全 37 件のコメント

[–]TrebolationsCantona 18ポイント19ポイント  (9子コメント)

The midfield is a real concern. If we want to challenge with the best, we need the best.

  • Schneiderlin has been a bit of a letdown but I'll give him the benefit of a doubt.

  • Carrick is done. People always go on about how quality he is and shit but he's had some really bad games this season. The best course of action is to simply let him go.

  • Herrera seems to be crazy overrated, and it's a real shame to admit that. He was at fault for the goal last night and all he seems to be is a high energy guy. He grinds hard but he's not quite setting the world on fire.

  • Mata is a luxury player. He's nowhere near the player we thought we were signing from Chelsea.

  • Fellaini is most likely going to be sold this summer.

  • Schweinsteiger, like Schneiderlin, has been quite underwhelming. His fitness is a major concern and we can't be relying on him like that.

  • Rooney can put in a decent shift against the minnows but he's not an elite CM. Just because he can make a couple of flashy hollywood passes it doesn't mean he's Scholes's successor. The way I see it, he's not anything special in the midfield.

We need a true quality CM such as Kroos but the likelihood of getting such a player is quite low. Renato Sanches could've been a unique option but he's with Bayern now. Hopefully we can give TFM a run in CM and see if he can't be our box-to-box engine of the future, all the while pursuing good options.

[–]lemmin9 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'd like to see Blind stepping up and replacing Carrick in the DM role. With TFM as an understudy. Ofcourse that requires a new CB, but that we know already. Blind has been a good emergency solution, but I think he could really blossom as CDM.

[–]ryisca 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Not sure why you've been downvoted here? This is spot on in my opinion. We signed Blind after his Dutch Player of the Year season playing as a CDM. His utility has hurt him at this point. Somehow, after the last league game, people seem to forget how instrumental he has been all season in an unnatural position.

He played relatively well in our first season in that role and that was a time where we were playing with a single pivot, an attacking midfield all out of sorts with no help, and a defensive line like swiss cheese.

I would love to see Blind in a role next to Schneiderlin supplying the balls forward as Schneiderlin moves about.

[–]hardgour 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've said this all season long. It's the manager not blinds fault when he gets bested in the box, he isn't a natural CB. He is Carrick 2.0 when it comes to playing CB. We have high expectations because he is a United player but at the end of the day, he is a stop-loss CB.

If Rooney is one of our midfielders moving forward, we need another 2 to line up with him. Blind at deep lying middle could work wonders, as he is such a great reader of the game.

[–]audienceandaudio 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We signed Blind after his Dutch Player of the Year season playing as a CDM. His utility has hurt him at this point. Somehow, after the last league game, people seem to forget how instrumental he has been all season in an unnatural position. He played relatively well in our first season in that role and that was a time where we were playing with a single pivot, an attacking midfield all out of sorts with no help, and a defensive line like swiss cheese. I would love to see Blind in a role next to Schneiderlin supplying the balls forward

Blind and Schneiderlin would be a terrible partnership, neither are anywhere near mobile enough for a midfield two.

Schneiderlin is a great "destroyer" in midfield, but that's all he can do. He's not good enough coming forward with the ball as a box-to-box, and certainly nowhere near good enough as a passer to play the Carrick type role. He's a destroyer or bust, play a system that calls for him (like Mourinho did with Matic in 14-15), and I have no doubt that he can perform that role well. However, he's far too limited to do any role. Playing him also necessitates playing with three in midfield, or a truly remarkable CM partner who's a top class passer AND with a fantastic engine. Of our current options, the best three man midfield would probably be Schnerderlin playing the destroyer, Herrera as the box-to-box, and Rooney as the creative/passer in midfield. All three could conceivably be upgraded.

Regarding Blind, he's a great passer for a CB, but he's nowhere near good enough of a passer for a CM. The number of players better than him at passing from CM is huge. Blind cannot play any other role in midfield other than that. He's nowhere near mobile and powerful enough to be a box-to-box, he couldn't function as a spoiler or destroyer, and he's nowhere near creative enough to be a creative/attacking midfielder. All he can offer is passing, and if that's all you bring to the midfield, you need to be Xavi / Scholes / Pirlo levels to justify that. Which Blind is nowhere near. His only good performance in midfield for us came in that 4-0 win against QPR in September, who were absolutely appalling that day, putting absolutely no pressure on our midfield, so Blind wasn't exactly challenged.

[–]TheGoldenHawk 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think our money would be wasted going for someone like Kroos when we have Rooney stepping into that role next season. We all know how Rooney needs a run of games to get into form and if he starts playing at CM consistently next season he could seriously step up his game. Kroos is a ball playing CM that would be occupying the same role as Rooney.

I think the money is much better off spent on a CB and RW in that order. That has to be the priority.

[–]TrebolationsCantona 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think our money would be wasted going for someone like Kroos when we have Rooney stepping into that role next season.

This is where we need to draw the line. Kroos is one of the best CM's in the world and Rooney has only decided to make the full transition this season for a handful of games. We don't pass up the opportunity for getting a top top player in the hope that Rooney can pan out to be that level, which is pretty unlikely. Rooney's already 30 and on the decline, Kroos is 26.

Bayern didn't need to sign Lewandowski, yet they did because he was an obvious upgrade. Barca didn't turn down the chance to sign Suarez in the hope that Sanchez could eventually reach that level. Real had Isco and Di Maria but it didn't stop them from signing James Rodriguez who they perceived to be an upgrade. If we want to get back to the top, we've got to start acting like a top team.

[–]sjakiepiet 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We need a true quality CM such as Kroos but the likelihood of getting such a player is quite low. Renato Sanches could've been a unique option but he's with Bayern now.

This is the problem within our support, it is expected from the players to be the best of the best, but they are not the best of the best. Expecting the team to be world class in just 2 years is utterly unrealistic. Wake up. There are just a handful of these players and we should be happy to have some very good prospects in Martial and Rashford.

[–]azogthorinThere's only one Darren Fletcher 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Assuming we play the 3 in midfield(that we've seen the last few games) next season I think we might need to make two signings there. Someone like Xhaka, who is physical, can defend, and also pass from deep. Sadly, I think Arsenal are going to get him, and I don't know anyone else who would fit that mould. The second signing would need to be a playmaker like Kroos or Pjanic.

Agree with you about Rooney, he still needs to show a lot more there to prove he is an elite CM, but I think he will still start either as a 10, or as a midfielder, cause he is Wayne Fucking Rooney.

Rooney - Xhaka - Kroos

backed up by,

Herrera - Schneiderlin - Basti

with TFM filling in too. I will not be too bothered if we sell Herrera, he is just not good enough for me.

[–]the_trainmanRooney 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Agree with your Rooney point - he will be found out against the top teams. Don't quite agree with TFM in CM as he has shown the makings of being a DM - he is physical, can read plays well, good in the tackle (FA cup was an exception) and is a more than decent passer of the ball. He will need someone like a Strootman or Vidal next to him so that he can concentrate on defending and protecting the back 4.

[–]DublinguistSmalling 13ポイント14ポイント  (11子コメント)

The "expectation" talk is what bugs me the most. Why on earth would best goalkeeper and best under 21 player in the world want to stay at a club that only hopes to get CL football each year? In trying to save his own arse LVG could be damaging our club, it's perverse

[–]Savage9645Rooney 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have a feeling that as more and more money gets pumped into the Premier League that pretty much every team will "only hope to get CL football". We've missed two out of three years, Chelsea missed out this year, City were 1 point away from missing out. I think that in any given year United, Arsenal, City, Chelsea, ect can miss out on the CL.

Money is changing the league and in my opinion it is for the better but if players want a CL guarantee they are going to have to play elsewhere in Europe. There won't be a Leicester every year, but there will certainly be one or two mid table teams pushing for the top four each year.

[–]majoraLoLMemphis 3ポイント4ポイント  (9子コメント)

I wanted to create a post about what he means by this but was afraid of it being a 'shitpost' so I'll post it here.

If you look at juventus they went down and under and then rose back to where they belong by doing just this. They invested in young kids kept their core and this brought them the success they have had over the past couple of seasons not to mention their success in the CL.

He's not saying its wrong for Utd fans to want the CL, wanting to win the title or anything like that because in the end that's what he's trying to build. A team that is fit amd ready for later on to add WC stars to for Utd to be great again. Right now that's what he means. He's sayinf to right now expect to win titles isn't gonna cut it.

In my book the only reasom van Gaal should go is the boring ass displays that are shown time and time again. You have this group of players that each in their own way have allot of swag and flair to them. Let the boys play, entertain us.

So all in all. The concept is good, just they way its being played is very very dull.

[–]rugby_fcBeckham 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

Good point and well made, but we haven't fallen as extremely as Juventus did, we were 4th last year.

I don't think it was by any means unrealistic to aim to win the league this year and fans were right to expect a title challenge. The only reason it seems rational to not expect to be challenging is because that this season was a regression from the last, which was LVG's doing anyway.

It can be argued that the way to go is with some young players now and build to compete again later, but on the flip side settling to not be in the title race for a few more years could easily be a slippery slide to mediocrity hanging around 4th-7th becoming like Liverpool have been.

[–]majoraLoLMemphis 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Liverpool have been mismanaged and had no idea where they wanted to take the club after their short success when Suarez was there. Brendan Rodgers made many questionable transfer deals, but could be said that those arn't even his but the boards. We are not in danger of this as the manager has most of the control and the board probably listens to what the manager has planned to do before they hire him.

The regression between last year and this year has mostly because this year it's a totally different core of players. Last year it was DiMaria with his early season assists etc, Fellaini and RvP helping out. This is a whole new core of players infront so yeah.

[–]rugby_fcBeckham 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

By bringing Liverpool in I was more talking about how they went from the dominant side they once were in the 80s, then slipping to just being one of the traditional 'top four' year after year just getting champions league qualification but not really consistently competing for the league, to where they are now. A recent example would be looking at AC Milan.

In terms of mismanagement, there have been many people this year questioning the running of the club, and signs that Fergie was somehow managing to keep United at the top despite a mess behind the scenes.

You are right in that teams can rebuild and get back to the top and do it through youth and patience, but I'm just saying that there is the other side that lowering expectations and settling for below par performance could be the start of a slow decline.

My main point was that I believe at the beginning of the season it was not unrealistic to expect us to compete for the title, and the only reason we shouldn't expect that is because LVG has lowered the expectations himself through his football.

[–]TrebolationsCantona 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think the main gripe people have with the whole 'unrealistic' debacle is because of how absurd this season has been. We look at Leicester, who many predicted to be caught up in another relegation dogfight, defy all the odds and win the league comfortably. People look at them and wonder why we couldn't have at least finished top 4 in a season where the big teams massively underwhelmed. Added with the fact that in his first press conference, LVG stated year 1 was top 4, year 2 was competing for the PL and year 3 was competing for the UCL, then he turns around and says "you know what, your expectations were too high". It's bound to grind gears.

[–]majoraLoLMemphis -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nobody was ready for leicester. What they did will not happen for a damn long time, I dont understand why people say, oh look they did that why didnt united perform better. Things didnt go as planned this season for many reasons, some arn't uniteds fault, some are. At the end of the day you have to look back and see the bigger picture, first of all it cant get worse only better, and we still have the FA cup to look forward to. I know its Utd standard, but to be able to compete for the FA cup in the middle of a rebuilding process is pretty good.

[–]azogthorinThere's only one Darren Fletcher 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

People seem to forget that the likes of Bayern, Real, and Juve all went through similar transitional periods inside the last decade. Bayern and Juve were playing in the Europa League not too long ago, and they have risen and are now the best teams in Europe.

[–]majoraLoLMemphis 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

My point exactly, plus the EPL is stronger than ever so there will be allot more competition im the league.

[–]Mortal-Man 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

In my book the only reasom van Gaal should go is the boring ass displays that are shown time and time again. You have this group of players that each in their own way have allot of swag and flair to them. Let the boys play, entertain us.

Then you become Arsenal...

You should be happy Van Gaal has the team operating within a structured system, because we (Arsenal) have no system whatsoever and look how erratic our displays are despite the odd moments of brilliance, which are the result of nothing more than individual quality. LVG is a world class coach, it's really not that hard to see.

[–]majoraLoLMemphis 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know he is and I'm not calling him a bad coach at all. What I'm saying is something has to be going on for some of these performances to be as dull as they have been in some games. In the FA Cup game against Everton there was a very different united team playing than the games before it. One-two's, Crisp movement infront creating in very dangerous shots on goal. That deisplay made me ache for more.

[–]Rajvirnagi 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

I see a large issue in midfield. Schneiderlin and Rooney are good enough but a real box to box, physical midfielder is needed, someone with a bit of pace and stamina, like milner for pool or kante for Leicester. These are hard workers who aren't the flashiest or classiest players but play for the badge and get the job done. The defence has been solid, makeshift yet still solid and I would put that de gea rumour down, there's no way he's that immature. Rashford and Martial are both brilliant, yet the team is lacking in dedicated wingers. What's most important in my opinion tho is just a bit of steel, someone willing to do the dirty work. It's a midfield full of watchers and egos, bar Rooney I don't see players putting in their full 100.

[–]TheGoldenHawk 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

In defence of Schneiderlin I think he's someone that can still grow into that midfield role we need. CM/DM is a position that takes some adjusting when you move to a new team, remember how underwhelming Carrick was in his first few seasons? Schneiderlin has been a little inconsistent but as far as first seasons go I was very pleased with how he did. I honestly think he'll improve a lot more as he gets more comfortable in the team.

Going forward I think having Rooney/Schweinsteiger as the ball playing, composed midfielder and Schneiderlin/Fellaini as the workhorse, box-to-box player could be a pretty strong partnership for us going forward.

Edit: Possible solution for the future I'd love to see: playing TFM in midfield with Rooney as he gets older. Timothy looks like one hell of an athlete and Sir Alex used to do something very similar with Giggs and Phil Jones. Jones would provide all the defensive cover and running for Giggs and it was extremely effective even against teams like Real Madrid.

[–]cookie1254Rafael 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Our style of play is absolutely shite as well. Any new manager is going to have to make major changes to the way we play as well as the squad if we want to actually win things which is inevitably going to take time. We really don't seem to be much closer to the end of this transition period than when Van Gaal took over.

[–]RiemsMUFC 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

LvG’s faith in Herrera has long gone.

I am sorry to say this as many people here treat him as the second coming of Christ, but Herrera isn't a superstar. He's a role player, a good one, but a role player who needs to have talent around him. I love the guy and it's clear he loves United but he's not this brilliant playmaker that people make him out to be. I wouldn't be surprised to see him as strictly a bench player under Mourinho, and even possibly sold.

[–]ryisca 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Really? I could see the opposite. I could see him come to life under Mourinho. He has technical ability, great vision and an extremely high workrate. I think he will flourish outside of this "system" and "philosophy".

[–]Savage9645Rooney 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Agreed, I really like Herrera but if he is regularly in our starting 11 then our starting 11 isn't good enough.

[–]osorojotx 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Midfield is the biggest issue for me. We need quality and depth.

[–]goto_man 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel he will thrive in the diamond formation 4-1-2-1-2. Hopefully Mourinho can utilise him well next season, if he comes.

[–]black_squireMartial -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

The rebuilding process has always been said as a 3 year process.

  • Year 1 - Evaluate current players and ascertain viability for the future of the club
  • Year 2 - Begin the rebuild. Ship out pointless players and start adding necessary players. Blood youth to find hidden gems that could be instrumental in the rebuild
  • Year 3 - Add remaining missing pieces from both the transfer market and the youth system

In your explanation, you've looked at year 2 and somehow believe this should be it. We literally just got rid of dead weight just last season, how do you expect that the rebuild should already be done by now?

1 more year and our CB, RW and CM issues will be solved. Possibly a new CF as well.

RB, Valencia at 31 isn't close to being done. He doesn't seem to be slowing down and I only need to point to Dani Alves who plays a similar role. Not to mention Darmian has shown he has the potential to cut it and should be much better after adapting to the change of pace in the Premier League. Fosu Mensah has also shown he can provide optimal cover on that front when called upon not to mention Varela as well.

All in all, we're not as far from complete as you'd like to make it sound. This team is shaping up and needs a strong summer transfer market to finish the project.

[–]wdtpw -1ポイント0ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm not sure "foundation" means individual players so much as the team as a whole playing fully trained in a particular style.

I think if you sat LVG down and asked him to explain his comments about "expectations," he would say something about the injuries derailing this season's plans, and that if you take only our results since Christmas we'd have won the league.

I also think as far as Mourinho is concerned, LVG appears to be a better human being. Mourinho is supposed to be his friend, but he and his aides have spent the season undermining him and presenting themselves as the alternative.

I don't think it matters, because I think he'll be gone after the cup final, but I also think that if he stayed we'd be challenging for the title next season in any case.

[–]AlpacamyLlama[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

I also think as far as Mourinho is concerned, LVG appears to be a better human being.

Even his defenders would regard him as arrogant and authoritarian.

I understand the idea of the playing style, and I think it simply isn't there. I can think of one game where I thought - that is the style LvG is clearly trying to implement, and that was Chelsea away last season where we lost 1-0.

The remaining games, even the good ones, are nothing another manager wouldn't have done.

[–]Rolling_TomassiShaw 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I want Mourinho over LvG but I think you have to recognise that Mourinho is a twat. Much more so than LvG. LvG is arrogant but respectful to others. Mourinho has shown a lack of respect to his staff, his players and other managers. He gouged a man's eye, for god's sake.

It is without a doubt that Mourinho is a wanker.

That's not a deal breaker for me, though. After all we the likes of Giggs and Keane are two of my favourite players and they've been twats off and on the pitch, respectively (and probably the other way round too but I won't delve that deep).

[–]UnitedFaxMachine -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

LVG's foundation is more fictional than the Asimov saga. A myth, nothing more.

[–]Mortal-Man -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

who has failed to show any reason for this trust within his first two years?

This is really harsh on Van Gaal in my opinion, I'm not a United fan but I personally believe Van Gaal has done an admirable job. He's shown his class as a coach to instill a system into a not so great group of players, apparently a lot of money has been spent and transfers haven't all worked out but the blame for that surely doesn't fall on only him.

Sometimes I do think people are influenced far too much by ex players, journalists and pundits, as long as the football continues to improve which it clearly is, you should stick by LVG, because it's only personnel with a little more quality (especially in the final 3rd) you lack.

[–]RiemsMUFC 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

you're not a United fan on a United forum saying that Van Gaal has done an admirable job....LOL, no shit you support him. Any rival fan supports what he's doing at United when we're not winning anything, except maybe the FA Cup.

My favorite line:

as long as the football continues to improve which it clearly is

You clearly haven't watched most of United's games this season then.....