The European Union Was Hitler’s Dream… Really?
Setting The Record Straight On The So-Called E.U.
One cannot completely and totally oppose the EU, without mentioning its anti-European agenda, the origins of which are undeniably and self-evidently Jewish, as are the staunchest promoters of a dysgenic, anti-European: ‘United States of Europe’, today and historically.
– Quote taken from ‘A conclusive report on the undeniable & self-evident Jewish creation of the EU’ by Asatro News (2014).
I have not failed noticing a strange trend lately related to Adolf Hitler supposedly being the ‘original creator of the idea of the European Union’ as if that was not a very old idea preceding Hitler himself hundreds of years already at this day and age. I’m going to make this article short because my stomach is not up to digest this type of bullshit anymore (I must be getting old, it seems). Of course, all goes in connection with the recent allegations by this buffoonish charlatan Boris Johnson who apparently had the brilliant idea of drawing this comparison between the notion of a European union, according to National Socialist Germany, in contrast to what the current so-called ‘European Union’ is all about. But what really bothers me the most is that some people in social media outlets are repeating the same rotten meme like if it was some kind of broken record. Funny enough I’m not talking about liberal idiots and similar creatures, I’m talking about people who are supposed to be on the same Pro-White/Anti-White Genocide page as we are. It is amazing how gullible people can be no matter how far they believe to have moved away themselves from the official mainstream narrative. They simply refuse to see the evidence right before their noses, these self-deceivers.
It would be pointless from me to state the ridiculousness of it all simply by bringing up simple questions to the table, such as, if the ‘European Union’ was originally Hitler’s ‘Idea’ why are we being invaded by all the Third World scum of the Earth in all European countries at the same time? Why is this so-called ‘European Union’ so hell-bent on promoting and giving preference for employment and financial help to so-called ‘migrants’ for FREE to the utter detriment of the native European populations (including Germany’s)? Why is the European Union’s ‘economical system’ based on feral banking capitalism which is the very same ‘system’ Adolf Hitler try to abolish forever? Why is the European Union so Jewish-friendly on this and every respect to the point of having its own European Jewish organizations within the entity itself? What business is the European Union for the Jews anyway? And most importantly, why is Nationalism the biggest force opposing this ‘European Union’ of criminal Jewish bankers and genocidal maniacs right now as I write? Can anyone notice the disconnection here?
The matter is that gullible people will never be able to dissect the very root of all brainwashing, that is, the nature of language. There is NOTHING European about this ‘European Union’ which is nothing but, in one hand, a re-packaged version of the infamous Soviet Union in social and political grounds (Cultural Marxism), and a paradise for feral privatizing, laissez-faire, open-all-borders Capitalism on the other, Corporate American style. It is basically an abomination that takes the worst of both (Jewish) worlds, which means it is all designed for the extermination of all Europeans. I’m not going to extend myself on this since there is so much information on the Internet these days to shut the foul-mouths of all the Alex Jones wannabes of the world that I don’t want to run the risk of sounding both boring and redundant.
I invite anyone to take a look to the so-called ‘Founding Fathers’ of the EU. From filthy merchants like Jean Monnet (1888-1979) [Jew], rabid anti-German criminals with ironic names like Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912–1992) [Jew], phony intellectuals creators of genocidal ‘schools of thought’ like David Mitrany (1888-1975) [Jew], to in-your-face communists like Alteiro Spinelli (1907-1986), this one practically a subversive terrorist. More recently we got ourselves unelected ‘leaders’ like former communist José Manuel Barroso, which by the way, brings us to the fact that the obvious Masonic connections are all over the place. Also the links to the infamous ‘Frankfurt School’ via other Jews like Ernst Bernard Haas (1924-2003) are there for anyone to see.
So just give me a break you uninformed peoples of the social networks. That goes for all those treacherous politicos of corrupted ilk like the aforementioned Boris Johnson, also disinfo authors of ‘books’ like Daniel J. Beddowes and Flavio Cipollini who come about with stupid arguments such as
It is no coincidence that just about every country in the European Union is getting poorer while Germany continues to get richer and richer.
Okay, so according to these two ‘authors’ the sole intention of the Third Reich was to make as many shekels as possible, even if that meant sacrificing its own people and fatherland, first with a bankers’ war of genocidal intent like WWII, and then later on with the subsequent mud invasion of Europe. Somebody give a ‘Pulitzer price’ to these two authors on my behalf, please.
Nick Griffin at EU Parliament over European genocide – Jewish Plot
This is a good example of mainstream politicians stating the obvious when it suits them. Great speech. He drops a ‘Nazi’ bomb here and there, but what can someone expect from dodgies like Mr. Griffin anyway? (I believe Griffin is a Mason too).
The ‘European Union was Hitler’s Idea’ meme comes basically from the same disinformation cesspool as ‘Hitler grabbed all weapons from the citizens in Third Reich Germany’, which is a LIE that has even been recently exposed (among many others) by no other outlet than itself, just as an example of how ridiculous this meme has become. But, did this ‘debunking’ prevent people supposedly ‘on our side’ from not repeating the same rotten memes? No, apparently it did not.
When people repeat the same stupid memes created by the Jewish Media they are making themselves conduits of the same bullshit; it is that simple. If I had to convince these people of their error I would probably spend an entire day only on facebook or other similar platforms, so that is the reason I have decided to write this article, as a means to show it to people along with all the information I am providing with below.
At this day and age the current ‘European Union’, which finds its origins in another Jewish racket called ‘The League of Nations’, is a petrified idea which is beginning to show cracks everywhere. It has become extremely unpopular (if it ever was popular on any grounds). Many people are beginning to see it for what it is: The Scam of the Century, a swindle and a genocidal crime. More and more people, even within the mainstream world, are increasingly becoming sick of such an abomination. The European Union sham is a losing horse. Only the bureaucratic, money-infused mega-structure on which the malformed Golem rests moribund is preventing the whole thing from falling down at once. Obviously looking in retrospective it is not Europe that should have become like the United States Inc. but the other way round.
I for one can’t wait to see this gigantic Trojan horse go up in flames at once before it is too late for us Europeans to react. The European Union must die. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan must be stopped, the flooding of our cities with feral muds from shit-hole-land must be stopped, the upcoming ethnic war in Europe (propitiated by the EU) must be prevented at all costs, the traitors must be punished. The current, phony ‘European Union’ is a cancer for Europe and Europeans alike. Adolf Hitler would have never-ever supported such a Jewish monstrosity. His objective was to precisely avoid things like this ‘European Union’ to become a reality by stopping Communism on its tracks and abolishing the usury system, both created by the Kike Jew.
To finish the argument on Hitler and this ‘EU’ scam: People should start seeing things for what they are and not make any stupid judgements based on nothing, no matter how many disinformation articles or books the rotten Jew-Media and its agents throws at us.
I think one of the reasons this smear is being perpetrated is because of the recent BREXIT agenda, meaning this would be a way of linking the EU with the ‘Devil incarnate Adolf Hitler’, a way to convince the British to liberate themselves from the clutches of Brussels using phony arguments as such. Nothing could be more disgustingly sad. It is amazing such a people like the English who have contributed so much to civilization (with good and bad things) are so DUMB to fall into this trap. I suppose it is in part because of the English pride. A pride that the Kike Jew used and abused to turn the British against their German brothers in a bloody tragedy of epic proportions. It is hard to come to terms with the reality that one fought on the wrong side of the conflict for purposes which were not precisely in one’s best interest, or in other words, admitting the dreadful conclusion that one was duped by the Jew to kill millions in the short term and commit ethnic suicide in the long run. It is revolting to witness that somebody like this insanely psychopathic war criminal drunk Winston Churchill is still regarded as a ‘hero’.
Know your enemy
As a concluding word I would like to persuade people to know the names of the self-elected criminals who seat in the EU parliament right now. They are very rarely mentioned in mainstream media, that should be quite telling. They are the direct functionaries of the JWO but they have more power in their hands than the so-called ‘elected politicians’ in each country of this shameful ‘European Union of Democracy’.
List of presidents of the institutions of the European Union
References (*Articles I recommend reading):
– ‘A conclusive report on the undeniable & self-evident Jewish creation of the EU’ by Asatro News (2014)*
– ‘Masonic Influence in the EU’ by Red Ice Creations (26-04-2008)*
– ‘Do you know the truth about the EU?’* (written from the British perspective)
– ‘The Founding Fathers of the EU’ from The European Union website (
– ‘The Hitler gun control lie’ ( by Alex Seitz-Wald (January 11, 2013)
– ‘Myth Of Gun Control In Germany, 1928-1945’ by Dr. William L. Pierce (*
– ‘Is Gun Control a “Nazi” Scheme’ by Dr. William Pierce (National Vanguard) (27-01-2015)*
Other related articles of relative or no interest:
– ‘Is the EU a Nazi project? Debunking an enduring myth’ by Luc-André Brunet (02-05-2014)
– ‘Why Jews Need the European Union – Warts and All’ by Ari Paul [Jew] / Forward (10-05-2016)
– ‘Hitler wanted a European Union too’ by Biased BBC (April 16, 2016)
– ‘Is The EU Living Out Adolf Hitler’s Plans For The Fourth Reich’ by The Inquisitr (April 20, 2014)
– ‘The EU was HITLER’S idea and it proves Germany WON the Second World War, claims new book’ by Express
Brief list of Jewish institutions within the European Union:
– European Jewish Parliament
– European Jewish Congress
– European Jews for a Just Peace
– Jerusalem Foundation
– Delegation of the European Union to Israel
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1 Comment on "The European Union Was Hitler’s Dream… Really?"
In a recent edition of Komsomol Pravda journalist Zahar Prilepin argues: “The EU in the worst sense of the word is very much the new USSR.” The Soviet Union’s last president, Mikhail Gorbachev asks: “Why is the EU trying to recreate the USSR?”