space 内の spsheridan によるリンク Astronomers have found that a previously overlooked rocky body that lies in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune is far larger than previously thought, making it the third largest dwarf planet in our solar system, after Pluto and Eris.
pics 内の dustofoblivion123 によるリンク This guy injected himself with a drug called Melatonan-II for 5 months. Here's his before/after.
pics 内の dustofoblivion123 によるリンク This guy injected himself with a drug called Melatonan-II for 5 months. Here's his before/after.
pics 内の dustofoblivion123 によるリンク This guy injected himself with a drug called Melatonan-II for 5 months. Here's his before/after.
Trimps 内の nsheetz によるリンク Make # of Void maps visible from a Void map
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