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4 Reasons Why Women Cannot And Should Not Lead A strong woman is as unattractive to men as a weak man is unattractive to women

Business woman crying head in hands
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
Jean-Batave is a martial artist from the viking stronghold of Normandy, France. He travels the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women. Eastern Europe taught him everything he knows and is his second home. His column runs every Thursday.
May 26, 2016 Girls
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We here at Return Of Kings pretty much agree on what makes a woman attractive. I will spare you a list, as enough material is already available on the website if you do not know the feminine attributes that makes a woman desirable.
Though we also generally agree on what makes a woman unattractive, specific traits seems to disgust men more than others. But one psychological attribute stands out as one of the most hated: power. Especially the abuse of this power.
Men have a deeply rooted aversion to powerful women, and rightly so. In addition to being repulsive, it involves huge risks.  Giving power to woman is not a smart decision and here is why.

1. It is unnatural

Photoshop montage of a female leader with long hair
The law of the leader is eternal. He is the most charismatic, the wisest or the strongest of a group, not the one that feels the most or wants to live in a carefree bubble. The law of the jungle, applied in its rawest form, chews a lone woman and spits her out.
The handful of women that led successfully in the past, such as Queen Victoria, Joan of Arc or Boudicca for the most famous, always had an army of men and a government of men to reach their goals. It was composed of male ministers, male officers, and male soldiers only. Imagine what would have been the outcome if leading an army of women.
Women do not want to lead! This is not in their nature. They want to be led. It is what defines their attraction to men. It is more out of spite and in a thirst for revenge that they seek power. Revenge on failed relationship, professional failure, personal issues… the whole world governed by men is their nemesis and must be shown that she can do it just as good as any man.

2. It is unattractive

Dilma Rousseff, the shame of her Bulgarian ancestors and butch president of Brazil
Dalia Grybauskaité, (classic rabid anti-Russian, pro-homosexual, pro-male-only conscription agenda) incompetent president of Lithuania. This is not what Lithuanian women look like
Angela Merkel, female (yet to be determined) president of Germanistan
The c...
The c***. Start to see a pattern there?
A feminine and fragile, and therefore attractive, woman seeking power cannot be taken seriously as a leader. A leader is someone that shows more than the others. More mettle, more courage, more intelligence or more grit. Women that desire to inspire trust from weaker men (voters, subordinates, white knights, etc) have to consciously become more masculine (short hair, male clothing and masculine behaviour), in order to mimic the masculine attributes that compose the archetype of the leader.
In essence, whereas power held by men is an aphrodisiac for women, it as the opposite effect on attractiveness when women hold power. Feminine attractiveness to men on the psychological level can be narrowed down to: femininity, obedience, loyalty and submission.
Women in positions of power rarely look like this
Women in positions of power rarely look like this
Let’s say that your boss is attractive. You want to fuck your boss because she is a physically attractive woman. She could be flipping burgers for all you care. The position occupied is irrelevant on the pure physical aspect. But you also want to fuck her for the pleasure of having submitted her abstract position of authority to your own, physical authority and the strength of your magnificent meat.
Just like the warrior of the tribe challenges the chief and prevails, having triumphed using the universal expression of power, dominance through physical strength, makes one the new guy in charge. Women fuck men of power in the hope of gaining access to their resources, protection, or secured environment. Men fuck women of power to prove a point and assert their authority over them.

3. It is dangerous

Women are governed by their emotions. People that need safe spaces are not able to be leaders. Feminists that demand power or claim that they have it are delusional. They are empowered if they are in a secluded room, where the exterior world and its dangers cannot reach them and confront them.
Female soldiers in elite corps (or willing to be) crack under pressure, being mentally and physically weaker than men. Even if they are given a favourable treatment, they cannot cope. When they access power, it is through bureaucracy and the enforcement of a political agenda, not through excellence. They also cannot be put on the battlefield as they are a liability for their colleagues and a prize if the enemy captures them.
Physical and mental tests of resistance are the absolute base on selecting future leaders. Not picking the best of the best is illogical and puts lives in danger. In professions that require calm under extreme pressure and peak physical capability, such as firefighter, their level is cruelly insufficient.
Women's standard when caught in the act, be it cheating, lying or hanving a man's blood on their hands
Women’s standard response when caught in the act, be it cheating, lying or having a man’s blood on their hands
Female leaders listen to their emotions and their feelings. Thinking rationally about the consequences of their decisions is second. “It was the heat of the moment!” she said. Feminist leaders, such as the Lithuanian female president, are fundamentally guided by their feelings and misconceptions, applying the highest levels of double standards.
A true chief leads by example. Women, by nature, want to have their cake and eat it too, sacrificing others for their own personal benefit.

4. It is counterproductive

Focused on leading or exercising a position a power, women sacrifice their own happiness and their loved ones’, which can be achieved through a stable relationship focusing on nurturing and raising children. Women possessing any level of power are seldom happy. The distrust they inspire among men creates a void around them which turns into a vicious circle of anger and bitterness, hindering their capacity to think rationally and to reach goals
It is not easy to lead. That is part of the gig. Trials and failure are constant and keeping calm when facing adversity is what makes a chief. Women simply do not have what it takes and it is normal. What is not is that what visibly does not work is enforced to satisfy a small number of mad individuals.
Women are proven to be less effective leaders than men. They create resentment among their (mentally stable) male subordinates as they are being dominated by an individual that is physically far weaker than them. It is a deep, visceral feeling that cannot be repressed. The results are less motivation to reach higher results for this individual and distrust.

Le mot de la fin

Women, for their own good and that of the world surrounding them, must renounce seeking power. A happier, more balanced, and successful society can be the result of this decision, as it has been endlessly proven in the past.
But we all know that with the help of the elites of today and their plans, they will not do it willingly.
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
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        • Doktor Jeep 2 hours ago
          The best proof of why women should not lead is found in comparing pre-suffrage USA to post-suffrage USA. Their leadership capability is reflected in the leaders they choose.
          The American founding fathers knew this.
          Women are great at leading children. And this is mainly because as far as how their heads are wired goes, they are not far from being children.
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          • truth 2 hours ago
            Women are not leaders. They are not biologically programmed to lead. That is
            not me being sexist, but rather mother nature dictating the natural order of life. In fact, it is in all honesty, a big mistake to hand over any position of great power to a woman. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility and if you take the time to observe the current direction of the way in which our planet is heading towards with women in charge, then you can see it is going downhill.
            It is only with the advent of handing over so much power to women that our
            society is falling apart. There are now a majority of more breadwinners in society that are mostly comprised of women as well as more women making up the
            labor market than men. I simply cannot understand or fathom as to why any company or multinational corporation would give the power of hiring to women
            (in the form of human resources) or the actual position of leading a company to
            a woman (in the form of management or CEO.) There is so much empirical evidence
            to support the fact that companies fall apart when women are given the reigns
            to a company because as time has shown over and over again, they bring an
            element of immaturity into the decision making process and as a result, cannot
            produce the desired results that a company seeks.
            It is not coincidental that many companies are falling apart in the current state of the economy. Sure there are many elements such as people losing their jobs due to cutbacks, people not spending and so on and so forth. But make no mistake, that a lot of companies are also falling apart because of the direction in which it is going through as a result of women being in charge. Meritocracy goes out the window and what substitutes hard work are quotas, gender preferential treatment and every other illogical fallacy that can be seen within today's atrocious hiring practices.
            As for leading nations, well one can see where this is heading towards. Look
            at what is currently happening in countries like Brazil, Sweeden, Germany and in the past recent years, Thailand. It is a big mistake for a woman to be given the keys to such power because at the end of the day, in order to maintain a stable and well civilized society, it requires skills and attributes such as insight, patience and a deep level of analysis as well as stability and maturity. Unfortunately, with women, feelings and emotions are always involved and what you get in return, is disaster.
            As with the current state of affairs has shown, with more women in charge and in their ridiculous attempts at trying to become masculine and replace men at every function in society such as the head of the family, the breadwinner and the leaders of companies, you can start to see society falling apart. Its a shame in all honesty because afterall, it was men who built all of the great civilizations and all of the greatest inventions. But instead of being celebrated, men are now denounced and berated as the villain. I simply just sit back and just watch what happens. That is all we can do in the end.
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              • Dick Masterson > truth 2 hours ago
                Love your comments Truth. You should see how colleges are promoting feminism to the max. I had to suffer last semester with two feminist teachers and one of them knew I supported Neo-masculinity ( since I wrote a paper stating that feminism is meant to advocate female superiority). She ended up giving me a "C" in class even though I was the top student. You should've seen all the extra-curricular activities, it was filled with feminist empowering betas and other females to overcome the "chains" that men enslave women with. Also, one of my professors said in the middle of his lecture that there are more women graduating colleges and earning Ph.D's than men - Well no shit Sherlock! Men are going insane and being forced to work labor jobs to support women. These women that do go to college and graduate, end up with a shitty degree in communications and art, while racking up student debt and not being able to find a job. As a man, I feel like school has become harder just because of my gender.
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                • SomeRandomFellow 2 hours ago
                  It is pretty obvioud why women should not lead.
                  But if you really need science ...
                  Studies showed than when women were given the task of sharing 600 dollars between 6 supposed workers who worked for a day, they gave each 100 dollars equally. Meanwhile men took in account the position of the worker, and gave some more and some less depending on their position. This explains woman's attraction to socialism and "equality" .
                  Women being heads of the household had to develop instincts of averting conflict by bringing people together. When this instinct is taken outside the household however, it is an absolutely awful strategy. This explains the migrant crisis and the "can't we just get along phenomenon". The best way to weaken a tribe is to give woman any say in politics. The results of the austrian election, between commies (green) and nazis :
                  Enough said !
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                  • SomeRandomFellow 2 hours ago
                    Why couldn't Hellen Keller drive ?
                    Because she was a woman.
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                    • SomeRandomFellow 2 hours ago
                      And the number one reason women should not lead.
                      They should be giving birth and raising children. No one is going to do it for them. Any nation that allows women to take serious job positions will experience a decline in birth rates. That is the last thing we need now.
                      Nature did not intend women to lead. Leftists will tell you female leaders stop wars. But in reality, Merkel is bringing a race war in Europe and Hillary pretty much wants to start a war with Russia to protect ISIS. Meanwhile Ron Paul and Trump are the most dovish politicians we have seen in decades.
                      Another myth busted.
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                        • absorb 2 hours ago
                          I work in an office full of girls and I'm the lone male, I see how much time they waste gossiping every day, I often times wonder how much different things would run if it where all dudes.
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                          • TheSavageLifestyle an hour ago
                            Whether you are a seasoned veteran to this site or just stumbled across it.
                            STOP HELPING WOMEN!!
                            Every time you do so it empowers them to disenfranchise you and other men. Stop allowing weaker people to rule over you and become the fucking leader you were meant to be.
                            If the rules exist to punish you and keep you down, you are no longer obligated to obey or even acknowledge those rules.
                            Stop obeying the rules of others like a fucking bitch and become the rule.
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                              • manuel hernandez an hour ago
                                My personal take is this: when I make a decision, feelings, or better, gut feelings are involved, yet, they are combined with cold calculations and plain logic. I still have to ponder deeply if a decision is going to work, and I also have to have a Plan B or Plan C in case shit hits the fan. Most women will refer to this process as "being negative." Most women don't take this approach. They just take a decision based on feelings, or as they say, the heart wants what the heart wants. Of course, for all their positivity, they are the ones to crumble first, and then someone rescues them. Kinda also explains why women live longer than men, no?
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                                  • A.W.E.S.O.M.-O > manuel hernandez an hour ago
                                    I would say your "gut" is in a sense a form of subconscious logic. Your brain registers millions of bits of information that you never think about and recognises patterns without you even realizing it. When your gut tells you something, it's because your brain recognizes a pattern that is not readily apparent on the surface.
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                                      • OceanSon > manuel hernandez 5 minutes ago
                                        "The heart wants..." yup -- pure drivel, zero meaning. Women pull stuff like this out of their asses thinking it's a trump card comment that is "the last word in the matter." They are wrong, but they love trying to come up with showstopper statements that eliminate rebuttal, debate or the consequences of being proven wrong. The reply is "Lady, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so you're grasping at straws and attributing things to your unknowable, conniving heart." Such a waste of time, and women like this are usually the loneliest ones.
                                          see more
                                        • GoingSane 2 hours ago
                                          I'd like to put this into horse and buggy thinking:
                                          The only time to hand over the reigns to a woman is if you never want to get anywhere of consequence on time, safely, or for that matter, ever.
                                            see more
                                          • Jay Canis 2 hours ago
                                            Power is a tool that is used differently by men than it is by women.
                                            For moral men, power is the authority to organize and create in accordance to a vision. A man with a hammer and chisel can form stone to reflect a dream. A man with power can form a mob into organization. Power is creative when wielded by a moral man.
                                            For a woman, power is either used to protect herself from imagined threats, or it is a tool to reward and punish others. For a woman, power is parasitic and redistributive. Woman doesn't create, she allocates.
                                            Men will build a bridge as an exercise of power.
                                            Women hang garland on the bridge and dictate who may use it as an exercise of power.
                                            The west fell because of suffrage. We gave sovereign franchise to those exempt from direct accountability and legal obligation.
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                                              • Corey Mod 30 minutes ago
                                                The word woman and leader don't really go together.
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                                                • A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 36 minutes ago
                                                  Marissa, melissa, whatever the fuck meyers, was a mind boggling one. Who hires a pregnant bitch to be CEO of a public company. And they've continued on down the tubes over at Progressive crap hole Yahoo. The sad thing is that people think they're being altruistic by being tolerant of stupidity.
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                                                    • crypter27 . an hour ago
                                                      I have been saying that for awhile ,women are governed by emotions and men are governed by logic.
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                                                      • FitzRoy Sommerset 2 hours ago
                                                        I disagree to a certain extent: women are good at leading households and children. Having a woman to take care of the household while I am off fighting "needless wars for the Zionist/Neocon/Oil conspiracy" would be ideal. Beyond that, women aren't good national leaders or business leaders.
                                                        There are a few genetic anomalies, like Elizabeth I, Victoria I and Margaret Thatcher. While some make the argument that they had teams of men working for them, so did Arthur Wellesley, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan. All leaders have teams of men working for them. It's how a good General Staff system works, and Moltke the Elder used it to much success, especially in 1871.
                                                        Let's acknowledge that women should generally not lead in government or business without negating the few genetic anomalies who did great things. Let us also remind any woman who thinks that they can lead that they probably aren't a genetic anomaly (unless there is obvious evidence that they are).
                                                          see more
                                                        • OceanSon 22 minutes ago
                                                          This article should be posted all over the mainstream press -- it clarifies much of what exists out in the open, but has been buried under the illogical liberal agenda.
                                                          Interesting dynamic that I see in the mixed-gender corporate environment...I work in a company with some smart women in upper management -- IMO, they work best when they act like men (and I can tell it's exhausting for them). Every time we need to work on a project together, I wind up naturally and subtly dominating the conversation by cutting through all the bullshit and explaining things bluntly (I know my strengths, and it only adds to my coworkers' strengths without being retaliatory to their efforts). They love it when I do this even when it contradicts their rank-title role as the center of power in the business -- they realize they need decisive and typically "male" input to operate. At the same time sense weakness in them, I sense they have been handed jobs due to "Equal Opportunity Mandates" and I generally ignore any overt power move they make (tactfully disregard the moody shit-testing moments they attempt to indulge). Like I said, they inwardly WANT me to do this, and I can pick up on those signals easily. Power and dominance is a natural state for many men -- trust me when I say MOST women will step aside if you display it properly regardless of their rank/title in the business hierarchy.
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                                                            • 0bsoleteMan 36 minutes ago
                                                              Even Israel, which is often touted by the left as a "pioneer" in supposedly having women in combat, has had to significantly scale back women in primary combat roles because they couldn't cut it.
                                                              They saw with their own eyes mixed-sex units having higher casualty rates and lower effectiveness rates and we're foolish to embrace the same here.
                                                                see more
                                                                • jimmy an hour ago
                                                                  A good article. Women are unsuited to leadership and responsibility. They tend to be emotional and irrational. They are always subjective and ignore abstract concepts such as truth, right and wrong and justice. They will have from the age of 16 until the mid-twenties managed to get advantages from being female (such as never having to take responsibility for money) that disappear and later cause cattiness among post-wall women and causes all the trouble of office politics as they pull each other down.
                                                                  This is not meant in any mean spirit. Women have many qualities. They are more compassionate and often better able to judge the psychology of emotions among children. They are better at raising children than men in most cases.
                                                                  What is most troubling to me is that this simple knowledge, this understanding of the differences between men and women, upon which society (and family life) is built, this knowledge has been so successfully abolished. Every great civilisation of every stripe - western Christian nations, Islam, Hinduism, the Roman Empire, the British Empire - they all understood that you had to control women, that they were best suited to raising children and should be kept away from politics and trade. Women were wisely barred from voting even when there were Queens.
                                                                  And yet today, anyone in politics or business must publicly state that he favours the unnatural placement of women into positions of authority or else be hounded from his job. Common sense has been undermined, reality turned inside out. Troubling times ahead; no civilisation has ever survived without strong manly men leading their families and leading society. Feminism runs rampant, families are destroyed, white women no longer have enough children to sustain their populations. Yet the Cultural Marxists have been so successful that those in authority feel they have no choice (and in some cases actually believe it), but to celebrate this decline.
                                                                    see more
                                                                    • fatherofthree 41 minutes ago
                                                                      Women, they say, are attracted to power. What women in power are attracted to?
                                                                        see more
                                                                        • FivePointSpurgeon an hour ago
                                                                          Should have put a picture of Kathleen Wynne with the other chicks.
                                                                            see more
                                                                            Jean-Batave Poqueliche
                                                                            Jean-Batave is a martial artist from the viking stronghold of Normandy, France. He travels the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women. Eastern Europe taught him everything he knows and is his second home. His column runs every Thursday.
                                                                            May 26, 2016 Girls
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