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[–]anticuck888 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (11子コメント)

Take your cuckold shit elsewhere. It should be Asian male with Asian female or Asian male with non-Asian female. NEVER any other race of male with Asian female. There are surplus of Asian men, so Asian male interests should be paramount NO MATTER WHAT. I don't care how attractive the non-Asian male is, they don't deserve to be with Asian women and take away a potential mate from an Asian brother.

Also, Asian men need to NON-STOP DATE OUTSIDE THE RACE AND GET WITH Non-Asian girls.

[–]Ir0nW00d 7ポイント8ポイント  (4子コメント)

No way you're gonnna prevent some Asian women from dating out. Stop fixating on that.

Interracial relationships are not inherently bad. Worshipping another race at the expense of your own race is inherently bad and unhealthy.

That said, most WMAF relationships are a product of Asian fetishization on the WM side and White worship on the AF side. I would say some degree of White worship on the AF side is present in almost every single WMAF relationship because of how prevalent White worship is in Asian society

[–]anticuck888 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

I was talking about the ideal circumstance. Read my last sentence about Asian men need to NON-STOP DATE/FUCK OUTSIDE THE RACE.

Don't fucking understand how people here can be disagreeing with me or downvoting me. Are Asians so cucked that even on these forums we have Asian cucks running around saying "its ok if good looking white guy get with good looking Asian girl".

No. Fuck that shit. Whites started a race war. Asian men need to respond. This is why I said Asian men need to get out there and have sex with as many women of all colors as possible.

I am advocating for Asian men getting into interracial as the DOMINANT none of that uncle chan shit or "oh I want kids with white girl because white features better". No fuck that shit. Get with a white girl because you think your Asian MALE genes are just as good if not better.

[–]monarch943 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

Also, Asian men need to NON-STOP DATE OUTSIDE THE RACE AND GET WITH Non-Asian girls.

You're the cuck

[–]anticuck888 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

If I am dating outside the race and putting my dick inside non-Asian girls, how am I a cuck? You sound like an undercover white guy.

[–]anticuck888 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (2子コメント)

I see your history. You are a fucking white boy trying to divide and conquer Japanese and Chinese, pretending to be Chinese to hate on Japanese people. Get the fuck out of here GOBLIN.