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[–]mrpg_Do mice eat spiders? 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yes, indeed; additionally, nobody has been able to demonstrate to me that income/wealth inequality has any negative effects whatsoever – excepting hurting the feels of lefties.

People always talk about inequality as if it were somehow proven that it has negative effects and must be eradicated. But where are these negative effects? In fact, one of the most unequal societies, the one of the United States, is one of the greatest civilizations known to mankind. My iPhone one which I am typing this text came out of this society. This unequal society also put a man on the moon and created the internet. Can't be too bad.

Why does inequality matter?

I demand that everyone ask their fellow lefties: "Show me how inequality actually matters! Show me proof that you are not just acting out of your envy and hatred of wealthier people."

[–]Blue_Rhythmic_EagleAnarcho-Anarchist 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

nobody has been able to demonstrate to me that income/wealth inequality has any negative effects whatsoever – excepting hurting the feels of lefties.

Then you haven't experienced much of the world. If you want to truly see why inequality is bad, go to SE Asia, go to the Middle East, go to South America. Nations with extreme inequality are developmentally disabled. They are literally retarded. Extreme inequality is destructive. It absolutely is a drain on society and it is bad for the environment. It's not safe, it breeds crime, it breeds malice. Ancaps have a prescribed solution for extreme inequality, but to answer your remark "nobody has been able to demonstrate to me inequality has any negative effects," you can demonstrate this to yourself just by going down to Mexico. No, inequality isn't bad in and of itself, it's natural, but extreme inequality is an absolutely destructive force that paralyzes nations.

[–]ProjectD13XI hate roads 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

How is it the inequality that is the cause, and not simply the poverty? It seems like SE Asia and Norway are quite unrelated (at least directly), how does Norway having more than an SE Asian country cause problems?

[–]mrpg_Do mice eat spiders? 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

SE Asia, go to the Middle East, go to South America

Great sample: Countries that all had absolutely nothing to do with socialism!

Go to Chile. Very high inequality, very great economy.

In essence, it seems like we need more inequality.

Socialism is the problem. Leftism is the problem. Capitalism is the solution.

Additionally, you fail to describe what "extreme inquality" is and how you would measure it.

It is also not clear how you would measure economic development. You speak purely anecdotally and from your emotions – like a leftist, without even bothering to ask whether the people of the countries you mentioned are happy, etc. etc. Who are we to impose external standards on them?

All of this turns your comment into completely meaningless handwaving; empty rhetoric. Thus, your comment does not satisfy the criteria to prove that inquality is somehow relevant.