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[–]Pete_Cool 1062 points1063 points1064 points  (142 children)
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You could also ask /u/intortus, he's an ex-admin and after he lost his job he became a mod in /r/shitredditsays. Now that would be a pretty AMA.
Edit: looks like SRS /r/subredditdrama has found this post:
Oh, btw: please refrain from voting in linked threads. Don't stoop to their level.
[–]DarkL1te 197 points198 points199 points  (141 children)
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He lost his job? What happened?
[–]Pete_Cool 198 points199 points200 points  (140 children)
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There's enough speculation, but he or the other admins won't say anything concise. What we have so far: before he left, there were lots of /r/SRSsucks subscribers getting shadowbanned. Even posting a link to certain SRS members would get you shadowbanned. After he left the bans became less. The other admins have a different set of rules regarding some communities, they tend to be more neutral.
From what I've seen him say, he enjoyed banning those people and I think it was like a game for him:
There's also a dailydot article about this. I'm surprised the whole thing missed 'mainstream' reddit, since it's quite a peculiar situation to be caught in as an ex-admin.
If you want to read up on the drama around this admin, I suggest you check these links. The first three links are after he lost his job, the rest was during his reign of power.
[–]atomheartother 76 points77 points78 points  (61 children)
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I'm surprised the whole thing missed 'mainstream' reddit, since it's quite a peculiar situation to be caught in as an ex-admin.
Bloody coincidence huh?
[–]randomsnark 34 points35 points36 points  (0 children)
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[–][deleted]  (58 children)
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    [–]crickey23 102 points103 points104 points  (42 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Don't say that to /r/SubredditDrama
    [–][deleted] comment score below threshold-47 points-46 points-45 points  (41 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    That sub and SRS are like the retarded cousin offsprings of TMZ and Etalk Daily.
    [–]DaedalusMinion 58 points59 points60 points  (39 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    SRD likes to look and laugh at idiots. I don't see how that's close to TMZ?
    Oh wait I get it, you're fulfilling the daily quota of criticising someone thing popular for karma.
    [–]Pete_Cool 12 points13 points14 points  (21 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    SRD used to look and laugh at idiots, but that place gradually changed into a lighter version of SRS, I mean just check the frontpage.
    Check this comment made by one of the mods there.
    [–]DaedalusMinion 10 points11 points12 points  (8 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    [–]TheLibraryOfBabel 7 points8 points9 points  (2 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    When does feminist=SRS? I'm feminist and I don't associate with SRS. Generally, SRD often mocks the idiocy on /r/mensrights, and they interpret this as SRD being controlled by SRS, which makes little sense since SRD makes fun of SRS all the time. Butthurt MRAs just can't take any criticism
    [–]freet0 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    I think I'd like a lighter version of SRS. The underlying concept of pointing our when reddit acts bigoted is good. Its just too bad its run by retarded social justice warriors who lose the actual racism/sexism by trying to find something to be offended by everywhere.
    A sub that isn't a circlejerk, isn't affiliated with any extreme feminists, and actually discusses real racist/sexist comments could be pretty good.
    [–]GoGoBitch 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    He has a point, though. There's a pretty big difference between SRS and actual feminist conversation. SRS is, as I understand it, supposed to be an environment where it is uncomfortable to be male; it's a parody in much the way r/circlejerk is a parody (though the two are broken in different ways), but actual discussion sometimes leaks in around the edges.
    Actual discussion is never perfect, but it's hardly the light version of a not-perfectly-successful parody.
    [–]KamensGhost -5 points-4 points-3 points  (4 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    He's a tool who's going to stick up for the SRD mods because he's made friends with them now. This website sucks cock and it's all because of the incestuous relationship between mods, lame ass reddit cliques for losers, and the admins who support and love the circlebroke and SRS cliques that have been successfull in taking over subreddits and moderating them in a biased fashion.
    [–]LongDongFuk comment score below threshold-14 points-13 points-12 points  (5 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    SRD has the exact same agenda as SRS does now. Its been taken over by SJWs. Many on reddit consider it now a satellite sub of SRS
    [–]bjossymandias 10 points11 points12 points  (2 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    and you have the exact same agenda as stormfront
    just have a look at his submissions
    and lol at reddit for upvoting a literal racist, gj again guys
    [–]Lambano -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Many on reddit Racists and sexists consider it now a satellite sub of SRS
    [–]DaedalusMinion comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    SRD has the exact same agenda as SRS does now. Its been taken over by SJWs. Many on reddit consider it now a satellite sub of SRS
    [–][deleted] -5 points-4 points-3 points  (2 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Celebrities are idiots who think they actually do things that are important.
    People who post at those subs think they're celebrities by showing people idiots, who are defensive about their stance on certain matters or opinions.
    I sense that you're going to try and turn this into some sort of event that you can use to post there, after a few more back and forth comments.
    [–]DaedalusMinion 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Celebrities are idiots who think they actually do things that are important.
    Basically anyone who's famous i.e a celebrity is an idiot. Got it, A1.
    People who post at those subs think they're celebrities by showing people idiots, who are defensive about their stance on certain matters or opinions.
    If they're not insulting you or even commenting in the same thread as you, how does it matter?
    I sense that you're going to try and turn this into some sort of event that you can use to post there, after a few more back and forth comments.
    Shows how little you actually browse SRD. Try reading the sidebar for once.
    • Only post links if you are not the source of drama or directly involved in the drama. Remain as neutral as possible; biased titles/self posts are grounds for deletion.
    • No calls-to-arms shall be allowed.
    • Do Not Vote in linked threads unless the submission is in a community you are a member of. (The "part of the community" thing is an exception to this rule that ideally only applies if you found the thread through your normal browsing of a subreddit. So don't comment in dead threads).
    [–]unleashthek1 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    its people literally seeking out drama on a fucking internet website because their lives are boring. if you go to srd, you're pr pathetic.
    [–]KamensGhost comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points  (6 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    lol nice try dude. I guess you've gone full metacancery now? You really love IRC bullshit so much that you're going to backup the SRD mods after they've turned that sub into a shitty circlebroke circlejerk? Nice. Way to be a part of the problem.
    [–]DaedalusMinion 6 points7 points8 points  (5 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    shitty circlebroke circlejerk
    I've always been a pretty normal guy, I understand why circlebroke does what it does and why SRSSucks does what it does. So if the mods are interested in maintaining a little civility and disallowing slurs then no, I don't feel they're taking 'muh freedom'.
    [–]BubbleBlowingFaggot 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    They're one and the same at this point. SRD mod ranks have been gradually taken over by SRSers. They'll ban anyone that posts anything remotely critical of SRS.
    [–]KRaidium 19 points20 points21 points  (7 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Oh trust me, a lot of people gave a lot of shits about the drama in /r/gaming, /r/politics and /r/technology.
    [–]That70sUsername 0 points1 point2 points  (6 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Even every active, interested person in all 3 of those subs combined don't constitute even close to 'most people' though. So the fact remains, most people don't give a shit.
    [–]KRaidium 0 points1 point2 points  (5 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Considering how much drama came from those, it's surprising that nobody paid attention to an admin getting fired.
    [–]LithePanther 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    That happened long before the drama in /r/technology ...
    [–]KRaidium 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    I never said it didn't, I'm just comparing it to other situations which received much more attention.
    [–]braveathee -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    an admin getting fired.
    Do you have a source about that ?
    [–]KRaidium 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    It's the top comment..
    [–]joeyoh9292 8 points9 points10 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    I dunno, I've seen quite a few drama posts hit the front page over the last few months.
    [–]Aids94 -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    Pretty much.
    [–]JeefyPants -1 points0 points1 point  (3 children)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
    I can't believe there are over 100+ people who actually believe that is true.
    People have spent literal months of their lives involved in reddit drama.
    How have you NOT seen the constant, petty, pointless arguments that go on around here 24/7 ?
    [–][deleted]  (1 child)
    sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      [–]JeefyPants -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      So dramatic!
      [–]aynrandomness -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      Upvotes doesn't mean you agree, they mean the post are constructive.
      [–]Mark_That -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      I try to have fun while I'm here, I don't want to live in some shitty soap series.
      [–]pugler18 -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      [–]Gimli_the_White 9 points10 points11 points  (8 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      there were lots of /r/SRSsucks[1] subscribers getting shadowbanned
      To clarify - the issue here is that only admins can shadowban, right?
      [–]Pete_Cool 10 points11 points12 points  (4 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      Yes but some subs have bots that have a similar system. The difference is that admins can shadowban you from the whole site, while a bot can only shadow ban you from a subreddit.
      Also when you get shadowbanned by an admin your account will show up deleted for everybody else but you.
      [–]IAmA_Tiger_AmA 7 points8 points9 points  (3 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      It sounds like you're just throwing ban and shadow ban together. Like you said, a shadow ban involves your account not showing up to everyone else when they check your overview. Moderators can't do that, even in specific subreddits. They can shadowban you in the sense that your comments are automatically sent to the spam folder, but they can't hide your account altogether, making it the same as a regular ban.
      [–]The_Penis_Wizard 5 points6 points7 points  (2 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      Still different from a regular ban. In a regular ban, the person gets sent a message telling them they have been banned and can't post at all. In a subreddit shadowban they don't get a message, and they think they can still post. Helps to stop people from making alts, because they don't know they've been banned.
      [–]WhenTheRvlutionComes 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
      It's also evil.
      [–][deleted]  (2 children)
      sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        [–]strallus 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        Care to provide some non-anecdotal proof?
        [–]uguysmakemesick 31 points32 points33 points  (26 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        I do not like this whole shadowbanning thing. It's incredibly shady, especially for a website that talks about freedom so often. And then their very own admins will 'disappear' people.
        [–]IAmA_Tiger_AmA 52 points53 points54 points  (19 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        Honestly, I think the users bring up this "freedom" thing way more often than the admins do. The admins rarely comment on the site as it is. And freedom of speech has limits absolutely everywhere in the world anyway.
        Shadowbans are also meant to get rid of bots and spammers as well as people breaking the rules. And if someone is breaking one of the sites few rules like posting cp or doxxing someone else, I sure as hell don't want them hanging around because "OMG freedom of speech, he has a constitutional right to post that guy's personal information so we can witch hunt him while fapping to this illegal porn!"
        [–]uguysmakemesick 1 point2 points3 points  (18 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        I'm talking about the many people who are shadowbanned and don't know why and then have to contact the admins because their was no actual justification. I just think people shouldn't be disappeared.
        [–]IAmA_Tiger_AmA -5 points-4 points-3 points  (17 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        People are shadowbanned for breaking a site rule. There are no instances of "no actual justification," just immature people claiming it happened for no reason because they don't want to accept blame for anything and want to appear like they're the victim in the subreddits they run crying to about it. Why would the admins just kick random people sporadically off their own site for no reason? What kind of a business model would that be?
        [–]Frekavichk 5 points6 points7 points  (15 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        I agree with shadowbanning bots, it has a super practical reason.
        I see no reason to shadowban regular users who pissed of an admin.
        [–]iBleeedorange -3 points-2 points-1 points  (11 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        No one is saying to shadow ban users who "piss off an admin" You shadow ban people who break the site wide rules.
        [–]the_popcorn_pisser 2 points3 points4 points  (6 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        *sigh*. Cupcake did ban me (my other account) for talking shit about /r/girlgamers. So there's that.
        [–]Rescober -2 points-1 points0 points  (3 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
        So you mean like how you ban people constantly on /r/diablo for pissing you off? Or is cussing against the rules now? Seriously, fuck you. You have no business being a mod
        [–][deleted]  (2 children)
        sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          [–]Frekavichk 7 points8 points9 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Or how about I work to try and change it for the better because I actually like this website.
          [–]wideban -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          holy jesus if only srs and the other sjws actually followed this advice the site would be a far far better place!
          [–]Maslo59 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          I dont think so. My previous account was shadowbanned, and as far as I know I have not broken any site rule with it.
          [–][deleted] 10 points11 points12 points  (2 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          You are aware that reddit is privately owned and operated? They have every right to decide who uses this site and how. Would you allow an unwelcome guest into your house if his argument was that it's a free country?
          [–]Yearoftheboomerang 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          You are aware that there's a difference between specifically referring to first amendment legal protections and speaking of freedom of speech as a concept. Just because a company doesn't have to legally do something doesn't mean they can't strive for it anyway.
          [–]papa_mog 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          I also believe, though, that most users want the site to continue on the path it was created on. Basically, we don't want sensorship based on an admin's ego or profit. Yes, we can leave if we don't like it, but we can also stay here and bitch
          [–]Fuck_Plebbit69 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Reddit and freedom don't go together at all any more.
          [–]ThatJonGuy1039 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          It's incredibly shady
          Was that a fucking pun?
          [–]damontoo 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Shadowbans aren't just a reddit thing and for a community this large they're an absolute necessity.
          [–]oss_spy 4 points5 points6 points  (4 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Linking to SRD is a good way of seeing how much they've become like SRS. Any criticism of SRS is met with a hail of downvotes.
          [–]BubbleBlowingFaggot 9 points10 points11 points  (2 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          They're SRS, period. Their mod ranks have been colonized by SRSers. You speak against SRS, you get banned. I just got banned for calling out some SRS bullshit there, and the mods refuse to be held accountable for the consequences of their actions. The place has turned to absolute fucking shit.
          [–]i-am-you comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points  (1 child)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          [–]BubbleBlowingFaggot -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          They're SRS, period.
          Learn to read.
          [–]Maslo59 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          I have also noticed the opinion shift. SRD is much more pro-SRS as it was just a few months ago.
          [–]Booblicle 32 points33 points34 points  (32 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Shadowbans are some fucked up low shit. You only have to piss of one admin in a single thread and your name becomes non existent to everyone but yourself. It took me a week or 2 before I even realized ,"hey, noone is responding to any of my posts, even to downvote it!".
          In my particular case I apparently broke a rule where probably 10 others broke the same stupid rule in the same thread. The problem I find with this? One site with 90 thousand different subreddits all with their own unique rules. I DONT WANT TO READ RULES ALL FUCKING DAY
          Thank you.
          [–]angrypotato1 39 points40 points41 points  (29 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Ummm you can only get shadowbanned if you break a sitewide rule. There are five of those rules. http://www.reddit.com/rules
          edit: I guess you can get banned if you break the terms of service too, which are a little more complex
          [–]so_sic_of_it 10 points11 points12 points  (5 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          You can get shadowbanned for any reason the admin feel like. I had one account SB'ed for downvoting comments in a "protected," subreddit, and another for criticizing intortus in a private modmail.
          [–]00901 0 points1 point2 points  (3 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Protected subreddit?
          [–]BubbleBlowingFaggot 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Protected by the admins, in a mafia connotation.
          [–]wideban 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          probably the case where a community regular in the blackladies sub (i dunno if i can even link to it without getting in trouble) was advocating violence in response to the zimmerman verdict last year and making some really radical and racist statements... and visitors to the sub began expressing their dismay and abhorence for the violence she was suggesting. anyways, for voicing their position or even merely voting, many were banned.
          [–]angrypotato1 comment score below threshold-7 points-6 points-5 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Well the first one is a violation of rule 2, and the second needs more context like when it happened and what you said
          [–]NRGT 10 points11 points12 points  (3 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          admins can ban whoever they want, consequences come afterwards
          [–]pantsmaclachlan 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Anybody know where NRGT went to? Seems to have disappeared...
          [–]LexanPanda 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          No idea, but this seems like a weird place to mention it, don't you think?
          [–]NobodyAtAllEver 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          I really want to know what this comment said...
          [–]Frekavichk 25 points26 points27 points  (7 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Except all of those are really vague and shadowbans are handed out like candy.
          There was a problem with this in r/dota2 where everyone there was fine with the way things were, and admins moved in to shadowban one of the major content creators(dude wrote great articles, did patch note analysis, and was basically a huge personality). It sucked because he was apparently not posting enough links inbetween his own or some stupid shit.
          [–]wideban 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Except all of those are really vague and shadowbans are handed out like candy.
          well there's definitely circumstantial evidence that intortus handed them out like candy to those with ideologies incompatible with his own. i would call it a clear abuse of power to use a function meant to combat spammers and use it to censor dissent.
          [–]SacredFireFly 4 points5 points6 points  (2 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          For whoever is wondering, /u/Frekavichk is talking about Cyborgmatt, who was shadowbanned by reddit admins because he alledgedly broke the 'no spam' rule of Reddit by 'only posting links to his own site'.
          The problem here, is that this case needs some context: Matt has his own blog, where he posts a lot of cool stuff, and he contributed a lot to /r/dota2 and the community in general. But, what he also did was make posts about new articles on his blog, hereby posting links to his own site, and thus technically breaking the rules. Only fair for him to be banned, no?
          Well, no. The community - and even the mods - were perfectly OK with him doing this, since his articles were interesting and it didn't feel spammy at all. To us, he was just linking good content, which happened to be his.
          This raises some questions: are the rules, which are meant to make everyone's Reddit experience more enjoyable, still applicable when they actually only work to the detriment of the community they were made to 'protect'? Should we enforce the rules 'just because they are the rules' even though it makes no sense in this particular case?
          /r/dota2 didn't think so, so we spoke up. Apparently it worked, because /u/Cyborgmatt seems to be un-shadowbanned now, and he is once again able to post, although i think he still has restrictions to his account (can't post links or something of the like).
          [–]wideban 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          it's the same sort of zero-tolerance bullshit that causes problems in schools all the time.
          [–]WhenTheRvlutionComes 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Reddit defines spam as some utterly arbitrary percentage of your links being to your own content, they don't even take comments into account. It makes things easy for the admins, who just have to use a calculator, it's also retarded and lazy and they should be ashamed.
          [–]rafaelloaa 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Uh oh, I hope that doesn't happen to some people over at /r/swtor who do a bunch of datamining.
          [–]saltyjohnson -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Reddit is primarily a link-sharing website and as such has to discourage excessive self-promotion or else it just turns into a spam fest. If the guy is really that popular then others will post his stuff to reddit and then he can participate in the comments.
          [–]iBleeedorange -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
          sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
          Just because they made great content doesn't mean they didn't break rules. They manipulated votes by tossing around reddit links to the same people every time they submitted something to reddit. That's standard vote manipulation, don't tell people to upvote or downvote shit, or you will get banned.
          [–]Booblicle 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
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          I posted a comment to /r/politics in attempt to be funny, in a thead of funny comments. the accusation had something to do with being a participant of some kind of action. I guess I was supposed to be a boring fuck.i don't particularly care for politics anyway.
          [–][deleted]  (8 children)
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            [–]angrypotato1 2 points3 points4 points  (7 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            Oops I think you found an exception. I know people who have gotten banned for abusing people via PMs. Also under 13s get banned. So I guess the rules extend into the terms of service
            [–]Yellowben 1 point2 points3 points  (6 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            Under 13s?
            [–]angrypotato1 1 point2 points3 points  (5 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            Ye I have gotten a few twelvies banned via reports
            [–]Yellowben 1 point2 points3 points  (4 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            I was confused on what 13s and 12s are.
            [–]flatsperm 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            Though I don't mind reading the few shadowbannable site-wide rules, I sympathize with the capitalized statement and secretly have a policy of never ever reading a sidebar. Rules should be written as guessably as possible.
            [–]tupacarrot 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            I'm not surprised. If people realized that an admin could abuse his powers over some small internet thing, they might realize that people with politcal and ideological aims could do the same. What subreddit would that story has risen on?
            [–]houseofbacon -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            This sounds even too big for r/subredditdrama.
            [–]chibikyo 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
            sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on
            More like r/wholeredditdrama
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