CapitalismVSocialism 内の Continuity_organizer によるリンク To anarchists: is it more important to abolish the state, or capitalism?

[–]deathpigeonx [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm not going to prioritize either. The important part isn't specific governmentalist systems, like capitalism and the state, but governmentalism in general. I mean, I have nothing but hate for both of them, but it's just not effective to focus on either of them rather than dealing with it in general.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の simiskaste によるリンク Libertarians/An-Caps: Does the NAP apply towards animals, if yes, then who enforces the NAP?

[–]deathpigeonx [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I believe the NAP applies to any other sapient creature. We're not currently aware of any other sapient creature.

What differentiates between sapient and non-sapient?

CapitalismVSocialism 内の itachinosaigoppeh によるリンク [All] Apart from belief that it is superior, what makes capitalism/socialism more appealing to you emotionally?

[–]deathpigeonx [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It wasn't socialism at all. Socialism isn't taking the capitalist structures and replacing the private capitalist with the state. Socialism is eliminating the structures of capitalism and creating something new.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の itachinosaigoppeh によるリンク [All] Apart from belief that it is superior, what makes capitalism/socialism more appealing to you emotionally?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've had various jobs in the service industry, but I don't want to be more specific than that.

I do like Tucker, but tend to prefer insurrectionists and other egoists.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の itachinosaigoppeh によるリンク [All] Apart from belief that it is superior, what makes capitalism/socialism more appealing to you emotionally?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The whole dynamic of capitalistic production is such that I'm just filled with hatred toward the whole thing. The structuring of bosses in the workplace, the way it alienates and separates us, leaving us alone and defenseless, the way it destroys individuality and individual uniqueness to render individuals to just numbers in a spreadsheet. All of that just makes me hate capitalism.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の itachinosaigoppeh によるリンク [All] Apart from belief that it is superior, what makes capitalism/socialism more appealing to you emotionally?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No. My relationship to markets, both positive and negative, is more intellectual and less passionate.

Anarchism 内の D0CT0R_0 によるリンク How divided are anarchist on reddit in general?

[–]deathpigeonx 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why should we care what people "declare" themselves? National anarchists are self-declared anarchists, too, but they also believe in patriarchal families run entirely by the male head of household, racial segregation, banning interracial marriage, and other things that make them closer to fascists than anarchists, and I would never work with one.

DebateAnarchism 内の SolidBlues によるリンク AMA on my transition from Stalinism to Anarchism

[–]deathpigeonx 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've yet to read any of the post-leftists.

If you're gonna read Stirner, you might as well read some post-leftists. Post-leftists are the most recent outgrowth of egoism, combining it with some things taken from the Situationists and left communists. Especially since you like Dauvé as post-leftists have a decent amount of overlap with communization theory, especially since communization theory itself was strongly influenced by insurrectionary anarchism, which is also closely tied to post-leftism and Stirner.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の itachinosaigoppeh によるリンク [All] Apart from belief that it is superior, what makes capitalism/socialism more appealing to you emotionally?

[–]deathpigeonx 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

My biggest reason I'm a socialist isn't that I believe that socialism is superior to capitalism, but, rather, I detest capitalism. The whole dynamic of capitalistic production is such that I'm just filled with hatred toward the whole thing. The structuring of bosses in the workplace, the way it alienates and separates us, leaving us alone and defenseless, the way it destroys individuality and individual uniqueness to render individuals to just numbers in a spreadsheet. All of that just makes me hate capitalism.

DebateAnarchism 内の SolidBlues によるリンク AMA on my transition from Stalinism to Anarchism

[–]deathpigeonx 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for the answer! :D

but I've been more of a coffee drinker lately


DebateAnarchism 内の SolidBlues によるリンク AMA on my transition from Stalinism to Anarchism

[–]deathpigeonx 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Now that you're an anarchist, what are your thoughts on the Dutch-German left communists, ie council communists?

What's the favorite thing you've read, regardless of if its anarchist, left comm, or whatever?

Why do anarchists drink ice tea?

After feeling myself completely outclassed in the AMA mentioned above (and to be perfectly honest, all of us who were representing left communism in that thread were outclassed), notably by /u/humanispherian, /u/deathpigeonx, and /u/the_old_gentleman, I began to wonder if my previous conceptions about anarchism were misguided.


CapitalismVSocialism 内の boby642 によるリンク Studies commissioned by the UN repeatedly find trade barriers a major cause for child exploitation and poverty

[–]deathpigeonx 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So free trade is better than protectionism. I think many, though not all and possibly not the majority, of socialists can agree with that.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の ChinaChinaChiner によるリンク Socialists, do you believe the Black Book of Communism is factually accurate, if not, why?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

All that is required is private ownership;

Defining it that way is simply ahistorical. If we look at capitalism historically, it does seem to be intrinsically tied to wage labor. It's only once we abandon a historical look at capitalism that we can abstractly say that, "Well, it could have wage labor." But it's a historically specific mode of production, and a part of that is wage labor.

Isn't it funny that Marx died without ever defining what a class was?

...Class is one of the best defined things in marxist theory. Here's a good overview of the marxist definition of class. To quote it:

[Class is a] group of people sharing common relations to labor and the means of production.

That's a nice, simple, and concise definition of class.

The state offers an avenue for corps to gain privileges under the law, which allows large corps to use law to stave off competition from smaller and medium size corporations.

So? That's been present since the start of capitalism. None of that is at all anti-thetical to the features of capitalism.

If your prefered system solves any of these problems in the real world, then why the fuck can't you guys get it to work ANYWHERE in the world?

Because modes of production are all encompassing, and the tendency of capitalism is to expansion, so, to get anything post-capitalist to work, we'd need global revolution, or else we'll get crushed and never actually move beyond capitalism.

It's been tried soooo maanny times and places and cultures.

Not really. At most, I'd say the soviets in Russia that formed in 1905 were working toward socialism, fighting a social revolution against the Russian state, until they finally got crushed by the Bolshevik counter-revolution in 1917 (or 1921 for the free soviets in Ukraine), the briefly lived räte in Germany in 1918 did similarly, Turin, Italy in 1919 to 1920, France in 1968, and a handful of others. That's not "sooooo maaaaannny times". I mean, as modes of production go, capitalism isn't very old, only being, like, half as old as feudalism was when capitalism finally overtook it, so we wouldn't necessarily expect for capitalism to be overthrown by now.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の ChinaChinaChiner によるリンク Socialists, do you believe the Black Book of Communism is factually accurate, if not, why?

[–]deathpigeonx 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is a specific mode of production, and it's specifically the one that developed during the period of European colonialization starting in the 1400s through the 1600s, during which time feudalism was destroyed through capitalist revolutions, which continues to this day. It's not characterized by free exchange, but by wage labor, generalized commodity production, alienation from the product of your labor, primitive accumulation, and a class system based on the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Increasing state intervention doesn't alter those, just more and more incorporating the state into the functioning of the bourgeoisie.

CommunismWorldwide 内の YNN_Wednesday によるリンク Friday Free Talk.

[–]deathpigeonx 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Then, I don't know. I'd probably read the two Stirner works recommended by /u/deathpigeonx before maybe going on to Kropotkin or re-reading Bakunin. This will all be months from now though so who knows what I'll end up doing.


CapitalismVSocialism 内の Suicual によるリンク Communists, how can you defend communism when the majority of communist countries are shitholes without civil rights or political freedoms?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If every single instance of your theory has failed miserably

The problem with this is there isn't one, unified communist theory, so, like, a leninist doing stuff isn't really relevant to anarchist theory, for example.

DebateReligion 内の PostFunktionalist によるリンク Atheists: Does the Universe have a Logos? And can man flourish without Logos?

[–]deathpigeonx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

For your viewpoint, first, you're just redefining what god is.

Not really. I'm using "god" much like how most people do. A "God" is a grounding of being placed above the individual for us to worship in some way. "Man", "Species-Essence", and "God" are all equally as real, but they are functionally identical.

(whatever in the world that made-up expression means)

It's the marxist theory of human nature. (The German it's a translation of is "Gattungswesen".)

Also note that you don't actually explain why it's apparently "against [your] rules" to hold an ideal as a basis for a meaning in life.

Where did I state anything like that? I spoke nothing about "rules" or anything like that.

He's not saying that "there is a meaning to life if you believe in a god," he's saying "there is no meaning to life, period, and only someone who believes in a god would believe otherwise."

Ok, that's fair enough.

CapitalismVSocialism 内の ChinaChinaChiner によるリンク Socialists, do you believe the Black Book of Communism is factually accurate, if not, why?

[–]deathpigeonx 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Capitalism is about free exchange,

No, capitalism is just the current mode of production.