circlebroke2 内の dhamster によるリンク Trumpeter accidentally explains why Stefan Molyneux is a white supremacist while attempting satire. Also holy shit get a load of that Ben Garrison comic
Buttcoin 内の theirmoss によるリンク It isn't just the community: even the bit—coin development team attracts pedophiles.
circlebrokediscussion 内の sega31098 によるリンク A sub like Circlebroke except for links off Reddit? (X-Post from r/findasub)
circlebroke 内の Minn-ee-sottaa によるリンク /r/the_donald is sub of the day, "liberal" reddit shows it's true colors
circlebroke 内の qatardog によるリンク [meta] Why does ShitAmericansSay consider Circlebroke 'low-hanging fruit'?
circlebrokediscussion 内の acedis によるリンク Is there a general guideline for content considered too low-effort for prime?
circlebroke2 内の Enlightened-Youth によるリンク "Bernie supporter" sends flustered, sputtering, anonymous letter to BLM protester after Milo Yiannopoulos event at DePaul U, then goes on Mr_Trump to brag about it.
[–]dhamster 10ポイント11ポイント12ポイント (0子コメント)