@DTguardian who cares who found it first ffs
Stewards here definitely saying device, including phone, was strapped to gas pipe. Not confirmed. MUFC say their own security found it.
- その他の返信を表示
@RickeyP11@DTguardian doesn't matter right now, but long term, yes.If the fan didn't spot it, could have been bad.Security team should have0件のリツイート 1 いいね -
@DTguardian then it wasn't from a minor terrorist organisation as that's none of the trade marks of them.0件のリツイート 0 いいね -
@DTguardian you were quoted in a story by@washingtonposthttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/05/15/manchester-united-match-postponed-because-of-suspicious-package-at-old-trafford/ …9:11 - 2016年5月15日 · 詳細0件のリツイート 0 いいね
@calonenev@DTguardian Someone just tweeted twas in the loo right enough. Been severe threat warning re IRA so this cd be start of it.0件のリツイート 0 いいね
@DTguardian@Okwonga can someone tell@alanbrazil. Disgraceful behaviour of the stewards and security staff doing their jobs.0件のリツイート 0 いいね -
@DTguardian@BurrowsMikey that's shocking if true. How did that get through security though?0件のリツイート 0 いいね