929:494, 1464432844065.png)

File: 1464452309214-1.jpg (91.26 KB, 896x662, 448:331, 1464435174846.jpg)


He also went on reddit to whine and got told he deserved it.


Nobody on /pol/ archived the thread.

c91a65 No.9484756

File: 1464452754845.gif (28.31 KB, 145x170, 29:34, 1460992257571.gif)

>captain america is a nazi

Post yfw we are not the comic book industry.

ea7932 No.9484757

File: 1464452762826-0.jpg (38.17 KB, 594x568, 297:284, antiporn.jpg)

File: 1464452762826-1.png (119.57 KB, 219x343, 219:343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464452762827-2.png (76.19 KB, 654x66, 109:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Oh look, anti-porn feminism is an actual thing, and it's being promoted by Washington Post.



2119fc No.9484768



The fuck is this about

ea7932 No.9484775

File: 1464452847911-0.png (73.95 KB, 434x116, 217:58, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464452847925-1.jpg (39.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Ci__1zIWYAAW04c.jpg)


And the author is from Cambridge.

2119fc No.9484788


They will fail. Banning porn enrages the normalfags.

09e4f0 No.9484794


Yeah. Anita is one of them.


Good thing/bad thing milo dropped out.

a3ccc2 No.9484802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

polygon is so shit even SA makes fun of it


ea7932 No.9484826

File: 1464453221076-0.png (105.36 KB, 423x143, 423:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464453221110-1.jpg (32.37 KB, 499x338, 499:338, ChANDhgU0AQ52lp.jpg)


>Anal sex pisses feminists off

No fun allowed

09e4f0 No.9484843


We get it, feminists hate gays. Sheesh.

0a19d6 No.9484853


voidburger sounds fat

c79983 No.9484854


I could see my mom subscribing to that line of thought, though I wouldn't blame her: my dad got absolutely consumed by porn, and it led to some pretty big revelations about his life prior to meeting her. In her words, it's like finding out the person you thought you were married to for three decades never really existed.

Did a real number on her, that.

3437fe No.9484856


Feminists hate everything.

fa8df0 No.9484872

File: 1464453547468.png (282.16 KB, 578x572, 289:286, 1461356062073.png)


>It is crucial to understand pornography as a form of violence against women

9ba126 No.9484886


What did your dad do? Watch a lot of Insex vids?

3437fe No.9484889


Subjectivist gibberish, that's what it is.

909345 No.9484905


That twist was so bad even one of the close friends of the creator of Cap has said that he must be angry wherever he is.

a3ccc2 No.9484919


she's not that fat

0a19d6 No.9484930


so she is fat then.

fa8df0 No.9484962

File: 1464454253314.png (106.65 KB, 202x286, 101:143, 1461245152735.png)


>It doesn’t take a great awareness of cultural theory to grasp the social meaning of images of women being repeatedly penetrated in every orifice to a chorus of “slut,” “bitch” and “whore.

>It does, however, require a willingness to think beyond the rhetoric of “choice,” “empowerment” and “free speech”

Choice, empowerment and free speech is violence against women

a3ccc2 No.9484968


between average and chubby

c79983 No.9484982


His addiction was so bad he got fired from three separate jobs over a ten-year period, each time for either being caught looking at porn or for basically not doing his job because he was spending all day looking at porn.

About his past, it's kind of complicated, but to boil it down: His side of the family were almost all alchoholic dicks who dealt with problems by pretending they didn't exist. My dad had HUGE anger problems stemming from that (along with a host of other psychological issues), and hid it by wearing his "mask" for my mom from when they met up until around four years after marrying. After that point the "mask" slowly came off, and he would increasingly take his anger out on me, my mom and my brother.

3437fe No.9484998


Feminism: Taking porn too seriously since 1984.

0a19d6 No.9485014


the american average is one cupcake away from clinical obesity

"between average and chubby" in that case is between fat and morbidly obese

dbd12e No.9485024

File: 1464454707513.jpg (470.46 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, PoorLittleDenton.jpg)

Poor little Denton


a3ccc2 No.9485025


England average, I guess

3437fe No.9485041


Quick, someone check the Panama papers for Denton!

075d3b No.9485107


>disgruntled ex-lover of Denton's now husband


So Denton gay married and an ex-lover of his now husband threw a brick?


Someone said he's transferring his money to Hungary or something. Dunno why.

9ba126 No.9485116


Shit, that sucks. I guess like everything, overconsuming porn is bad for your health.

2867d6 No.9485119

File: 1464455335362-0.png (322.67 KB, 980x1117, 980:1117, vivian_by_biasty-da00bte.png)

File: 1464455335362-1.webm (4.09 MB, 856x480, 107:60, Sub-streaming.webm)




Here's the relevant bit.


>voidburger sounds fat

Sounds about right.


I'm guessing that statement is based on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CCDhZtmioo

075d3b No.9485130

File: 1464455419900-0.png (284.02 KB, 1044x403, 1044:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1464455419900-1.png (184.01 KB, 557x608, 557:608, ClipboardImage.png)

075d3b No.9485511

File: 1464458075020.jpg (153.43 KB, 1120x1078, 80:77, 1446547702566.jpg)


fa8df0 No.9485515

>page 14


2119fc No.9485577


I'll bake something up.

30c379 No.9485597

Memorial day weekend ended gamergate. It's over bros. I already feel the urge to play Firewatch and Gone Home. #stopgamergate2014 + 2

69b710 No.9485639


Every weekend gamergate dies.

3437fe No.9485640


DEAD !!!

0a19d6 No.9485656


we need to stop the rare pepes from raping 1 in 4 womyn on twitter

385eef No.9485679

File: 1464459111894.png (251.23 KB, 561x405, 187:135, ok den.PNG)


Goons always have such faggy voices.

fa8df0 No.9485683

2119fc No.9485698

385eef No.9485712

File: 1464459328530-0.jpg (536.01 KB, 843x1044, 281:348, meme magic.jpg)

File: 1464459328640-1.jpg (35.18 KB, 603x611, 603:611, roofpepe.jpg)


>merely adopting memes

>not being born in them

56cbb3 No.9485716

File: 1464459360978.jpg (80.87 KB, 640x800, 4:5, i can't dig with this AWP.jpg)


I'm playing around with shit I bought at a hunting fair, give me a break.

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