Since I keep getting banned on threads about Donald Trump for asking this guess I found where I needed to go. I don't understand what this means to make America great again. That's all I ever hear from Trump supporters from is we need to make it great again but then you ask them what that means you never get an answer or you get angry bigotry my favorite so far though is go get a job.( Side note Why do people assume because I support Bernie I'm unemployed.) When is this time that we're going to go back to that America was so much greater was it 10 years ago during the economic collapse or 20 years ago when we were in a cold war with Russia or during the Vietnam war or before black people have any votes or before women had the right to vote or leave the kitchen? I mean don't get me wrong America's not perfect now and I get that or else I wouldn't be voting for someone that I thought could change it but to say you want to go back in time when America was better just sounds idiotic. It does pain me to actually say the words but in reality of our history America has never been better and that's very very sad.
Sorry this turned into more of a rant but I really don't understand.
[–]De_Von 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]SomechuvakLeft-Communist 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)