Bernie Sanders Stays in the Race

May 5, 2016 - The Heavy 05/05/2016 Views: 68,312

Trevor attempts to address a few problematic issues with Bernie Sanders's policies without making waves with the Democratic presidential candidate's supporters. (7:14)

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from a man who dropped out toa man who's not going anywhere.

Bernie Sanders--he had a super Tuesday.

NEWSWOMAN: ...Bernie Sanders, bolstered overnight

with a surprisingly big win

over Hillary Clinton in Indiana.

I understand thatSecretary Clinton thinks

that this campaign is over.

I've got some bad news for her.

(like Sanders):Her husband's cheating on her.


Oh, what, she knows?

Because I just got this faxa few minutes ago.


Of course, there also seemsto be some bad news

that Bernie doesn't know about.

NEWSWOMAN: It will still be impossible

for Sanders to win enough pledged delegates

to clinch the nomination.

NEWSMAN: This modest win doesn't even put a dent

in Secretary Clinton's massive lead.

Hillary Clinton's delegate leadappears all but insurmountable.

The facts are pretty clear.

I'm three million votesahead of him,

uh, 300 pledged delegatesahead of him.

Oh, look at Hillary--she's so confident.

She's just like, you know...

Yeah, she's, like,if she were an emoji,

she'd be, like,this one right now, you know?


And at this point,it really does look like

nothing could stop Hillary--not another e-mail server

or another Benghazi.

Even if it came out that shewas Becky With the Good Hair,

like, she'd still be...she'd still be fine, you know?

Now, now,some people would see that

and say that that'san insurmountable lead,

and they'd say, "Bernie, youneed to make like it's 6:45 p.m.

and put this thing to bed."

-(laughter)-To which Bernie would reply...

NEWSWOMAN: Sanders says he's going all the way

and there's no stopping him.

It is virtually impossiblefor Secretary Clinton

to reach the majorityof convention delegates

by June 14with pledged delegates alone.

The convention will be

a contested contest.

Are you (bleep) me?

A contestedDemocratic convention?

Are you (bleep) right...Like, The Daily Show

is going to beat the conventions,

and we just avoidedconvention riots

with the Republicansin Cleveland,

and now Bernie's planning mayhemin Philadelphia?!

Like, now, if I go to Philly

and I get caughtin one little fight,

my mom will get scared,and then I'm gonna be forced

to move in with myauntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

-(applause)-Next thing you know...

next thing you know,me... me and my son

are gonna be homeless,

and then I've gotto fight Foreman in Zaire...

-(laughter) -Ali boom bye yae.

Boom bye yae. Damn you, Bernie!


You know what, look,I'm just gonna say it,

I'm gonna say it.I really like Bernie Sanders.

I love it. And I'm gladthat he's staying in this race,

because he's giving a voiceto something important.

Although, the longerBernie stays in the race,

the longer his policiesare in play,

and the longer you lookat some of his proposals,

the more you seeone or two little problems.

A lot of economists are sayingthe numbers don't add up.

Bernie Sanders' planwould add a lot to the deficit.

WOLF BLITZER:The non-partisan Committee

for a ResponsibleFederal Budget

says your initiatives would costup to $28 trillion

and even after massivetax increases, that, uh,

would add as much as$15 trillion

to the national debt.

How is thisfiscally responsible?

Well, first of all,I disagree with that study.

There are many economists

who come up withvery, very different numbers.

Yeah, Bernie Sanders is right.

There are some economistswho agree with him.

But, I mean,there's always somebody

who will take any position.

For instance, I knowan economist in Chinatown

who can get youany numbers you want.

Also a human baby hand.

Whatever you need.

The-the problem isif Bernie Sanders

raises taxes enoughto pay for his plans,

it wouldn't put enough of a dentin economic growth

that he'd then eitherhave to raise the taxes

even more in order...

Oh... (laughs)

Desi, what are you...what are you doing?

Oh. No, no, I'm just...I'm just helping you clarify

what I thinkwe all know you meant--

that there's nothing wrongwith Bernie Sanders.

We love him.

-(cheering, applause)-Yeah, we do.

And all of his policies,all of them.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we love him,but I-I'm just saying

that the tax rateshe's proposing...

No, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no.


Trevor, have you ever pissed off

Bernie Sanders supporters?

It's like poking a hornet's nest

A hornet's nestwith student debt.

Can't you just...

do something less controversial?Like, I don't know,

draw a pictureof Muhammad on a pig?

What would...

What? D-Desi,look, calm down.

We're just havinga reasonable conversation

about a fewof Bernie's policies.

I'll get the pig.

I-I don't understand this.There's...

Look, look, look-- thisisn't really such a big deal.

I mean, when I heard aboutthe budget deficit I thought,

okay, well, peopledisagree on numbers a lot

and I'm surethat Bernie's right.

It was-it was the samewhen Bernie Sanders said

that his health plan would saveAmerica $324 billion a year

on prescription drugs, and I waslike, "Cool-- that's huge."

But then I found outthat America

only spends $305 billion a yearon prescription drugs.

So, basically,Bernie said he'd save America

more on drugs than Americaeven spends on drugs.

So, I'm-I'm just saying that ifyou're serious about financ...

Whoa! Hey, everybody!It's your 100% Bernie Bro!

-Ronny Chieng here.-(cheering, applause)

Not Trevor Noah-- don't knowhim, don't agree with him.

Send your threateningTwitter rants

to @trevornoah,not me, all right?

Ronny, Ronny, we're notdoing anything wrong.

Oh, he's a tank!He's a tank!

-You're a tank for Shillary!He's a tank! -I'm...

No... What's the point...what's the point of any of this

if we can't discussactual policies, Ronny?

Well, what's the pointof eating ice cream

if it's just gonnamelt in your tummy, okay?

You're insane, Trevor,and you are on your own.

Bernie 2016! (chanting):Bernie, Bernie, Bernie.

(cheering, applause)

Look, Ronny, Ronny, I get it.Look, I get it. I really do.

Bernie is a great politician,but you have to remember

he's still a politician.And sometimes that means

he has to compromiseon his values.

I mean, he sold himself hardas the anti-war candidate,

but then he's alsothe person who supports

the F-35 fighter jet program--

a $1.2 trillion program--

a plane that the mili-militaryitself doesn't even want.

Like, it just...Wh-What are you doing?

No, stop. Just... I'm...

It's an important point.Don't...

Is everyoneafraid of Bernie here?

Just hold on.Just-just listen to me.

Listen to me.

Now, he supports the F-35

because a bunch of themare made in his state, Vermont.

But it's hard to be for...What are you...

Guys. It's hard to bepro-trillion-dollar jet

and anti-military waste.I mean, come on. Look, I...

Guys, I get it.I-I get it.

Okay, I get it, go.I get it.

My point is this:I'm not against Bernie Sanders.

In fact, maybe his big,wild ideas

are good news for America.Because we now know, uh,

that this is the year whenthere's nothing voters want more

than someone who takes onthe establishment.

Someone that speaks his mind,

even if his promises areunrealistic and he has, uh,

an insane head of hair.And it...

Oh, (bleep), you knowwhat I just realized?

Bernie's campaignreminds me of Donal...


Feel the Bern, Trevor.

Sarandon out.

(cheering, applause)