穿いているのに、まるで裸と言えば「安心してください、穿いてますよ」でブレイクした “とにかく明るい安村” さんだ。ポージングといい、音楽といい、もはや一種の芸術である。

そして、いま穿いていないのに、まるで裸には見えない美少女が話題になっている。どういうことかというと、ズバリ「ボディペイント」! そのあまりに高いクオリティに、思わず見とれてしまう人続出なのである。



If the mad hatter became a woman and one with wonderland I reckon it would look something like this… #5ktowonderland

A photo posted by Lara wirth (@armageddonpainted) on



Helloooooooooooooo! This is my recreation of a tattoo by @jamieleeparker which many of you will have seen done by the extraordinary @pompberry I loved it so much I decided to give it a go for myself. But wait thats a stag not a man standing in the forest I hear you wonder. Well friend I’m glad you mentioned it because on the topic of stags there is a wonderful Australian brand called @auburnstag that is run by Uni students right here in Melbourne! If you could go check them out and have a lil browse of their awesome clothing that would be sweet 😊 Ok so today has been crazy. I went to sleep with around 12.2K followers and woke up with over 20k and it has been growing all day. Now to those of you wondering exactly how that happened I did NOT buy followers, I was shared on @instagram ! This is something that has been in the works for a little over a month now and it has been killing me not to tell anyone! Because a lot of you have asked and I know many of you must be wondering, they contacted me via DM, I didn’t contact them in anyway so you can imagine my surprise to get a lovely message asking if I would like to be featured (to which I responded HELL YEAH!) So to all those that are new here (which is more than half of you) hello! And I hope you enjoy what I create each week, I love to hear your feedback and comments 😊 If you have any questions about anything just leave them in the comments. Love you all and thanks so much, all the love I have received today has been incredible! xx And because @chichicosmeticsofficial (who I love and have been using for a long time now) were kind enough to share my work I would like to mention that I used their eye shadows to do all the shading in this 😘

A photo posted by Lara wirth (@armageddonpainted) on

でも、よーく見てみて! 実はこの森は、ララさんの胸元に描かれたもの!! 胸を森に、そして肩あたりは真っ黒に塗られて背景と同化していたのである。このように、彼女のボディペイントは全身、そしてときには背景さえとも溶け合う幻想的な作品なのである。


彼女の真っ白な肌は、文字通りのキャンバスなのだろう。そんなララさんは現在16才。14才の誕生日からボディペインティングを始めたのだそう。ええッ!? たった2年少しでこんなに素晴らしい作品を生み出すまでに!? 


参照元:Instagram Instagram blog(英語)



My corrupted Angel 👼 love the whole idea of fallen angels and the cross of heaven and hell jazz 😇

A photo posted by Lara wirth (@armageddonpainted) on


▼もはや特殊メイクの域! 今後の彼女の活躍が楽しみで仕方がない!!

A closer look at my winter spirit makeup for the #dupemag #winterwonderland contest ❄️details on previous post ❄️

A photo posted by Lara wirth (@armageddonpainted) on