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[–]__gargamel__ -219ポイント-218ポイント  (109子コメント)

I never understood this concept that it's somehow transphobic to not want to have sex with someone who's trans

Here let me explain it to you:

Ask yourself why wouldn't you want to have sex with a trans person? Do you not think that trans women are "real" women? If so >>> you're transphobic. If you actually think that trans women are real women, then why don't you treat them the same? Why wouldn't you want to have sex with one?

Mind you, the example here is that you're clearly attracted to a woman, you want to have sex with her and then she tells you she's trans and you go like "ugh I'm not transphobic or anything but I'm not into fucking degenerates". In this example, you are clearly attracted to the woman and that magically changes because you found out she's trans meaning that the fact she's trans is the problem here. But why is it a problem though? Here are couple routes you can take:

  • "she's not feeeeeeeeeemale!!1! I'm a male and I want feeeeeeeeeeemales!!

    True she's not female, but she is a woman. Attraction doesn't work that way. You aren't attracted to a genotype of a person but rather the phenotype ie the look of the organism because your eyes can't fucking scan their DNA to determine if they are male or female. All your brain has to go on is the how they look. If they look like an attractive woman you will be attracted to them regardless if they are male. So sex is largely irrelevant here. Sure you can say "b..but you look for a partner so you can settle down and have children!!1!", no just no. Most of the sex humans do is not for the purpose of reproduction, but for the purpose of pleasure and you can get the same pleasure with a trans woman as you can with a cis woman.

  • "she doesn't have a REAL vagina!!1! It won't FEEEL as good

    False. Aside from fringe cases where trans women couldn't afford good surgery, most trans vaginas look exactly like the natural ones. And they feel like them too. Most people wouldn't notice the difference, and you wouldn't either. But lets for the sake of the argument say that she doesn't even have a vagina. She has a penis, a feminine penis but she looks like this, and you're attracted to her. You two find a room and she goes " /u/Surinical I'm a trans woman and I have a feminine penis" What do you do? Go. If you aren't into the whole penis thing, you don't have to do that(daily reminder: genitalia doesn't have a gender. Women can have penises and men can have vaginas. It is not relevant.), you can do other things like : she can give you a handjob or a blowjob or you can fuck her anally. But no! You don't do that because you are transphobic, instead you run away while screaming just how not transphobic you are. Why do I bring up this example? Well, imagine if it's a one night stand right, you won't ever see this woman again, so what is the difference between that and a woman that's on her period and doesn't want to have vaginal sex right now but she's willing to do other stuff with you? Would you run then too? No you wouldn't you transphobic shit.

Gender is performative. Sex is biological. You aren't attracted to sex, you're attracted to gender.

Gender = Man / Woman

Sex = male / female (irrelevant)

The thing with people ITT is that you actually believe you're tolerant and progressive while being horribly transphobic. "lelelelel I don't give a shit if a man in a dress wants me to call him a woman I'll do it!! I'm not transphobic but I totally won't have sex with a man in a dress who isn't a woman even though he identifies as a woman lelellele" - you

[–]All_About_Eva 104ポイント105ポイント  (39子コメント)

Attraction is entirely subjective.

Some people like big boobs. Some don't like big boobs. Some people like trans. Some don't like trans.

Do I wish there wasn't a distinction? Absolutely. It would make my life a hell of a lot easier. But you can't change what someone is or isn't into, even if it is transphobic.

And yes, I am trans. I've said so multiple times. But I'm not about to force anyone to do anything they don't want to.

[–]skywreckdemonTranny 57ポイント58ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm trans too and I wanted to say that I completely agree with you. It's not transphobic to not be sexually attracted to certain features and/or organs.

[–]All_About_Eva 35ポイント36ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for the backup. I'm sick to death of people like this ruining the goodwill we try and build up.

[–]2LateImDeadAnnoying Faggot 20ポイント21ポイント  (3子コメント)

I'm like 99% sure that was a copypasta.

[–]All_About_Eva 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well, given that they kept responding, I'm not too sure about that.

[–]2LateImDeadAnnoying Faggot 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's hilarious, because nobody even said anything about being attracted to trans people before they posted that. Pretty sure OP was just making fun of how the weirdo pictured may act if he actually tried to steal a guy away. Then this fucker comes out of left field with an essay about how it's transphobic to not want to have sex with a woman who likely has masculine features and/or a dick, as if genitalia aren't a huge factor in sexual attraction. What a nutjob.

[–]MLUdrea 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm positive it isn't. That reeks of just your standard obsessive fixation.

[–]Danktron 25ポイント26ポイント  (13子コメント)

Pffy, sure things like individual autonomy and consent go out the window when there's a political agenda.

A penis on a woman is still a penis, and there's nothing feminine about it, sry.

[–]laturner92 52ポイント53ポイント  (13子コメント)

There's no such thing as a "feminine penis" you dipshit

Also, maybe just maybe I, as a straight male, wouldn't want to fuck anything with a dick. We don't have to have sex with anyone we don't want to and we don't need a reason to not. Get the fuck out of here.

Edit: honestly I'm sitting here baffled by the fact that you typed out that wall of text to try and convince people that fucking someone we're not comfortable with fucking is our duty so as to not come off as transphobic.

Edit2: this should help clear things up -

I'm not transphobic but I totally won't have sex with a man in a dress who isn't a woman even though he identifies as a woman lelellele" - you

How about, "I'm not gay so I won't have sex with a man."

[–]d4hm3r 14ポイント15ポイント  (0子コメント)

The same goes for me but in reverse. I'm a gay man, so if a trans guy that has a vagina still wanted me to fuck them I would say no. I understand exactly how you feel!

[–]SpectroSpecter 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm gonna be honest. As soon as I saw "feeeeeemales" my brain instantly shut down and dumped everything I had just read. It indicates you have absolutely no desire to have a conversation and would rather just spout memes and dogma, which is a really bad way to get people to agree with you.

[–]Bahmanis 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

New copypasta everyone!

[–]Gandydancer 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

"I shall label you as horribly transphobic unless you want to have sex with others in a manner I determine to be correct. I'm permitted to do this because I say I am, and I need no other authority than my own. Furthermore, questioning or disagreeing with me in any way shall be cause for me to label you as regressive and oppressive, which I shall unflinchingly do with the least hesitation and the greatest amount of guilt I can muster. My tolerance and progressiveness is better and more awesome than yours, a fact that gives me immense pleasure and satisfaction.

Toodles." - you

[–]ph3g0r 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Anytime topic of transsexuals comes up you have to show up and sperg out and it's always the same shitshow. Good trolling, I rate you 9/10.

[–]Surinical 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm a part of shitpost copypasta history

[–]naughtywarlock 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

If I met a Trans person, and they wanted to have sex with me, I would like them to tell me first. I would then decide, because honestly I don't care of you're Trans or not, but I don't want anyone to keep that from me, and no, if someone told me that they were trans, I probably wouldn't have sex with them, that doesn't make me transphobic (which is a stupid word), it's a preference, and I'm allowed to have those, I don't really have any reasons for that, that's just how I feel

[–]__gargamel__ -5ポイント-4ポイント  (6子コメント)

that doesn't make me transphobic

yes, yes it literally does make you transphobic.

[–]Thevizzer 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

See here's the thing, the more you try and force these views on people rather than just leaving them to get on with it, leaving them to learn about trans people and their own thoughts and ideas at it. The more you alienate the entire subject for people since you don't actually represent all trans people, you're just a small but very vocal minority in the entire trans community across the globe. You spouting off this shit just makes it worse for people many trans people because your insults and extreme views often give people a bad impression of trans people and those who support it, because frankly, you act like elitiest assholes.

[–]__gargamel__ -3ポイント-2ポイント  (3子コメント)

You're just transphobic. Accept it. You're a shitty person just as much as a racist is or a homophobe.

[–]Thevizzer 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Ok buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I'll go back to my shrine praising hilter and killing babies for sport because I'm such a cunt then.

[–]SuspiciousDuck 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some good flavour to this pasta. Tastes fresh.

[–]PoorlyWrittenReply 4ポイント5ポイント  (5子コメント)

Trans women are not women. It's not 'transphobic' to say that.

[–]__gargamel__ -3ポイント-2ポイント  (4子コメント)

That's literally what transphobia is.

[–]Thevizzer 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

But they was born a different gender to what they identifiy as. If they are born male they are a male for life no matter what they call themselfs. People really don't care what others do with theirs lives, just let others get on with it rather than insult all us 'cis white male shitheads'

[–]__gargamel__ -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)

nope, society labeled them the wrong gender. gender and sex are different things. just because they were born as a male doesn't mean they weren't women, did you ask them by any chance? before you indoctrinated them into behaving like men

[–]Thevizzer 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Society didn't label them shit. They was born like it. They are now that gender for life, they simply don't want to be so they change their looks and identify themselfs as something different. That's fine, but no one really cares as much as you think. If someone tell me they are trans I'll just be like 'cool' and that's it. The problem that people have isn't with the trans person but the dickholes like yourself who are alienating everyone else who don't have the exact same views as you do. You're making it worse for trans people and the community surrounding it, that's what people are pissed off about. Get off your high horse and stop being such an asshole about the subject.

[–]__gargamel__ -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Society didn't label them shit.

yeah right.

They are now that gender for life, they simply don't want to be so they change their looks and identify themselfs as something different.

Sex =/=Gender. Learn the difference.

[–]Pretend_Beard 3ポイント4ポイント  (2子コメント)

I don't even have anal sex with a woman, it is not my cup of tea. I do not enjoy it, never have, never will. I am comfortable calling anyone by their preferred pronouns as long as they are male, or female. Fuck all that special snowflake bullshit. I am however not ok with being with someone who does not have a vagina, I like vaginal intercourse plain and simple. That is what I prefer, find attractive, and get off on. Fuck your bullshit, I have no problem with trans people, and never have. I have had a few online friends who are trans, and referred to them as their preferred pronouns. I don't judge them, everyone is free to do with their bodies as they want, but to pull shit like this is bullshit. Grow the fuck up, get off tumblr, and the internet in general. Go make real friends that are fucking normal, and don't care about special snowflake status, and oppression points.

[–]__gargamel__ -3ポイント-2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't even have anal sex with a woman, it is not my cup of tea

you can have other types of sex then, like oral

Fuck your bullshit, I have no problem with trans people, and never have.

but yet you won't have sex with one because you TOTALLY AREN'T TRANSPHOBIC

[–]Pretend_Beard 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't want just oral, which is OK and all. Did you completely skim over the fact I said I prefer vaginal intercourse? I prefer missionary position to top it off. Can't do that with oral, I cannot go from kissing, to sucking on their tits while getting oral. I love kissing, and I love tits. Doing both helps get me off. Just oral doesn't even get me off a lot of the times. Sex is give and take, so you can point out they might get off on giving oral, but I do not really, so that is selfish thinking that they deserve to get off and I do not. Someone deciding to be another gender does not entitle them to my body because I find woman attractive, and it isn't just their face, body, but is their sexual organs that I find attractive. Hence I prefer vaginal intercourse, and it does not mean I have to give up MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Not having sex with someone isn't transphobic, where do you get this ridiculous accusation, let me guess tumblr. I accept trans people for who they are, there for I cannot be transphobic. Someone came out saying they are trans, and you demand pictures of them, and then when they refuse they are fake. You called them "self hating," because they don't live up to YOUR idea of being a trans person. People like you hurt the trans community, because then everyone thinks they are like you like you. YOU ARE OPPRESSING THE TRANS COMMUNITY NOT ME YOU! I actually support them, and here you are setting them back, and making them look horrible. You go around harassing people, yet I bet you will go around crying harassment when people call you out on your bullshit. I am done with your ignorant bigot ass, because it will be fallen on deaf ears. You don't care what reality is, you care what you and other special snowflakes think. Good luck with your winning the Oppression Olympics special snowflake.

[–]ChuckNorrisWithEbola 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

You can't expect anyone to actually read all this.


[–]__gargamel__ -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

TL;DR you're a transphobic shithead and you shouldn't be one

[–]CraigJohnson9000 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Oh look another sjw who can't make arguments without using strawman. Why are you all so stupid?

[–]__gargamel__ -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

says the transphobic white male

[–]Uncleleech 1ポイント2ポイント  (6子コメント)

I dunno what crazy drugs you're on but a penis can't be feminine mate. Its a very masculine instrument.

[–]__gargamel__ -3ポイント-2ポイント  (5子コメント)

nope, genitalia has no gender. you're attracted to women not to their vaginas/penises because their genitalia is the last thing you see on them.

[–]Uncleleech 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

wow, I genuinely cant see if your account is some kind of troll. I'm going to say I got rused here but Poe's Law and all that

[–]Uncleleech 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

are you high, what is genetics?

I'm not attracted to penises because i'm straight and men have penises. Also, I think you'll find a lot of people are turned on by genetalia, you might want to actually think straight before you try to spread shitty propaganda on the internet. I dont know your agenda but please just stop.

If you can show me a 'feminine penis' and I agree I'll give you $100. (protip: you can't)