If you have a MIL that is lovely and not any of the things we talk about here, that's great. Let us rant away at the crazy shit they do. If it's your mom that's the issue, you can rant about that too.
It's easier to dump a mama's boy than to divorce a mama's boy, and both of those are easier than trying to change a mama's boy. ~/u/pastelegg
Abusers are the angler fish of humanity - they dangle a bright glowing ball of love in front of you so you don't see the teeth in the dark. ~/u/silentgreen85
1. Mother-in-law and Mom related posts only. |
Other people can absolutely be involved but they cannot be given their own thread. If it is not your MIL or mom, a DIL must be present or otherwise clearly evident - we're not the "Complain About a Bitch" sub. For posting about other people not a MIL or mom, try our sister subreddit /r/justnofamily |
2. No blog spamming. |
Honestly, nobody fucking cares. |
3. Shaming is not okay. |
If you disagree be civil and respectful. Remember the human and remember that many posters here are dealing with disordered personalities and disordered upbringings. |
4. No trolling. |
Self explanatory and common knowledge. C'mon people. |
5. No backseat modding. |
Our rules are here in order to foster reasonable discussion, support, and advice. Using our rules as ammunition against another poster does not further these goals. Comments doing this will be removed and chronic offenders will be banned. If you see someone breaking a rule, report it and move on. |
6. No exit posts. |
If you feel you need to go, do it quietly so you can come back if the mood strikes you. If you must air your grievances... well, Bye Felicia, you'll be banned. |
7. No Facebook links |
Please rehost images for your safety and privacy. Imgur doesn't require an account and works well even on phones and tablets. Also remember to scrub any identifying info such as names, profile pics, hashtags, etc. |
8. No links to relationships |
Don't link the sub name, don't link to threads in the sub, don't link to archive.is copies of threads in the sub. We are all about respecting boundaries here, and the mods of that sub do not want to be linked elsewhere on Reddit. STOP LINKING TO RELATIONSHIPS, ASSHOLES. If you would like to share a MIL-related post there, do so via screenshot (with usernames edited out) or copy-paste. And when starting a thread about a post there, double-check that someone else hasn't already done so. It's a big sub, and there's likely a lot of overlap between us. |
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Devil Vagina Magic |
Super magical vagina that lures good, decent men away from their now suffering mothers. Suspected but unconfirmed vagina dentata like attributes. Not to be confused with the vaginal bond. |
(M/F/B/S)IL |
Mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law; if it has an S before any of the previous acronyms it indicates a step relationship |
D(H/S/D) |
Damn Husband, Damn Son, Damn Daughter. While in most places it stands for dear, there usually isn't a lot of behavior deserving a sweet term of endearment in this sub. |
LO |
Little One. Just type out baby. It is two letters more. |
F(plus acronym) |
Future. Or fuckwit. You decide. Definitely fuckwit |
Bitch Eating Crackers. Someone so irritating that even normal things, such as eating crackers, annoys the shit out of you. |
Low-Contact/Very Low-Contact/No Contact, respectively. Used to describe the degree to which one has cut a certain family member out of their lives. |
Jocasta complex |
Opposite of Oedipal complex, named for Oedipus' mother Jocasta. Often used to describe a MIL's emotionally incestuous treatment of her son. |