ShitRedditSays 内の cykosys によるリンク "So what you're saying is that if we get more people to come here that have incompatible if not downright opposing values to the values that made Europe great, that will make Europe great again? ... Genius. Thanks, Pope. The Marxism is strong with this one." +120 top comment

[–]Jodthyrox2 19ポイント20ポイント  (0子コメント)

Stop bashing the guy! Yes, he is islamophobic and yes, he is also a brave atheist who once posted a series of edgy comments in a thread about the death of 100 Muslim pilgrims BUT he knows a lot about single mothers! Don't believe me? we go:

Do not date single mothers! There is a reason they are in that state in the first place. I know we all want to bury our heads in the sand when it comes to female responsibility. I know that can sound very harsh - But it is a fair judgement. Similar in terms of how you may advise someone not to date a junkie. There is a fundamental lack of good values there. Let me know if anyone has objections and I will do my best to explain why. Sure there may be exemptions to this rule. But very few and far between.


ShitRedditSays 内の fluffywhitething によるリンク "Yeah, no one wants to see a 21 year old get gang banged that is disgusting."[+801] "Uhgh 21s wayy too old man I ain't into grannies"[+294]"21 year olds are MILFs in my book..."[+114]

[–]Jodthyrox2 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

Your comment history is full of typical MRA/RedPill/anti-SJW/anti-PC talking points.

Example #1

Example #2:

Go back to your sjw echo chamber you whiny bitch

Example #3

Example #4

Example #5

Oh and you seem to care a lot about the quality of TRP posts...pretty hard to believe that you only stumble across TRP every now and then.

ShitRedditSays 内の Minn-ee-sottaa によるリンク /r/politics, Donald Trump says Islam ruining Europe. "is he wrong?" [+73]

[–]Jodthyrox2 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm just tired of buzzwords that don't actually apply being thrown around. Racism, Assault Weapons™, etc.

Your comment history is full of memes and buzzwords like 'libcuck', 'then feet higher' and 'MAGA'.

ShitRedditSays 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Tuber Tuesday: Post your low-hanging fruit here

[–]Jodthyrox2 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Subredditcancer proudly presents "Exposing SRS", a lovely effort post about the evil stuff SRS does!

Bonus: more than 60 comments full of salty redditor tearz.

ShitRedditSays 内の ArchangelleCatselle によるリンク Make Chickens Great Again

[–]Jodthyrox2 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

The most important thing is that we still won't use np. links...reddit loves it.

ShitRedditSays 内の Skwuruhl によるリンク On Rust randomly assigning a sex to its players: "Pft, bigots, what about us who identify as gender fluid cucumbers.." [+26]

[–]Jodthyrox2 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

You're so salty, so upset, and so blatantly misinformed and incorrect. I pity you.

Let's take a look at this guy's comment history:

  • the_donald
  • watchpeopledie
  • european
  • 4chan

Oh and the guy who posted the attack helicopter copypasta is a /r/european asshole, too.

ShitRedditSays 内の ArchangelleJoan によるリンク Tuber Tuesday: Low Hanging Fruit Megathread

[–]Jodthyrox2 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha, so some guy made a 14 minute long video about his ban from /r/worldnews for racist remarks against the's the SRD thread.

SquaredCircle 内の ForeverFapFap によるリンク Zero Fucks Friday: Halloween Havoc Edition

[–]Jodthyrox2 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Kalisto (and Sin Cara on a good day) is/are pretty great, too.