全 5 件のコメント

[–]FavoriteYardbird 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Say what one will, but Trump won fair and square. To insult Trump is to insult his voters.

This is as good reason to insult Trump as I've ever heard.

[–]Pumaplayssd 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

By the same logic, its th reason that the # NeverTrump movement exist in the first place

[–]Saito1337 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Insulting his supporters is sooo deserved.

[–]PhilosoGuidoConstitutionalist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I posted this on a similar thread:

I, for one, am not ready to roll over for Trumpism. Trump is still a complete unknown. The only consistency from the man, has been a long history of advocating leftist and protectionist causes. Instead of using the last 6 months to develop policy and convince conservatives that he is truly on board with conservative solutions, he has chosen to run a circus sideshow, character assassinating true conservatives and blathering out meaningless red meat platitudes. Since shoring up the nomination in Indiana, he has hooked back left: repudiating his own tax plan (one of the few pieces of substance coming from his sophomoric campaign), pandering on the minimum wage, hinting to a Democrat running mate, reaching out to Bernie Sanders supporters while claiming to not need conservatives, and hiring a Goldman Sachs/Soros finance chief. This is not making the case that he is really on our side.

But Hillary is worse...

Is she? Once again rather than focus on the issues, the Trumpsters would rather deflect and attack. We all know who Hillary is, we still don't know who the hell Trump is. In many ways Trump could be even more dangerous. The utter blind allegiance he inspires from so many supporters is chilling. There is a large faction of his support who simply follow him like the Pied Piper - off to whatever idiotic machinations his megalomaniacal mind creates. Leftist, statist, progressive, no matter. Trump said it, therefore it must be best. I have seen them reject a lifetime of conservative and libertarian beliefs to follow him. If Hillary and Trump were to do the exact same thing they would vehemently oppose Hillary but applaud Trump. We've all seen this Alexander Hamilton quote floating about:

“If we must have an enemy at the head of Government, let it be one whom we can oppose, and for whom we are not responsible, who will not involve our party in the disgrace of his foolish and bad measures.”

This is about more than have an embarrassment at the helm of the party, destroying the brand. It is also about having an effective opposition to leftism which is utterly destructive to the country. This is why, we need to pin him down on issues before just jumping on board. She may be more of a leftist on more issues, but he may be a more effective instrument to enact the leftist agenda than her because so many who would otherwise oppose her, will blindly follow. Like the saying goes: Only Nixon could go to China. We already have seen how Ted Cruz, who was the darling of the conservative base, the voice of the outsider was made to be loathed and hated by so many of his hitherto ardent supporters. Furthermore, if Trump ends up being just as bad as Hillary, in 2020 we are stuck with another no-choice election. At least we'd have an open field in 2020.

Conservatives simply rolling over is not going to put any pressure on him to take affirmative steps such as picking rock ribbed running mate and advisors and releasing more specific policy positions. So Trump supporters, stop badgering us principled conservatives about getting on board with Trump. I suggest your focus should be on convincing Trump to actually be a conservative and not flopping back to his ideological home, the left. He still has 6 month until November. Perhaps write and email his campaign and tell them you are not happy with his pivot to the left and his lack of specifics. If done en masse, this might have an effect especially if you are in his database as a supporter (donor, volunteer, bought yard signs, t-shirts, hats). Conservative principles is exactly what makes America great. We all used to believe that. Let's make sure the Donald does before just handing him the White House.

[–]Yosoff 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

A day or two of this defiance I could understand. I respect principled dissent...

No he doesn't. Principled dissent isn't "defiance" and principled dissent isn't something you shrug off and give up on after a couple of days.

Since Cruz suspended his campaign Trump has said that he doesn't need to unite the Republican Party and that it's the Republican Party, not the Conservative Party. He has also moved rapidly left on multiple issues.

It's clear that Trump is openly hostile to conservatism, so conservatives are obliged to be openly hostile towards Trump.