Hello human females, Captains of Industry, and Ideas Men,
About a month ago I made the initial [https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/4fon0w/announcing_exitscamio_the_press_release_generator/](ExitScam.io Announcement). ExitScam.ioTM is a revolutionary way for cryptocurrency companies to spread the SFYL message to its users while maintaining the appearance of legitimacy.
Since then there has been great progress on the SFYL press release generator that will elevate exit scams out of the basement up to a ground level basement. I'm happy to share with you some updates.
1. Registering the ExitScam.ioTM Domain
Immediately after all the positive feedback after the announcement I withdrew money from my bank to buy BTC on localbitcoins.com, which I was able to secure after paying a small 6% fee. From there I ordered a VISA gift card on OpenBazaar to make sure that when I register the ExitScam.io domain I can remain anonymous. The card has not arrived by mail yet and should be here any day now. I have tried to message the seller Cards4BTC and moderator Cards4Bitcoin but both disappeared on OB around the same time. Perhaps they both closed their laptops.
In the meantime please do not register the ExitScam.io domain.
2. Ethereum Support
There has been a lot of excitement around Ethereum and the DAO in the past month. I know that I made the following statement in the previous announcement.
PS: Ethereum will not be supported.
As a Captain of Industry who sails by the winds of whatever technology has the best buzzwords, it is important to reevaluate this stance. The DAO has convinced many GullibuttersTM and EtherHuffersTM to invest in a decentralized autonomous organization that believes immutable computer code is not subject to laws. ExitScam.io will thrive in this space as groups that receive funding can just avoid ever paying the DAO back. A decentralized autonomous organization would never be able to hire a "meatspace" lawyer to represent a faceless entity not subject to regulation.
Therefore a proposal to the DAO will be submitted for ExitScam.io^ funding. Ethereum will be supported as a payment method along with Bitcoin.
3. Technical Hurdles
So many euphoric Captains of Industry stepped forward to code, design, and implement the ExitScam.ioTM website that I had to say no to all of them. I feel that the best path moving forward is to do it myself, as Satoshi did when he first proposed Bitcoin. I made a PowerPoint mockup of the ExitScam.ioTM website and need to figure out how to export it to the internet. I'm also having issues with the CopyPasta functions. If you want to contribute Bitcoin or Ethereum to this project please PM me.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
PS: Completely unrelated, but the ExitScam.io headquarters will be moving out of Beaver Creek, Montana due to several unpaid tickets, liens against my property, and rumored warrants.