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[Book Club] Voting Thread (self.blackladies)
fivetenashthe legal nerd が 投稿 - stickied post
[fluff] help I can't stop watching #JukeboxChallenge videos (self.blackladies)
petitoignonTransracial Adoptee が 投稿
Inside the Seriously Exhilarating Black Comic Book Scene (phillymag.com)
wisesonACcounting down the days until the black panther movie!! が 投稿
Bring It On taught us about cultural appropriation (imgur.com)
2SincereNo such thing as a life that's better than yours が 投稿
[POC to the floor]Google Honors Intersectional-Activist Yuri Kochiyama's 95th Birthday With a Doodle (google.com)
garnetsquarefrogoing down to alphabet st. が 投稿
Yall, can we please discuss this nigga Rick? (puffsaddy.tumblr.com)
wisesonACcounting down the days until the black panther movie!! が 投稿
Black women make 91% of what black men make compared to white women who make 78% of what white men make; kind of seems like the race gap is a bigger problem than the gender gap (for black women)? Thoughts? (aauw.org)
kissmyankleA minority within a minority; a super minority if you will が 投稿
How the Green Book Helped African-American Tourists Navigate a Segregated Nation (smithsonianmag.com)
wisesonACcounting down the days until the black panther movie!! が 投稿