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Our Game
Soccer meets driving once again in the long-awaited, physics-based multiplayer-focused sequel to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. Released to PS4 and PC on July 7th, 2015 and XBOX One on February 17th, 2016!
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Subreddit Rules
I. You cannot post your Rocket League content (videos, streams, articles) if you have not contributed to the subreddit before (discussed, commented, asked questions) and if it's spamming the subreddit.
II. Try not to make friend finder or team building threads. Instead, use /r/RocketLeagueFriends. These posts will be removed from the page.
III. Do not harass other users. Flaming (insulting users directly, name-calling, hate speech) may result in a temporary or a permanent ban from the subreddit at a moderator's discretion.
IV. Asking for handouts is not allowed. If a user is kind enough to give away a copy of the game, they can do so in their own post. This also includes trading or selling anything in this subreddit.
V. Low-effort posts will be removed at a moderator's discretion, this includes but is not limited to: memes, reaction gifs/videos, and general shit-posting.
VI. Piracy discussion is not allowed. Whether it's asking how to break the game or not. If you would like to try out the game before purchasing, buy it on Steam and refund it if you do not like it.
VII. Posts that contain usernames and IDs of players who come off as toxic, or in general bad connotation, will be removed to avoid any witchunting. Please blur/censor out the names and discuss toxicity freely.
Rocket League Tournaments
European Gaming League (EGL) - For European based PS4 and PC players.
eSports League (ESL) - For European and North American based PC and PS4 players.
Cybergamer Ladder (PC link) - For Australian and New Zealander based PS4 and PC players.
StriveWire - for both EU and NA tournaments, weekly and daily PS4 + PC.
Rocket-League - for all your tournament needs.
Gfinity - for European based PS4 and PC players.
Mock-it League - for all types of tournaments.
Helpful Subreddits
Want to start a team, find friends, or start a tournament? Check out /r/RocketLeagueFriends!
For competitive competition, news, and discussion check out /r/RLCompetitive.
In-depth discussion on Rocket League and it's mechanics, or strategies, check out /r/RLCirclejerk.
Looking to improve yourself, or help other players to do so? /r/RocketLeagueCoaching is the hub designed to match players and coaches together.