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submitted by chinglishese
So I apologize for neglecting my own subreddit to do this, but I feel it's important we get the ball rolling since admin eyes are on us.
A list of new Reddit features I feel would help:
  • Separation of Modmail and PMs into separate inboxes
  • More robust Modmail system, with ability to simplify moderator communication through a separate tab for mod eyes only, or something that would facilitate moderator communication outside of modmail
  • Ban button for moderators on comments and posts, with prompts that can send a private PM which gets forwarded to modmail
  • Better control of spam filter
  • Restricted access of subreddits, as in "don't allow the subscribers of these subreddits to post, modmail, or in any way interact with ours"
all 4 comments
[–]slyder565 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
Maybe I'm not quite getting this, but I think we should aim higher. Any mod on this site wants better mod tools. We've all got experience from specifically modding communities for marginalized people, so lets apply that. More tools for us aren't going to improve our subscribers lives on reddit as a whole.
  • Demand that they start taking abusive posting seriously
  • Add Hate Speech as a reason for reporting
  • End the creepshots communities
  • End the hate communities
  • End the bullying communities
  • Automatically remove and report comments with hate speech in them, requiring moderator approval.
  • Flag users for a shadowban after several unique bannings for hate speech, or for anything really
  • Allow subreddits to ban across several communities with one click
  • Enforce site wide hate speech rules by demanding the expansion of moderation teams
  • Create a community posting standard that explicitly bans bullying, hate speech, doxxing etc, and then create a course to certify moderators to make decisions on what comments need removal.
  • Stop paying attention to the free speech screeds.
  • Enforce this stuff on the default subreddits, ditch the moderators who refuse to get on board.
[–]stufstuf 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
You said exactly what I feel. Before we ask for these tools we need them to clarify what they stand for.
Is Reddit a free speech platform where anything goes unless lawyers are involved or are they going to do something about the shit turds that float around? Going forward is it okay for hate networks to remain? Because what's going to happen even if they give us the tools without dealing with the root, is more and more good subreddits will go private. Then all that will be left are the scum visible to all.
I think that's the first conversation we need to have.
[–]trebmald 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
I don't think implementing these ideas would be too hard as I've seen similar things in browser add-ons like RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) except for the last one. While technically feasible it would require a level of access to data that would lead to privacy and liability issues.
[–]vvo 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
i like the ban button idea. id also like a subreddit level shadow ban, instead of dealing with the crap people reply to the ban notice with.
shared ban lists would be very nice.
sitewide rules against hate speech, and visible admin action on violations of it.
some way for admins to look at where brigade traffic is coming from and end it.
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