全 3 件のコメント

[–]ShapeOfAUnicorn -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

Why care, though? This sub is technically a safe space now, from ideas that certain others are offended by.

Are Nazis disgusting people? Yes.

Are the posts more likely made by people who just want to feel edgy? Maybe.

Is the Daily Stormer hateful trash? No doubt about it.

HOWEVER, with this move, you have successfully #MadeThisIsNotASafeSpaceASafeSpaceNow

It's fine if you want to create your own safe space, but don't then claim you're still "not a safe space".

I don't see what's wrong with seeing posts from hateful people. If you're triggered, chances are you don't (or I guess the correct word on this sub now, after this moderation decision has been made, would be DIDN'T) belong on this sub anyway.

Free exchange of ideas, people. Racists, sexists and other hateful people expose themselves through their actions. You don't have to agree with them.

MakeThisIsNotASafeSpaceGreatAgain by not making this a safe space.

[–]TheHat2 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

So, let me tell you a story.

We tried this sort of thing with /r/SocialJusticeInAction. We said "fuck it, let's let the votes decide what stays and gets hidden, and leave it at that."

And then came the Neo-Nazis, the white nationalists, the bigots and trolls. And they weren't deterred by the downvotes. The community clearly didn't support that rhetoric, but the opposition didn't dissuade the white nationalists in the slightest. So people began to leave, and they told us as much. They couldn't participate in a sub that was being seen as, ironically, a safe space for hatemongers.

What did we do? Nothing, at first. We made an announcement and said "we're aware of the problem, but we're not going to do anything right now because we don't think it's right to do it." And that announcement led to even more of the same people coming in, spreading their racist rhetoric, driving more of the established community away.

The time came where we said enough is enough, and we kicked them out. Anyone using slurs to disparage others, banned. Submissions from Daily Stormer, gone. Cleaned out the worst offenders in a day. And the problem has practically vanished.

Sometimes, restrictions work. They don't work when they establish echo-chambers. And considering the only real restriction here is "don't openly be a racist cockbag," I don't quite believe that counts towards creating an echo-chamber.

[–]ShapeOfAUnicorn -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is a difference between /r/socialjusticeinaction and /r/notasafespace. One claims to not be a safe space in its very name, the other doesn't.

There is also a difference between moderating troll content and moderating racist content. Troll content would be, in a sub that isn't a safe space, irrelevant shitposting (i.e a jontron meme on this sub, which is about social conflict).

You can decide to justify this move however you want, but you've still made it a safe space. As I said, moderate it however you wish to, but this sub is now a safe space by definition.