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all 93 comments
[–]alabama4clinton [score hidden]  (6 children)
The party has to change or it risks takign down the whole nation. And just think about that for a second...the DNC is fighting the things we allegedly all agree on even though it will get Trump the White House.
The Democratic party leadership is either corrupt or stupid.
[–]spacemoose1Kentucky - Bernie Squad - Cadet [score hidden]  (2 children)
Or both.
[–]alabama4clinton [score hidden]  (1 child)
[–]spacemoose1Kentucky - Bernie Squad - Cadet [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]Sierra11755 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I think if either Trump or Bernie get elected it will serve as a nice wake-up call to both the DNC and RNC.
[–]capforfun [score hidden]  (0 children)
Corrupt and on the same payroll as the Republicans
[–]ULTRAptak [score hidden]  (0 children)
This is the plot to The Sandman. But replace "whole nation" with "The Sandman".
[–]thegil13 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Agreed. The DNC needs to know that people will not simply bend over and take whatever garbage they push to the top with old fashioned, prohibitive election tactics.
[–]jaemann [score hidden]  (0 children)
The thing is that so many people really do believe in the two party system. It's us against them and everyone else is just a rando nutjob that doesn't deserve a voice.
So all Sanders' supporters need to get in line behind the democratic nomination. Because that's how it works.
The fact is I've been a registered democrat for 20 years and I think this might be the year I change to independent.
[–]BarteringramNorth Carolina [score hidden]  (0 children)
That would be like watching the fucking Marlboro man campaign for a federal ban on cigarettes.
Not that it detracts from your overall point, but the Marlboro man did make an anti-smoking ad. He died of cancer, and regretted the role.
Overall though, I agree. I was too young for the wall street crash to hit me in the pocketbook, I feel that it was a large part of why my generation are in the straits they are now. I'm none too eager for another.
[–]mdonnel7 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this but the Wall Street bailout did not affect your 401k. Let's be clear, deregulation of banks and a misallocation of risk were key players in the financial crash, but if anything bailing out the banks stabilized the stock market. Not only that, but the bailout was neutral on the US budget and the stock market is now above pre-crisis levels. Bernie would certainly regulate banks and other financial institutions more strongly than Hillary (since she probably won't), but your frustration is misdirected at the bailout.
[–]petercrissjazz [score hidden]  (0 children)
the party hates progressives. pretty simple. there's a lot of money up for grabs up there and progressivism isn't going to pull that down. fuck 'em. their mistake.
[–]Wantstopassascats [score hidden]  (0 children)
The most important thing to me is the environment, and trump is adamantly against combating climate change. That being said, I don't believe Hillary will do anything to help the efforts either. Other than that, though, I also align more closely to Trump. Having Trump as president also yields the possibility of having a new non-republican run in 2020, which is huge instead of 8 years before we can get a new non-republican. If Bernie isn't the nominee, I will also be voting for Trump.
[–]BBBBBernIsTheWord [score hidden]  (0 children)
It's not spite. It's strategy. Will some of us Bernie supporters end up voting for Hillary if she becomes the nominee? Of course. The question is how many of us? As Bernie said in his excellent TYT interview, the question is what are Hillary (and the Democratic establishment) going to do to earn our votes? If they want some of Bernie's voters, they need to give us something. So far they haven't given us much, so I'm behind everyone who says Hillary isn't getting their vote. That's real pressure.
[–]capforfun [score hidden]  (0 children)
I hate to agree with you only because it seems so bleak but when I think about the potential of 8 years of Clinton and the wars she will jump into along with perpetrating the income inequality that is killing our nation maybe what we need is a 10 alarm fire to literally burn down the system (figuratively) so the people will come out by the droves to claim their country back from the Oligarchs.
[–]elephantsinohio [score hidden]  (0 children)
Trump is also a corrupt, lying, two faced piece of shit. Also your argument about removing money from politics is ridiculous if you are planning on voting for Trump. We know Trump's supreme Court nominee won't overturn citizens United. We don't know what Hillary's pick will do. It's kind of ridiculous to vote for a guy that is the anti-bernie if you didn't get Bernie. You're also forgetting the most crucial issue of our time. Hillary will act on climate change, Donald Trump will not. He doesn't even believe it exists. Money won't matter to you if life on earth ends. That is why this election I'm voting for the Democrat.
[–]Aaron_La_Zotte [score hidden]  (2 children)
Just vote third party. I find it unlikely that Hillary will do anything that will put less money at the government's disposal than Trump's dumbass wall which he is inevitably going to try to pay for with taxpayer money and which will never have an actual effect and is probably never even going to be completed. I also doubt that there is any injustice that Hillary is capable of that could compare to what little Trump has said about the Middle East and what he's planning to do with illegal immigrants, Muslims and transgenders. Furthermore, your vote is worth more going to someone who is seeking to disrupt the two party system which has lead to the circumstances which seem to be causing most of your frustration. Throwing your support behind someone from neither party makes your vote more valuable because they receive so little support in the first place. You would be working toward creating a new party rather than contributing to a majority which in all likelihood would have won without you.
[–]Patango [score hidden]  (0 children)
The establishment dems are counting on Bernie supporters voting 3rd party or not at all , that is why they are so arrogant , that way we are neutralized right out of the presidential election and the DNC wins ...
Trump may end up sucking so bad none of this will matter in the end , Nov. is long time from now ..Bernie for the win !!!!!
[–]ULTRAptak [score hidden]  (0 children)
^ Yeah the whole point on not voting for the lesser of two evils... is you don't support either of the evils
[–]Samsantics1 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm with you. And I'm fine with cutting off my nose to spite my face in certain circumstances. I refuse to be fall in line because of fear. I'm not going to give my consent to allow this circus to continue. If they continue, it will be without me. The DNC has alienated me completely. After this, I'm wholeheartedly leaving them and never looking back.
[–]lIllll [score hidden]  (8 children)
If Trump wins, Republicans will control the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme court, 31 governors and the majority of state legislatures.
That is the worst possible way to advance what Bernie is fighting for. Talk like this is counter productive.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (4 children)
Talk like this is honest.
If Hillary is the nominee we get trump. It's up to the DNC and super delegates and us in California.
Talk like this is very productive if the corrupt leadership cared about winning.
They would rather have trump over sanders as they are more closely aligned though.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (3 children)
The DNC hasn't changed any rules.
Yes, they've been bad actors, but we lost guys.
Given Hillary's overwhelming support in the black community and her broader coalition overall (women, African Americans, old people, etc.) Hillary probably would have won anyway. That's not the DNC's fault.
Again, closed primaries and super delegates aren't anything new. And they weren't the deciding factor this year either.
Bernie did MUCH better than almost any of his earliest supporters (myself included) expected -- we were in it mostly to voice a protest vote in favor of strong progressive values and to push the campaign to the left.
If he does not win (which he probably won't) we have a responsibility to the country to jump in and do everything we can to ensure that Trump does not win (which means making sure that Hillary does).
[–]Nintom64Connecticut [score hidden]  (0 children)
I would still much rather have trump as president. It would (hopefully) encourage people to vote for democrats in the midterms to take the senate back. While I dislike trump, It'll be a lot worse with Clinton.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
I agree with the DNC leadership.
Just like they would rather have trump than sanders, I would rather have trump than Clinton.
Since everyone agrees that trump is the next best choice to the person we actually want, we will be getting trump.
See, we all have common ground even if we do not agree on our first choice.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
IF she had a broader coalition, she wouldn't be losing in the polls.
I'm sorry you are so misinformed and hopefully during trumps presidency you can read up on things.
Lol it's fun to CTR.
[–]gazzlefraz [score hidden]  (1 child)
No it's not. You elect Hillary and you reinforce the DNC's dismissive actions. How can you expect to be heard if you just fall in line regardless of how mistreated and ignored you are?
We need a complete disaster to happen even if it sets us back a decade in all areas. Sometimes you need to take a step backwards to move two steps forward.
[–]lIllll [score hidden]  (0 children)
Trump is not a 'step backwards' -- he's a bigot and a fascist.
[–]OfHumanBondageNew Mexico - Bernie Squad - Cadet [score hidden]  (0 children)
If Trump wins, Republicans will control the Presidency, the House, the Senate, the Supreme court, 31 governors and the majority of state legislatures.
Republicans = special interest money Establishment democrats = special interest money
Supreme Court from Clinton will support all kinds of shady shit like Citizens United (that worked well for us and she has profited massively from it). Not sure about her gay rights record - oh yeah, it's fucking ridiculous but she probably won't change her current stance - so that's good. Not sure about her voter protection record - oh yeah, it's fucking terrible and voter suppression and election fraud have benefitted who? I'm not sure about that one /s.
That is the worst possible way to advance what Bernie is fighting for. Talk like this is counter productive.
Total fear-mongering bullshit. You know what the worst possible way to advance what Bernie is fighting for is? Electing a liar who flip-flops, will certainly war-monger to ensure additional profits for the Clinton Foundation, not giving a shit about Citizens United, not giving a shit about universal healthcare, not giving a shit about the TPP and most likely will support it in the end (as evidenced by multiple emails where she has done the same shit in the past). I could go on and on. Hillary is the WORST possible way to advance what Bernie is fighting for. Talk like this is extremely productive.
[–]DaleMcenany [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm to young to vote but I convinced my family to write in Bernie because Hillary's taking his supporters for granted and has been shitting on us this entire election.
[–]EseJandroCalifornia [score hidden]  (0 children)
With you 100% I will no longer be forced to vote for "the lesser of two evils" time to try a little evil ;)
[–]JoshuaGreen0011 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Any Sanders supporter that can vote for that woman, whatever, fine. But not me, and not so many others. Stand up for a movement, don't give in to get one of two evils their so deserved presidency.
[–]rickthehatman [score hidden]  (0 children)
I agree with you 100%. If it's Bernie v Trump, I'm voting Bernie. If it's Trump v Hillary I'm voting Trump.
If someone for their own personal reasons feels like Hillary and Bernie are both good candidates, but Bernie is a better one then yeah I don't see why that person shouldn't vote Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nod. But if you're like me and feel like Bernie would make a great President and Hillary wouldn't then you're under no obligation to vote for her and in fact a Trump presidency would be preferable.
Think of it this way. Let's say it comes down to Hillary and Trump in November and Hillary wins. What that tells the DNC establishment is that despite Bernie's popularity and public outrage at Hillary's FBI investigation and the rampant voter fraud that's being going on during this election cycle they can continue on with the status quo and still get their way. If Trump wins, a man with a lot of public opinion against him as well, then what that tells the DNC establishment is that they should listen to progressives. That income inequality, Civil Rights, LGBT rights and all the other things Bernie stands for really matter to a large number of people who won't click their heels and salute whoever the DNC puts out there if they don't agree with that persons policy.
Furthermore, if this thing goes Hillary v Trump in November there will be progressive candidate running as a major candidate in the 2016 general. Nothing that can be done about that if that comes to be. However, if Trump wins in 2016 against Hillary then the DNC may learn from their mistake and in 2020 there could be another progressive come forth that could win it. If Hillary wins this year then she'll be the Democratic nominee in 2020 as well so the next chance for a progressive will be in 2024.
[–]dougmpls3 [score hidden]  (8 children)
Supreme court appointees (that could hold their seat for decades) don't matter to you?
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (6 children)
[–]draftermath [score hidden]  (1 child)
then you are not listening to Bernie's message on getting money out of politics and getting another Justice to rule on laws that apply to every politician in the country.
you sound more like a fanboy who is going to pout if you don't get your way.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
I don't buy the lie for a second that Hillary would attempt to get money out of politics. I'd expect her to put up corporate judges.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (3 children)
Then you're an idiot.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm okay being called names. I'm comfortable with my voting plans.
[–]SonOfThomasWayne [score hidden]  (1 child)
How about you stop getting butthurt and stop calling people names?
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (0 children)
I'm just blown away by how immature and stupid other Bernie supporters are. It makes me question my support for him at times -- like that whole 'if everyone on in your classroom is an idiot, maybe you're an idiot too' feeling.
I understand that emotions vis-a-vis Hillary are hot right now. That's fine. But this sort of talk is unbelievably naive and stupid.
[–]Patango [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yep , the DNC fraud and Hillary suck that bad
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (14 children)
Based on this post and the comments getting up-voted, it's pretty clear why folks feel like Bernie supporters are uninformed political band-wagoners.
Pretty lame guys.
Look at what Bernie is fighting for and ask yourself if Trump or Hillary gets us closer. If you really think that answer is Trump, then you have no idea what Bernie is fighting for.
[–]jwr1701Kentucky [score hidden]  (4 children)
A "bandwagoner" would be someone who hops aboard with the winning candidate purely because he/she is the winning candidate. Sticking with the losing candidate is, by definition, the opposite of a bandwagoner.
If you really think anyone has a clue as to who would be better, you have no idea what Trump and the Clintons are really about. They have long, unambiguous histories of saying whatever TF their supporters want to hear and then flip-flopping as soon as it's politically expedient. Also, electing Hillary guarantees a non-progressive will hold the White House until at least 2024; electing Trump only carries that guarantee until 2020.
None of this is to say that I'd even consider voting for Trump, but I'm not even slightly more likely to vote for Hillary. My current plan is to write-in Bernie and secretly hope Trump wins.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (3 children)
No. Bandwagoners are people who jump on the latest popular trend rather than someone who really understands, likes, and faithfully follows them. Usually that's the winning team, but it can also just be the 'sexy' team.
As someone who first donated to Bernie's campaign in early June of last year and was posting 'Run Bernie Run!" on facebook for years before that, all y'all are bandwagoners.
[–]Juneauite [score hidden]  (0 children)
Hipster voter right here. "I was voting for Bernie before it was cool." As if one vote is more valuable than another. Now you're just making it personal.
Stick to what matters if you're going to argue.
Hilary votes 97% in line with Sanders. If anyone thinks Trump with his anti-Muslim, and really just anti-minority stances is closer to Sanders than Hilary is, they haven't been studying the enemy very thoroughly.
[–]EMPEROR_TRUMP_2016 [score hidden]  (2 children)
If your main issue is stopping the outsourcing of jobs and stopping terrible trade deals that erode the middle class like the TPP, then Trump and Sanders are the obvious choice.
If your main issue is having a first woman president then Clinton is the obvious choice.
It's pretty simple.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (1 child)
A Republican legislature will never let existing trade deals be undone.
Clinton is more likely to fight for the environment, against the 1%, and avoid nuclear holocaust. Voting for Trump is idiotic.
[–]SonOfThomasWayne [score hidden]  (0 children)
Clinton is in pockets of 1%, has lot more blood on her hands, has a bloodlust for war. Trumps is all talk.
Besides, there is no unity with scumbags that called us violent psychopaths.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (2 children)
If you think anyone here believe anything Hillary says compared to looking at what she has done, you are sadly in the wrong place.
She would be worse that trump for the long term.
[–]draftermath [score hidden]  (1 child)
lol, how? what policy is Trump better on than Clinton?
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
Most of them he is the same as Clinton.
Plus he isn't named Clinton.
The DNC leadership agree that trump is the best second choice this election. We only disagree on who is the best vs worse choice here.
[–]SCVeteran1 [score hidden]  (2 children)
If you think the answer is Hillary, then YOU have no idea what Bernie is fighting for.
Condescending ass. Learn what you're supporting before spouting off.
[–]draftermath [score hidden]  (0 children)
I wonder if Bernie is not going to vote for whoever the Dem nominee is? Obviously his message and the message you take from him are 2 different things.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (0 children)
I've been supporting Bernie since before most people in this sub could vote.
[–]workido [score hidden]  (0 children)
Same here.
[–]redfenix [score hidden]  (1 child)
How useful is doing a write-in for Bernie, if he doesn't grab the nomination?
I may just do a write-in for him.
[–]unampho [score hidden]  (0 children)
probably depends on the state. Probably better to vote third party.
[–]corbantd [score hidden]  (5 children)
Don't do this.
Bernie would be the best president for the system we need. But Robert Reich is right when he says that Hillary will be an excellent president for the system we have.
It's ok to support Hillary against Trump and still fight for the changes Bernie has inspired. And Hillary is smart and consistently on the right side of most issues -- I'm sure she will adopt many of Bernie's ideas and would be willing to work with him in the senate to see those changes come to fruition.
Trump will work against Bernie at every turn. Anything he says to the contrary is just another lie. He loves lying.
Don't get me wrong. I am still pushing for Bernie! But I'm starting to see a weird thing going on:
Hillary supporters are already preemptively blaming Bernie if Trump wins, and Bernie supporters are preemptively blaming the DNC/Hillary if Trump wins.
Instead of blaming before the fact, we need to come together and say we will fight for our candidate, whether it be Bernie or Hillary, until the candidate is chosen, and then join forces against Trump.
Trump is a nightmare of a human being and would be a disaster of a president. He will further enrich the 1% and spit on the work Bernie has spent his whole life pursuing for the marginalized and disenfranchised.
So if you're in a state that is nothing CLOSE to swing, vote for Jill Stein. But if it could be close between Hillary and Trump and you don't vote for Hillary, then you are undermining Bernie's power in the senate and his life's work.
[–]Mikegainer58 [score hidden]  (0 children)
Been a Democrat for 14 years and I will not vote for her.Dr.Jill Stein has my vote. If Trump wins no Democrat will work with him to pass shitty legislation, if Hillary Clinton wins she splits the opposition and we end up getting bullshit Republican legislation repackaged .Just like Obamacare it was just a repackaged Republican /Bob Dole healthcare plan.
[–]old_hippyNew York [score hidden]  (0 children)
I cannot vote for her. I believe Trump will be a better president than she will. Good luck though.
[–]yeabutstill [score hidden]  (0 children)
No. This kind of thinking is why we have Hillary who condescends to progressives and Bernie supporters. This is why we get lied to and get nothing we ask for from democratic leadership. It's time to show we aren't just going to fall in line.
Democrats have broken their long held covenant with Progressives. The "moderates" of the Democratic Party - aka conservatives- will try to shame or scare you into voting for them but they need to learn. If they want us to join in they need listen to us too. Every great change in this country has come through the hard work of progressives and activists not middling moderates who want "incremental change."
Those moderates are letting our hard work slip away. They've lost abortion and women's health access, anti-lgbtq laws are popping up all over, no movement on gun control or any real effort to curb gun violence, NAFTA, support of private prisons, support of the war on drugs at the federal level, police are more racist and militarized than ever before, drone strikes double tapping civilians, bank bailouts with little oversight, no real regulation as investment banks continue to do what they did that caused the crash last time with our money, the price of college has exploded with no effort to stop it, and the failure of the ACA to include a real public option and instead becoming a corporate profit padding law that penalizes the poor for not taking on hundreds of dollars a month for a deductible of over 2000 dollars, the ACA was passed that way when Democrats controlled the government. The list goes on forever
DEMOCRATS HAVE FAILED OR MORE ACCURATELY SOLD OUT PROGRESSIVES. They take our votes and then turn their backs on us. But they can't win without us. We need to leverage that even in the event we lose the presidency to a republican. I know it's scary but look at the losses we've already taken. We need the democrats to come back to working with and for us to make real change other wise we may lose everything we believe in in a slow march of "incremental change" which has really meant incremental loss.
[–]MelGibsonDerpNew Jersey [score hidden]  (0 children)
Don't tell people how to cast their vote. It's patronizing.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
You won't agree with any candidate 100%.
There are several things I don't agree with Bernie on, and this is one of them.
I will never vote for Hillary or anyone related to her. Never.
[–]DrLokiSkylizardMD [score hidden]  (6 children)
Give me a break.
"A corrupt, lying, two faced piece of shit" is the nicest way you could describe Trump.
Hillary sucks, but she is infinitely better than the alternative. Don't be an immature idiot and let Trump become out president (and let Republicans maintain their hold on the courts and the legislature).
[–]petercrissjazz [score hidden]  (3 children)
kick the can down the road. don't change the party. next time around, let's have a lesser of two evils election again. NO FUCKING THANKS.
[–]DrLokiSkylizardMD [score hidden]  (1 child)
So you support the greater of two evils?
^ We've got a go'damned genius here guys!
[–]petercrissjazz [score hidden]  (0 children)
don't be fucking dense. i support an election where my candidate ISN'T EVIL.
[–]draftermath [score hidden]  (0 children)
so you would rather fall backwards than make slow progress. you're doing a good job listening to Bernie's message! /s
[–]ElectricBlumpkin [score hidden]  (0 children)
I think you seriously underestimate how disliked she truly is. Let's break down the voting electorate.
  1. You've got pro-Trump GOP voters, who are never going to sway for any reason. They loathe Clinton for a thousand different reasons and have lined up behind a candidate that they feel will prevent her from becoming President.
  2. You've got the anti-Trump GOP voters, and while Clinton might gain some low-key support from some of them, the mere thought of supporting her gives them indigestion on name alone.
  3. You've got Sanders Democrats who are a mixed bag. Clearly a significant percentage of them will support Clinton in the general, but her efforts to seal her nomination and her lack of interest in appealing to these voters directly is alienating them more with every passing week.
  4. You've got the Clinton Democrats whose numbers are not going up or down. They are who they have always been.
  5. You've got independents who are seeking a stable, familiar choice. Clinton seems appealing to them, but at the same time unfamiliar because of the woman thing. Clinton can't simply expect their support; she needs to work to earn it. Does she seem like the kind of candidate who works to earn people's trust on the campaign trail?
  6. You've got independents who are seeking a break with the establishment ways of doing things. For them, Clinton represents exactly everything that is wrong with the current political system: trying to begin a political dynasty, unwilling to eliminate political exploits even though she herself has been victimized by them; closing ranks with party bigwigs to keep out the challengers; aligning firmly with big money and political insiders. If Clinton were likable to them, it could at least get a conversation going about voting on character, but she's not.
This is a very, very weak candidate. You could run a baked potato against her and she would still struggle.
[–]spanishRmataIllinois [score hidden]  (0 children)
If Bernie doesn't win I'll support whatever he endorses.
[–]ayb88Virginia [score hidden]  (3 children)
Sadly, the things I care most about align me closer to Trump than Hillary. I lost my full time job to trade deals, i lost half my 401k in the wall street bailout, and i want money out of politics...
Trade deals you say? Didn't Trump move his factories to Mexico and China? Money out of Politics? Trump is using his wealth to buy a Presidency
Get your head out of your ass.
[–]elknax [score hidden]  (2 children)
Trump is using his wealth to buy a Presidency
And Hillary is using the establishment's 1% wealth, i'd rather have a candidate that isn't in the pocket of the oligarchs.
[–]ayb88Virginia [score hidden]  (0 children)
But rather in his self interest?
[–]draftermath [score hidden]  (0 children)
Trump tax plan gives a 10k break to anyone making 100k or more and blows another 10 trillion hole in the deficit.
Clinton's creates a new tax bracket that applies to the super wealthy.
What you are saying just doesn't line up with reality.
[–]tejmuk [score hidden]  (0 children)
[–]AKA_Squanchy [score hidden]  (0 children)
Write in Bernie!
[–]Tarukun564 [score hidden]  (0 children)
I was a republican before Bernie, and I'll be a republican one more time if I really have to. I won't even feel bad about it.
Don't forget to vote for a progressive congress, though. Trump will be alright if he's on a tight leash.
[–]Lac3yAk [score hidden]  (0 children)
A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue the corrupt system that she so desperately wants to lead and keep in place. I cannot do it and I will never do it again. I know most people aren't into politics (I was one of them), and it’s easier to just “vote blue no matter who” and call it a day, but that is the bread and butter of corruption. This blind confidence because they have a D next to their name and the lack of oversight that comes with that is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place. She won’t bring the change that the people NEED because the people won’t hold her accountable for anything. She simply wants to stay the course and have her name etched in history. The ship won't turn no matter how hard we lean on the rudder, so we need to bounce off an iceberg. The two party system is done. We cannot put up with this shit any longer. We may have just squeaked through the closing door, but our kids are the ones who will truly be paying for it. TRUMPBERG, RIGHT AHEAD!
[–]gperlman [score hidden]  (0 children)
If Bernie is not the nominee and you can't bring yourself to vote for Hillary, the best thing you can do is write-in Bernie's name. Imagine that message that would be sent if 10's of millions of people voted for Bernie has a write-in candidate!
[–]long_duck_bong [score hidden]  (0 children)
I was a lifelong Democrat, 20+ years. I can't vote for Hillary Clinton.
[–]ballsacramento comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (0 children)
never say never, berniebrah. lots can happen between now and Nov 8...
[–]SanJoseSharts comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (3 children)
i lost half my 401k in the wall street bailout, and i want money out of politics.
wah wah I want free money
[–]old_hippyNew York [score hidden]  (1 child)
You sir are a fucking idiot.
[–]SanJoseSharts comment score below threshold[score hidden]  (0 children)
You're just an old hippy.
[–]captaintrips420California - Bernie Squad - Private [score hidden]  (0 children)
Yet we are the only ones that have funded our own campaign...
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