KotakuInAction 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク New poll finds 9 in 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by Redskins name [Misc]

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

First, the Washington Post is an advocate of changing the name, which makes it interesting that they would report on this poll.

Usually, the reporting and editorial branch of a newspaper are separate.

KotakuInAction 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク New poll finds 9 in 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by Redskins name [Misc]

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm also happy you don't have real problems anymore.

Which is exactly why he is the 'financier' of the fight against a football team's name. It seems like when you're rich and don't have any real problems, you go out and invent some.

KotakuInAction 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク New poll finds 9 in 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by Redskins name [Misc]

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

"These coloreds clearly have had too much of a think. Clearly, they are in desperate need of some Gender and Ethnic studies to be educated about why white males find this name so offensive. I need Social Justice because these people are complicit in their own oppression, and they won't even support me when I try to save them."

KotakuInAction 内の IAmSupernova によるリンク If you get a ban message from /u/KotakuAutoMod saying you've been banned from KiA it is fake. SRS is butthurt because they got trolled and they're trying to trick folks here.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 48ポイント49ポイント  (0子コメント)

In that sense, SRS replicates what totalitarian states do. They make every little thing a crime, so that everyone is always guilty of some sort of infraction. When they want to dispose of you, they always have an excuse.

Remember: everyone, and everything, is problematic. Everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic - and you have to point it all out.

KotakuInAction 内の IAmSupernova によるリンク If you get a ban message from /u/KotakuAutoMod saying you've been banned from KiA it is fake. SRS is butthurt because they got trolled and they're trying to trick folks here.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well, you were in the wrong. And this is coming from someone who is as sympathetic as can be to any reasonable criticism of the mods. Not wanting the sub to be banned seems a uniquely bad reason to call someone a SJW - if ITSingo was a full SJW, he'd go out of his way to try to get us banned.

There seems to be zero middle ground of people who will defend them when they are right, but also not hold back from criticizing them when they are wrong.

KotakuInAction 内の [deleted] によるリンク Isabella Valentine shows her true self and it's repugnant and pathetic

[–]AntonioOfVenice 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I mean, according to this image

Didn't get to that part. Also, hilarious that she assumes SJWs care about the real-life effects of their policies, rather than mere virtue signaling.

KotakuInAction 内の Bbarrington42 によるリンク Thanks a lot, KiA.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm glad someone picked up on it. Of course, SJWs hate him for being FUCKING WHITE MALE.

I've been affected in another positive way. I used to be extremely intolerant of anyone with even a slightly different view than me. Not very liberal, but then again, I was more than a little bit SJW-leaning prior to being woken up by shitlord sealions.

KotakuInAction 内の IAmSupernova によるリンク If you get a ban message from /u/KotakuAutoMod saying you've been banned from KiA it is fake. SRS is butthurt because they got trolled and they're trying to trick folks here.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

But... we SRS'ers ban people for being shitlords. They deserve to be silenced. Of course KIA lets us post, but that's because deep down, they know that we are right and they are extremely problematic assholes.

KotakuInAction 内の IAmSupernova によるリンク If you get a ban message from /u/KotakuAutoMod saying you've been banned from KiA it is fake. SRS is butthurt because they got trolled and they're trying to trick folks here.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)


They're not very smart if they can't tell the difference between Kotaku and KotakuInAction.

Sort of like me when I first joined Gamergate. Why on earth is Gamergate's sub called KotakuInAction? I thought Kotaku was one of the bad guys!

KotakuInAction 内の [deleted] によるリンク Isabella Valentine shows her true self and it's repugnant and pathetic

[–]AntonioOfVenice -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

She says nothing unreasonable here - insofar as I bothered to read it at all.

She does not want to be forced to undress in front of biological males. Like every other woman who is not cowed by the politically correct.

KotakuInAction 内の Bbarrington42 によるリンク Thanks a lot, KiA.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am still a liberal, but I feel a lot more freedom calling out SJWs. I always assumed these toxic elements posing as liberals were 'liberal extremists' - but now I see that they are creatures of a completely different kind.

KotakuInAction 内の CleverestPony70 によるリンク I want to troll AGGros, any ideas?

[–]AntonioOfVenice 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Act like a normal human being. That sets them off like nothing else.

BestOfOutrageCulture 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク Doctors pointing out that a baby is male of female is violence

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] -8ポイント-7ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm generally against anyone being forced to be in a situation where they feel unsafe, and that includes forcing these "males" to shower and change in a place where they're liable to get sexually assaulted or the shit beaten out of them. That's why it's a complicated issue that people of both sides have strong opinions on, imo.

Sexual assault and beatings are a red herring. In such cases, the biological males have been offered private changing rooms, which they refused. "I am a WOMAN, and I should be able to change with the realother women." Let's make 99.7% of the population uncomfortable and force them to change in front of in order to give .3% the illusion of normalcy. After all, it's Currentyear.

BestOfOutrageCulture 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク Doctors pointing out that a baby is male of female is violence

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] -22ポイント-21ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't live in a world where adults looking at naked teenagers is acceptable in any context

I'm glad you don't live in the Islamic world (presuming this includes preteens). The transgenders with penises in question are of the same age though. I don't think it is appropriate for teenage girls to be forced to shower and change with a biological male. Do you?

KotakuInAction 内の Adhiboy によるリンク In this episode of "everything we don't like is GamerGate": NeoGAF users claim Sanders supporters' actions vibes of GamerGate."It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of Sanders supporters are gamergaters."

[–]AntonioOfVenice 23ポイント24ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bernie Sanders is a conservative, because he's standing in the way of the First(tm) Womyn(r) President.

Identity politics is all that matters to these people.

BestOfOutrageCulture 内の AntonioOfVenice によるリンク Doctors pointing out that a baby is male of female is violence

[–]AntonioOfVenice[S] -24ポイント-23ポイント  (0子コメント)

I can reply only once every ten minutes. I don't support permitting transgenders with penises to shower with teenage girls and to share their locker rooms. Do you?

AgainstHateSubreddits 内の ListenAndBelieve によるリンク /r/KotakuInAction upvotes a RedPillComic to the front page

[–]AntonioOfVenice -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Perhaps, but the woman who wrote that article complained about 'pretend-feminism to get laid' nonetheless. I tend to agree with you that it has more to do with virtue-signaling than trying to get laid, but at the same time, I don't think the latter position is necessarily TRP-style nonsense.

Drama 内の SupaDupaFlyAccount によるリンク SRD is bullying a user and he is not going to take it anymore

[–]AntonioOfVenice -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is this the same guy who started ranting about SRD mods being white supremacists a while back? He looks like the same kind of troll.

Drama 内の The_Other_Promise によるリンク We probably should stop bothering AngryDM

[–]AntonioOfVenice 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're tracking the posts of a stranger on the internet to spark a conversation for imaginary karma points.

I think he's tracking the posts of a stranger on the internet for some laughs.

AgainstHateSubreddits 内の ListenAndBelieve によるリンク /r/KotakuInAction upvotes a RedPillComic to the front page

[–]AntonioOfVenice -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which is a group that was made up,

You might want to tell female feminists to stop complaining about them then. I remember a recent piece in a British newspaper about a feminist who said that her feminist boyfriend would not permit her to perform oral sex on him, as this would be 'degrading', and how this was the 'least empowering thing' she had ever experienced.

KotakuInAction 内の Ramy_5_5 によるリンク Concerned About Netscape9

[–]AntonioOfVenice 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I haven't changed at all though. If anything, I've become more anti-SJW and anti-Islam over the past year.