全 37 件のコメント

[–]Inquisitor777Ireland[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (2子コメント)

It is inevitable when a sub gets big, many people can come and devolve the sub (SJW trolls). European was not constant shit posting in the beginning. It devolved as thousands started joining.

[–]myndzha 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not just that. All the plentiful 0 day old accounts spamming "kill the niggers" were never banned... At least it seemed they weren't.

[–]Pufferphish 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)


Nice try fag classic concern trolling as if self censorship being against free speech would make any difference what so ever. They'll remove an "offending" forum or user for any reason they choose. Most of you already know this.

Speech policing(censorship) is counterproductive it compromises the message and free dialogue which people like you are against.

[–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

concern troll? waaait a minute..

Are you claiming that I want people using slurs to get banned? Because I don't. I do however think that /r/european was filled with people talking shit rather than having a constructive discussions which imo is bad. I never wanted anyone getting banned for this, but it's a "no shit" scenario. I wanted /r/european to remain and that's why I advocate rationality over shit talking. I hope no one is surprised that /r/european got banned, because it was so obvious.

I agree that reddit has a problem with censorship so I don't really see the relevance in the concert troll claim.

I have yet to see a subreddit that have relatively rational discussions getting banned. Only subreddits that is filled to the brim with hating and shit talking have gotten banned.

In conclusion: From what I can tell, shit talking is getting subreddits banned, not the opinions of the subscribers.

[–]Callooh_Calais 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If that was true, SRS would have been banned long ago for its constant hatred of White People, and yet it remains

[–]Mucharro 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

We need: (1) a transparent mod team that communicates with the userbase (2) a system to assess the integrity of this mod team and prevent the team from being subverted by forces who mean harm to our cause (3) agree that in order to spread our believes we must not alienate the audience we want to reach. No more blatant racism for the sake of racism. We have 8chan, 4chan and Voat as bastions of free speech.

In order to survive as a community we have to play with Reddit's rules. Our main goal here is to inform the public of what is really happening to our continent.

Remember, we are literally at war this is no time to turn our backs and retreat.

[–]Pufferphish 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nobody condones censorship for what-ever reason, not even in the false sense you want to instill in people.

You're a naive moron and kidding yourself if you think censoring will "do anything" rather than subvert. The marxist narration will continue anyway and remove anyting in it's path for what ever excuse. If you use reddit, you cannot escape that fact.

[–]Callooh_Calais 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We need: (1) a transparent mod team that communicates with the userbase (2)

/r/European mods were always the best mods, and there has never been a problem on this front.

[–]asaspade5 3ポイント4ポイント  (7子コメント)

It's still free speech....and that's the point. They banned them for what exactly? Free speech doesn't mean clean speech. When they determine ANY standard to communicate they are doing so in an unfree way...what "valid reason" do they have? Please explain in detail.

[–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Reddit has a bunch of rules regarding hate-speech and such. Technically every single rule/law in the world that somehow limits freedom of expression prevents free speech.

I agree with you that preventing people from using words like nigger and kike is violating free speech. But I've nothing against it. edit: to clarify I would prefer a complete freedom of discussion, but I'm pretty neutral to certain limitations to words like nigger or kike since there are other words that you can use

As long as all opinions remains I'm happy, because then everybody can have a rational discussion. Nobody prevents you from expressing your views or opinions by forcing you to use 'clean' words.

Kike becomes Jew. Nigger becomes African American or Sub-Saharan African. You get the point.

[–]900PercentSaltIntakeAustria 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

What if I want to keep calling the heebs kikes and calling monkeys niggers?

You're making such a shitty argument for why we need to "tone it down".

It had nothing to do with the racial slurs, which are in the eyes of the beholder (such is subjective hate speech). I am convinced that when Rambo exposed that backwards jew 2 days ago that they all got together in their synagogue and brewed up a plan.

r/European's natural death would've been in July or August as the 2 mn mark of nigger invaders is being crossed.

[–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

From what I can tell all subs that have gotten banned have been filled with slurs and non-constructive shit talking. It's a correlation-causation issue so we can never be sure until a sub gets banned souly because of the subs collective opinion.

[–][削除されました]  (3子コメント)


    [–]asaspade5 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Yes I understand that, but I'm certain that the Marxists are done. The entire aim of communism is to destabilize economies and societies so investors can invest when the price is right, mainly because It, communis, takes people's will to survive away at the meta level.

    Im sure there were a lot of agent provacateurs there misrepresenting white nationalists, and I'm wondering if it became too much for the mods to handle, regarding volume.

    In the earlier stages of r/European (long time lurker) I rarely saw any of the lower language slurs that you mentioned. I'm very certain this was pre planned and self prophecized by the Reddit staff. Regardless we have to continue to wake Europe up. Have the bravery to talk about these issues at parties and to strangers, I've done this in America and its unbelievable what people will respond with. Regardless we must must be brave and get these issues out in the open.

    [–]DamnNigNogs 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Congrats on being a cuck. You think it matters whether we use nice words to describe shitskins or not? You bring up Muslims, Jews or non-whites in a negative light - poof, you're fucking gone. Doesn't matter how nicely you want to tread about it. I'm glad we had our fun and pissed off a lot of shitskins and SJWs while it lasted.

    [–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I'm a cuck for refering Jews as Jews and not kikes?

    All I'm saying is that you could have used regular words instead while still getting your point across. If you would have done that more people would take nationalism more seriously and /r/european would still be here.

    [–]DamnNigNogs 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    People are inevitably extremely frustrated and angry about what has befallen Europe. It's inevitable some swear words will slip by. Some of us, for instance myself, have to constantly work with disgusting non-whites of all stripes, and it really gets on my nerves. r/european was where I came to chill out and vent after a hard week of work dealing with undesirables, not kow-tow the line of political correctness when I already spend my entire life doing that.

    [–]wurding 2ポイント3ポイント  (7子コメント)

    victim blaming

    [–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (6子コメント)

    Since me myself also enjoyed having uncensored discussions on /r/european I am also a victim. I do blame those who acted like retarded 15 year old spewing their shit around ruining discussions.

    [–]Pufferphish 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Are you 5 years old? Does mommy tell you that you cannot deal with adult language? Or could it be that you ar just offended, but pretending to be a part of the community to inject retarded self censoring dogma into users.

    [–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Adult? LOL. The language on /r/european makes it look like the place is filled with teens just about hitting puberty (maybe it is). The adult way is to avoid using incompetent slurs so that people actually take you seriously. But that's just me.

    [–]Tigerkong 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I am a 5 year old and i can't deal with adult language.

    [–]BadGoyWithAGun 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    They would have found another excuse. Moderating yourself for the sake of faggot cucks and prostrating before the altar of holocaustianity will never work. If they smell (((racism))), they'll shut it down, it's no use appearing tolerable. We need to create our own platforms, in the hope that in the end, the day of the rope will come and the hooknose cabal will be ran out of power.

    [–]EntireSiteFromOrbit[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Maybe. But banning a subreddit that is having rational discussions would attract more attention than banning a subreddit that is filled with 13 year old nazis calling entire populations shit stains.

    Hence my "I fucking told you so" attitude. I could see the ban coming miles away.

    [–]BadGoyWithAGun 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I could see it coming either way. We could pretend to be good goyim all day and it wouldn't change a fucking thing. Even if it drew more attention. FPH and Coontown drew far more attention, and it didn't save them.

    [–]TheRealKnightOfRenThe German Empire 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I won't censor or remove comments such as kike, cuck, nigger etc.

    [–]Rich77u 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    With that logic you'll never see somebody like Donald Trump come around, or anyone really stick up for the little guy, because theyre concerned about being "immature"

    [–]taft-attack 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    While I am also shocked and honestly scared/disgusted that r/European was removed due to hurty feels, I do agree that for our own sake it's a good idea to keep a clean image. Most people already think that nationalism is about racist literal hitler bigotry, it would help our cause in my opinion if we displayed nationalism in a less hateful light. Because at the end of the day, we all don't hate non-Europeans purely because they come from another place, we simply want to keep our homeland peaceful and homogenous for the generations to come, as countries in nearly all other continents already have the privilege to do. Nationalism is about love of your fellow countrymen, not hate of everyone else.

    [–]moirai11 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The low quality of comments in European subreddit made me quit reading it. The racial words.. The world needs to become a better place. Judging someone by mere appearance is not the way, it's going back. Doesn't matter if it's freespeech. Poisonous words are still poison. No matter who say it.

    I seriously don't think the zionists care that much anymore. Since they own the world now. People can't do much more than whine now.

    [–]2girls1meme -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This would have happened regardless of tone. (((reddit admins))) just did not approve of the content posted to /r/european. Anything that doesn't fit into their liberal worldview is hatespeech and has to be removed from premises and it doesn't matter whether you say 'kike' or 'person with Jewish ancestry'.

    In that regard, 14/88 gas the kikes, race war now!

    [–]bridgeton_man -1ポイント0ポイント  (4子コメント)

    If you would have been rational and discussed the issues like a normal fucking person this wouldn't have happened.

    Don't expect discussion from normal fucking persons on /r/european.

    /r/european isn't wasn't populated with NORMAL fucking persons. It was populated mainly with Joshua Goldberg impersonators. Florida-bound, basement-dwelling 17-year old jewish neckbeards. from top to bottom.

    [–]Pufferphish 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

    What a retarded baseless statement.

    That's pretty funny, so no one can speak out against the genocide of White Europeans without being a Jew right?

    Jew's dont want to speak out against it, they want to shut it down because they are the proponents of multicultural destruction, upheaval and impossible equality stemming from the frankfurt school.

    [–]bridgeton_man 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    That's pretty funny, so no one can speak out against the genocide of White Europeans without being a Jew right?

    Of course one COULD. What I'm saying is that isn't what actually goes on at /r/european.

    I recently got told at SRC that /r/euopean is actually just islamist provocateurs. While that obviously ridiculous, I'll point out that /u/european88 was exactly the kind of guy who was pretending to be a a nationalist one day, and pretending to be either an islamist or a feminist the next day.

    So, it's no surprise that people watching this bullshit from the sidelines would get it twisted.

    It's all Goldbergs.

    [–]Pufferphish 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    That's pretty funny, so no one can speak out against the genocide of White Europeans without being a Jew right?

    Of course one COULD.

    They would never do it as a goal logically speaking. They will always talk about how "the muslims are most evil" -- "how the muslims are the problem" -- et cetera. Never about the Jewish problem, they will only deflect that.

    You're point doesn't have merit, you're making sense of it like someone suffering from lunacy; very Irrational paranoia.

    Yes as a given today there are always going to be a few subvertive elements who want to infiltrate or subvert reddit moderator community and other online communities. There is no conspiracy that groups like GCHQ targets online communities like on reddit attempting to subvert, and that's a fact not conspiracy. but that in no way reflects 99.9% of the userbase or their actions or views, that's crazy talk. Subvertive users(i.e shills) are in the minority.

    Joshua goldberg even visited our sub before on r/nationalsocialism with before his infamy but it was handled accordingly as we are intelligent people.

    [–]bridgeton_man 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    They would never do it as a goal logically speaking. They will always talk about how "the muslims are most evil" -- "how the muslims are the problem" -- et cetera. Never about the Jewish problem, they will only deflect that.

    look at joshua goldberg's comment history. lots of ranting about jews in there.

    There is no conspiracy that groups like GCHQ targets online communities like on reddit attempting to subvert, and that's a fact not conspiracy.

    Isn't GCHQ british? because this article linked here is about israel.