The Supremely Sanctioned /r/BadHistory Sixty-Thousand Subscribers Survey
The Holy Ramen Empire demands to know the demographics of its readership.
Basic demographic information!
Who are you? Where do you hail from? How much education do you have? We want to learn more about you!*

* This information will NOT be hoarded and used against you. Scout's honour**

** This only applies to Bad History mods who were at some point Scouts.

How old are you in earth years?
What gender do you identify as?
Cis or trans?
What racial category do you identify as?
We all know that race is a social construct, but that doesn't mean it isn't relevant.
Hispanic or non-Hispanic?
I don't know why we have this question, but I'm just following orders.
What is your sexual orientation?
Relationship status?
What religion (or lack thereof) do you subscribe to?
What is your highest education level?
How would you identify yourself politically?
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