ec536e No.9457846
> Current Happenings:
2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG: || || ||
5. Continue Digs on 8-4 and Nintendo of America:
> New COIs between Silverstring and Critical Distance:
> Anons have launched a website for reviewing Games, Publishers and Developers:
> VoQn opened up a new group for those who want to learn Japanese, titled "GamerGate: Sons of Liberty":
- ||
> Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
> VideoGamer Includes Affiliate links in Articles, Twitter Without Disclosure:
- ||
> Current Happenings and Thread Repository are seriously behind.
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /
- Apr 2 - May 13 -
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /
> Jason Schreier defends reviewer for giving a game a low score due to game dev speaking to Total Biscuit.
> Thread Repository:
> Summaries of #GamerGate:
• - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
• - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
• - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.
> Reminders (important, READ THESE!):
• Use to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies -
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list:
> Background and Evidence for #GamerGate (read and spread these):
• The #GamerGate Dossier:
• #GamerGate.Me:
• History of #GamerGate:
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!
> How Can I Help?
• All Operations:
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An Anon's Guide to Twitter: (the basics).
> Lists:
• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List:
• Support List:
• Boycott List:
> Key GamerGate Hubs:
> Full OP Text:
> Want to Help Contribute to GitGud?
9b47e9 No.9457859
>inb4 our waifus die for not guessing a guitar riff
051e90 No.9457866
File: 1464229907214.jpg (82.58 KB, 970x685, 194:137, 509a335df04a13c6fc7c743f14….jpg)
1a49da No.9457872
File: 1464229940080.png (610.03 KB, 1173x380, 1173:380, (COMIC1☆9)_[Kashiwa-ya_(Hi….png)
never EVER post croped hentai
its super gay
8701eb No.9457875
38eb34 No.9457885
>don't be a loli bitch after school
67d69a No.9457895
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Well congratulations, you failed your waifus
It was Toxic Landfill from WL4
f1ee78 No.9457902
I fear we are all chasing the salt dragon.
31689f No.9457913
>they apparently have another court date two weeks from now
>that update
Oh wow.
9b47e9 No.9457920
>fit in your pockets
Bitch, how big do you think my pants are?
Also, where's the archive of the old bread?
365951 No.9457922
I thought that was gonna be the Britney Spears/Kevin Federline one. Never seen that one.
67d69a No.9457933
I said fit in your pocket because it's a GBA game, which you should be able to fit in your pocket
31689f No.9457936
No, seriously, you guys need to read this shit. The salt from journos white knighting Gawker has already started.
1a49da No.9457955
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. really gotta give credit to milo he fucking destroyed the BLM people and held it together very well
a0c313 No.9457964
Bwahahaha. Also dabitch sounds familiar. Anyone know where I geard of her before? Seems cool by her lizard people comment in the article.
2b6478 No.9457969
Did anyone see how Leopirate got suspended? Is it true that the one angry birds thing is his last video?
8701eb No.9457971
Red Anon was right!
31689f No.9457980
I know she's notable for some reason, I just can't remember what.
SJWs are still getting him banned from literally everywhere?
67d69a No.9457982
I can't wait to see them try to spin this in court as some grand conspiracy to exact revenge on Gawker
0b94f8 No.9457983
I tried doing a reedit when I saw that on /co/. I couldn't get a font to look right.
comic sans ms looks like shit
8701eb No.9457986
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9457969
>Leopirate got suspended
Youtube account is still up.
a0c313 No.9457992
Bestest shop ever
31689f No.9458015
Oh, they will. Doesn't matter that inter-personal drama outside the case doesn't matter to the courts, they will paint it as some grand conspiracy to "suppress freedom of the press." Thing is, journos are acting like this is a huge attack on journalism, when the reality is that professional shit-stirrers and drama profiteers are using constitutional rights as a shield to violate other constitutional rights.
8701eb No.9458019
a0c313 No.9458025
Angry birds was a fun movie
No shit.
1dd8b6 No.9458033
>a qt at work wanted to talk to me about Hydra
>don't read alot of comics so didn't really know what she was talking about
>probably came off as uninterested, rather than uninformed
>tfw no doubt lost my chance to get her number
I really need to go on /co/ more if that's what women like.
6d5f3b No.9458040
Too late, they already tried.
And they LOST!
729dc6 No.9458044
Sam Biddle suicide when?
a0c313 No.9458046
>qt into comics
50/50 chance you dodged a cannon or missed a great opportunity
31689f No.9458047
File: 1464231113762.jpg (115.86 KB, 910x613, 910:613, see, Urist, this is why pe….jpg)
>Metacritic gets called out
>they immediately cover their tracks, despite archived evidence
When are these idiots going to learn?
729dc6 No.9458054
He said on Tumblr he wants to quit being leopirate.
e0913e No.9458058
i have just come come back from work. what did i miss?
what happened with Hulk VS Gawker?
i can see DePaul Uni has 1.5/5 rating of jewbook
current habbenings isn't working for me
a0c313 No.9458061
The same time they realize the only way they can win is when they kill us. and even then, it would only be a fleeting victory for them.
8701eb No.9458069
Have you guys been salt farming from shitty journos?
MSNBC host Christopher Hayes
>A billionaire secretly suing a publication into oblivion is a million times bigger threat to free speech than 'safe spaces'
Waaahh the mean billionaire are calling us out on our shit!
9b47e9 No.9458073
Ah yes, unlike the chimp who stormed the stage, sure. Still, Milo has some high tier quick thinking.
53bd1a No.9458091
>Mr. Thiel said he considered his financial backing of the cases against Gawker to be “one of my greater philanthropic things that I’ve done. I think of it in those terms.”
31689f No.9458099
>journos talk shit and no-platform people, sometimes ruining people's lives in the process
>get called out
>get hit
>there's a very real chance that this will set precedent where journos will have to take responsibility for being biased and knowingly causing harm
a00215 No.9458116
Previous Bread
I forgot how to make stop shitting itself
8701eb No.9458119
Here, from the Wired, totally not mad at all!
31689f No.9458126
>comments are having none of it
2b6478 No.9458137
>Posting private sex videos and personal lives is an important part of journalism unless done to them.
>How dare someone sue them for a sex video, but the Fappening causing lawsuits was ok and justified.
Doublethink. Remember that certain speech should be banned like offending trannies, but never ever say it is wrong for someone to post things about someones private sex life.
798af9 No.9458144
I like how this one comic with a White Supremacist Vampire who gives AIDS to Black People was still better written then the recent Captain America twist
31689f No.9458156
It's like I said, these narcissists believe that they have the authority to actively suppress other people's rights in exchange for a quick buck. Sorry, journ–actually, bloggers, the world doesn't work that way.
b3fad1 No.9458164
31689f No.9458178
>White Supremacist Vampire who gives AIDS to Black People
That sounds absolutely hysterical.
2b6478 No.9458181
I just don't get how they think they have the moral highground here
>Talk about how bad it is for gay people to get outed and for them to face discrimination before outing said gay person.
>Talk about how abd it is for private sex lives and videos/pictures to get leaked but then do it when told not to by court order.
>Act like victims when both people are sick of your shit and want some compensation for private lives getting shat on and revealed.
ec536e No.9458183
Satsuki Itsuka - Byuu Byuu Bitch
544544 No.9458187
I recall her commenting on GG during 2014, criticizing the bloggers cannibalizing their own readership following the Gamers are Dead articles.
49e6ef No.9458189
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
df0978 No.9458191
Someone looking for tits is going to be very disappointed.
1dd8b6 No.9458196
Was it drawn by a asian cause those eyes are kinda off
798af9 No.9458197
31689f No.9458208
I don't know, man. I would say that it probably has something to do with a lot of them being rich, but then that one dude named alongside Denton in the case has massive student loan debt on top of what he owes Hogan, and he came off as an absolute monster. I guess they're just massive sociopaths.
That's fucking hilarious.
c69777 No.9458215
Isn't Dabitch the person who runs adland?
b3fad1 No.9458217
>Satsuki Itsuka - Byuu Byuu Bitch
i swear if its the scat exhentai doujin again.
2b6478 No.9458226
The funny part is how the comments and articles say he is only doing it to be a rich psycopath who can't be criticized, but then the wrtiers and commentators said how them revealing the whole gay thing was not to bad since the guy was rich.
a0c313 No.9458234
Ahh, that refreshes me. Thanks.
31689f No.9458241
>commentators said how them revealing the whole gay thing was not to bad since the guy was rich
Yeah, that's fucked up. Like because he's rich, that somehow offsets the fact that he's gay to the point where they could "out" him and ridicule him over it.
145cf0 No.9458253
f1ee78 No.9458257
Isn't that John Kelly?
1a49da No.9458261
8701eb No.9458272
Well, it was good while it lasted
Wonder what the fuck is killing bread archiving.
31689f No.9458275
Wait, seriously? That's the dude who's been obsessively trying to D&C this shit?
099338 No.9458282
"Your worst nightmare" is so cliched, edgy, and stupid.
490acf No.9458285
145cf0 No.9458294
He doesn't even remotely look like a chick lmao, not even an ugly one.
ec536e No.9458335
You have been visited by
Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”
Remember to always be a big guy
972604 No.9458355
File: 1464233239696.jpg (314.16 KB, 800x1112, 100:139, b643aca69b1c46332dbc0fe892….jpg)
490acf No.9458361
Das a good feel.
63f7c0 No.9458381
File: 1464233374716.png (Spoiler Image, 123.16 KB, 259x388, 259:388, 1464232405715-0.png)
for her, your worst nightmare :^)
773d33 No.9458382
Is that Gal-ko?
145cf0 No.9458390
6a7501 No.9458411
>helped fund Facebook
>worried about invasion of privacy
But seriously he's based as fuck. Cool to see rich people actually give a fuck about proper journalism to the point of putting money where their mouth is, and the sheer amount of assmad being generated by "journalists" at garbage news rags I wouldn't wipe my ass with.
f55424 No.9458442
File: 1464233897459.png (206.96 KB, 541x339, 541:339, waterfox_2016-05-25_22-28-….png)
a33143 No.9458446
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jaltoid new video
Aslo can I get a webm of that woman saying she's oppressed and money rains on her donation box
7753b7 No.9458461
>Volition studio creative director Steve Jaros has said be believes Feminist Frequency’s Anita Sarkeesian was right to include Saints Row content in her latest Tropes Vs Women in Video Games installment, and that the entire games industry should work to improve on it portrayal of women
>I think that we shouldn’t be portraying senseless abused women
Steve Jaros, Volition Studio
2014 but still relevant. Bowing down to Sarkeesian and basically saying that certain protrayal shouldn't be in their games, whatever happened to portrayal is not endorsement?
>Used, 75%-Off, pirate
63f7c0 No.9458491
Saints row 4 did a lot of shit wrong, but the treatment of women was the same as the treatment of anything else, therefor okay.
53bb08 No.9458500
I would say 75/25. Of the two girls I had relations with that were into comics one was a sociopath and the other was my wife and shortly after the wedding day a sociopath.
31689f No.9458507
>get shit on with cherry-picked bullshit
>"Thank you, ma'am, please flog me again for not making womyn NPCs invulnerable."
"Creative director" means he just tells people to make concept art, right? I can't see any reason why he should have a say on how people should play a game.
a0c313 No.9458525
anon, I think their is a conection between a lack of testosterone and sociopathy.
And I wish I could fall in love. Too bad I got assburgers and can only have lust.
67d69a No.9458529
>t-thank you massa
2a4e63 No.9458534
But Saints Row 2, 3 and 4 treat women the same as men, they have the same dialogue and get just as fucked up.
a33143 No.9458539
File: 1464234545033.png (69.14 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2016-05-25-19-3….png)
31689f No.9458540
And according to Anita, that's bad.
a0c313 No.9458561
Yep, fance term for "idea guy"
And man, for a newspaper comic, dilbert was ahead of its time.
Pirate, duh
Sweet, another newgrounds animation person.
6a8a08 No.9458567
>out the man as gay
>somehow surprised he'd have an interest in a big case against the outlet that exposed him
>whatever happened to portrayal is not endorsement?
It was 2014 then. Even now studios and publishers think the SJW audience is worth pandering towards.
>whatever happened to portrayal is not endorsement?
Keep in mind during this time any outlet reporting on those games wouldn't care about that. They'd just see tits and violence and knock it down a few points on the review because muh artform must be taken seriously, censor it.
773d33 No.9458570
>Hank Hill was right
>m-muh GG echo chamber
53bb08 No.9458576
>I think their is a connection between a lack of testosterone and sociopathy.
You might just be onto something.
0b94f8 No.9458580
the best
Prepare to get you heart broken. /co/ related content has taken a huge nosedive in the mid 2000's. Get ready for new super progressive hero's that are forgotten and popular characters that have they sexuality and character traits changed to suit a progressive agenda.
lady thor, gay teen iceman, musllm miss marvel, kate leth is a writer at marvel, ect
53bb08 No.9458593
Some people just have no appreciation for the arts
>inb4 western
5e445c No.9458605
To crop this, I downloaded the video with, then made a rough crop with, then finally cropped the precise frames with Shotcut.
67d69a No.9458611
What the fuck is that? I'm fucking losing it
It's literally
The Article
Some sad fuck sat down and typed all of this passive aggressive shit out
a33143 No.9458619
Hank hill was never wrong
Anybody remember that episode of king of the hill where this guy tried to impose white guilt into the students and hank set Bobby right
KotH saw this shit coming long ago
a0c313 No.9458644
He has earned his revenge.
>posting interacial on pol
You should have known that you were gonna get your ass banned.
a33143 No.9458657
It's amazing thanks anon
53bb08 No.9458660
I was fully aware of what I was doing and it was completely worth it.
fc1e33 No.9458662
That's new! Or at least new to me. That's well done!
a33143 No.9458667
Is that all from the same hentai?
059ac4 No.9458669
what did you expect? /pol/ is a no fun allowed zone.
0b94f8 No.9458696
look at the file name, bruh.
a0c313 No.9458711
not that anon, but it is hard to look at filenames on mobile
a0c313 No.9458732
63f7c0 No.9458742
her asshole looked pretty disgusting from the start.
fc1e33 No.9458762
221505 No.9458764
6a8a08 No.9458770
Is that hair? Her butthole looks hairy and that's gross
f55424 No.9458780
Hey Marche, found you a new keyboard project
66e202 No.9458792
That's what you get when you combine a porn-pooper and a turtle-head anon.
And on today's episode of "This Day in #GG History", pics related.
1a49da No.9458807
thats fucking shit leddit garbage
my keyboard is like $700 worth of pussy and ass
fc1e33 No.9458817
I assume this happens when you push the Skeletor button?
a00215 No.9458828
I had forgotten all about that faggot. Why would you dredge him up again?
059ac4 No.9458829
>no numerical pad
f55424 No.9458831
You could have spent that money on non-Miranda commissions and it would still be a better investment.
53bb08 No.9458834
I would have gone with "MYYYAAAAAAAAH!"
798af9 No.9458838
6a8a08 No.9458855
So that's why it looks so tiny.
2b6478 No.9458858
It is a micro keyboard.
fc1e33 No.9458859
I assume that's before he went full "MAH DIGS!"
1a49da No.9458871
why would I need a numpad
2b6478 No.9458875
798af9 No.9458880
Add Dyaks site you faggot
fc1e33 No.9458890
His last image there is about S4T. You know…the SABOTAGING MY DIGS guy.
2b6478 No.9458903
I can't believe i missed that when it was right there. Billy me.
9f1689 No.9458919
Facebook isn't really an "invasion" of your privacy if you willingly let them violate it.
I loved that keyset, but I didn't have the cash to buy it at the time.
I still regret skipping out on it.
3cd596 No.9458920
Good afternoon faglets, how are you today?
7f72ec No.9458928
>literal Reddit keyboards
1a49da No.9458931
I was hanging out for a purple and green set for so long
332068 No.9458956
2b6478 No.9458957
The billying is to strong. Please donate to my patreon.
a0c313 No.9458966
Have a good day at work. and I was not asking for sauce, just stating you cant see filenames longer than about 15-20 chars.
f55424 No.9459004
PROTIP: hover the cursor over the filename to see the whole thing.
9f1689 No.9459024
Yeah. I've been waiting myself. I just wish it was released at a better time, or at a lower price. I'm not made of money.
That doesn't work on mobile, which >>9458966 is using.
87e6fa No.9459030
773d33 No.9459037
Turn your phone sideways. Or save the picture or something.
>donate to my patreon
I've been tricked again!
a33143 No.9459038
Damn sjws have been real busy these last few weeks haven't they
Avgn and the whole Ghostbusters thing
Notch calling a woman a cunt
Salon releasing another pro pedophile article (Btw how goes the operation in getting salons sponsor off their site )
Then the whole thing with Milo
Busy weak for sjws turning more people against them
Also the whole thing with screen junkies and giving us a new meme
2695e8 No.9459052
File: 1464238184633.png (Spoiler Image, 352.59 KB, 525x604, 525:604, worse then cp.PNG)
dd6e9e No.9459054
>31 people gave 5 star ratings in the same time frame
9f1689 No.9459057
Save as filename is still broken.
That's literally the only feature I need to be completely content with this site.
86eba9 No.9459058
What'd DePaul do?
a33143 No.9459070
Hotwheels fix your shit!
3fc35e No.9459075
Nothing. Also tell the police to do nothing.
6a8a08 No.9459080
Absolutely nothing, and neither did security
86eba9 No.9459082
That's informative.
8701eb No.9459090
Dey dindunuffin!
0fd471 No.9459093
Here, have yourself the superior version.
53bb08 No.9459095
They did nothing in response to what?
195d26 No.9459099
Told the security and police not to enforce the actual rules/laws of the school and allowed BLM protesters jump all over Milo's presentation.
86eba9 No.9459106
a33143 No.9459116
Basically Milo was attacked by BLM niggers and the poliece and security did nothing.
I dont blame them if they did the whole group would of gone on social media and on mainstream television like the daily show ect
And say "look see this is proof that police is racist donate for dem programs"
I feel bad for cops these days the job doesn't pay enough for the shit they see and they have to do
Also there was this annoying cunt yelling
>We good We good
Like that's convince us them again they are on the "Right side of history"
773d33 No.9459120
Checkin' these dubs of truth.
927850 No.9459122
I think I missed the discussion a few threads ago, but will CCG be able to visit and report in E3 ?
729dc6 No.9459125
You forgot Trump being ahead in the polls.
a33143 No.9459133
Good I hope that sjw who said "Pick up that Trump t-shirt white boy
Is the first to go
a0c313 No.9459138
I can usually find what I need from what I can see.
3fc35e No.9459139
Also Breitbart and the student organizers were forced to pay 2000$ for the security.
dd6e9e No.9459145
I have that one too. Just wanted the one with Sanford chucking his stick to mimic the chimpout.
729dc6 No.9459146
Milo should fucking sue. That's an obvious breach of contract.
a33143 No.9459147
Are you pulling my dick?
That's fucking bullshit God Damn fuck these people
53bb08 No.9459150
Bunch of marxist cunts then?
Sounds like a lawsuit is about to happen.
195d26 No.9459158
They would of being justified of upholding the rules of the campus in the first place.
Now instead that university will suffer enrolment and lose money because everyone will clearly see the faculty that runs it allows lawlessness to run wild.
a0c313 No.9459166
I hope.
And they wonder why E-Post Secondary is a growing thing.
a33143 No.9459180
I guess that guy should of learned that you Dont fuck with Milo
Milo fucks with you slowly and passionately
221505 No.9459181
86eba9 No.9459182
"B-but there can't possibly consequences for illegal actions if we're on the right side of history!"
a0c313 No.9459189
Only plutocrats and the other truly rich are above the law, but their punishments are usually worse than death.
a33143 No.9459192
I cant wait for trump to just fuck everyone of these faggots up
I hope that imegration to Canada is real and the UK does ban trump from coming to their country
This ride needs some excitement
31689f No.9459199
>immigration to Canada
Oh yeah, that dipshit promised Americans an entire island, didn't he?
a0c313 No.9459209
I want the refugees to express "fear" of the influx of americans coming in.
53bb08 No.9459213
Weedman promised Americans an island?
Is it Madagascar?
a0c313 No.9459216
Cape breton. Fuck, I don't want them in my province.
3fc35e No.9459232
>The administration’s ruling allows us to now use the full room, but under the condition that our original quote that we relied on for funding be changed from 8 security guards to 15. This increases our security costs from $960 to $1800 — an increase of $840.
>Sounds like a lawsuit is about to happen.
>Breitbart News feels it is unacceptable that it was forced to pay security fees for guards who were unwilling to ensure the safety of one of our leading contributors and demand the full security fees back and an apology on behalf of the security team for their failure to meet basic safety standards.
I hope this escalates into hilarity.
8c6c54 No.9459238
It wasn't even spoilered.
773d33 No.9459243
>using clues in picture to find sauce on your own
Pic related.
>second picture related
Don't you know who this artist is? Yes, I'm going to tease you over this.
2b6478 No.9459252
Rebis and Butcha-u?
a0c313 No.9459255
Weel, thwy usually have artist name firs when sauce is in the title, and its pretty easy to find the doujin from there.
8701eb No.9459259
53bb08 No.9459260
Yeah, remembered to spoil the sauce but forgot to spoil the image. My next post that was within a few seconds was me saying "shit forgot to spoiler"
773d33 No.9459267
Color me impressed. Rebis isn't my favorite, but his works aren't bad. Butcha-U, on the other hand. All I can say is "Pooters when".
773d33 No.9459280
Yeah, I've neglected saving the sources as such. Though the vast majority of any image I post is from one of two artists. You can probably guess the other one.
This just gets better and better.
53bb08 No.9459291
Fudge packer is going to push some shit in with these faggots and make an example out of them.
2f6d7b No.9459295
So which rebis piece is that first one from? I really don't want to spend all night looking for that specific one.
a0c313 No.9459305
>trying_to_cover_my_ass THE LETTER
I don't think its going to work bucko. You had a chance to apologise for the attemped violence of milo, but failed to do so. Time to take responsability for it in court. I suggest lib protestors to watch the trial, just as I suggest clickbait tabloids and journalists to watch the gawker trial, because they are potentially the defendants of each respectivly.
1a49da No.9459309
773d33 No.9459335
File: 1464240435040.jpg (Spoiler Image, 406.66 KB, 900x1252, 225:313, gyakuten03_col_sample.jpg)
I'unno, all I know it was on page one if you search for Rebis and gyaru on sadpanda. Besides, Rebis doesn't have that much stuff.
Oh fine, you ninny.
2f6d7b No.9459356
Well, that explains why I couldn't find the colored version, it's under a gallery that's most non-manga pictures he did. Thanks, though, looks pretty good.
2a4e63 No.9459386
ee01ac No.9459389
>As a fan of anime, Im not butthurt by this at all. People collectively need to pull the sticks out of their asses. Stop telling everyone your offended. Cause honestly, I could give a rats ass. This game looks great and all your doing is stoking the pr fire. Hate it or love it, your still talking about it and its still gonna sell like hot cakes ;) Ill bet on that.
This is a comment being posted over and over on the Facebook trending hashtag for Mighty No.9. It's currently the top-trending tag on Facebook, by the way. Each poster seems completely unrelated, and are all from different parts of the world - some not even speaking proper English in their post histories and others are literally advertising pages sharing news stories and highlights.
This is clearly a bot trying to save face for Comcept by forcing a consensus and influence ignorant buyers. It might be worth looking into who is paying for it but I have no idea where to begin. It's incredible how blatant it is.
Just thought someone here would like to know. And Zuck still wants people to believe this shit is unbiased?
2f6d7b No.9459391
Because he's autistic.
798af9 No.9459407
31689f No.9459410
Because he thinks he can rip more money off from 8chan.
793c8c No.9459413
I don't need a waifu to be happy.
And yours doesn't like dicks anyways.
2a4e63 No.9459423
Literally using a both cause the game is so shit.
My god.
31689f No.9459425
No matter how much they try to market it, Comcept's fucking done. I mean, how the hell do you even recover from the Sonic Twitter account shitting on your trailer?
1a49da No.9459428
So glad I stopped reading comics
a0c313 No.9459431
It looks like it was done by the artist who likes drawing fat hairy gay guys. inb4 the same artist
465429 No.9459439
So it wasn't just me? Fucking christ I'd thought I was going nuts.
Also, why is /v/ the only board with that turned on? The fuck is the deal with the other board owners not making life easier for others?
798af9 No.9459441
Bee and puppycat bitch
221505 No.9459451
What? LINK!!! None twatter user
31689f No.9459456
a0c313 No.9459462
A soul sacrifice adventure game. Oh wait, they only did the concepts, which was not that great.
2b6478 No.9459463
The funniest part was that I did not even notice the pizzas in the background. I thought they were Mighty Number 9 explosions as if they photoshopped sonic in the game or something. I realized it and laughed my ass off for a good while.
221505 No.9459471
>On Prom Night, at least we'll still be here for you
Don't get it
a0c313 No.9459472
Ah. still better than the squirrel girl reboot. Then again, I could do better given a day for a single page.
31689f No.9459479
Apparently, the new trailer contains the phrase "cry like an anime fan on prom night."
2b6478 No.9459480
The trailer for the game insulted anime and japanese game fans.
2b6478 No.9459487
53bb08 No.9459494
So glad I still have a fucking massive library of bagged and boarded comics from a time where everything wasn't complete shit.
2f6d7b No.9459500
>huge anime fan
>actually went to prom and had a pretty good time
Am I weird or are they just that out of touch?
2a4e63 No.9459505
How big is your benis
793c8c No.9459512
Is MrBtongue the enemy? I heard him of all people supposedly, uncharacteristically and retardedly say there was nothing wrong with game journalism and GG had no ground to stand on.
Just make it quick. Like ripping off a bandaid.
f55424 No.9459513
>dat pic
>dat gender gap
2f6d7b No.9459518
About average. I've never measured it at full mast so I don't know the exact size.
a0c313 No.9459519
I will never not ve pissed that mml3 was canceled. I wanted a bonne family crested 3ds.
2b6478 No.9459523
He has been a clique faggot a while who was ashamed of what he said. Same thing happened with that guy who made that never change japan Kamiya video.
The guy talked about how he was shamed of making that video and grew up understanding why people did not like japanese games.
5e445c No.9459533
File: 1464241924263.jpg (98.95 KB, 458x1084, 229:542, ishikawa hideki 7207684cb6….jpg)
The invisible servbot in the image is more real than the gender gap.
What if Inafune was in charge of MML3? How would that make you feel? I would feel pissed off.
793c8c No.9459536
Fucking pathetic. I'm deleting that from my history.
465429 No.9459538
There's a bigger message at play, here.
Someone needs to shatter that illusion of his.
6a8a08 No.9459549
>official marvel comic
>tumblr-tier art
It'll flop hard and then get rebooted with the same writers and artists. Typical day at Marvel
Keep in mind these are the same people perpetuating the gamers live in their mom's basement stereotype while simultaneously claiming to want to move beyond it
2b6478 No.9459551
I was really surprised by the whole never change japan guy being a faggot. Even shat on people who posted his old video saying he changed now.
f06699 No.9459556
Let's not jump the gun here - this wasn't necessarily Inafune's doing. However, someone had to have approved of this trailer, sooo….
3fc35e No.9459557
At least there's decades worth of old comics I can enjoy.
2f6d7b No.9459565
I guess it's a mix of both, then. I know I'm a bit odd by weeb standards but it must mostly be them. Though I did forget to mention I went to prom twice since she's a year older than me.
9f1689 No.9459570
I skipped my prom and hung out with friends, instead.
I don't know how great prom is, but I know I had a fucking blast and don't regret my decision in the slightest.
We watched Redline.
2a4e63 No.9459574
Who in the flaming fuck is this aimed at, I mean ignoring the blatant insult to anime fans(folks would be interested in this) at the end.
And holy shit how is it that even the shittiest Megaman game looks more vibrant than this, I mean did you guys see those fucking explosions?
a0c313 No.9459578
since it was precrook, probably not as much, but if, say, he was in charge tomorrow, pissed that they put him back in charge. I still wish I had a gustaff colored 3ds with the bonne crest.
31689f No.9459581
>Who in the flaming fuck is this aimed at
At this point, I think Inafune has basically given up trying to convince anyone to buy it. Maybe San Fran hipsters butthurt that they get rekt by anime avatars on Twitter, but they don't buy games to begin with.
f55424 No.9459595
I'm not sure you got the joke.
f834ad No.9459599
What the fuck? Why is She-Hulk associating with tumblr shitheads Those two characters look like they stepped right out of a San Francisco coffee store
What happened to She-Hulk being a superheroine? Is this the fate of Marvel's C-listers now? They get to go on fanfic-tier adventures with SJWs?
fc1e33 No.9459606
>Same thing happened with that guy who made that never change japan Kamiya video.
Fucking seriously? He's the one that popularized "wait a minute that card" too. The only thing that can change your mind that fast is a female parasite. Probably got caught by a rainbow hair.
793c8c No.9459608
But what about him? You said he was ashamed of his initial statement on GamerGate?
6a8a08 No.9459609
Yeah, I think everyone who would have bought it is guaranteed a copy because they're the same people who backed the kickstarter
5e445c No.9459610
I got the thigh gap joke. I just wanted to take a cheap potshot at an imaginary concept.
a0c313 No.9459615
I just realized, there goes my hope of dc's and marvel's more obscure ips getting decent serieses. I wanted a doom patrol cartoon in the vein of the spawn cartoon, with yoys and merchandising. Oh well.
53bb08 No.9459617
People need to stop fucking paying for shit before they get it.
3fc35e No.9459621
File: 1464242640845.jpg (428.59 KB, 1264x1920, 79:120, 3668985-w2 shehulk2014002_….jpg)
I'm sorry, you didn't know?
a0c313 No.9459627
Quit fapping to the 14 no way shes 14, 16 minimum year old.
a0c313 No.9459631
Shoop pepe head on her retarded derp face.
2b6478 No.9459632
I meant he was ashamed of the video he made. Sorry. I am really tired. The guy hates GG.
2a4e63 No.9459637
That can't be real.
793c8c No.9459638
Fine. I see how it is.
fc1e33 No.9459641
I just looked at his channel. Look at who he subscribed to.
67d69a No.9459655
Is her right eye supposed to be droopy like that?
2b6478 No.9459690
Yep. He went full on cuck. He even went to some debate or something to encourage the anti guy threatening people and then also talked about how disgusting japan is.
ae6cb9 No.9459704
I looked up his username, and seemingly all he's done in a year is just shitpost about gamergate on r/ggfreeforall, which is run by some nobodies and a couple ghazi mods.
So basically nothing.
0fd471 No.9459759
2f6d7b No.9459766
B-b-b-but Islam is the most feminist religion!
793c8c No.9459769
>bitching about Japan's hypersexual culture for the 1000th goddamn time
I've fucking had enough of all this retarded prudish bullshit.
e2bba4 No.9459789
>foreigners don't have nationality just because they were born in your country
What's the problem with this?
889bca No.9459820
53bb08 No.9459826
I don't exactly see a problem with it.
461f7c No.9459851
Looks like Maisie Williams having a stroke.
2f6d7b No.9459859
She kind of looks TRIGGERED, really.
a00215 No.9459867
I still can't believe they thought anyone would fall for this.
a0c313 No.9459868
M9re like lebanon yes. And look at the comment on twitter. Retards whp forget most sunni majority countries treat women like shit. Then again, I suspet the women commetors get off to the idea of being dominated by a sunni.
53bb08 No.9459874
I still can't believe some people actually did.
a0c313 No.9459883
Its lebanon, christians and it is for decent reasons like not wanting to give refugees instant citizenship. But show them saudi arabia and islam and how well they treat women, and watch the mental gymnastics get perfect 10s.
e1428c No.9459885
Are you kidding? Social Justice cocksmokers, buttfuckers and trannies all believe it.
e2bba4 No.9459894
We live in a time where the media can encourage people to oppose something by associating it with Islam for one group, and with sexism for another. Pity Lebanon, who may be on their way towards enrichment.
fe66a6 No.9459903
Is it gymnastics if Wahhabism is a thing? Interpretations and practice of Islam is a lot more fragmented and disparate than any other Abrahamic religion eg Christianity and its Catholic/Protestant/Orthodox split (barring fringe movements).
a0c313 No.9459905
>>9459883 show this article when they say islam is good for women. I know, I know, wikipedia but sjws and normalfags still trust it for some inane reason.
I feel bad for the lebanese I know who are not muslims, but they are canadian immigrants, and I have not seen them in years.
53bb08 No.9459907
So she already had a stroke then?
fe66a6 No.9459914
What's with the Hulu-subs font?
2f6d7b No.9459915
Look at her face, man. She's basically a stroke given human form. That's not a normal face.
6a8a08 No.9459916
What I don't understand is how the majority religion on the planet, a religion whose laws govern entire countries, could be considered oppressed or marginalized
a0c313 No.9459917
When everyone is a feminist, bo one is. You kill the tag and the tribalism alongside the tag.
Not when you tell them how sunnis treat. "Moderates"
e1428c No.9459921
>anyone who isn't a feminist is a sexist
>girl with the head that looks like a potato turns out to be a legitimate potato
>13 year old boys fap to this cunt
80fb4a No.9459925
>how sunnis treat. "Moderates"
a0c313 No.9459939
Shia do not have a great life expectancy in sunni dominated country, nor do any other sects. And when 100% sunni, they have been known to kill those because they are not as extreme as they are.
1a49da No.9459945
Souls she-hulk was written breddy good
its just the art was fucking so damn dreadful
a0c313 No.9459946
And sure, not all do, but it is encouraged.
fe66a6 No.9459951
Again, the sect is disparate and acts quite differently when you take geographical and cultural divides into account eg. back during British colonialism (and some time after) Muslims from the western part of the Indian subcontinent considered eastern Muslims "hindu" because of the impact their culture had on their faith.
He means religious pogrom. In the Middle East, Shiites are treated quite badly, and there's long-standing animosity between the two sects.
d755e1 No.9459952
Re-posting from the Hogan thread in the catalog:
>An already rich racist asshat taking down a trashy immoral journalistic outlet is not exactly the feel good court case of the year.
>You're happy that some creepy Gater dude won a court case?
>Free speech isn't one of the names in the court case, so still: a creepy-ass Gater dude won a court case. It having a potentially positive effect for Canadians doesn't make that more palatable
>I'm not saying he deserved to lose the case. I'm saying I don't feel happy about shitlords winning court cases
This is coming from a black, progressive, college educated furry. I can't wait until her heart gives out when Trump's elected.
fe66a6 No.9459956
Quoted the wrong post, my bad. >>9459925
2f6d7b No.9459957
I think Trump would do you guys good, but I really don't want all your snobby progressives to move up here and fuck our shit up even worse.
53bb08 No.9459962
I can't wait to see the suicide and emigration stats after Trump wins.
Sorry bub, shit rolls down hill.
9f1689 No.9459963
Would Canada even let them move there?
Last I checked, most (non-minority) immigrants actually have to contribute to society to be considered for citizen.
ac5b20 No.9459964
If you're canadian, you're fukced now
80fb4a No.9459965
All of that over a different interpretation of Islam. Fucking mudbeards. I can see why Islam appeals to the left.
31689f No.9459971
They always threaten to move to Canada, but they never will. Well, I guess we'll see if they actually do if your dipshit Prime Minister actually carries through with his promise to take them as "political refugees."
53bb08 No.9459979
Turn in your friends and family, win fabulous prizes.
ac5b20 No.9459981
I'll probably make due with my promise to move to america soon.
ee5fc3 No.9459985
man what the fuck did we do to these people
5e445c No.9459986
File: 1464246109934.png (298.08 KB, 506x1120, 253:560, kin niku 92bc617219e942076….png)
What's the context of this bit?
2f6d7b No.9459987
I just wish they'd go to Mexico instead. It makes more sense anyway, they'll have a fucking wall between them and Trump.
If they have an education in a real field they'll probably get in. Don't know about all the women's studies fags.
>tfw you probably wouldn't be allowed in as an immigrant but they can't send you away because you were born here
Shame the nice little town I grew up in is full of rich assholes in mcmansions now. It grew so quickly and now so much of the woods and fields I played in as a kid are full of rich people homes.
729dc6 No.9459988
Every time some SJW dipshit threatens to move to Canada they should be accused of racism for not moving to Mexico.
fe66a6 No.9459989
Look up the collapse of the Byzantine empire and the Reformation wars (especially the 30 years' war). People are insane everywhere.
>I'm saying I don't feel happy about shitlords winning court cases
How do they think court works? If anything, this was a rare exception.
a0c313 No.9459990
Thats true, but we are getting sunnis from saidi arabia, a country not known for its peacful ways, as the majority of refugees in canada, and already their whelps are not integrating and have attacked other children in my province, and the newspaper article on it got censored.
1a49da No.9459996
File: 1464246182007.png (244.93 KB, 1000x1093, 1000:1093, 100c12b668fcafc4114314bd7c….png)
e1428c No.9459999
I was saying the same thing in another thread, how the fuck is Hogan even remotely GamerGate? The last time the guy played a video game was in the 1980s for a Nintendo commercial. He sued because they violated his private life, fucking GamerGate has nothing to do with it.
9f1689 No.9460000
Trump's Immigration Application Form:
>Are you willing to help make america great again?
If yes, we'll gladly take you.
53bb08 No.9460002
>they'll have a fucking wall between them and Trump.
If we were sufficiently motivated we could probably sell that to them as a positive point and get them to do it.
so close
fe66a6 No.9460004
>saidi arabia
>majority of refugees in canada
Does not fucking compute - what are they even running from? Regardless, you have a point - if they refuse to abide by the laws of the country they immigrate to, they can and should face consequences.
2f6d7b No.9460015
I'd move to America when he wins but I don't want to uproot my whole family just to get away from CURRENT YEAR man.
d755e1 No.9460016
Oh, and for more clarification, I referred her to the Greg Alan Elliott trial after posting a direct link to today's court stream.
Anita, Pedo Dan, DiGRA, etc came from your side, but I do really feel sorry that you have to put up with DUDEWEEDLMAO: The Prime Minister
On the bright side. they might be too lazy to move as
pointed out.
And who knows, maybe Canada will get their shit together and boot Trudeau when his term ends, especially if enough people get fed up with concentrated SJW cancer.
fc1e33 No.9460020
I think they legitimately think that anyone who dares to go against a journo is a "Gator" now.
ac5b20 No.9460026
My answer will be in all caps, with several exclamation points, and contains only 3 vowels.
2f6d7b No.9460027
The thing you have to remember about SJWs in Canada is they're mostly in big cities, especially in Ontario. I grew up in a small town that's relatively conservative. Farmers, fishermen, etc. A lot of people still vote left because that's Canada for you, but our beliefs tend towards classical left. Basically being left alone and allowed to do what you want if you're not hurting anyone. Fucking Toronto ruins it for everyone, though.
6a8a08 No.9460031
I'm gonna need some context on this
>those gets
2b6478 No.9460035
IS that some twitter employee or something? How else would he get the IP addresses of people?
221505 No.9460037
Who the fuck is this person? And why should I give a fuck what it thinks?
e1428c No.9460038
All I can say about Trudeau is "you can't blame me, I voted for Mulcair." I mean it was a choice between three awful candidates, but I'd rather have gotten Mulcair than Trudeau or the other guy.
53bb08 No.9460044
Actor, house god of the age.
729dc6 No.9460045
>The thing you have to remember about SJWs in Canada is they're mostly in big cities, especially in Ontario. I grew up in a small town that's relatively conservative. Farmers, fishermen, etc. A lot of people still vote left because that's Canada for you, but our beliefs tend towards classical left. Basically being left alone and allowed to do what you want if you're not hurting anyone. Fucking Toronto ruins it for everyone, though.
You're a culture of cucks. You're technically still owned by the queen and you didn't dare ask for freedom of speech. You suck and should feel bad about it.
889bca No.9460049
>I'd move to America when he wins but I don't want to uproot my whole family just to get away from CURRENT YEAR man.
you should probably move them if your area is getting filled with niggers or mudslimes.
cause that's just common sense.
c6beda No.9460052
c6beda No.9460055
anyone have the good loot pasta?
ac5b20 No.9460057
NDP political analysis is saying he has everyone's IP address in Canada, so harassing others is a crime that will soon be put to an end.
And we all know what they really mean when they say harassment.
2f6d7b No.9460059
I think we got a few muslims, but no real nogs around here. Mostly white folks.
ac5b20 No.9460065
Mulclair would change the courts to be SJW haven, all listen and believe.
He bitched that Gomeshi and GEA weren't convicted.
fe66a6 No.9460068
>source - a horse's ass
fc1e33 No.9460070
Actor on Game of Thrones, so has a normalfag soapbox.
c6beda No.9460080
Would you fuck with a billionaire with your identity known?
a0c313 No.9460085
Wouldn't that be breaking some laws? And that would kill the ndp. Not that they are doing so hot after that fwminist bitch and muclair flipped out for the brush to her tit by turds elbow. She should be happy, probably the least worst looking man to ever touch her.
2b6478 No.9460087
>Political analysis
>Everyone's IP address
53bb08 No.9460088
not if they change the laws.
fe66a6 No.9460093
At the very least he could provide a log of the conversation with identifying information cut out - but no, he posts it on twitter in the most click-baity fashion possible. Honestly reminds me of kingofpol.
889bca No.9460095
while i don't doubt joot would sell it to jewgle… pic related.
9f1689 No.9460097
I'm pretty certain he is just shitposting.
051e90 No.9460107
What a shocker, the Wired guy who wrote that butthurt Peter Thiel piece also shilled for the Ghostbusters reboot.
a0c313 No.9460110
Their "Cyber harrasment" bills keep on getting overturned by canadas supreme court, so hes got jack and shit and is indeed bluffing. Well, it was overturned by Nova Scotia's supreme court.
fc1e33 No.9460113
Do you know how easy it is to get your IP to read differently?
fe66a6 No.9460120
Honestly, the low-effort trolling got me all triggered.
c6beda No.9460121
>Implying I'm shitposting
according to the source, there's a small chance palmer might have pulled out. but he knows that palmer was very interested in buying 4chan for 20 million.
I could stop posting about it if you want, I just figured this would interest you guys.
31689f No.9460123
Of course he did.
a0c313 No.9460127
Do you have the twitter of this jackanape?
Reset your router.
e1428c No.9460133
No shit?
Fuck. I just wanted an anti-TPP candidate to destroy the trade agreement. Now I have to hope that Japan does what everyone's expecting and says "FUCK OFF."
fe66a6 No.9460134
No, I asked for a fucking source. Anything would be nicer than nothing.
6a8a08 No.9460138
Still, you can't expect this thread of all places to just accept this without something more concrete than your word
2f6d7b No.9460140
>worth 20 million
Wasn't it losing money for most of its life? What dumb nigger would pay 20 million for that site? Unless he wanted to sell user info..
53bb08 No.9460143
I don't ya bag of dust.
d755e1 No.9460144
Did you verify it?
Seriously though, the thing with 4chan was that m00t supposedly had problems escaping its rep. Who would be crazy enough to purchase that site for 20 mil? Has that site really grown in users that much?
927850 No.9460145
wait, wait, wait
I though Nishimura owns 4chan
fc1e33 No.9460148
Oh, hey. It's Mark.
a90208 No.9460149
I've just heard the news. Is it true?
Gawker is not allowed to repeal the 140 million dollar case? Does that mean they will have to pay all of it?
2f6d7b No.9460150
From what little I understand of US law, that's the way it is, yeah.
051e90 No.9460155
Complete with obligatory character assassination of AVGN
221505 No.9460159
Why would Japan tell the TPP to "FUCK OFF"? Though they were one the biggest winners in that shit show along with some SEA countries. While everyone else got shafted.
fc1e33 No.9460161
Supposedly there's still another court day on June 10th. I have no idea how many times a judge has to tell them to stop before they actually stop, though.
c6beda No.9460164
It has to be an anonymous source since he could be sued by palmer.
of course, and as much as I want to give you the name of the source, I cannot due to the fact that they spoke directly to each other. he's worried about being sued, so I'd rather not tell you who he is.
I trust him with my life, let's just put it that way.
a0c313 No.9460165
The thing is, he only wanted to renegotiate, which seing his latest actions, could mean he would have done jack shot or sold canada even more.
Damn, I wanted to send this shit to honey badgers. And I was calling him a jackanape, you silly.
31689f No.9460167
Oh, for fuck's sake.
fe66a6 No.9460172
9f1689 No.9460173
Yahoo paid $1.1 billion for Tumblr, so I think you could probably secure $20 million for 4chan if you marketed it the right way.
c6beda No.9460174
889bca No.9460175
>according to the source, there's a small chance palmer might have pulled out. but he knows that palmer was very interested in buying 4chan for 20 million.
im seriously starting to think that google was started by communists with the goal of buying the internet.
>I could stop posting about it if you want, I just figured this would interest you guys.
no by all means this is interesting and actually relevant to gamergate and the events leading up to it.
collecting and cataloging the history of the start of this is the best thing we have against the lies SJWs have spread.
fc1e33 No.9460176
Are you gonna go for Umaru in P5, Mark?
a0c313 No.9460181
Since it sounds like china wants in, no one wants in. And the manga authors and doujin makers really hate it, like bkub for example.
e1428c No.9460182
The people of Japan don't want TPP because TPP controls their industries. It tells them what kind of content they can make, including prohbiting the production of manga containing rape, characters of minor ages, etc. Also basically forcing Japan to go after people in the industries of anime, manga, video games, etc to crack down on any of these things (such as games like Artificial Academy).
The POLITICIANS are gleeful about the idea, but the actual people of Japan don't want super expensive medicine, and they don't want their culture to be destroyed by the TPP.
2f6d7b No.9460185
I think the big problem with that is 4chan's culture, though. It's largely a culture of thrift and theft. /g/ fetishizes old, cheap laptops and various Linux distros. /v/ is all about piracy, as is /a/ and, to a degree, /tv/. Plus a lot of people there have been using ad blockers for years and years. Seems like making cash off 4chan would be like squeezing blood out of a stone.
c6beda No.9460188
Either the image board user or the heavy metal motorcycle chick. Unsure
a0c313 No.9460190
*no one wins, not no one wants in
More consice than what I wrote.
e1428c No.9460210
>you are a useless member of society
But Umaru is only in the 8th grade… Why does she need to "be a useful member of society" when she hasn't even graduated high school yet?
Das good mane.
889bca No.9460216
before i go to bed i pray one prayer every night.
>please let me wake up to libtard being put up against the walls and out of everyone's misery
it's hilarious how they can make everyone hate them, hell in democracy 3 if you forsake the liberals you can make everyone else happy, healthy, and prosperous.
they're literally the only thing standing between you and utopia.
53bb08 No.9460224
Moe shit more problems.
a0c313 No.9460251
If anyone can get sauce on this and/or the twitter for this asshole, please send it to the honeybadgers.
6a8a08 No.9460257
>hell in democracy 3 if you forsake the liberals you can make everyone else happy, healthy, and prosperous.
Holy fuck the liberals are the only thing that stop me from solving the country's problems
>balance the budget
>lower taxes
>increase education funding
>cut unemployment in half
>expand public works
>credit rating back to AAA
>GDP steadily increasing
>crime plummets
>racial tension plummets
a90208 No.9460267
Have fun with your new Gestapo canada
7862a9 No.9460271
/pol/ doesn't have the same rules as /v/.
a0c313 No.9460272
Hes bluffing, and if I remeber correctly, ndp have less seats than the cons.
e2bba4 No.9460280
You deserved it for taking my wife's son's citizenship away, you fascist.
889bca No.9460282
and this is why i want them dealt with.
cause they would do shit like that, as evidenced by our DC meet-up.
e1428c No.9460286
Oh man, I hope that faggot doesn't backtrace me. I dun wanna goof.
bed5eb No.9460289
>Does that mean they will have to pay all of it?
Murican fried butter hotdogburger speaking.
Do you wonder why there are so many sue cases in america? It's because it actually effects the person who is being sued.
You know now. They have to pay. No government net for this shit, if that's the country you come from.
I didn't think it was different elsewhere.
927850 No.9460293
This just gave me an idea. Give it to baph?
261fd9 No.9460297
So, any anons that live in Canada i have a question for you
How do you feel right now?
a90208 No.9460299
I thought they only had to pay half of it so far until the appeals are off the table?
e1428c No.9460301
>Murican fried butter hotdogburger speaking.
a0c313 No.9460317
How do I gell about some gooney beard threatening to "get me"? I want to humiliate and trigger him to death. About the orwellian speech law? Terrified.
bed5eb No.9460318
nope. they have to pay all of it once the court case is through. ALL OF IT. It's why they're stalling. Which is a retarded tactic because they have to pay continuing lawyer fees on top of that.
So best case scenario, they stall so much that they magically teleport to hard prison to get their requisite ass rapings.
Also don't get arrested in america for hard crime.
261fd9 No.9460321
Do you think the people in your homeland are gonna take this lying down?
a0c313 No.9460332
Yes, since they think it won't be abused. But mainly in the cities. In the rural areas and countrysides, who cares.
a0c313 No.9460342
The second thing. The first thing is a non issue, and the ndp has scared away moderates with the elbow tit thing and albertians with the squelching anti wildfire money for trans acceptance.
fc109f No.9460345
Ain't that shit illegal?
a0c313 No.9460350
Probably, but facists think they are above the law.
8701eb No.9460357
80fb4a No.9460361
Well, don't tell them that.
927850 No.9460389
But it's cyber violence
Feelings are above any humane values and laws
bed5eb No.9460393
Fear turns to anger, you know. If you're terrified, imagine how other people might feel.
That collective anger is the reason that this tyranny will not come to pass.
a00215 No.9460403
Oh boy is it that time again?
919b1f No.9460417
I'm massaging my temples as I ask: do I want to read this shit?
fe66a6 No.9460424
Just take a look at the sources, they're a good laugh.
a0c313 No.9460428
Cyber harrasment bills were struck down by the courts. Not to say they wont try again, but for now, its not something you can sue over.
I hope so, it feels like we are going full feudalist, and feudalism is quite shitty. The worst parts of dictatorships, nobilitys, communism and capitialism all rolled into one.
31689f No.9460429
Remember, guys, citations include:
>dude who said that Pokemon is literally the spawn of Satan
>phrases that don't exist in reports/books they're citing
>multiple instances of no citation at all
>someone's C:\ drive
a00215 No.9460471
d755e1 No.9460480
The 4chan leaks indicate that the staff are now redditors and tumblrites. There was a ton of bitching about the userbase being from reddit, /co/ being a backdoor for tumblr, and /q/ being subject to bitching from tumblr-types and goons in wanting to change the atmosphere and content within the site via the removal of politically incorrect culture.
What if the increasingly out of touch post-Chanology moot went 'fuck it' and let the site be awash with those abominations so marketing firms and companies would have an easier time to shill and market their products?
Maybe, the fact that 4chan gained a rep of being unruly but also the place where memes and OC were being made was what motivated those entities to try and gain influence over it. The site was relatively small but interacted with the greater portions of the internet from time to time, renowned for raids, protests, and pranks.
Were people like Palmer interested in controlling context for monetary gain & informational control and Moot eventually gave the go ahead when 4chan's original culture wound up being nothing but a burden to him?
Fuck, I need sleep.
889bca No.9460508
>tfw at internet cafe
>open this
thank god i know that music.
a0c313 No.9460513
6015e0 No.9460516
The best part is that even in the revised version, of the 15 citations they have:
Citation #3 is still plagiarizing Wikipedia
Citations 1, 2, 7, 9, 11, and 12 are all self-sourcing materials.
With only 15 sources to use, that's the best they can do.
Oh, and this one has no bibliography.
So they cut out that entire section, completely.
53bb08 No.9460526
Sorry about that mate.
2a4e63 No.9460542
2b6478 No.9460558
HAHAHA. WEW Someone even mentioned Dina.
927850 No.9460593
fc109f No.9460596
>be me
>roasted a journo on Twitter
>got vanned
>sentenced for "attack on human feelings, gamergating"
>death sentence
>2 years of death row after
>didn't eat for two days
>I barely even eat at all
>I am skinny and frail
>Big Jamal had his way with me more than once
>I cried for help
>the guards were here
>they let it go for the sake of "tolerance"
>I've waited for death
>guard comes into my cell
>"it's time, you filth."
>expected at least painless execution
>got electric chair
>whatever, I cannot feel pain anymore, feels like going to the dentist
>I get strapped on
>The dude is going to roast me
>Asks me one final question
>"Any last words before I send you to misogynerd hell?"
I just wanted to play video games.
a0c313 No.9460618
No death penalty in canada. But don't be suprised if labour and reeducation camps become a big thing.
1a49da No.9460624
yea he is blaming deep silver for the trailer, they are the western publishers
d8cb9a No.9460633
I'll wait for confirmation from KoP though.
80fb4a No.9460649
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9460596
If things in Canada keep going the way they are, I wouldn't be surprised if the country collapses under its own weight of bullshit.
fc1e33 No.9460664
a0c313 No.9460665
I hope so. Pretty much the only way to be truly out of the common wealth.
fc109f No.9460690
I know there's no death penalty. Doesn't make me less scared.
This is legit a thing I expected from a country like the CCCP.
e2bba4 No.9460693
File: 1464251497366.png (392.64 KB, 581x536, 581:536, canadian countryman consum….png)
>electric chair
>not beheading
How intolerant not to use a diverse method of execution.
80fb4a No.9460724
>beheading with primitive axes
>not using lethal injection
fc109f No.9460736
How do they execute a cow in an halal slaughterhouse already? I thought of that too, it's so tolerant.
e2bba4 No.9460755
Yeah, because it's the literallywhatwealth that's fucking Canada.
f1ee78 No.9460802
I'd be pissed too, what in that trailer is inviting?
80fb4a No.9460804
>Step 1:Take a muslim butcher
>Step 2:Acquire large knife
>Step 3:Slit the animal's throat
a00215 No.9460817
File: 1464252292150.png (469.06 KB, 599x696, 599:696, Play-Asia.com_on_Twitter_m….png)
I wasn't aware that Deep Silver published Dead island: Riptide until now. Their parent company, Koch media owns the Rights to Saint's Row, Metro, and Homefront. I'm not sure if that's useful at all.
Also, I fucking love PlayAsia
a0c313 No.9460820
Canada is fucked from all ends, inside and out, but we cannot call ourselves a soverign and independant nation.
fc109f No.9460864
Googled it. Shouldn't have.
109d93 No.9460875
I like to believe PlayAsia has hired a professional shitposter much in the same way as Sega did for Sonic.
a0c313 No.9460880
Must be relieving the rage they have for hindus.
d68dd6 No.9460904
Wasn't it Jim who speculated that Hiroshimoot bought 4chan for about ~60 million bucks? I think we would've seen some sort of announcement if Luckey had control of the place.
e2bba4 No.9460922
Canada is already a client state of the US, and a member of the UN, the WTO, etc. Honestly, I'm amazed that anybody even remembers the commonwealth exists.
109d93 No.9460924
>I think we would've seen some kind of accouncement if Luckey had control of the place
>Implying even Hiroshima would be stupid enough to publicly announce that 4chan has become Shill Central.
a0c313 No.9460933
What can I say? I really hate the british and my partial english heritage.
fdcb50 No.9460944
There are faggot progressives in my town demanding halal game meat and venison.
When asked how you would manage that without stressing the fuck out of the wild animal with the use of traps or drugs they have no answer, but they still keep saying "it's important".
1a49da No.9460947
e2bba4 No.9460960
a0c313 No.9460967
Not really. More like I hate the lack of humbleness and ego that modern brits have. And their food. Thats all. and as such, feel shame fore sharing a herritage with them. Thank god I have some scottish and probably german and french in me.
a0c313 No.9460971
Nova Scotian. Might have some accadian in me.
221505 No.9460987
>Check Twitch
>LoL LPL week 1 on front page
>Tumblr dyke with huge neck tattoo is and fucking nose ring (bull type) is the co-host
How did they go from Nykia to this disgusting thing?
1a49da No.9460997
a0c313 No.9461001
1a49da No.9461006
d68dd6 No.9461007
Hiroshimoot openly announced he had taken control, while the stock of his datamining companies went up.
Hunting is halal even if the animal is shot.
109d93 No.9461017
Hiroshimoot has a name to him, being the previous owner of a chan, etc.
Palmer is just corporate incarnate, and he has nothing to hide that behind.
fdcb50 No.9461018
It is? Shows how much they know about it then.
I won't be the one to tell them.
e2bba4 No.9461027
>I hate brits
>thank god I have some scottish in me
You don't seriously believe in the Scots aren't British meme, do you? It's actually the English who aren't British
2b6478 No.9461034
We all know that the irish are the best.
a0c313 No.9461043
Scotland is part of great britan, and I probably shoud have said english, but I still have embarrasment for how shitty the english act in britian. Scottish are arrogant too, but still are not as effeminate pricks about it. And london is little islam now.
a0c313 No.9461053
They are fine by me. They know what to do with potatoes better than I do. though guinness is the pint of sjws.
2b6478 No.9461065
we are a proud people of potato culture. I hate Guinness though. Tastes like shit.
221505 No.9461079
Nigga you're not Peruvian.
2b6478 No.9461092
Potatos may have not come from Ireland, but Ireland has been molded by the potato. We are the trues of the potato cultures. The superior potato people. :^)
a0c313 No.9461100
I like the potatoes my cousins grow in the further countryside in Nova Scotia. never tried, but I'm more of a mixed drink, whisky, vodka and white wine guy myself.
221505 No.9461111
Being a potato is not something to be proud of, but since you're of potato inteligence, I don't expect you to understand.
e2bba4 No.9461122
You think the potato is your ally? You merely adopted the potato. I was born in it, blighted by it.
6a8a08 No.9461126
I thought Pabst Blue Ribbon was the hipster beer
Sweet repeating digits
a0c313 No.9461130
df0e40 No.9461138
I like dipping french fries into mashed potatoes.
a0c313 No.9461146
it is, but guinness was one of the first companies to flip out about that bathroom law in that state.
3ecd82 No.9461169
>Hunting is halal even if the animal is shot.
It's ok when we do it :^)
927850 No.9461171
Reminder of who owns your potatoes
a0c313 No.9461181
What is halal and what is kosher? I never get either of these.
2b6478 No.9461191
Dats not nize boss.
Also, why is it that every time I go on twitter to spread shit there is some drama shitstorm? I keep seeing people asshurt about GG for apparently supporting roguestar but then getting more asshurt at "niGGers" for saying they hate him too, and then they talk about how niGGers got triggered or something. Every single time as well these burnout fags follow that cringe worthy best of 4chan account but then talk about twitter and reddit cancer unironically when the are that. Kacho is still asshurt at mombot too which is funny.
109d93 No.9461201
Basically it's a kind of food law which prevents Muslims (Halal) and Jews (Kosher) to eat specific types of meat (i.e. pork) as well as meat that has not been specifically prepared.
I don't recall the exact rules for kosher food right now, but for meat to be halal, the animal in question must be bleed out before being slaughered, so they cut its throat and merrily watch on as the animal bleeds to death.
3ecd82 No.9461202
Halal is mudslime, kosher is jew.
221505 No.9461205
Both just mean that they meet certain rules for their believe in how the animal is killed. It can't be stunted, dazed or in mental distress. The cut has to be has to be to the neck and the animal has to bleed out. There are other requirements to the rule, but i don't give a fuck enough to google them.
fc109f No.9461206
pic related
It's what it is allowed by muslim and jewish religions respectively.
For instance, pork is not halal, and therefore forbidden by the sharia, the muslim law.
e2bba4 No.9461227
But GB took all the Irish-produced food but potatoes. That's why the potato blight was so damaging.
a0c313 No.9461229
Thanks. I kinda get halal, but kosher still baffles me.
6a8a08 No.9461247
Kosher sounds like a broader term than it is because it's slapped onto salt and stuff but it really just pertains to animal products.
221505 No.9461249
a0c313 No.9461275
Thanks. Only thing I can agree on with kosher, make the animal suffer as little as possible. Other than that, meh.
fc109f No.9461326
Truly, they're missing something if they don't eat pork. "Tout est bon dans le cochon", truest statement of this world.
109d93 No.9461338
The Chinese could say the same about Westerners not eating dog.
a0c313 No.9461339
*lie and I can belive that its a lie. Killing with nonpain to feed tons of people is inefficient and difficult. I like the sentiment, but it is impossible on all but a self scale.
I was thinking moreso mollusks like clams and mussles.
a0c313 No.9461357
Id try it. Then again, id try most things that are not going to harm me through poison if the presentation is done right.
80fb4a No.9461358
And that is why I disown my ancestors. Motherfuckers killing dogs and eating that shit. Disgusting.
ae6cb9 No.9461378
Dog's generally considered pretty garbage meat, though. Most people who try it say people eat it cause it's available, not because it's a delicacy.
There's stuff out there that can be debated in terms of ethical food, like bear paws and stuff, but people talk about bear paw like it's the best shit on the planet.
8701eb No.9461383
Could respect that if the fucking Chinks wouldn't fucking break down someone's house to get exotic dog breeds for their fucking dog meat festivals.
fc109f No.9461388
you mean a patriotic camera or a game genie?
ce3b06 No.9461426
Take note who actually whiteknights Gawker. You can be sure that they are corrupt unethical pieces of shit. When even fucking aGG despises Gawker you just know that these people are worse.
And before it comes up again. No it's not a 1A issue. Gawker could have reported on it. They were just asked to take down the video and they refused. They wanted to cause damage and profit from it.
221505 No.9461428
Didn't know about this.
I can understand eating dog, but torturing the dog to "enhance" the flavor? fuck them slanted eye bastards.
972604 No.9461441
Want a laugh?
Polygon being terrible at games has become a meme. Even reddit knows it. This was the second highest comment in response to this video
109d93 No.9461442
fc109f No.9461451
Who the fuck believes in that anyway?
It seems it is time to also get ethical about meat.
1443f2 No.9461455
Someone in one of the previous threads wanted to know about the Roller Tranny in Dumbing of Age, one of the most recent examples of a worthless "author" making a character that should be likeable detestable, and their opponent who should be hated revered and respected : >>>/co/593870
Acid Man, your "this day in history" thing is… actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have something like that. It's been two years, which means there should be something of a "on this date, this or that happened" to remind everyone of what was accomplished, what is fought against, etc.
You seriously need to go over to /co/, that's where the comic is storytimed. And I hope you did get to enjoy the previous volumes, which were tremendously more painful than this one, and I'm not exaggerating.
221505 No.9461457
Oh man wonder how the anti-harassment police are going to spin this.
1443f2 No.9461473
Yesterday (or the day before perhaps) they showed a documentary explaining how, in great britain, muslim communities entirely refuse to mingle and share their culture with british culture, and are hyper-protective and secular. Making all natives afraid, worried, or even outright leave
well BBC was accused of complete and obvious racism everywhere
a00215 No.9461477
Same as always I'd imagine.
The meteor cannot come soon enough
a0c313 No.9461485
I want a plague of frogs. No, not you Val.
e2bba4 No.9461491
771345 No.9461496
A frog shaped meteor mayhaps?
a0c313 No.9461515
No, just a plague of frogs. Keks children. Everywheres.
927850 No.9461526
So this 50% of "hatred towards women" comes from women?
Well, it's obvious that these are all sock accounts or "traitors towards the women"
e2bba4 No.9461527
>muslim communities
I assume you're working from some definition of that word that I'm unfamiliar with.
937e12 No.9461528
20 seconds of google
fe66a6 No.9461530
>Over a three-week period, think tank Demos counted the number of uses of two particular words as indicators of misogyny.
>It found evidence of large-scale misogyny, with 6,500 unique users targeted by 10,000 abusive tweets in the UK alone.
>The Demos study also looked at international tweets and found more than 200,000 aggressive tweets using the words, "slut" and "whore", were sent to 80,000 people over the same three weeks.
>She added that it was not about "policing the internet" but was more "a stark reminder that we are frequently not as good citizens online as we are offline".
Yeah, pile of trash.
109d93 No.9461531
And ideally all with that shit-eating smug grin.
1443f2 No.9461534
Doesn't that mean they stay amongst themselves and refuse to mingle with everyone or something ?..
771345 No.9461537
But frogs don't even do anything other than producing a sheet of mush everywhere on the roads.
a90208 No.9461538
>picture of bolt gun
e2bba4 No.9461542
3ecd82 No.9461546
1443f2 No.9461547
771345 No.9461550
It's all three, I think. First the electro shock to dazzle to cow, then the bolt action into the brain and then cut and hung to bleed out.
793c8c No.9461594
>moe is shit because westerners don't like it maymay
I haven't watched modern media in years let alone anime and I'm till saying you're just a faggot.
a00215 No.9461619
Of all the weird shit I've walked into during the past few years, this gator prep video is up there. It looks like a Silent Hill enemy. Sage for extremely offtopic
109d93 No.9461659
Gators taste like a mix of fish and chicken.
e2bba4 No.9461661
>all those dislikes on what is just a butchery video
109d93 No.9461677
This is what happens if kids start thinking burgers come out of a machine.
a00215 No.9461687
I'd imagine it's similar to rattlesnake, then.
109d93 No.9461777
e4012b No.9461808
0fd471 No.9461809
A fucking get by a fucking faggot.
927850 No.9461811
You're asking to be bullied, aren't you, God?
a00215 No.9461827
You had your chance.
6a8a08 No.9461868
More like poop cause Miranda a shit
109d93 No.9461960
Poor Gawker dindu nuffin, this is all Thiels fault!
1443f2 No.9461975
I swear to god, these sites will someday turn out to have been parodies or social experiments all along
109d93 No.9461987
File: 1464263810694.jpg (Spoiler Image, 12.95 KB, 212x251, 212:251, 1302462975933s.jpg)
932547 No.9462012
Warcraft movie is actually about immigration.
>Is this a veiled Ukip broadcast? Or a pro-Trump one?
109d93 No.9462032
>“We must summon the Guardian!” say the good folk of Azeroth at the sight of these invading orcs, referring not to a leading liberal newspaper but a wizard in a tower,
919b1f No.9462076
Oh no, the lugenpresse can be held accountable.
a90208 No.9462090
Goebbels would be disgusted by this shitty ass tier propaganda.
927850 No.9462099
This entire article…
Something's fishy about this fella
af6ec5 No.9462121
to play roguelikes, faggot
109d93 No.9462138
d61871 No.9462196
File: 1464266223285.jpg (74.34 KB, 524x403, 524:403, when in doubt, blame decad….jpg)
63f7c0 No.9462214
>implying he actually meant it to be philantropy
>not realizing he just wipped out his cock and slapped it in gawkers face while gawker can't do shit but cry
c45623 No.9462251
>how dare somebody take revenge for getting publicly outed by a """news outlet""" that has a reputation for even worse shit
>boozehound telling anyone to get a life
98e51c No.9462327
Wut? I just right-click on the filename, select save link as and it works perfectly.
e1428c No.9462365
The term is BATTERED wife syndrome.
109d93 No.9462377
a2912d No.9462387
Filenames don't show up for new posts until you refresh the page. That might be his issue.
c0879f No.9462388
Isn't this the ruski version of wwwwwwwww or something?
109d93 No.9462431
…this is just sad.
I mean, for all I know Alexander was a bossy asshole right from the start, but this physical degradation is nasty.
c0879f No.9462439
Marche you're waifu a furry.
1443f2 No.9462440
Never take people who use this seriously. They're almost always loonies inspired by some youtuber using some effect on words that is written by his fans as ((( )))
it's used almost exclusively by idiots and shills
ce3b06 No.9462482
Anyone got some caps/bookmarks of feminists advocating to label criticism as hate speech so that it can be removed easier? Similar to pic related, but other cases?
Preferably from feminist advocacy group or big feminists.
af6ec5 No.9462483
File: 1464269639950.jpg (35.69 KB, 550x404, 275:202, d617b2c3e833f45f66fcae62a7….jpg)
She just needs the healing power of headpats and she'd be a nice cute grill
109d93 No.9462492
The only healing power right now is a drug therapist.
927850 No.9462514
Maybe a sex change?
I think there were written some articles about this, but it needs to be dug up
One thing that comes to mind is this Canada's court case which a professor was jailed (temporarily, I think), lost his job and then sued for disagreeing with a bunch of women
ce3b06 No.9462525
You are not talking about the big case with Gregory Alan Elliot, do you? Do you know some of the names so that I can look for that.
ce3b06 No.9462559
Yeah, but I'm looking for an article or something that quickly, clearly shows how feminists want criticism to be labeled hate speech and banned. I'd accept an article about this case if it has this criteria in it.
9318b2 No.9462594
File: 1464270622633.jpg (Spoiler Image, 373.95 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, 1429249988859.jpg)
Suck my dick Val
109d93 No.9462634
Off-topic, but Grummz is going to see Mike Morhaime of Blizzard today.
548507 No.9462654
Ooh. How exciting.
d755e1 No.9462659
Are there any devs or community workers you'd like to see join League For Gamers?
109d93 No.9462699
>He preaches GamerGate which Mike Morhaime spoke out against.
Does anyone have that pic? I always forget to save it.
8701eb No.9462707
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>9462699
Don't have it, have the video instead.
109d93 No.9462779
8701eb No.9462804
Still plenty of people who read and retweet fucking clickbait trash going with the "Freedom of the Press is going to be destroyed by this action!" shitty excuse.
233e73 No.9462859
In case @mombot is reading this thread, Hardcoregamer lied about DoAX sales, you should share archived links only, especially on Twitter where not many people know.
They refute their argument in the same article
1443f2 No.9462889
I know it might sound stupid, but any evidence they outright lied and didn't "simply" fail at doing the slightest amount of competent work instead ? Perhaps they just googled the info, picked the first shit that looked right and rolled with it.
233e73 No.9462912
I don't think they simply fail, and picking the first shit that looked right could mean confirmation bias, in this case their bias against DoAX.
8701eb No.9462930
Do a background check on the author, twitter account and articles written, and check deepfreeze.
a90208 No.9462936
It's finally happening
c21feb No.9462952
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >tfw Notch and the AVGN keep getting based
d3746f No.9462954
Gawker will die in your lifetime
8701eb No.9462963
Maybe the Chinese, Russians, or Arabs want to buy the Gawker brands :^)
099338 No.9463014
Actually it might be univision
a90208 No.9463024
We should start a Gofundme to buy Gawker
ce3b06 No.9463064
Notch should buy Gawker. Those few millions are just a few months of interest for him anyway :^)
feff5d No.9463067
We might actually collect enough to buy that shit out.
I'd love to write for jezebel
I would have so much fucking fun
099338 No.9463098
Surprising no one, Trump officially has enough delegates to secure the nom.
109d93 No.9463114
>Nick Denton looking to sell Gawker
>Trump secures presidental nomination
>Crunch time for the video game I'm working on ends tomorrow
>Going to a drinking orgy tonight with my buddies
Today is a good day.
8701eb No.9463161
Secondary archive because nypost are kikes
9312c5 No.9463185
You know what really grinds my gears? Slapping the word "phobic" onto any damn thing in order to shame people that dislike said thing. Don't like trannys? Then you're "transphobic." Phobic, as in, scared of. That's insane. Disgusted by, maybe. Scared of? Nah. Personally, I don't give a rats ass. Or "Islamophobic" Fucking really? Ok, maybe if he has a bomb strapped to his chest. Otherwise? Nah.
Here, lets flip this shit around. You hate white men? Cool, then you're "caucasianphobic." Ah, rolls right off the tongue! Hate men? Then you're "malephobic." Oh, google's marking all of these as being misspelled. No worries google! I'll have them added to your dictionary in no time!
Or how about this? You hate "nerds?" Nerdphobic! You're scared of neckbeards you silly SJW!
These waste f human skin never see how stupid something they say is until you flip it back at them.
12f0cb No.9463187
>not using vi keys
Casual detected.
>voted into power
Why are people morons? They could have at least known their history and gone to the source of Palpatine: Hitler! I'm also shocked that no one else has called out Trump for being a charismatic man who's whole platform is to make his country great again.
9312c5 No.9463198
I support this plan! Let's do this, you niggers know we'll be able to raise the funds! I want to be the "tech culture" writer!
12f0cb No.9463200
Androphobic is proper, I think.
771345 No.9463201
It's an insult to every person suffering from a real phobia, belittling their disability and turning it into a joke.
feff5d No.9463202
Thing is, the "phobic" notion is appropriate; hate and anger are always connected to fear.
The issue is, too often it is merely assumption, assumption about you merely not liking a behaviour or a trait, and being accused of it being because of a physical matter or a sexual orientation or whatever.
Did something happen to you IRL to go off blogging like this dear ?
9312c5 No.9463212
No, random shit pops into my head from time to time. I was just thinking about stupid shit SJWs say and wanted to get some thoughts out there.
eb2e45 No.9463214
File: 1464275157866.jpg (63.16 KB, 500x477, 500:477, tumblr_o33f14jPFf1tik0nmo1….jpg)
Calarts face strikes again
feff5d No.9463222
I still don't quite get why sans is on there. He's not from a cartoon, he isn't designed the same way and he isn't a kid.
9312c5 No.9463236
Prove that's your dick. Timestamp that shit.
1a49da No.9463241
Nobody cares idiot
3ecd82 No.9463242
For some reason I thought of All Might when I saw Captain Falcon.
63f7c0 No.9463253
>Here, lets flip this shit around. You hate white men? Cool, then you're "caucasianphobic." Ah, rolls right off the tongue! Hate men? Then you're "malephobic." Oh, google's marking all of these as being misspelled. No worries google! I'll have them added to your dictionary in no time!
>Or how about this? You hate "nerds?" Nerdphobic! You're scared of neckbeards you silly SJW!
>These waste f human skin never see how stupid something they say is until you flip it back at them.
this actually sounds like fun. let's do that
feff5d No.9463280
We've been doing this for years anon. They just scoff at it claiming there is no such thing. More than not working it galvanizes them.
771345 No.9463297
Only the words they make up exist. Everything else doesn't get to be on their side of history.
35decf No.9463348
>you will never be on the right side of history
12f0cb No.9463376
Can I be on the left side of history?
53bb08 No.9463387
0fd471 No.9463391
>Right side of history
I really get mad when I read or hear that from the ingrates of feminist and SocJus side!
9312c5 No.9463393
So Gawker lost the trial I take it? What's the damage? I gather Denton is trying to sell gawker now? The beast has been slain? The giant has fallen?? The final boss has stopped flashing red and exploded and now we scoop up all the 'sweet ass fuck'' drops?
Kotaku will go down too, right?
af6ec5 No.9463415
Judge will decide next week I think
feff5d No.9463424
In short :
- the real trial took place and told denton, daulerio and gawker to pay up to 140 million
- gawker will appeal, but before tries to both lower the amount a bit and ask not to put the 50 million required for the appeal down; so far they've been turned down
- gawker's value a year ago reached 250 million dollars if they were to be bought; the offer that was made the past few days to buy them is between 50 and 70 million dollars. Basically, their net value, after the trial, was divided by five.
Kotaku will be the last to go, however, as it's the most profitable outlet of the site, with jezebel. The rest however will close probably soon.
109d93 No.9463426
There's still a court hearing. But even if Gawker gets sold, it's not out of the picture that the cancer will just undergo metastasis.
a2c229 No.9463439
Tobi went to CalArts?
a90208 No.9463450
Someone will probably buy Gawker as a whole and salvage the parts that can still make money. Kotaku will probably survive, but who knows in what shape or form. Depends completely on the people who buy it.
9312c5 No.9463464
We need to petition Notch to buy it. He can make gaming journalism great again!
a90208 No.9463488
What are other rich people that are cool with us?
Adam Baldwin comes to mind, not sure how rich Milo is.
9312c5 No.9463498
I dunno but I just tweeted notch.
233e73 No.9463503
Adam Baldwin distanced himself after many in /v/ support Trump
233e73 No.9463506
I meant GG, sorry.
53bb08 No.9463539
Current year is turning out alright.
9312c5 No.9463548
I can't wait for all the mass suicides from the left when God Emperor Trump wins the election.
771345 No.9463551
Vox will probably jump in before that happens. At least to get tabs on Kotaku and Jezebel.
e8b704 No.9463580
Anon, you forgot the best one, gamerphobic.
771345 No.9463595
9318b2 No.9463612
Peter Coffin is starting to look old.
c21feb No.9463625
Where's the webm, anon?
d3746f No.9463626
/cow/ must of really stressed him out. How old is he?
ce3b06 No.9463628
I'll never understand why you fucks crop the timestamp away.
9312c5 No.9463655
I think the best part of all this is the fact that SJWs trying so hard to shame people into watching this reboot is one of the leading causes of people not wanting to see it.
96b525 No.9463666
I recognize you guys!!!! hahaha that fag can march you around i love it!!!!
The libs that don't read Salon they catch em with a second net!!!! haha a notyourshield listen to trannies!!! every successful political movement has trannies hahaha!
so dumb these #twistedtwitter i like the red hats a lot better! They talk sense!
96b525 No.9463680
this place has so many boards! #Twistedtwitter the trends they just get paid for! hahaha and the #gamergate wonders why no trend !!! haha milo would buy it for you like he could his checkmark!!!! This is much easiert!!!
hahah those dumb sjws just do what the clickbait says amirite guys?!!???
12f0cb No.9463688
>Pale moon
>cancer post
>wasting satanic trips
C'mon, man.
96b525 No.9463691
96b525 No.9463692
dc20db No.9463696
4day old video with 216 views on a channel with 188k subs
771345 No.9463700
You litter alley tripped!
4a0bbb No.9463703
I love the smell of butthurt in the morning.
0fd471 No.9463706
>Todd Sweeney suddenly appeared and starts shitposting
Mark, can you give this fucking piece of shit a 29 year ban sentence? Thanks!
ada3af No.9463707
if you need to announce that what you are doing are satire you rally know that your audience is fucking retarded
a2c229 No.9463708
I think you're having a mental breakdown, seek a therapist asap
96b525 No.9463716
if you fags want to get owned again you can read me at!!!!
Don't archive Breitbart Milo said dont do it!!! hahahaha!!!!!! you guys never tried to buy a gamergate ad i bet!!! no cookies on to hook you fish!
53bb08 No.9463717
Why exactly should we not give him a little push?
96b525 No.9463722
put a code snippet on your website milo!!!!! hahaha he did theses kids dont have requestpolicy!!!!
96b525 No.9463729
Let me know when Cap is a furry cuz you care!!!! hahahaha
96b525 No.9463737
That's pretty good!!! which word was problematic to you!!!
I dont speak soy!!!!
owned you at haahah!!!
c21feb No.9463746
This isn't even remotely cringey or ironically funny. I feel too indifferent.
96b525 No.9463748
i dont speak niggger!!!!
2b6478 No.9463753
What are you even talking about? Why are you so mad? I have no idea what you are even doing.
53bb08 No.9463762
While you're at it could you make this thread cyclical so he can't bumplock it like he is obviously trying to?
80fb4a No.9463769
I think he either burst a blood vessel in his head or got really high.
12f0cb No.9463770
>make a thread cyclical
>we're way beyond autosage
Fuck off.
109d93 No.9463773
Alright you faggots, baking new bread.
fdcb50 No.9463777
Making it cyclical fucks the archives you dunce. Better just have mods clean up after him.
53bb08 No.9463781
Wait a second is the catalog broken again?
Ah I see, new to /v/
96b525 No.9463782
i dont speak niggger!!!!
that guy fucked a dolll #PETERCOFFINWASRIGHT!!!!
hahah i know you don't! #maga #weakvoices
771345 No.9463785
We're already at 672 replies. It's basically shitposting to 700 now.
2b6478 No.9463792
Did anyone see this? He openly tries to defend people who shat on him. Who is Kevin Dent again?
I am gonna bully you.
4a0bbb No.9463793
Trips is correct. A single retard is of no concern.
96b525 No.9463794
oh you guys archive too cool!
96b525 No.9463799
sorry you got triggered!! haha
cf100b No.9463800
I have no idea what's this right now
Is some someone shitposting in order to get ecelebrity attention of 10 minutes again?
53bb08 No.9463801
12f0cb No.9463805
>new to /v/
Are you sure you understood me properly? Threads autosage at 300, make it cyclical would fuck up archives.
96b525 No.9463810
memory hole me quick guys!!! like #twistedtwitter! these kids
80fb4a No.9463811
It seems like he's trying too hard to fit in.
4a0bbb No.9463818
Most likely not the todd sweeny guy. Just some random butthurt faggot.
53bb08 No.9463823
I was unaware threads autosage at 300 because I spend most of my time here on /pol/ suppose that explains why /pol/ is broken so often though.
9312c5 No.9463831
Who is this Todd Sweeney fellow? Why is he so odd?
63f7c0 No.9463834
drugs are a hell of a drug
2b6478 No.9463836
109d93 No.9463848
195cff No.9463851
53bb08 No.9463852
Na I un of da boyz
Could be a bot trying to pass the turing test by being insane could be a lefty that is losing their mind.
fdcb50 No.9463853
Do we have a baker though?
e5284d No.9463855
i'l go back to twitter later instead okay!! I can't yet 'm banned!!! #twistedtwitter
798af9 No.9463857
109d93 No.9463863
109d93 No.9463869