spacex 内の MRLab によるリンク Why NASA is hitching a ride on red dragon.

[–]EchoLogic[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

There's nothing new in this article.

spacex 内の EchoLogic によるリンク Watch SpaceX's Vine "Static fire complete in advance of Thursday's launch"

[–]EchoLogic[S] 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

TEA-TEB ignite on contact. Turn on the taps for RP1+LOX simultaneously and you have flame.

spacex 内の EchoLogic によるリンク Watch SpaceX's Vine "Static fire complete in advance of Thursday's launch"

[–]EchoLogic[S] 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not quite. Ignition on the launch pad is initiated from the GSE. They don't carry the TEA/B reservoir with them for that.

For S2 & S1 recovery burns, they have a separate reservoir on the booster. S1 can reiginite only 3 engines as only 3 engines have TEA/B reservoirs.

modnews 内の Amg137 によるリンク Moderators: Help us beta test image hosting

[–]EchoLogic 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

So... 100MB gifs, but subreddits that depend on CSS for functionality can't have more than 100KB? Would you mind increasing that limit?

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep I think that's a more than fair statement. I'm doing my best to try and dispel this "you're special" attitude that's popped up recently.

spacex 内の EchoLogic によるリンク Watch SpaceX's Vine "Static fire complete in advance of Thursday's launch"

[–]EchoLogic[S] 74ポイント75ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm really surprised there isn't an entry in the FAQ for this. We have failed!

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, I don't think that's entirely fair. There's a difference between being wrong because the information is incorrect, and because the information has become outdated.

A lot of the times, it's the latter. For example, here's my SpaceX employee-reference for landing legs being removed post-launch. It's completely public and everyone missed it.

Has it changed since then? Maybe. I'll keep repeating it until I hear otherwise though.

spacex 内の Scorp1579 によるリンク on Twitter: "Hoffman: third booster came back with more damage due to launch requirements for satellite, will not be relaunched #SpaceTechExpo"

[–]EchoLogic 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

The username "nsfwaterdrip" says it appears to be coming from NSF, which is generally a reliable source of information.

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Echo, could you try your luck with Elon on Twitter for clarification? Out of all of us here, you would be most likely to get a response!

The chance is the same regardless of who tweets :)

spacex 内の Scorp1579 によるリンク on Twitter: "Hoffman: third booster came back with more damage due to launch requirements for satellite, will not be relaunched #SpaceTechExpo"

[–]EchoLogic 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Interesting comment from this user:

Sources indicate that reflying F9-0024-S1 would require refurbishment costs of similar equivalent value to a new first stage.

Maybe Musk was being "technically correct" when he said it could "def. refly"? I mean sure... anything can definitely refly if it had enough refurbishment.

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think in such a complicated subject matter, it's pertinent to expect delays and changes of plan. SpaceX is that agile, that things probably change daily.

science 内の JSCNASA によるリンク NASA AMA: We are expanding the first human-rated expandable structure in space….AUA!

[–]EchoLogic 33ポイント34ポイント  (0子コメント)

This one is addressed to the Bigelow engineers. Can you comment on your working conditions a bit?

Bigelow has gained notoriety recently for having somewhat poor employment conditions, for example, the Bigelow glassdoor page is not exactly positive.

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

Elon seems like a pragmatic sort of guy. He sets his sights on a goal and fights like hell to achieve it, letting nothing stand in his way. The path he walks to achieve it is well defined at its start and end.

It's not clear in the middle. Twists and turns exist at every step. It's frankly naive if people think what he's proposing can be achieved in one fell swoop. It's one of the reasons why it simply hasn't been done before.

EDIT: So can someone outline why this viewpoint is so controversial? Lots of driveby downvoters. I thought this community was above that.

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

And I should add: this is not me trying to diss SpaceX or anything. In fact, I'm trying to do the opposite. SpaceX employees work their asses off every day to make all this possible. They've spent tens of thousands at pricey universities becoming masters of their specific domain. They deserve a little credit for what they've built.

spacex 内の ethan829 によるリンク Leon: SpaceX is capable of launching to four of eight orbits needed for defense satellites. #SpaceTechExpo

[–]EchoLogic 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

The expensive contracts are the ones that go to the 4 other orbits. So while a smaller fraction of satellites do, a greater portion of money spent does.

spacex 内の Wearytrash によるリンク Edward Ellegood on Twitter: "SpaceX at #SpaceCongress2016: Initial reuse of Falcon-9 limited to components: engines, landing legs, paddles, etc. Not entire booster."

[–]EchoLogic 24ポイント25ポイント  (0子コメント)

The goal has always been rapid reusability of all components of Falcon. They'll get there eventually; but people who expected it right from landed core #1 are precisely the sort of people that simply don't have a good grasp on the complexities involved here. I include myself in this statement. Aerospace has to have one of the widest gulfs of technical understanding between fans and professionals.

If you're a fan, and you think you understand aerospace engineering: you don't.

Hopefully this will teach the Facebook Fan Club a thing or two.

spacex 内の ethan829 によるリンク Leon: SpaceX is capable of launching to four of eight orbits needed for defense satellites. #SpaceTechExpo

[–]EchoLogic 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not a mass to orbit problem, it's a capabilities problem. Direct GEO insertion and similar "difficult" orbits require capabilities SpaceX has yet to develop.

Indeed, they may not even bother if the costs to develop are expensive.

boostedboards 内の SimplestGamer によるリンク Referral train thread V8

[–]EchoLogic -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ordered myself a Dual with Extended Battery. Free Reddit Gold for whoever uses mine!

spacex 内の ElongatedMuskrat によるリンク Eutelsat 117W B & ABS 2A Campaign Discussion Thread

[–]EchoLogic 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you were around a year or so ago you'll remember this: Pictures of Eutelsat 115W B & ABS 3A.

Yes, they're duplicate satellites of the previous two.