de 内の JustSmall によるリンク Der Niederländer mag es direkt

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

... Ich müsste das erst mit Google Translate übersetzen vor ich denn Witz sah.


RMTK 内の th8 によるリンク M0071: Motie betreffende vergoeding niet-gebruikte studenten OV

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Meneer de voorzitter,

mag ik de heren /u/LTIstarcraft en /u/not-an-account vragen een schatting te doen van de kosten van dit voorstel?

RMTK 内の th8 によるリンク M0071: Motie betreffende vergoeding niet-gebruikte studenten OV

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Bedoelt de heer /u/MTFD hiermee te zeggen dat hij de motie he-le-maal fantastisch vindt?

RMTK 内の th8 によるリンク M0072: Motie betreffende de opening van een defensiebasis op Curaçao

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


ik sluit me helemaal aan bij deze motie. Natuurlijk zal het budget van defensie omhoog moeten, maar daar staan wij helemaal achter. Het nieuws dat Nederland mogelijk niet eens in staat is om zijn eigen grondgebied te verdedigen, samen met de groeiende onrust in Venezuela, maakt duidelijk dat we nodig meer moeten investeren in onze krijgsmacht.

RMTK 内の AnnaLittleAlice によるリンク M0068: Motie tot voetbalclubs te laten betalen voor politie-inzet

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Voetbalwedstrijden vormen een belangrijk deel van de culturele identiteit en het saamhorigheidsgevoel van een groot deel van de Nederlandse samenleving. Het is een aanval op de samenleving om deze onnodig zwaar te gaan belasten.

Laten we niet vergeten dat professionele voetbalclubs al gewoon belasting moeten betalen, net zoals alle andere bedrijven.

badeconomics 内の OliverSparrow によるリンク Is capitalism the right economic system to advance the world to Civilization 2.0?

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

One of the better books I read on this subject proposed exactly this; a market pricing mechanism within a planned economy. The only thing it really did different from a free market was using labour as a currency by setting the prices of things in hours of work put into it.

RMTK 内の OKELEUK によるリンク RMTK Onderscheidingen: Stemmen!

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Herr Vorsitzender,

Darf ich der Herr /u/Th8 fragen was er meint mit die Satze "Ich bin ein Abstimmung"?

badeconomics 内の OliverSparrow によるリンク Is capitalism the right economic system to advance the world to Civilization 2.0?

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I believe the dvorak-layout has been specifically designed with the fastest typing in mind, and multiple others have been as well. If your goal is the fastest possible typing qwerty definitely isn't optimal.

badeconomics 内の OliverSparrow によるリンク Is capitalism the right economic system to advance the world to Civilization 2.0?

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Keyboards don't jam as quickly as they used to, which was a very serious problem when qwerty was designed. Many frequently used letters were spaced apart to prevent jamming. Nowadays you could probably type quicker on a different layout now that jamming is no longer an issue.

badeconomics 内の DracoX872 によるリンク Article says Gov. agency deems TPP "not worth passing;" actual report says otherwise

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

The big issue is that major social media sites and the internet in general is being tailored to your usage.

Not so sure about that. Before the internet was a thing people always consumed the media that tailored to "their" group. Liberals read the liberal papers, watched liberal TV channels, listened to liberal radio shows. Conservatives did the same with conservative media.

A more realistic explanation to me seems that it has gotten much easier for every moron and their mother to start a 'news source' and write absolute garbage that few people really know how to fact check.

MEUP 内の can_triforce によるリンク Questions to the prospective European Commission

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We would like to see agricultural subsidies being reworked from generic farm subsidies into subsidies that promote preservation of European land, environmental protection and innovative technologies. On top of that, we believe the current level of subsidies is excessive and should be slowly reduced.

MEUP 内の can_triforce によるリンク Questions to the prospective European Commission

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We are massively in favour of expanding our trade relations with other countries and we will actively seek to establish a trade deal with the US and possibly other nations. In this endeavour we will keep in close touch with the member states' government and labour- and environmental groups as well as businesses to ensure nobody will have to lose from such a trade agreement.

badeconomics 内の OliverSparrow によるリンク Is capitalism the right economic system to advance the world to Civilization 2.0?

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

They don't seem to get it either. Most seem to be afraid of the short- to middle term demand shock that will happen when a load of people get fired, but they assume it's going to last forever, and the solution is to tax these rich folks and the few people who remain exployed at a 99% rate and give that money to consumers so they can buy shit.

It doesn't make a lot of sense and most are advocating for a planned economy without realising it. They call the government "society" and the government-set wages and social welfare "UBI" but it's basically the same thing.

europes 内の trey82 によるリンク Today I learned that Nigeria's population in 1950 was 38 million. Today it is 175 million. You can see the same trend all over Africa. Let that sink in if you are European

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most of the decrease has been in the past 10 to 15 years and it's accelerating.

Africa might have 2 billion people in 40 years, but it already has 1 billion, and they aren't flocking in by the millions. Why would it change when there are 2 billion?

People only migrate en-masse when their lives are so terrible they have little to lose, mostly because they're deeply unhappy. And what has been proven contributes more to happiness than absolute living standards is when their living standards continue to increase over time. African living standards are rising all the time; if we don't get millions of Africans flocking in every year now, why would we in the future, when they're probably a lot richer and healthier than they are now?

europes 内の trey82 によるリンク Today I learned that Nigeria's population in 1950 was 38 million. Today it is 175 million. You can see the same trend all over Africa. Let that sink in if you are European

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It could be true, but when you have nothing it's easy to grow. It doesn't mean much

It actually does when economic growth isn't a one off thing but actually a larger trend. What defines how we view our lives isn't just the absolute standard of living but also the way it changes over time: when the future is looking rosy you're unlikely to be angry. The impact of wealth on your life is also logarithmic; 9% growth is a massive difference, even if the absolute difference is small. is great for this. Feel free to tweak the variables how you like: the overwhelming trend in African countries in the past 30 or so years has been a rapid decline in average number of children per woman. The average dropped from around 7 to around 5 children per mother pretty rapidly and seems to be slowly but surely catching up with the rest of the world.

Absolute population is largely irrelevant, because if that were the case, Europe would be flooded with Indian and Chinese migrants. If the situation in Africa keeps improving people have little reason to leave, even if the absolute living conditions aren't great.

badeconomics 内の OliverSparrow によるリンク Is capitalism the right economic system to advance the world to Civilization 2.0?

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 35ポイント36ポイント  (0子コメント)

These people are advocating for a collectively owned and planned economy, which I guess makes sense in a post-scarcity utopia, but they never seem quite aware of that and think giving people free money is basically the same.

europes 内の trey82 によるリンク Today I learned that Nigeria's population in 1950 was 38 million. Today it is 175 million. You can see the same trend all over Africa. Let that sink in if you are European

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Before the Syrian civil war there weren't millions of Arab refugees trying to enter Europe every year. People don't leave their homes for another continent without some very good reasons. Why would Africans be any different? Because Africa is poorer?

6 of the 13 fastest growing economies are in Africa, foreign investment is at an all time high, child mortality and fertility is dropping while life expectancy and average incomes are at an all time high. There are very strong reasons to suggest Africa won't be a poor helpless backwater forever.

badeconomics 内の AutoModerator によるリンク The [Silver Discussion] Sticky. Come shoot the shit and discuss the bad economics. - 21 May 2016

[–]Waz_Met_Jou 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

While looking for an old post I still haven't managed to find I stumbled upon this beauty.

Apparently, progressive income taxes are a measure against inflation and indexation doesn't real.