Don't do this.
Bernie would be the best president for the system we need. But Robert Reich is right when he says that Hillary will be an excellent president for the system we have.
It's ok to support Hillary against Trump and still fight for the changes Bernie has inspired. And Hillary is smart and consistently on the right side of most issues -- I'm sure she will adopt many of Bernie's ideas and would be willing to work with him in the senate to see those changes come to fruition.
Trump will work against Bernie at every turn. Anything he says to the contrary is just another lie. He loves lying.
Don't get me wrong. I am still pushing for Bernie! But I'm starting to see a weird thing going on:
Hillary supporters are already preemptively blaming Bernie if Trump wins, and Bernie supporters are preemptively blaming the DNC/Hillary if Trump wins.
Instead of blaming before the fact, we need to come together and say we will fight for our candidate, whether it be Bernie or Hillary, until the candidate is chosen, and then join forces against Trump.
Trump is a nightmare of a human being and would be a disaster of a president. He will further enrich the 1% and spit on the work Bernie has spent his whole life pursuing for the marginalized and disenfranchised.
So if you're in a state that is nothing CLOSE to swing, vote for Jill Stein. But if it could be close between Hillary and Trump and you don't vote for Hillary, then you are undermining Bernie's power in the senate and his life's work.